(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

peg peg/MTx3... i feel tis way too, esp aft dinner oso. feel so much lighter in the morn, really wonder y!

MTx3... did u ask ur hubby to massage for u? i hv to use a cream frm gynea + massage frm hubby every nite, else sure cramp until i cant walk. even then, still might cramp sometx.

i oso feel so heavy, and its gonna get worse!
heard tat can start from 2nd trimester onwards. ie, 12wks+. As for myself i started last wkend. wk15.
yummy yummy...
Weight gain also picking up suddenly (according to my weighing scale) also don't know how to rein it in! And last Sat hubby made me wait in shaded taxi stand for 1 hr cos of some delays... can die! Almost melted and was in nasty mood and then hubby dragged us to dinner with ILs and we ate in non-aircon place and after that, lingered in their home which has no aircon in the living room and a very sticky, strong-smelling sofa. Towards the end I was really almost going to cry
and then I insisted on going home, so think ILs think I have attitude problem. Then chewed hubby's ear off for being so insensitive to my heat and tiredness problem.
And Sun still had to eat lunch with ILs, luckily this time I specified we had to eat OUT (ie. not near ILs place since near their place meant no aircon and then lingering at their place). So we had aircon during lunch but after that, MIL still wanted to adjourn to our place and I was feeling tired! Dun get to see HB all week cos he was away, he only returned Fri midnight and then Sat and Sun I still must share with ILs I was feeling very buaysong that they weren't more automatic in giving us more time to do our own thing (like washing his clothes and packing etc since he flew this morning again).

End of rant.
are, HB was flying weekdays for past mth. Back only weekends. Quite ok, I am still quite flexible to reach and massage myself, just... really starting to feel the extra load/ weight on my body.
yes, my tummy is smaller in the morn and gets bigger through the day, it's normal right?
yr hubby is not in town har! mine too. Last wk onli managed to see him during wkend and tis morning he flew again... haiz.. luckily we still can spend the wkend by ourselves.
understand yr anger tat u didnt have time to do yr own thing. coz 1wk didnt see HB, sure miss him a lot... when is yr hubby coming back? mine will back on Friday nite.
MTx3... gd tat u can still massage urself. i cant liao, & hubby does it better cos more strength oso. am considering a gd massage @ rustic nirvana now.
are, heard of rustic but rather pricey. Heard another alternative is getting those confinement massage ladies to do a prenatal massage (seems that most of them do have an adapted routine for prenatal) which is cheaper, convenient (at your own home though not very... spa-like hehe), and you can check whether you like her style before your final decision on whom to engage to massage during confinement. Like sampling/ testing haha.

I might be wanting to have a massage, specifically for neck, shoulders, upper back, arms and legs... circulation like so sluggish. Needs some invigoration I think.

TBL, he wil be back early for this week- Thurs. But busy catching up work in SG office... then he wun fly for a week or 2, after that, another whole series of "weekday fly, weekend back". Then a lull in time for my delivery (in case baby comes early, make him stay for 1 mth before EDD and 1 mth after EDD). Then fly again.
sorry to hear that you've had a lousy weekend...and i can somehow understand how you feel bcos i also feel "wei3 qu1" quite easily esp. since i'm preg and would cry or lose my temper over the slightest thing...

hope u feel better soon!
MTx3.. i was quoted $98 for an hour. but am thinking of going w hubby oso, so he can get 'serviced' instead of always 'servicing' me!
ya lor.. I've heard ambiguous advice on caffeine too.. actually, i also can't resist the temptation of my fav coffee .. hee hee..

my bb could hit and huntam anywhere.. but my right side under the liver is alway very painful.. guess is his head poking and i always feel kicking on my left lower side.. only till these few days i think he's trying to change position, i feel movements ard my navel region..

I started eating birdnest fm my 12th wk

yr mil sounds like mine.. always very buay zi dong also kekeke..but i think u very independent hee..

