(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

hi are,
thank for the concern and comfort. Think i was too exhausted & stress for the past 3 week and cos my immune systen to down totally. I was covering my colleague duty for 3 whole week and was totally exhausted but my boss doesnt seem to appreciate tat and give me black face when i was on mc last week, but i learn to take it easy cant be bother wif them just go on mc. i was looking forward to 2nd trimester and once enter i was sick so a bit down and tink tat why my ms still not recover.

hi Rochelle,
thank for the advise. i try to avoid all med thinking will recover after resting cos heard soemone here say a small amt will still flow to our bb

wendypooh, my MS also not fully recover yet... and i'm 16 weeks leow... i'm still throwing up and my gastric is very bad till the gynae gimme medicine to stop stomach acid... i've oredi exceeded my mc entitlement for the year... so dun feel bad that u gotta go and rest...

angelia/micky, i think too late to apply leow... sob sob...

its true that small amount will flow to baby that's why I didn't take any medicine and just suffer through. it takes about a week to recover without medicine but may take longer if you are being exhausted from work.

I used to get sick every week until I changed to a lower paying temp job, then seldom sick. after the first trimester bleeding scare, hubby dont even want me to temp.

it might be heartburn causing your food not to go down well rather than morning sickness. avoid oily food for the time being.
hi angelia,

yes yes, you were just next next to me during the exercise session

will talk to you this sat
then i think we are not same case then. mine is like tiny mole, in red colour... need to check witf doc on my nxt visist then. if urs are due to skin streching, may be u can try apply cream then.

wendypooh/ jen,
my mc for this year left onli 2 days after i took 2 days mc last wk. haiz... now i dun care liao! if not feeling well will just rest @ home lor. My boss no long face to me, but got one colleague resign and they pass the things to me! i'm not very happy abt this!! anyway thinking to resign after maternity leave...
Hey ladies... check with you.

I felt a tummyache kind of feeling (dull pain not sharp pain) at my right ribcage just below the breasts. Kinda like I was being punched there? Screwed up my face and panted, it wasn't very tolerable but it passed after about 5mins? If I had been out and about I think the "pain" would have made me stop and probably worry some passerbys. But now no pain whatsoever, no spotting either.

I don't think it's Braxton Hicks since it's at my ribcage? Doesn't sound like heartburn cos I wasn't full/ had light meal earlier?
I signed oreadi, this sat goin dw to collect my freebie. But I dun enjoy the 5% off delivery pkg cos they said i muz c my gynae at his the other clinic. Personally, i oso felt very worth to sign up.
I'm 15wk nw, so am i at 2nd tri ? I oso feel blur blur.

Take care & drink more water .. my GP advise me to stop the medication once i felt better. No doubt he say tt the medicine is safe to take.

i had this pain before!! was quite scared when it happened. but it's only that one time. it never happened again. so i think should be ok??

hi oranges,

yes,, you are in your 2nd trimester

actually feel a bit bad becos I can feel baby kicking internally but hubby cannot feel it yet.

read in magazine that baby would be very active 20mins after we consume sweet food. maybe that's why got ice-cream craving.
jen ,
thank for the comfort, i trying to get as many rest during the weekend alry.

thank for the advise. i was exhausted by work hopefully can recover soon. i cant eat very well these few day eat soem porridge and even cup noolde as i got no appetite at all

so far since i pregnant i took 5 days mc alry almost once every mth. your boss so good wont black face, mine liek charcoal. but i cant be bother alry since they so unconcern. hopefully maternity leave can strech to 6mth then i will quit after tat
I signed oreadi, this sat goin dw to collect my freebie. But I dun enjoy the 5% off delivery pkg cos they said i muz c my gynae at his the other clinic. Personally, i oso felt very worth to sign up.
I'm 15wk nw, so am i at 2nd tri ? I oso feel blur blur.

Take care & drink more water .. my GP advise me to stop the medication once i felt better. No doubt he say tt the medicine is safe to take.

most cup noodle have msg in the seasoning and all cup noodles have a layer of wax so rinse the noodles with hot water first than cook in another round of water.

try fish porridge or steam fish with porridge, had that for the whole month when i had chickenpox. fish is good for baby too.
gosh... i'm having a headache leow... more like migraine cos one side only... sigh...
hope time quickly pass so i can go off at 5.30...

gals, i've been eating mainly peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and between meals becos no appetite to think of what to eat... I eat abt 6 -8 slices of bread with the peanut butter... is it ok? i heard my colleague say will cause allergy to the bb?
rochelle... so tats how to get rid of tat awful 'plastic' smell & taste! i used to love cup noodles b4 preggie, but since preggie, the taste puts me off man. cant even eat my fav noodles @ all.
thanx for the tip!
same here.... me oso headache now lei...... waiting for 5:30 onli..
tomorrow morning must take chicken essence liao.
<font color="aa00aa">mtmtmt,</font>
guess it's bb "pushing" against ur ribcage, that's why. not sure if there's anything we could do.

