(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Do you all feel that sometimes after a meal esp in evenings, your tummy feels REALLY tight and big? Sometimes even though I've had a just-nice meal (meaning I didnt overeat), my tummy feels super duper hard and tight, skin stretched to the limit. At first its actually quite painful, but nowadays I'm getting used to it more and more.

berry... i'm ok with durians but craving for it since preggie. but too bad, the season is not here yet so gotta wait.

angelia... could you add me into the list as well? my EDD is 12 Oct. a bit envy u all cos tummy showing. i look slimmer than pre-preggie cos lost 2kgs.
<font color="ff6000">joyful</font>
same here, now i also prepare extra slice of bread coz usually will get hungry ard 6pm ...

talking abt tummy ... i've already got a tummy before preg .. sighz ...
yar once i pregnant, i eat very little for dinner..but if go out and eat, i can eat alot..esp like Japanese food hahahhaha told hubby that bebe love Jap food lor

yar we might bump into each other since our EDD is so close. Have u started wearing maternity clothes?
btw, how do u make the words purple?

yar yar..i always notice that..and actually i m quite worried. I saw one of my fren at my stage her tummy is already quite big. Donno is it becos she is expecting a boy, thats y tummy tends to be bigger.
angelia... not oni hope ppl give me seats. i get on from pasir ris, sure got seat, but i cant take the stares when old ppl get on &amp; i dun get up to offer my seat.

oso wish i can either move on to maternity, or wear L size clothes. now i cant wear my old S sizes or the L sizes i bought!
<font color="aa00aa">angelia,</font>
wats ur weight now? one of my fren, she lost weight when she was at 2nd month..but when she is 3mths pregnant, she gain 3kg n her tummy is really big. dont worry, think we must have enough rest and then our tummy will be bigger
do u like saltish food? after i pregnant, i didnt even drink plain water at all..i can eat chicken biscuits and dont drink plain water one..i will puke if i ever drink plain water..i need those strong taste food n water.

<font color="aa00aa">are,</font>
we are very funny one. once we get bigger, we will envy those ladies can wear tight fitting clothes one
It's quite common to lose wt during 1st Tri cos of the MS and tiredness. Me initially lose 1 kg then gain back again subsequently when my appetite improves..so no worry. Subsequently, ur bb will give u 10x more..haha..tat's wat my gynae said oso..so discouraging right.

ya, me too..esp after dinner. I just tot normal noodles or porridge and oredy the stomach is so tight and big until I feel it's exploding. It does looks and feels smaller when I went to work in the morn and even after lunch. Dunno why is tat so.

dun worry..my gf oso hv no symptoms, eat well and sleep well throughout her 1st and 2nd Tri, only the 3rd one is jialat for her. So dun ''hu si luan xiang'', can understand cos me oso like tat..haha..
yingzi... i noe shouldnt worry, but i'm already on the slim side b4 preggie, now lost wt somemore, so really look like an unhealthy mum lor. always get nagged @ by family &amp; colleagues.

blisse... i noe carrying a big tummy is def not an easi thing, but i juz hate being in this 'crossovr' period when i'm absolutely clueless abt clothes! i oso crave for saltish and sweet foods, but i already eat v saltish usually so not gd lor...
actualli so try to cut down on saltish thing cos not gd for kidney and bb of course. Me oso like to eat saltish food even b4 preggie and though now wld drool over such food, but I try to control myself.

Nope, I got veri bad MS and extreme tiredness. It's my gf who is delivering in 2 wks time that do not hv a single symptoms, so dun worry too much. It's onli lately tat my MS has started to mellow down tat I started to think if there is anything wrong cos puking and nausea reminds me of my pregnancy.

So sometimes we mothers think too much.
Hahaha, some of us envy those who put on weight, but I envy those who remain trim leh!

