(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hi Sharon
Welcome! Our EDD is the same!
but haven't found out the gender yet, hope i can find out at my detailed scan next week...

Thanks YuRu

seems like tat's the normal charge. Does she work the full 30 days and what are the duties she'll be covering ?

If 28 days is 300+. Mine is 200+ becos the 1st few days not counted, is a trial period. If i don like the CF lady, i can change her.
hi serene!
yea, i just replied you too...

ya lor, still dunno gender yet..

well, i've heard that usually will be full of energy during 2nd trim but i'm still feeling tired...dunno why...
I oso hvn't start the class. We r in the same wk mayb we can remind each other things tat we forget. hehe... ok??

Hi welcome to this thread. Congrats for hvun a gal
Hi Sharon
I should be going to Mt A. You?
oh really? I hope to see my bb mid Nov or the best would be Nov 11 which is my wedding anniversary! hehe..

btw, you're 20 weeks now? my gynae told me that i'll only be 20 weeks next week leh...
hi sharon,
yea, am thinking of signing up for the childbirth class at Mt A. but haven't call them up to check for details yet...thot of doing it next week after my detailed scan...u interested?

so how do you feel lately? i'm still getting tired very easily...
hi sharon,
really? okay, maybe i'll opt for TMC class too! thanks for the info!

yea, i also like to feel my bb move, that feeling is amazing! i'm usually very sleepy in the afternoon abt 3-4pm, always wish that i can have a nap!!!

okie, i'm getting out of the office now, talk tmw! take care!
i also interested in the classes but i am in my 28 weeks liao......dun know if its too late, peg peg, i will ask dr cheng tis fri and c wat he says.

yah, me now everyday play with bb, he very busy, always moving, jerking, rubbing, poking and kicking!!!!!ha!!!!!!! sometimes i wonder the bump is his head or leg or elbow!!!!?????? and sometimes i feel tat hes making himself so hard as i can feel my tummy harden up!!!! and tat feeling is not too good.......
Thanks Leo, YuRu n Are for the info

Will have to continue my search for one ... just contemplating whether to get a singaporean or malaysian hmm ...
It's so expensive to engage one confinement maid lor :p

How many weeks u r now? Me wk 18, can feel bb movement liao. Just wondering is that bb doing somersault inside or bb is kicking or poking me.


Can u feel ur bb movement?
<font color="ff6000">leo</font>
tink so..like something swimming in my tummy.. hehe..
but sometimes im too bz/tired to notice anything

feeling soo sleepy now ... still waiting for HB to come n fetch me ..
Me also going off at 6:30pm
after a long wait (4.5 weeks) I am finally going to see my gynae again tomorrow!
Yeah, it's quite amazing to experience the movement esp. for first time mom ... I am now at Week 22, only started to feel movements on Week 20 hehe. Initially I didn't know how to determine whether it's baby movement or stomach wind.
kelly... mine is supposed to take care of bb (nite &amp; day), do all household chores, and cook different foods for me &amp; hubby. no doubt its ex but i feel its better cos i really want to rest well so aft cf can take care of bb. plus, oni she noes the type of foods &amp; tonics to cook so hv to pay for her expertise lor. no choice for me cos no one to help.
chihiro, for hair growth, I only waxed 2-3 times in all, during first trimester, then dunno why- after the last time I waxed, until now, the hair never grew back! I'm actually quite happy with it actually keke..:p
Last time, I normally tweeze my eyebrows and armpits once every few days, but nowadays, everytime I tweeze, it lasts for almost 1.5 weeks. My hair growth seems to have slowed down alot these days.

kelly, 1.8K for a local confinement nanny is actually quite cheap.

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 28-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 29
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 30 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 30 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 28 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
little_devil ... 21/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
berry .......... 22/09/04 wk 28 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 27 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 27 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 26 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 26 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 25 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 25 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 25 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 25 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 25 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 24 ESH / G
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 23 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 23
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 22 GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 22
yuru ........... 13/11/04 wk 20 GEH / G
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 20
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 20 MAH / G
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 20 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 19 MAH / ??
sharon ......... 22/11/04 wk 19 MAH / G
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 19
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 19
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 19
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 18 ?? / G
leo29 .......... 02/12/04 wk 18
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 18 RH / G
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 18 RH / B
crumpy ......... 07/12/04 wk 17 MEH / ??
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 17 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 17
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 17 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 17
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 17
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 17
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 17 MEH / ??
mngo ........... 12/12/04 wk 17 MAH / B
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 15
wendypooh ...... 19/12/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 15 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 13

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">send me a private msg (cos not much time to check forum) if I got any info wrong or got it wrong</font>

Hi Angelia,
No lah, I don't really take any nuitritional stuff, not so fortunate :p

Hi Crumpy,
CNY next year is 9 &amp; 10 February.

Hi Little_devil,
It's not too late to start the classat Week 28. Angelia and myself just started the class last Sat. This Sat is only our 2nd lesson.
<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
i told Dr Adrian what Mary told me (sign up after 19 Apr then entitled to 5% off delivery charge) but he says nvm. no matter when i sign, juz let him noe again when i'm delivering that I'm under FBI then she'll let the girl know

I've sent in my form &amp; cheque this morning.