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 14-Jun
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 27
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 28 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 28 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 26 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 26 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 25 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 25 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 24 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 23 MAH / G
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 23 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 23 GEH / G
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 23 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 22 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 21 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 21 GEH / B
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 21
AC ............. 06/11/04 wk 20 GEH / B
cosmo .......... 08/11/04 wk 20
cirtusfruits ... 16/11/04 wk 18
young jes ...... 18/11/04 wk 18 MAH / ??
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 18 MAH / B
peg peg ........ 22/11/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
sybil .......... 26/11/04 wk 17
deer ........... 29/11/04 wk 17
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 16
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 16
rochelle ....... 02/12/04 wk 16 RH / B
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 15 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 15
kypf ........... 08/12/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 15
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 15
melody ......... 20/12/04 wk 15
chantelle ...... 12/12/04 wk 15
guess .......... 12/12/04 wk 15 MEH / ??
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 13 GEH / ??
oranges ........ 22/12/04 wk 13 TMC / ??
jov ............ 05/01/05 wk 11

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore; RH - Raffles</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

u gals really talk fast when i dun hv time to come in leh

okie, so now gotta post my views in summary (instead of addressing individuals

<font color="0000ff">bb 1st month</font>
eh, u gals a bit KS or not huh?
bb not even near EDD &amp; u'r here talking abt full month celebrations

for customs, TRADITIONALLY, will always have to follow hubby's dialect, no matter what. but we're living in modern days, &amp; most of the times also dun follow any customs, so..... i guess it's up to personally preferences now.

as for the items to give (except cakes &amp; red eggs), some are dependant on the gender of the bb, if i remember correctly

hmm.. took a quick browse at the joyful.com site. actually hor, how many will appreciate the $$ we put to package the cakes or such nicely, whether we include bb's particulars etc?? guess many will juz "dump" it away, so i don't think i'll spend such money (well.. me a bit ngeow lah)

actually if u hv printers at home, can juz DIY. get some label stickers, juz print the bb's name, dob then stick it to the gift voucher or cake box will do. think that's not too diff rite?

as for DIY red eggs, as long it's not super ugly, i guess no one will bother
anyway, not many pple will want to eat, so actually don't need to make so many. if hving buffet, can juz make some &amp; put on table, those who wants to eat, juz help themselves. for cakes, giving cake vouchers will be most convenient for both parties cos they dun hv to lug home the cake, and can redeem at their own time (1 yr from date of issue).

<font color="0000ff">pre-natal massage</font>
i oso feel like going. whole body like falling apart.. hiaz... maybe will juz go for Rustic Nirvana's trial.

<font color="0000ff">bird nest</font>
i started only from wk 22 cos lazy to go &amp; buy &amp; hubby wasn't ard durin wk 18~21.
My hubby oso not in town, same be back on fri night. Dun feel so sad, cheer up ok. Sometime tink abt it... my MIL is too old &amp; FIL oreadi not ard. Look thing at another angle at least my mil still can take care of u. But i dun enjoy these comfort, cos my mil is too old to ever cook for us.
Yr hubby oso comin back on fri night. Same here. where did yr hubby go? my hubby went to china. Seem like our hubby travel very often. My friend joke tat ppl husband is 1 yr &amp; yrs only half yr cos he fly twice per mth.
MTx3, aiyo, poor thing! Go and get yourself a good back/leg/arm massage, you'll feel tonnes better. Hey, try this deep heat rub called 'Bengay', available at pharmacies, recommended my the nurse at my gynea's office, very effective. I'm also feeling a little sluggish these days (and just when I thought my stamina was picking up again!). Just get more rest and drink more water. For me, my pregnancy hormones reared its super ugly head a few times last week and I flared up and poor hubby had no clue what he did (actually its not him, its just my hormones). Felt damn bad when it happens cause he doesnt deserve the crap but my fuse is really alot shorter these days and its all triggered by my physical discomforts (how to be rational when my back feels like literally breaking in half?) Next time if you're already not feeling good (physically, emotionally), then dont set yourself up to blow up, just gotta tell your ILs that you're not feeling well, need to rest, see them another time.