My gf who piled on the pounds after her wedding and was trying so hard to lose weight... when she got pregnant, THEN, she lost weight. So she was laughing it's so ironical. She was saying good that I gain weight so far... but hor, I'm the one who has to work doubly hard to lose the extra pounds after pregnancy hor? LOL!
<font color="aa00aa">are,</font>
wah, ur EDD later than me, now u cannot wear L size???

maybe u can try maternity now. they hv S size too for those not too big yet.

<font color="aa00aa">blisse,</font>
me ard 49kg at the moment.. was 50~51 b4 preggie.

nope, i dun prefer saltish food, but think sweet stuff makes me feel better
but not those very sweet stuff lah. i gotta control if i'm into very sweet stuff cos my mum got diabetes, so i might be 1 of those who might kenna gestational diabetes.
angelia... no lah, u got me wrong. i cant fit cos i'm too SMALL. M size juz nice @ the moment lor, but buy M size waste money, so wat i've bought are all L sizes, now waiting for tummy so can wear lor. me oni 48kg now.
<font color="aa00aa">are</font>
me also love saltish food n sweet stuff now..cant take plain water at all..i also very scare of diabetes..yar u r right. now the crossover period, really donno wat to wear at all.

<font color="aa00aa">MTMTMT</font>
yar i also wan to remain trim at arms, legs. but my tummy area is look those rounded instead of soem is like oval shape..really nice.

<font color="aa00aa">angelia</font>
i am very scare of diabetes too..but right now, i cant take the taste of plain water at all. do u take plain water? what kind of drinks do u take?
hi blisse,
no, i've not started wearing maternity clothes. can still fit into my normal clothes, but getting tighter.

and yes, i prefer salty stuff after pregnancy. and also started disliking all the sweet stuff like chocolates etc.
blisse &amp; are, try getting some maternity bottoms, its designed to accomodate stage-by-stage growth of belly (you can adjust the inside of the waistband to let it expand as you grow bigger), I am already wearing my first pair. I bought mine from marton bell at centrepoint, their cutting is pretty fine.

angelia and blisse, I lost around 2 kg during first tri also. Dropped from 44kg+ to 42kg+, but around week 11th onwards started gaining it back again. Now I'm in my 14th-15th week, last checked I weigh 47.5kg...whao, a little surreal to me LOL. keke...probably due to the improvement in my appetite and ceasing of MS.
My weight still the same but i cannot quite button some of my pants lately. So i wear dress or skirts more often. Don't know why pants not so comfortable now.
<font color="aa00aa">blisse,</font>
me still can take plain water. but at one stage, i was drinking ribena a lot.. but very diluted one lah, cos dun wanna take too sweet. juz need a bit of taste to make the water not so bland

oh, me oso still wearing normal dresses, but it's 1-pc dress lor cos my dress all quite loose one.. but guess few more wks gotta change liao..

oso bought 2 drawstring elastic pants (size 12 &amp; 14) my size oso used to be S for skirts (still got space) but now cannot liao &amp; i oso dun wanna waste $$ buy M size cos then gotta look for tops too...
chihiro... I'm heavier-wt I think. All these 40-something kgs I only "smelled" when I was dieting for my wedding PS. After that, boom! Now... I'm at least 10kgs more than all these slim MTBs. *wails*
berry... wow, u so slim can wear maternity clothes? i wen to some shops, but hubby &amp; i wer so turned off by the 'roomy' clothes, think i'll look like a clown in them leh, i so scrawny.

angelia... i oso tot my dresses more lasting. who noes, the armholes area too tight. sigh...
<font color="aa00aa">joyful,</font>
cos even b4 we put on weight, our body is expanding the waist area to accomodate the little one

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
wow, u very light leh.. 44, that's my weight 5~6 yrs ago!!! hahahaa..
chihiro, mtmtmt,
i am in the 50-something category too. 40-something was when i was in secondary school :p
<font color="ff6000">mtmtmt</font>
i oso put on weight after wedding
before wedding oredi more than 50kg liao .. sighz ..now lagi worse

better go back and search for more looser clothes to wear for work ..