<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
this Sat i'm gonna sit in the front row cos i too short kenna blocked lah.

<font color="aa00aa">wendy,</font>
think it'll be advisiable to take the medication though some of it will be "passed" to bb (but GP/gynae nvr say so) cos if u don't, ur ill-health might affect bb more cos u'll be keeping the virus in ur body longer &amp; that might lead to other infections.

<font color="aa00aa">micky,</font>
aiya, no lugi lah. don't think of it like that.

<font color="aa00aa">oranges,</font>
hmm.. me still considering leh. cos if i sign up $98, then only use the 1x rebate $60 (most prob me opting for 4-bedded), then not so worth leh

so wasted, if only i signed up earlier, then can get 10% of the fetal assessment (detail scan) &amp; this antenatal class. *arrghh*
wendypooh, in the first few months i took at most 1-2 days mc a month and my boss already not happy. she make snide comments to my colleagues behind my back which of course my colleagues reported to me. anyway she is this deranged woman who doesn't even like her staff to take leave.. ai, what to do, have no choice but to sit it out until we deliver. like you i am also thinking to quit after delivering, because i am so sick of the work i am doing.. but don't want to lose out on my maternity leave so have to sit here another 5 months..
oranges, 2nd tri starts at 14th week.

rochelle, my baby is usually hyper active a while after I eat some very sweet and rich things like ice cream, brownies, chocolate, etc. probably the sugar causing it.
I also having those red dots u mentioned.. and a lot too.. at the belly area under my right breast.. then u mentioned morning disappeared and I just went to check .. true enugh leh.. it's not there liao.. tonite I'll go n see if it appears again.. wondering wat's tt..

i also having yr type of dull pain under my right breast .. my gynae told me it's braxton hicks leh.. may also feel at the left bottom sometimes..

...now my bb dun kick liao.. more like shifting around.. guessed no more space for him to do somersaults liao. Occassionally, will feel a huge punch too..mayb he's angry got so little space.. poor bb! so stuffy inside
hi angelia,

you were sitted at the 2nd row and still got blocked? i was sitted quite at the back so very badly blocked
could hardly see the video. they should get a bigger TV :p

I also have those tiny red dots but I've had those evn b4 I was pregnant.


Mine is the whole belly surrounding the belly button. It doesn't happen every nite, only at times. At first, hubby n I thot that they were due to some food allergy but now dun think that's the case.


I also have the pain at times but it's usually on the left ribcage, just below the breast. Got a few times, I pain until can't stand up straight. It was jus plain uncomfortable. Goes away after a while though.
I am new here. Can I join in? I am currently 3 months pregnant EDD is 7 DEc.
My gynae is Dr Chew at Mt E.
I just came back from a trip to the gynae and had my blood test done.
REally excited. My gyae says can tell the sex of the baby in a month time.
Anyone of you started buying baby's stuff already.
I saw at my gynae's place the amby baby motion bed. ANyone heard about it before? I actually saw it at the exhibition also and found it really good but was hesitating as I think it was too early to buy baby stuff. Actually, a friend of mine bought it at the Motherhood fair and using it for her one month old baby. She commented taht it really makes her baby sleeps and the bed is really safe. She even says that her pediatrician at Mt E also places the brochure there. So I think should be quite safe. The price is about $399. Just want to hear some opinion first before I buy it.
I'm expecting a baby gal. Please update for me. Thanks!!

i also bought the Bebe Prenatal Heartbeat Listener, but until now still cant hear my bb's heartbeat. My gynae say that it wun be effective enough to hear the bb's heartbeat.. so sad.. Wasted my $100..

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 28-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 29
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 30 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 30 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 28 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
little_devil ... 21/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
berry .......... 22/09/04 wk 28 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 27 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 27 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 26 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 26 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 25 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 25 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 25 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 25 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 25 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 24 ESH / G
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 23 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 23
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 22 GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 22
yuru ........... 13/11/04 wk 20 GEH / G
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 20
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 20 MAH / G
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 20 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 19 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 19
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 19
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 19
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 18 ?? / G
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 18
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 18 RH / G
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 18 RH / B
crumpy ......... 07/12/04 wk 17 MEH / ??
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 17 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 17
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 17 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 17
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 17
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 17
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 17 MEH / ??
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 15
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 15 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 13

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

think my bb a bit "short" &amp; "fat"

went gynae last nite, bb's
weight = <font color="0000ff">987 g</font> (avg is 760g)
then i see 2 measurements in cm on my scan pix
AC = 21.7 cm
FL = 5.1 cm

are these 2 the "length" of bb? if so, then bb a bit "shortie" leh cos avg is 35.6 cm then she only <font color="0000ff">26.8 cm</font> (21.7 + 5.1)
good morning angelia,
wow, your princess is growing fast!

