(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

my fren bought the pink version...


*tempt u! :p * Super-sweeeeeeet hor? I think nicer than green lor, but I cant buy pink car mah.

yup! wah u r familar with the area!
I preferred to buy from him cos any item costing more than $100 w/o warranty is quite a scary thought. And was thinking if it does break down AFTER warranty, perhaps can go back to him and pay for repair. After-sales service lor. KP and OG saleslady all bohchup one.

I think ur HB *will* complain abt running after Gabe in his car lor, I was complaining to mine and he was like, "I told u so!". BTW A is 73cm tall.

CARS- where in the west or central can find those rental cars for rides ah?

kelly, not yet cause we'll be staying at my mum's place at far end of CCK when reno is carried out, plus I think I dunno how to drive to orchard from there, so will only start watever classes after reno is done n we move back here.
Wah, very nice car dat u bought! I like!!!

Wish u a very smooth delivery
Update us once u're back home.

Wah, u're very energetic leh. I tired almost everyday. Mebbe cos very busy at work recently. Weekend jus feel like zonking out at home.

If u're planning to buy the car for Gab, dun have to worry abt him not being able to step on the pedal. When Kieran 1st had the jeep, he couldn't reach the pedal too, so we taught him to sit on the outer edge. He oso didn't know how to step on the pedal to make it move, but after a few times, he got it liao. Now the pblm is, he steps too hard on the pedal, and the jeep flies off and the next moment, a bong sound is heard cos my door/feature wall kena liao.

medusa, kelly,
Have u ever thot if u buy tis now, when ur no 2 comes along and is abt 1 YO, ur No 1 and no 2 will both be snatching to sit on the car. Then sure lead to quarrel cos most kids can't resist tis toy :p

Come to my house, i charge u rental :p
aiyo my petite princess ah- adjusted seat closest to pedal, ADDED A BACK CUSHION, still cant reach pedal. When I added a THICKER cushion, my girl fell off the seat- squat on the car floor. :p

K doesn't get alarmed when he bumps the vehicle right? Mine complain big-time. >.<

Actually I think #1 will sian of it after some time, then when #2 is old enough to play/ compete, #1 will get all interested in the vehicle again. Was thinking double-seat vehicles wld solve problem, but there can only be ONE driver steering right? So in the end will still quarrel lor. They just have to take turns lor. :/

I only know outside OG Rochor on wkends. It's not sheltered space tho, can get rather hot.
where were the pics taken? Hehe, all our lil ones seem to love Barney hor? Nat's very pretty in her nice dresses!

Tks! It was taken by bettle @ work(Hope i din remember wrongly as all this was arrange by my hb). My hb like this photographer work so he engaged her to take pics for nat. Nt cheap leh, 36pcs for $380. Now siao hb want to make an album for her that cost $400.
natalie is very adorable and pretty in the pics. the pictures are very well-taken, gd choice of photographer.

i a lot of energy in the day but after bringing gabe out over the wkend, by evening i ready 2 KO liao.

i agree wif medusa tat the siblings have 2 learn 2 share &amp; take turns.
we last measured gabe on 17feb at the GP. he was 75.5cm. i tik he has grown taller cos he measured up 2 a box n i measured the box 2 b 77cm.
Me too. Whenever I see any newborns, I'll feel very nostalgic but don't have the confident to handle them.

That its such a nice car!!! very tempted to get one :p

Nat look sooo pretty....&amp; chubby. Hehe

U r staying at CCK temp?? CCK is accesible by expressway so quite simple to drive around. U going to stay indoors while staying at yr mum's place ah??
medusa, wah... nice car!! Jean says "Tena jiejie, can u let me drive ur car? Mummy got no space at home to get one for me... no garage oso..."

berry, bo eng to do the quiz... haha... guess I'll fail lah... =P

kelly, u not working leow isit? Finally tuo li ku hai... haha... congrats...
Your nat is so sweet... hope that my little girl will be justas sweet.

An update, my edd is 26 May 2006. Yes its a little girl!!!