<font color="aa00aa">rochelle,</font>
even if SGH gives excuse chit, muz also depends on whether company accepts that or not. else oso no use leh.

<font color="aa00aa">sharon,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">melody,</font>
it's good to book early (maybe when u'r in wk 16?)
juz call them up &amp; they'll advise u the date, no worries. better to call early &amp; book the slot/instructor u want rather than last minute can't get the timeslot u like.

<font color="aa00aa">crumpy,</font>
CNY next yr is 29 Jan, Sun &amp; 30 Jan, Mon.
was wondering if 31 Jan, Tue will be a holiday as well? *dreamz*
Oranges, Ok we shall remind each other..
Mi also blur blur,, dun know what things should I do..
so just log into this thread and learn from her..

Sharon, Envy you leh,, can feel bb movement ..
Mi still not yet,, very excited to feel leh....

You and Chirhiro also with TMC right..so you all went to antenatal class
How to check from the wedsite..... for the antenatal class
<font color="aa00aa">melody,</font>
<font color="ff6000">chihiro</font> still undecided on the hospital.

<font color="ff6000">slk, tbl</font> &amp; i are attending classes at TMC, Mrs Wong is the instructor. <font color="ff6000">slk</font> &amp; i are attending the same class (Sat 2pm), <font color="ff6000">tbl</font> is attend Sat, 4:30pm class

melody, I felt movements from week 16-17 onwards, so it might be your turn soon. if you're keen on attending mrs wong's classes, better book fast, her classes fill up v fast.

what is everyone having for breakfast or lunch?
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
must take up the FBI thing then will still entitle to the 5% disc to the delivery..
ok .. noted
thanks !!

<font color="ff6000">melody</font>
i hvnt decide yet
but angelia n i r seeign the same gynae
chihiro, yeah, I think they dun charge, but then again, even if its free its usually nice to give a small tip of $2 or more.

my hubby is under A*Star scholarship so its okay. dont approve would be very funny given our govt wanting us to have kids.
chihiro, i just went to puke... took some biscuits before that and realised that there is milk content... dunno why anything with milk will make me throw up... is it cos of gastric problem?? i dun have much sweets... only got choco mint here... yesterday i took but after that also dun feel well... maybe cos of the milk in the choco...
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
so u signed up for the FBI membership right?
how much r u paying for it, $98 or $128?
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
perhaps later lunch, u may want to get some other sweets without milk to standby
try and see if u r ok with it lor..
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
i usually get those can last me sucking for long time.. like tt i dun need to keep eating sweets .. :p

if i take mentos, i finish v.fast
hee i just got back from gynae. as i had guessed (mother's instinct?) it's a boy! Angelia, can update the list next time
seeing as you just updated it only this morning

Quite funny as baby was moving so-----o much.. but at one particular angle and only for a split second, I could see his genitals, clearly!

Also I haven't been able to feel any clear movements yet (now week 17) but after coming into office and sitting down for a while I thought I felt some thumping but very low down like 2-3 inches below my belly button. Is that is?

soft sweets might be better becos our teeth are alittle weaker during pregnancy.

I actually take horlicks sweets or ovalteenies becos more nutritious. also take some of the slightly sour sweets like hawberries sometimes to get rid of the awful taste in the mouth.
but frankly, my tummy/gastric is more uncomfortable... dunno how to describe... it's the tummy pain that is causing me to go and puke... so i oso dunno if sweets can help? rochelle, does the horlicks/ovalteen ones have milk? cos if like choco, i can't take...
got some cloth napkins as hand-me-downs. do I need to get nappy liner? is getting the diaper pants good becos we dont dare to use the safety pins.
Melody vin
This sat i'm tp c my gynae &amp; will ask him abt the class. Then will let u noe ok. According to angelia Mrs wong class always full,mayb i will b more kiasu to book early. hehe.. u interested to attend? Mayb we can attend together?

U interested to attend the class in TMC ? sO 3 OF US CAN ATTEND TOGETHER. hehe...

Hw r u feelin today ? Rem to saty happy ok.

u feel bb movement so fast? Can chk wif u when can i noe bb gender, cos this sat i'm goin to c my gynae &amp; i'm at wk15.Thks. So fast talk abt lunch... still dunno wat to eat, damn sian man...

Is worth to sig up, futhermore they're givin free preggie bk worth $50++ then got other free gift. TMC valet parking is free but u hv to wait for yr car &amp; the waitin time is a headache. Do let yr hubby noe.

I got to see baby gender at week 13 and double-confirm on week 17. had to psycho baby that let gynae see gender than can go shopping for baby clothes. (my hand-me-downs are all pink)

we always end up shopping for baby stuff after gynae visits becos hubby would be so happy after the ultrasound.

baby happily kicking now that I have been sitting for so long.
<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
its better to hv nappy liner lor
will be ezier to clear when bb does his big biz
nappy will be ezier to wash also

how does diaper pants look like?
the one i know to secure nappy without using pins is something look like nappy with velcro lor.. diff to describe leh ..

btw, hv decided to sign up with TMC liao ..
although i got the form, but dun rem whether did i throw away or not coz tt time HB not interested

gg to call to get another form, hopefully can make it in time sia..