Oranges, my hubby usually also fly 4-5 times a year, but very luckily this year alot lesser (only twice), and he's not due to fly at least until I deliver (thank goodness!). Time flies by fast, he'll be back with you soon.

On Rustic Nirvana, I call them up last week, and they told that up to 8 months, they will still massage the belly and uterus area. I am quite against anyone except for a gynea/trained nurse touching my uterus area because like what my antenatal instructor says, it can cause baby's position to move unnaturally and cause umblical cord to tighten around baby's neck- only a gynea or very experienced midwife can tell where the baby's position is exactly just by touch. Besides, I don't see how massaging of my belly helps allevate my back/shoulder/leg aches. Just my opinion. If anyone's going, do post the reviews after you went.

Does anyone knows how much caffeine does ice lemon tea contains? Cause I've been drinking it 3-5 times a week *guilty*
berry... maybe u shd worrie abt the sugar content instead of caffeine. caffeine can oni affect if taken in large doses regularly, but i think sugar shows up faster. maybe try diluting it or add lots of ice?
Caffeine is actually safe in small amounts. my cousin had to drink 2-3 kopitiam cups when she had her 2nd son becos of work and my nephew is intelligient and fair.

from a consumer website
"Birth and pregnancy problems: Some research suggests women who regularly consume more than 300mg (about three cups of coffee) per day may reduce their chances of becoming pregnant and increase their chances of having a miscarriage or delivering an underweight baby. Caffeine may also make its way into breast milk and make your baby jittery. To be on the safe side, pregnant or breastfeeding women should restrict their caffeine intake or avoid it altogether."
Thanks Are and Rochelle! Now I feel a little better keke...

are, I can't help the sugar part, cause I have bad bravings for sugary stuff constantly, not sure why.

my hubby knows I still cannot tahan the smell of oil, especially recycled oil so when eating with in-laws we would eat at air-con places.

good excuse is that non-air-con places, people can smoke, not good for babies.

at in-laws house my hubby would on the fan becos he feels hot easily (before me).

my in-laws also like to come just after 8am on weekends to our home when we are still sleeping. comical thing is they would call and I would wake up and tell them that hubby still sound asleep. since hubby always sleep late before marriage, my in-laws would also adjust the time to abit later.
tea is about half that of coffee. read in the pregnancy books that if you want to drink tea, it is safer to drink organic tea.

coke has about half the caffeine level and root beer is caffeine free. think I'll go get a litre of A&amp;W root beer later for my fridge.

Caffeine Content Of Popular Drinks
did u gals experience bad backache. It can be so painful at times that I can's bend on my left side while bathing to scrub my legs. Dunno how to overcome this, cos my backache seems so often throughout my pregnancy. Wonder if there is any remedy for it.

Gals, my hubby oso travel this week and will be back Fri night. Actualli just when u need more attention at this time, u realli hope ur hubby is ard to keep u co. But wat to do, without work no money to buy milk and pampers. Sigh Sigh@@
berry... me too. already like tat b4 preggie bt now more. crave for desserts or sweet drinks. bt if i feel its overly sweet, will add ice or water if i can. lucky hv been passing all urine tests.
*touch wood*

rochelle... try mug beer. its much better than A&amp;W!!!
yingzi... i worse than u. got a few times i cant even walk. do consult your gynea. he shd give u a cream to rub tat will ease the pain. my gynea &amp; GP has tis to offer... 'it will get worse one hor'.

do hv some small pillows to support u when u sit or lie.
are, berry

eating about one mcdonalds 25c ice-cream cone per day. got ice cream craving. than if go food court would be tempted by the ice-kachang and chendol.


had mug beer but hubby prefers A&amp;W. we like ginger beer also.


I have very bad backache. I actually sit on my long bath ledge so that I no need to bend so much. you can put a stool in your standing shower so that you can sit and bath.

try sleeping on your left side instead of on your back. I followed the book advice of putting one pillow on the stomach and one on the leg for sleeping and the aches got lesser.
So happy that safe to sleep on stomach becos fall asleep much faster that way.