my gynae's appt is this thurs....wonder how heavy is my boy now.

i have no idea what AC and FL means.... but my scans have all these too.

hi young_jes,
i have the Bebe Heartbeat listener too. I'm 25 weeks now and still cannot hear a thing. btw, please do not use the microphone and 'talk' to your baby. May affect the eardrums
SLK andd young_jes,
a ST article recently highlighted that a China lady who OVER-used the mike and blared too-loud music for too-long periods for time, caused baby to have temporary deafness. Luckily it was temporary, reversible effect.

So stick to the suggested timeframe/ volume.
angelia, oh dear... then how? i've been eating peanut butter sandwich every day leh...
i hope it's ok cos i can't seem to take anything else...
yeah, i read the article to. Mrs Wong also mentioned during the antenatal class. anyway, i've stopped using it already... too lazy :p

hi jen,
don't worry, i've take peanut butter sandwich quite often too. should be ok lah...
just be careful of constipation cos it's quite heaty.
Are we supposed to count or monitor how much movement baby makes?

My baby is most energetic when I'm trying to sleep- I end up telling her to "koon lah, I want to koon leh!" Feeling abit guilty. :/
<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
i wonder bb's weight is it the effect of durians

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
dun put too much lah, juz in case. how abt cheese or butter?

i normally put butter, then sprinkle some sugar on top
peanut butter is once in a while, but oso dun dare to eat after i read the article
hi angelia,

yeah... maybe huh. i don't take durians at all, let's see if my baby end up bigger or smaller :p
MT, I've heard diff methods of counting baby's movements- basically, baby should kick at least 10 times in one hour, and of course you choose an hour when she is awake to do your counting. for me, the last time I counted, I counted until 50 or 60 within 2-3 hours, then I gave up liao, cause my baby kick the whole day, non-stop. :p
try patting your tummy(must pat abit harder so she can feel it), sometimes when my baby moves too much when i'm sleeping, patting her to sleep helps alot.
slk, i take abt 6 to 8 slices of bread a day leh...
that's why i'm worried...

angelia, dun dare to eat cheese cos when i take milk i puke cos of the gastric... scared it's dairy products will cause same reaction... will it? dun dare to take butter either cos scared too "oily", will also cause me to puke... sigh...
jen, since you eat so much bread, then its good for you to eat heathier bread like regular wholegrain breads, or get those organic wholegrain breads. Then at least you're getting something good out of it.
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
for cheese, gotta try lor. cos some can't take milk, but cheese is fine to them.

<font color="aa00aa">slk,</font>
oh.. nvr, maybe u ate more nutritious food than me, so bb will also be heavy

but think bb will grow much faster when we're 30 wks &amp; above. think avg 200g per wk. so now bb not so big oso no worries, at least won't get toooooo big then need to to ceaserean. *cross my fingers*
berry, i used to eat wholemeal... but suddenly one day after i took, i puked... when i take things like cereal and nestum, i also puke... so i think maybe some reaction with wheat? so i bo bian switch to white bread... maybe i try again after this time...
jen, white bread is made of wheat flour- try wholegrain(not wholemeal, wholemeal is not as nutritious as wholegrain) bread instead- they usually contain lesser wheat than even white bread.
My bb kicks seem to be more active nowadays, kicking me all the time. I din realli do the counting, lost count of it after a while.

Jen I oso took a lot of bread lately, can finish one loaf in 3 days time. I just finished one small bottle of the peanut butter jam..me guilty too but veri nice...but now turn to kaya and margarine.

Angelia, think our bb size quite similar. I din take too much durians oso. Think it's the normal development. But SLK I find tat normally gal heavier than boy.
U still can enjoy other discount,the priviledge is for u, bb &amp; yr hubby. healthscreen &amp; scan for bb oso can get discount. I oreadi chk wif Mary fm tmc.So u tink abt it. Sat wat time is yr class ?
will go n "brainwash" my hubby to attend the antenatal class with me.. must settle this before start looking at which class to go .. :p
<font color="ff6000">mngo</font>
juz wondering u mentioned abt the velcro nappy, how's the interior of the nappy like huh? cloth or plastic?
hi crumpy... welcome! i'm oso a patient of dr chew. is yours dr SC chew? have u used his 4D machine yet?

young jes,

you can hear baby's heartbeat but not so early so dont worry. you can tape your heartbeat too so that next time can play that for baby to sleep.

now I can only hear the kicks sometimes when the traffic outside is not noisy. you have to use it in a quiet room about 3-4hr after meals. so far the quietest place in my home is the bomb shelter.