Height and weight
Think my gabby is in the 99th percentile. Last I measured him, he stands at 85cm and weighs a ton at 13kg. I cannot carry my heavyweight now!
i still working but very "eng" 2 read the thread and surf online. i know how 2 optimise my time. work for 15mins (call biz associates, send emails, etc), then surf online for 45mins.

when i tuo li zu hai, i'll announce big big in this thread. buay tahan!
gabby's mum,
glad 2 c u here again. how r u doing so far? ur gabriel is like lil prince's rhyan, probably abt the same height &amp; weight.
I have put on about 8 kg so far. Doing not that well as when I hit my 28th week i am throwing up most of the time. But am holding on. Anyone with similiar experience? My husband said that I am too stressed by work. I tend to agree.
U r going to Babycare and Bookfest??
Do let us know whether worth going its superfar from my hse.
i'll b going. i've been accompanying my GF (who is 20wks preggie) 2 ubi hypermart, ikea, taka bb fair. luckily i also preggie if not very siong 2 bring a toddler 2 such places. she chio me for bb fair tis wkend, motherhood fair in jun and also 2 robinson 2 check out breastpumps wif her one day. we even thinking of popping tgt so we can celebrate our bbs' 1st yr old bday tgt. she's having a girl, i'm having a boy. she going for c-section bcos of her womb condition so she tot of doing c-section once she knows my waterbag burst.

wat stuff u 1 2 look out for? i sms/call u when i'm there ok?

gabby's mum,
u r puking again at this time? oh no, betta rest well, dun b too stressed, try 2 relax.
pcs, I am def not gonna be staying indoors anymore than now, I think both Faye and me will peng san :p My sense of directions are completely lousy, I doubt I'll be able to drive to many places, so when in doubt will take cab instead. Cant risk getting lost together with faye, plus I am totally unfamiliar with cck area, if lost then thats it liao.
most likely sat afternoon or fri evening. we cant decide yet cos i packing my wkends wif lotsa activities for gabe. tot of bringing him for a swim cos didnt go 2 a park last wkend. we also need 2 go 2 ikea 2 check out the toddler bed since there's a sale now.

y dun u tell me wat u 1 2 look out for? any specific items? if i c it, i'll sms/call u ok? if not, i'll just post abt my purchases (if any) when i get back from the bb fair.
gab's mum, taken note...

kelly, wah... i like ur working style!! provided i'm not ur boss lah... wahaha... but then hor, i oso want to work like that... cannot leh!! duh... dun even have time to finish jean's blog...
as long as i get my work done, i c no harm in taking some time out 2 do my own stuff, making sure i dun inconvenience other colleagues in the meantime.

tat's y i using office hrs 2 update gabe's blog. if i stop working, i dunno if i can still write long stories in his blog. hahahaha!
Haha. I'm opposite of u. I'll peng san if i go out with keira more than 3 times a week.

U r so energetic!!!
Don't think I can cover so many place in one day even I'm NOT Pregnant. Kudos to u &amp; yr friend :p
Actually I'm looking for toys (like building blocks, puzzle), VCDs &amp; books
Its ok, I may be going only on the 18th so no hurry.
Hi kelly,

Also not too sure what to buy. Whenever I go shopping, like almost everything I wanted to buy for Sharyn but hubby will stop me. Whatever things I take, he will put back. He doesn't like the house to be pack of stuff. Especially toys to lying all on the floor. Hubby will comment that he's the one mopping the floor. So he need to keep. Since he's the one doing the housework. I cannot object. Can just sms me what stuff they selling. Worth the trip will do. Thanks.
u talking abt the bb fair at taka or the bb fair at s'pore expo? the bb fair at expo is only from 10-12mar. the bb fair at taka is til 19mar.

i went 2 the taka bb fair last fri evening &amp; sun noontime. of course i also cant cover so many places in 1 day lah. i went 2 ikea on sat nite, taka bb fair on sun.

husband is also the one mopping the flr and i dun mind toys lying around the hse while he minds. i also like 2 buy lotsa stuff for gabe but husband will stop me. i got no choice. my purchasing &amp; bargaining power not like b4 (when i was earning more income) so no choice, gotta 2 restrain myself a lil.
Hi kelly,

Same here. But I using my own money to buy. Don't want to buy back later sharyn throw all over the floor and she will ganna scolding from daddy. I find her quite pity sometimes. Daddy will scold her. Daddy very bad tempered. Sharyn too. I always tell hubby next time both of them sure will crash. Both so hot tempered.
<font color="ff6000">charsiew</font>
wish you a smooth delivery....kekek, luckily not the same day as your MIL