<font color="ff6000">are</font>
armhole areas tight coz our breast is growing tts y lor ..
are, even though my frame is considered 'small', my belly grows really amazingly fast- in fact, I out grew all my pants at 10th-11th week, cannot even sit down if I wear them. Looks like I'll be piling quite a fair bit of weight during my pregnancy. Maybe the clothes you tried on are of bigger cutting or maybe you need more time for your belly to grow.

Ladies, I have been having craving for chicken in a biscuit (or chicken in a basket or something like that? is in blue paper box, by nabisco I think), is it still available? I tried searching for it in cold storage but cant find... Any idea where to get?
hi berry,
i think chicken in a biscuit is still available. but it's not as salty as before. should be able to get it at supermarkets. unless my knowledge is outdated already :p
<font color="aa00aa">SLK</font>
i also havent start wearing maternity wear
me too..didnt like chocolates

<font color="aa00aa">Berry</font>
thats great improvement! keep this up!
blisse, thanks! No wonder I didnt see any blue boxed chicken biscuits lol.. will go and search for green box soon.

Now that I'm pregnant, I can't take milk, milk chocolates, cheese, even normal yogurt. The only yogurt I can eat without puking is non-fat yogurt by marigold cause its made of non-creamy milk(that's why non-fat).
Hi ladies,

I'm new to this thread and hope can join you pp in this pregnancy chat! So far i've only been taking folic acid prescribed by the GP, still haven't gone to see any gynae yet. Do you gals have any recommendations for gynae who can deliver at Alvernia or Thomson?
Hi all, So if normal clothes can't fit yet maternity clothes will be too big, then how? Any recommendations? Will be going shopping for clothes soon...
hi blisse,
are your normal clothes tight now? have you started buying maternity clothes? i've bouth 2 maternity pants and a few tops. but don't think i'll wear so soon.

hi skyblue,
maybe you can start with maternity pants first. can adjust the waistsize according to the tummy. actually most people can't tell maternity pants from normal pants. the other day i wore a black track pants and my sis asked if i was wearing maternity pants :p

hi beverly,
how many weeks are you in now? when is your EDD? my gynae delivers in Gleneagles only. Sorry can't help.
Hello all morn,

For me, I'm oso into the transition period so headache over wat to wear oso. I wear back my normal dresses and 2 skirts which I can still fit in. I do wear one of my sis L size stretchable pants when I'm running out of wear. As for my normal pants, completely can't wear cos of my tummy area which bulges out oredy. Maternity pants still too big for me, so gonna wait till stomach bigger. Me oso not planning to buy any more clothings. Wait till after delivery, see how well I managed to slim before deciding.
Morning ladies

I find maternity wear too loose on me (the armhole too big?) so I buy normal clothing in bigger sizes. Gd for post-delivery when the bulge doesn't disappear yet... I won't be forcing myself to lose all these weight immediately after birth cos I forsee pain (from the op or episotomy), tiredness (from taking care of baby) and stress (trying to breastfeed and so on). Will only go for those traditional massage, eat well (for breastfeeding) and enjoy my time with baby/ time with HB bonding with baby... after a few mths then go for serious weight-loss. So will still need all these loose clothing but not maternity wear.
hi yingzi,
i have been wearing the same stuff week after week. no choice, can only wear those i can still fit in.

hi mtmtmt,
you are right. after delivery still need loose clothings. really envy those people whom lose weight fast after birth. most of my colleagues came back looking the same as before after maternity leave. i wonder if i can be like them.
Hi all,

Well I have problem in my clothings too. I'm petite. My pants and jeans not able to wear. I started wearing L size clothings with elastic waistband. But my waist feels very comfortable but my bottoms look very baggy. Very ugly but no choice. Very sad when my colleague comment that I put on weight. My figure totally went out of shape can say. But my weight I find still ok leh . Only 44.9kg. So sad.
hi Berry,
how about soya bean milk? can u drink that? or try drinking horlicks. i havent start drinking milk yet too...hahah scare, but if chocolate milk is ok.

