(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

<font color="aa00aa">sndy_bibi,</font>
of cos i rem u
u not bz looking after bb ah? still got time to chat?

<font color="aa00aa">are,</font>
ya, if the buldge is those very obvious (e.g 4~5 mths) that u can tell is pregnant then it's nice &amp; sexy lah. but mine like "tummy" &amp; not "preggie", that's why i say ugly lor
i oso hoping my tummy can grow bigger faster, at least enuff to let pple know i'm preggie &amp; not go tummy

yah, i agree with you..it great to show your bulge....but i have a problem...i saw other ppl tummy is round....for mine it not...it more like a pear shape...the waist line seem to be obivious...so me dun dare to show my bulge...cause mine can see a arc between the upper abdomen and lower abdomen ley....
berry... *hi-5* we sama sama. but i'll prob be in tight tops cos too lazy to get maternity wear!
serve me rite for always wearing fitting tops, now all of a sudden my wardrobe become 'bare'.

all this talk abt chicken-in-a-biscuit make me want to eat too! will buy during lunch later. was snacking on colleague's ruffles ystr cos its so saltish!

pets... i oso doubt i will return to my S size aft birth. oreadi started expanding b4 preggie. mos is M i guess. but i do hv colleagues who are even slimmer than b4 preggie aft maternity leave!!
bebechic, I just bought my chicken in bisket earlier on, the packaging is green in colour. maybe they have 2 diff types of packaging?

pets, if your pre-pregnancy frame is small, should not be so hard to lose weight after birth. Just need to be more deligent in watching your diet and so the right excercise regularly.

adeline, that's because your're still in earlier stage now. The 'arc' you mention will move higher and higher as you advance into your pregnancy.

I've also heard and seen mums who are skinnier after birth because of all the night feeds and all the work they have to do after bb is born lol... For me, I can only keep my fingers crossed that the 'reward' of all the hard work after bb is born is losing weight. :p
i tot pear shape then look like preggie? recently i go shopping wif hubby everyone can tell already.. mine also pear shape like...haha only one of his fren ask me to control my diet..

however my own colleagues cannot tell. they probably see me too often and think that i am getting fat

i love ruffles too...think i will go buy one big pack later!! the cheesy one!

i also heard people becoming slimmer after preggie..but i already put on 5..suppose to put on more in 2nd and 3rd tri...i think i will haf a hard time losing that weight!
bebechic... for cheese flavour i love nachos &amp; twisties! :p hehehe... we shd stay away hor? but i always tell ppl, its already a feat if i can put something into my mouth &amp; not puke, so i shall eat whatever i want, at least @ tis stage!

i'm really sick of 'food' now. cant stand rice or my last time fav foods. every meal time is a torture man. the oni things i like are my milo &amp; cup-a-soups.

i always tot pregnancy is tough, but never tot its THIS tough!
are, I've always imagined pregnancy to be REALLY tough, so even though my MS and everything was really bad in first tri, its was still okay for me cause I am prepared for even worse things haha... Kept telling myself that if I can't take this hardship now, I wun be able to cope alone with baby after birth.
BTW, cup-a-soup contains loads of MSG, so try not to take too much.

wendyl, I thought you've already asked this question quite a few times in another thread some time ago?? Anyway, if its formulated for preggies, then of course can take right? Surely they wun say its for preggies if its not suitable? Or you could try calling up your gynea's office to ask the nurse?
<font color="aa00aa">wendy,</font>
is it Anmum or Anmum-1 ?? think i nvr realise got the -1 there leh.

heard Anmum is more "fat". EnFaMum &amp; FrisoMum might be better. but it's up to u to go do ur homework &amp; compare them.
<font color="aa00aa">wendy,</font>
btw, do try to be less paranoid
and read more okie? not only this thread, maybe from other sites as well
berry... wow, u r so strong. sometimes i feel like giving up, but i push myself by thinking of the day i hold my bb in my arms, which is ages from now!!!
but helps a lil i guess, esp when i hv to get bac to work aft all the puking!

cant help abt the soups. sometimes office v cold &amp; i juz want something hot &amp; filling to drink. milo cant last long leh...

hey all... i juz read that MSG is present naturally in foods, so tats why u see ads tat say 'no added MSG' cos they cant say 'no MSG'. so for MT3 &amp; others who cant take, better read up on wat contains MSG naturally so u can avoid.
are, I also getting abit impatient, keke... can't wait to finally be aable to carry my baby in my arms!! Still a long way to go...... Now my biggest headache is to decide if I want epidural or not. Cause I really, really wan to deliver natural no epi. But I'm damn worried that sekali last min gotta do a C-section because I don't have enough strength and cant cope with the pain.