"Q &amp; A: Safe Sleeping Postions
By Dr. Jonathan Scher, M.D.

Sleeping On Back

Q: I fall asleep on my side, but every morning I wake up on my back. Should I be concerned that I may be harming my health or the baby's?

A: Sleeping on your back during pregnancy will not harm you or the baby. If nature didn't want you to sleep on your back, you would probably grow a hump! In some cases, when a baby's growth rate has slowed, a doctor may advise a pregnant woman to keep off her back as much as possible and lie on her left side, as this may enhance the blood supply to the baby. But unless you have this problem (known as "growth retardation") you don't have to worry--sleep how you like.

Sleeping On Stomach

Q: I've always slept on my stomach, but now that I'm pregnant, I've heard that I'm not supposed to do this. I don't know if I can sleep any other way! What should I do?

A: In a normal pregnancy, it makes no difference which sleeping position you use. You can sleep on your stomach, back or side if it's comfortable for you. The baby is well protected by the sac of fluid in which it lies, and your sleeping position cannot harm it or affect your pregnancy at all. "
yingzi, rochelle, since about a month ago I already cant bend to scrub my calves/ankles/feet. So I got hubby to scrub for me instead. He scrubs my back and legs these days cause I really cant bend much. I find that daily backrubs/massages really helps with my backaches. When your hubby is back, get him to massage your back, just 10 min a day will do.
ACtualli my backache prob has been quite some time but it just comes and goes. Onli lately tat I realise I hv prob while bathing and sleeping oso. I tried sleeping on my side and hv placed 4 pillows with me but becos of my backache probl, at times I feel more comfy lying on my back and giving it a good stretch. Are, how effective is the cream? Might get it from my gynae then.

Yes, I do crave for ice-cream too, hv been eating 3 last weekend...haha...As for soft drinks is when I'm realli thirsty esp these few days when weather worsens. I find I fancy chocolate too. guilty , guilty but will keep thinking of it if I din get to try it.
<font color="aa00aa">melody,</font>
size of tummy varies from pple.. esp 1st time mummies, will be slower. think mine only "obvious" when abt wk 16~18.
melody... ppl oni realised i'm pregnant @ 20wks. :p i had tummy but nt v obvious, somemore i'm not wearing maternity tops yet. dun worrie, ur tummy will expand so fast when its time!!!
Rochelle &amp; are
My hubby dun allow me to take "cold drink". I envy u yr hubby didn't stop u. Hm... nw i oso feel like drinkin root beer. yummy....

Where did yr hubby go? Funny y so many of our husband go overseas. He oso told me no choice no work no money &amp; nw no $$$ to buy milk. keke..
hello ...
juz came back to office
its so hot outside !!

start to wear my maternity top today coz ive run out of tops to wear liao .. :p
oranges... bo bian leh. last time i seldom take one, cos my family strict. now so hot these days, i take even more!!!
oranges... i always eat out also, dun drink cold water drink wat??? unless i bring my own water lor.
this time HB go Bangkok. ya, so many of our HB go oversea hor... we must take good care of ourselves. HB always call @ nite and insist to say good nite to bb.

last time HB oso dun allow me to dring cold drinks coz all family members say no-no. but after wk12 I buay tahan alr, start to drink cold ribena, then cold milo, then fruit juice and now soft drinks!

only cooling drinks are banned initially but now parents and in-laws also bo chap already. cold drinks are okay, especially weather so hot.


it depends on person and posture. for me clothes started to get tight due to bloat from 11-12 weeks but now is starting to swell where baby is.


have to shop for bottoms already else only one maternity overall to wear. my tops are still okay becos they are too big in the first place.
<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
can u feel any movement from ur bb yet?