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
the car looked interesting, loved the pink colour one but no space at home and dun wanna take the trouble to bring up and down the flat
hv u tried telling ur husband tat scolding &amp; shouting at sharyn wont help? husband shouted at gabe a few times when gabe was younger. i told husband off and explained 2 him tat shouting/scolding bbs at this age wont help. husband got the message after me 'brainwashing' him. i tik ur husband shld read "children are from heaven".
<font color="ff6000">evelyn</font>
the pics are lovely! i like the naked pic...kekek

nat is daddy's girl so daddy willing to splurge on the album

Told him before. But still cannot control him. After telling him off, he stopped scolding. But after few days, he started. He too hot tempered that sometimes cannot control. Just too angry and started shouting and scolding. Even he shouted at Sharyn, but he take care of her even better than I do. He cooks her porridge, bath her and make milk for her. Mummy only cleans her when she poo. Daddy don't dare. After all the scolding and shouting, now only daddy can control her. When whenever Sharyn started to throw temper, my mum and me can't stop her. Daddy just shout at her, she will stop all the nonsense and guai guai sit there. Whenever she wants to be naughty, she will look at daddy face first see whether Daddy good mood or not. Hubby say we all too pampered her. At least Sharyn got someone she's frighten off. Where to get the book? Can borrow from library? Can I have the author? Thanks.
looks like only sharyn is only afraid of ur husband. gabe's not afraid of my husband, only me. i rarely shout at gabe, probably only 3-4x since he was born. so when i raised my voice at gabe, he knows i'm angry and/or he has done something wrong (like play wif his belly button, steer the steering wheel while i drive, etc). he'll break into 'soundless' crying and i'm only the one who can soothe/calm him, despite me being the one shouting at him.

husband shouted at him lately, bo lah sah (no impact 1).

the author is john gray (i tik). i bought it from MPH at $16.80. very easy 2 read &amp; understand.
<font color="ff6000">skyblue</font>
Friso 3 Gold - bundle promotion at Giant, 2 x 900g + 1 x 400g at $37.80

i find it worth buying so got 2, can check it out....
Hi kelly,

Thanks. When hubby shouted at her, really she's naughty. Hubby not any how shouting at her. Last sun sharyn was fussing in the car. She's very tired and not wanting to sleep. All of us tried to pat her, talked her to sleep. She just shout and fuss. When hubby shouted shut up at her, she immediately keep quiet and guai guai goes to sleep. My mum tried to use this method, no use for her. Sharyn continues to climb up and down crying refusing to sleep. She even gin my mum. So naughty.
<font color="ff6000">pets</font>
haha, i was about to post the Pet Pet promotion but you beat me to it....it's $11.95?? thought i saw the price at $11.99
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
think the mini car rental rides is available outside Toa Payoh HDB Hub, in front of Mcdonald during weekends evening
pets, puff,
thks! i buy pet pet at $11.80 from the medical hall opposite my plc.

wow! ur husband used the 'shut up' on sharyn. my husband used it once when gabe was 2mths+, kenna scolding by me &amp; suan-ed by me til now. imagine shouting 'shut up' at a infant who doesnt understand anything then! true enuff, gabe was more frightened and cried louder.
mayb ur husband can use other words while raising his voice? i personally feel tat shouting/scolding will make the toddler fear u &amp; not respect u and in future, the rebellious streak in the toddler will be worse...tis is my own opinion hor. imagine if shouting/scolding wont work and ur husband has 2 beat her. yikes!
(berry, any opinions on tis?)

*Sob sob* i just bought 1 pack last wk at $16.20. $15.20 very gd offer, think i will stock up another pack.

Puff n Pets,

There is provision shop at Hougang selling pet pet at $11.95. I think this is the cheapest i came across.

2mths+ using that word is too much. He doesn't know anything and you only use up your energy. Sharyn understand. Very difficult to coach a kid nowadays. Your hubby don't scold Gab? I try not to scold hubby in front of Sharyn. If he shouts and scold Sharyn , I will tell him off behind Sharyn back. Dun want hubby to lose respect. Kids know one. If not they will not listen to Daddy anymore. No matter what, told hubby we have to stand together. No double standard. yes mean yes. Cannot daddy say yes and mummy say no.
how abt telling sharyn, "sharyn, can u pls keep quiet?" in a louder voice &amp; firm tone. i tik it's betta than 'shut up' rt?

husband does scold gabe once in a while but no effect 1. gabe not afraid of him. there are occasions when i say yes, husband says no and vice versa. i tik at the end of day, husband &amp; i like gabe 2 'respect' us and not 'fear' us hence we minimise scolding/shouting n try 2 talk 2 him. of course if talking dun work, then mummy is the pai nang (bad person) lor.

We will use keep quiet. Hubby use shut up coz he's too angry that day and cos he driving. Too stressful. Do you find talking works? It don't works for Sharyn. We have to use force on her sometimes. She don't listen. She's simply to stubborn.
husband used 2 buy from NTUC at $12.95 then he found a shop at punggol selling at $12.20. last mth, he went into the medical hall 2 check out diapers (we boycott the medical hall for a while cos their attitude was terrible). he found pet pet at $11.80 so we have been buying from them.

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
you are lucky the provision shop is just across your place....

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
my PD said similac excellence (also from abbott) can be used up to 18 months