How many of you are planning to deliver with epi? Or without? Or planning for a C section? What is your reason?
Hi Berry,

I thought most Gynae will want you to go for natural. Epi can decide later. I would want natural possible without epi. Coz if natural your 2nd one will also be natural. Once C section, 2 one also need to be C section. Epi heard will cause back pain after labour. Natural will not be so painful after labour. The healing time will be faster.
Hey berry,
I will try to tolerate w/o epi but if the pain is realli unbearable, I will surely opt for it then to suffer for that many hrs to come. Heard tat first pregnancy, labour pain wld be more than 10 hrs. 10 hrs in such pain, I can't manage. Ya if u need to go for c section, u will know before ur due date..like my SIL and it's true both her 2 pregnancy will be in C sec form.

Chicken in a biscuit oso my fav but was refrained from eating, hubby said too much sodium...not gd for health. He knows I like to eat saltish food but at least I still can eat xian dan and salted veg...so contented liao.
i not keeping away from tidbits..i still eating alot of rubbish...

i am taking annum-1 also..
berry,i din knw that i asked b4 leh,mi getting forgetful nowadays.

angelia,it shd be anmum-1 mah.

just wan to knw is it ok to stop Anmum-1 since i quite afraid of the taste liao.
<font color="aa00aa">wendy,</font>
anyway, i din drink Anmum, nor any other milk powder for preggies
so it shldn't be a prob.
berry... am going to try for natural w/o epi. reason being i hv chronic back prob, not sure if will be aggravated aft the epi jab, &amp; the side effects. its already quite bad @ times, so wouldnt wan to add on the trouble.

but of coz, if the pain too long &amp; unbearable, then bo bian lor. my fren wen thru w epi &amp; looked so fresh hours aft delivery, i so envy! somemore she keep saying no pain, v easy delivery, no side effects. but i guess i better be careful cos everyone is diff. wouldnt want to be unable to carry my bb in future.
annum-1 is only a supplement...its not neccessary to take it..i am doing so becoz hubby force me to...hehe.

hi are,
i also opt not to haf epi..but i also dun wan to feel pain..so likely i will be opting for c-section with GA. then i dun haf to go thru the screaming...hehe..

have you done your hospital shopping? decided where to go?
bebechic, I've decided to stick to TMC, cause I have a friend who delivered at TMC (single room) and she said the service is damn good. She's the sort who is super fussy about service kind, if she has nothing but praises for TMC, then I guess I can trust them too. She also brought up a point saying that TMC is more for women and children, unlike other hospitals which treats general illnesses, so relatively the air is cleaner. One more reason is because my gynea says that since he is located at TMC, he'll be able to check on baby and me more often after I deliver if I am at TMC. How about you?
It's not true. There are lots of articles and books on vbac (virginal birth after C). It's still possible to go natural even if your 1st one was C-section.

Wah 5kg quite significant. You really feed your bb well

It's not a must to take Annum-1. Just a supplement, you can choose others or not take is also fine. Since preg, i also more forgetful. My last gynae trip even gave them extra $...i normally only pp give me extra not other way round
Hi pets, 44.9 kg not bad liao. I'm only 40 kg though I'm already in 2nd trimester. I'm very worried abt my lack of wt gain... But my gynae thinks otherwise. He always tells me that as long as bb is growing inside, then I no need to worry. I see all of u here 'growing', I'm jus so envious. I do have a budge now but it's not very big. My appetite didn't increase. It's the same as b4 preggie. Like some of u gals here, I'm also very proud of my budge even if it is small. Jus wish that it'll be bigger n bigger soon...
Hi Berry,

My Gynae is also from TLC clinic. She's Dr Phyllis Liaw. When's your next visit? See whether on the same day or not.
wah skyblue...you soooo skinny!!!...its not very good to gain too much weight..i am overdoing it becoz of the tidbits liao..