<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
got 2 pcs of maternity bottom liao
but only hv 1 pc of top which wat im wearing 2day ..
prob its wkend will get a few more tops
coz im tinking, towards the end, might be more comfortable wearing dresses instead of separates .. so not gg to buy too many for now
Are, tbl &amp; rochelle
Aiya wat to do hv...i oso cannot tahan esp the weather so hot, sometime i'll bring my water wif me when i'm out for makan.
Tell u something, juz nw when i went to clear my bowel. When i force out then tat "hole" (sorry excuse me u all shd noe where) got blood. very scary dead la, hw ??? Been hvin seroius constipation problem, i can only clear my bowel every 2 or 3 days. I dun like to eat fruit, so hw? Can u gals give me some advise. Thks
no leh... cant feel anything. so envy to see they discuss on bb's movement. looking for it, hope to feel it soon. some ppl say may need to wait till wk20 leh... how ant u?

aiyo, looks like i'm the most KS one! coz alr bought some maternity wear lah! abt 9 tops, 6 bottoms and 2 one-piece dress. :p have not include those pass down from my sis.
if u dun like to eat fruits, how abt dring some fruit juice? u can buy apples and make the juice @ home. I like to prepare apple juice and each time abt 3~5 apples. put some ice and enjoy. if yr HB against ice, then just put 2~3 ice cube lor.
Hi Rochelle,

Wat kind of aqua aerobics do u do in the pool? I normally swim a very short distance, stop, walk, then swim again, stop, walk... Scare will strain my beloved bb. I tried to lie on my back in the water but dun know why but i feel so uncomfortable, also worried that bb will not have enuf oxygen supply.


Since u can't resist caffeine temptation, I presume u gave in to it? Hee... hee... I'm very guilty of it. Always take a deep whiff of the coffee b4 I drink it. It's like a treasure to me cos I dun drink everyday.

Talking abt ice cream, I've developed an even greater liking for it ever since I'm in my 2nd tri. maybe also bcos of the super hot weather these days. I used to be so scared of the cold, now I'm always sweating like crazy no matter whether I'm walking, lying down or sitting. The fan is no longer enuf to keep me cool. Always feel that it's blowing hot air. Now my favourite section in the supermarket is where the freezer compartments r. Whoa, so cooling..
oranges... bo bian lah. constipation is a common prob 4 preggies so really hv to eat more fruits &amp; vege. i oso dun like both, bt i dare not push nw, so i rather eat lor. now i try to eat fruits daily. i rather eat fruits than drink prune juice man. else, u can drink juices like tbl says.

if ur prob is really severe, u can chk w ur gynea if u can drink fibrosil tis kind of fibre drinks. they help too.
you might want to try Fybogel for your constipation, it's safe to take during preg and you can buy it from Watsons. Hope it helps...

I lie on a float so its very comfy. there are books on aqua aerobics in the national library which you can follow if you want to.

There is a Aqua Fitness class at KKH if you are interested.
"Aqua Fitness In Pregnancy
This is an exercise programme for expectant mothers. Our physiotherapist will take you through an exercise programme consisting of warm ups, flexibility and strength training, and a cardiovascular workout for those who are keen to keep fit and healthy during pregnancy. The use of water buoyancy and resistance with a well-designed programme will help you achieve physical and mental wellness.

Class Content:
Warm up
Flexibility stretches
Strengthening training of pelvic floor, back and abdominal muscles
Aqua-aerobic/ low impact workout
Cool down
Monitoring optimal exercise intensity
Schedule:Saturday, 22 May 2004
Time: 1.45 - 2.30 pm
Venue: Hydrotherapy pool, Rehabilitation Department, Basement 1, Children's Tower
Fee(includes GST):$159.10 for a total of 6 sessions"
<font color="ff6000">orange</font>
u can try drinking prune juice or eat prunes
u can get these from NTUC
i oso still got a bit of constipation
later gg to eat my prunes ..

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
wahahaa.. i din buy a lot as so far
2 pants, 1 top and 2 dresses .. tts all .. :p
bb's movement ah, dunno ixxit or not oso
sometimes i do feel something.. hopefully it is .. hee...

tbl, are,peg peg &amp; chihiro
Thks for all yr advise, tink i'll drink fruit or prune fruit. Peg peg...Can take Fybogel ? My gynae asked me to take prune juice. Tonight go hm muz drink oreadi.