hi SLK,
i bought a few loose tops to wear..it can last me for another maybe 2 months. I have also bought some maternity dresses but yet to wear as seems too big and also dont wish to wear yet as seems funny. I can still wear those skirts that are elastic band one, but i wear at hip area, so now look so much longer...ahhahahha

yar, thats why buy more loose tops so that after birth still can wear..really scare will balloon too much afte birth and all my clothes can't be wear.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 29-Mar
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 16
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 17 B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 17 B
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 15
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 15
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 14
pets ........... 30/09/04 wk 14
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 13
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 12
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 12
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 12
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 12
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 12
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 11
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 10
wendyl ......... 24/10/04 wk 10
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 10
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 09
odie ........... 05/11/04 wk 08
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 06
chihiro ........ 30/11/04 wk 04

<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

<font color="aa00aa">beverly,</font>
welcome, of cos u can join us

maybe u let us noe where u stay/work, prefer gynae to be near ur home/workplace, prefer male/female gynae etc then we can give more appropriate suggestions

<font color="aa00aa">tummy &amp; clothings</font>
luckily me still can fit in those 1-pc dresses.. so now also every week wear the same pieces.. i bought 2 cheap elastic drawstring pants (size 12 &amp; 14) hoping that it can last a few mths b4 i can fit into maternity clothings. my tummy still doesn't grow much but my dresses can see tummy buldge a little, which is so ugly!! hiaz.....
Same here. My sis L size elastic pant is the onli pant tat I can fit in now. Waist veri comfy cos elastic mah but bottom looks like clown, veri baggy kind. A few of my colleagues oso commented I put on wt on my waist area. Though my abdomen area does expanded but wt still veri much the same. My best wear is still T-shirt and shorts at home, so comfy but can't wear in office.
morning ladies...

so envy you all that you can get normal clothes with bigger size....for me i am already a L size ..so now pregnant...no choice ...got to get those big loose maternity clothes

luckily i dun have to buy a lot cause one of my friend who just give birth ...give me all hers...as she plan not to give birth anymore.
Hi Angelia,

Do you still remember me? Congratulations!!!!! I feel so happy knowing that you are pregnant!! Do you know the sex of the bb yet? must be very excited hor....

Call me when you are free to chat ok?
angelia... eh, i'm diff thinking from you. i think the lil buldge is so sexy in a motherly way!
was shopping the other day &amp; saw a very pretty lady in a lil black fitting dress, but her buldge is quite obvious &amp; i so envy!
i think preggies r v sexy w slight buldges. guess aft 7mths it will juz be inconvenience!

i oso bought drawstring. giordano hv v nice ones. i oso bought pants from tis fashion in L size for 'current status'. find them cheap &amp; the material elastic, so v comfy.
hi ladies,

So many of you so slim ah? That type of weight i sec1 already don't have. Me now still ard same weight at 50kg. My weight didn't quite change much over the decade. (Sounds very old hor)
Beverly, welcome!

pets, isnt it a good thing to be putting on weight now? I think you'll be rather worried if you don't put on any weight right?

blisse, I can take soya bean milk quite well cause its not creamy like dairy milk. BTW, I heard that if baby is a boy, best not to take too much soya bean products/milk, something about dunno what hormones, not sure how true.

are, I also love my bulge, I'm v proud of it, so I try to wear tops that will hug my tummy area. My hubby also loves to look at my belly. sometimes he will keep staring at it and lovingly say 'wahh, so big liao'. When I see preggies on the road that are bigger than me, I always can't wait for my belly to grow.
i think the chicken in a biscuit change packinging liao leh. coz i bot the one different liao...its still blue...i got mine in 7-11..

hi joyful,
i was 50kg 3 months ago...now 55 kg liao..scary hor...i put on 5kg in 3 and half months..sob

Hi berry,

I know. Afraid not able to go back to my original size . Well now I just eat whatever I can. Cannot be too bother about my weight if not BB will not grow well.