TMC sounds like a good choice..i will likely go there if i wan to take single bed..however if i am going to opt for 2 bedded then i will go mount A becoz my gynae say Mt A he like. heee

hi joyful,
yah lor..but i think i am not feeding my bb but myself!! keke

wendyl, i know i started crying when my hubby made the drink and force me to gulp it down morning and nite..but now i drink as and when i wan..because i think i too "pu" until my nose bleeding liao..hubby scared..keke
Hi Skyblue,

Yah, Gynae normally don't get worried about our weight if the BB is growing well. How many wks are you now? You will put on weight during 2nd and 3rd tri. BTW are you the under weight type before preggie?
pets, wow, what a coincidence! My next visit is 24th April, what about yours? Will you be attending your antenatal class at TMC? I just called up earlier to reserve seats for hubby and me. You delivering at TMC rite? I noticed our EDD is only 1 week+ apart keke...
Hi Berry,

My next appt one week before you. 17th April. What antenatal class? What's that for? How much is it? Will the nurse of TLC clinic tell me at the later stage? Coz my last visit only 12wks. Not too sure where to deliver. Either TMC or Mt A. TMC will be ideal coz Gynae there.

Next visit, they going to do a blood test. You done? Hope not too painful coz I got a very fine vein. Normally I need very experienced nurse or Dr to take blood if not I will get blue black for days to week.
pets, antenatal class is optional, not compulsary. you have to go and reserve and make arrangements yourself, not the nurse. Check out TMC's website for more info. http://www.thomsonmedical.com/PS_ante.htm
Costs $168 for 6 weeks, 2 hrs each time. You start the classes around 20 weeks onwards. All other info is available at the website above.

Which blood test are you referring to? During my next visit, my gynea will be arranging me to go for a detailed scan at level 4. We've decided not to do the test for down symdrome but I think next visit I'll be doing other blood tests(gynea did mention something).

So fast you going for detailed scan. I thought 5 mths then the Gynae will send us for that? My Gynae didn't mentioned about the detailed scan only the blood test.
hey angelia... a suggestion. maybe u wan to add in our delivery hospital as well? then we dun hv to always ask each other.
i'll be delivering @ mt e. seems like i'm the oni 1 here.
Hi Angelia,

of course busy lah...but sometimes need to relax also mah....

actually hor...I'm pregnant again lah..that's why I came into this forum and found your name. I think I'm only about 4 weeks heheeh...
Hi pets, u're rite. I'm oredi underweight b4 preggie. Have been like tis since young. Undernourished... hee hee...
I really hope to put on weight man... At least I'll feel less stressed. I shd be abt wk 14 I think. Lost track liao.

Bebechic, actually I'm dying to put on weight. When I read in the newspapers dat Lina Ng put on so much weight during her pregnancy even though she was real skinny previously, I was thinking oh god, finally my chance to put on some fats is here. Tis world so funny, pple who puts on wt easily always envies skinny pple n vice versa.

Talking abt the blood test, is it painful? How much blood r they taking? I'm gonna take mine next wk. I'm so scared.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 29-Mar
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 16
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 17 / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 17 / B
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 15
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 15
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 14
pets ........... 30/09/04 wk 14
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 13
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 12
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 12
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 12
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 12
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 12 Mt A /
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 11
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 10
wendyl ......... 24/10/04 wk 10
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 10
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 09
odie ........... 05/11/04 wk 08
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 06
chihiro ........ 30/11/04 wk 04

<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

<font color="aa00aa">are,</font>
sure, maybe u all PM me?? cos will be easier than me hving to scroll thru all the posts again

hmm.. maybe when u PM me, include
- wk xx as on xx (e.g wk 13 as on 1 Apr)
- hospital delivering
- gender of bb

<font color="aa00aa">sandy_bibi,</font>
wah!! u batch very productive leh!!! hope i can be as productive as u when i trying for 2nd one
cos we intend to hv the 2nd one at 2 yrs interval, so i only hv 1 yr to recover, then hv to try 2nd one liao.

well, monkeys are smart, dogs are home-loving
that's the 2 horoscope we aiming
angelia... sorrie, i'm @ mt E, not A.

skyblue... me same as u! hv been nagged all my life to put on wt, so now looking forward to be fat!
hahaha... it is a funny world alrite.

I just got preggie. I've never visited a gyane before, and will do so soon.

Can someone please list what the gynae will do to you on all the visits?

Eg at which point does the gynae do a vaginal examination / scan / blood test etc etc?

Pls help. THanks in advance!
Hi Angelia,

Don't worry lah...before my first one I was not so fertile but after I delivered I noticed my cycle has became more regular and more fertile than before...hehhe...

Their gap is about 23 months...it's just nice I guess..
plong, Just get yourself a gynea, he/she will answer all these questions. Or you can call up the office, the nurses will answer these questions. Dont worry so much.
Hi Sandy,

Chance upon this thread, nice to see you here! Congratulations on your 2nd child! Wish you a smooth pregnancy!
Hi Plong,

How many weeks are you now? Looks like our Edd can be quite close.

If you are in the earlier stage, when you visit your gynae, he might do a viginal scan for you to see the foetus as it's too small to scan from tummy. I just had one Monday but still couldn't see anything yet. I think blood test is about 10 or 11 weeks..to check the chances of down syndrome bb...

That's what my gynae did to me last time, maybe different gynae do it at different timing?

Hi gals,

Do you all have any gynae to recommend in Mt Alvernia? I am seeing Dr H K Ho from there but am thinking of changing to another one. But I prefer to deliver in Mt Alvernia as the charges is more reasonable I guess...
hi angelia,
i've PM you lo, thanks!

hi berry,
i should be going for the antenatal class at TMC too. when will you be going?
hi sandy, i really dun know how many weeks ... i suspect maybe 3-4 weeks max.

huh? so soon got V examination already? I'm shy leh ...

sandy, how many weeks are you?

2 of my friends used Dr Ho for their pregnancies, and they think he's good. Why do u want to change?

I'm thinking of either KK or NUH.
Abit sceptical abt NUH coz the nurses there are well known to be very un-caring but highly knowledgable.
<font color="aa00aa">sandy,</font>
hahaha.. ya, heard a lot of mummies saying the 2nd one easier to "hit"

i'm seeing Dr Adrian, he delivers at various hospital, including Mt A. i only know he has a clinic at CCK Central &amp; Seng Kang, not sure if he has a 3rd branch

<font color="aa00aa">plong,</font>
i dun think it's possible for us to list what the gynae did during ALL our visits!!! anyway, different gynae has different style and ur appt with the gynae might be of diff wk with another preggie so can't really compare lor.

if u mean what's included in the pre-natal pkg, then maybe we can help but well.. guess all of us won't remember the WHOLE pkg cos it's too much info. for me, i juz go to the appt as stated lor. then while reading up books/forums/sites, know that there'r certain test or whatsoever to be taken at which stage, then i ask the gynae abt it lor.

i visited my gynae when i was abt 5 wks, insisted on a V scan but couldn't see anything. 2 wks later, saw the sac, another 2 wks later, can see bb liao
3x oso V scan cos early stage V scan will be clearer to see.

if u'r visiting gynae, maybe he'll do a urine/blood test for u to confirm ur pregnancy, won't be doing a V scan cos too early, unless of cos, u insist lor

my gynae does the triple test (for down syndrome) ard wk 15~18, so guess i'll be doing that on my next appt.

to wrap up, i think u shld juz go to the gynae u want &amp; let him/her advise u &amp; tell u personally what'll u get if u'r with him/her. it'll be clearer to u, too.

Hi Sandy, congrats! So when would be ur EDD? Y the change on gynae? Dr Ho not good? I thot he always have long Q
