(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

inflatable, eh nooo pump provided, jialat. Hehe, my dining no aircon, A just had her meal prior to playing- play until she puke abit after we cleared up. *roll eyes*

The caterer was not bad but MIL said since hungry and food *just* arrived freshly cooked, sure nice to eat. Thing is, such a booboo is inexcusable- they're PROFESSIONALS, how can they let this happen mah. They should have their name flushed down. The onus can't be on the client to call/ remind what. Or else might as well accompany caterer to buay-cai.

prince/devil, cool parties... really admire u all leh... haha... just wondering how many kg cake did u buy?

prince/devil/skyblue/anyone who has celebrated birthday, did u use helium to fill the balloons??

medusa/berry/evelyn, teeth... ur gals teeth so fast!! jean STILL has only 2 bottom teeth... :p

pcs, nice pics of kiera!! she's grown so much...

suliyvn, so it's trixilia wif tena... haha... i was wondering who... :p

sharon, happy 11 months to sharwyn!! that's why she is showing off her new skill lah...

medusa, wah... u always censor A's pics... hehe... so funny... u opening shop to do poster?? how much u charge?? :p

ziztine!! was wondering where u disappeared to... also asked puff if she was in contact wif u... esther is so pretty... looks like u leh... hehe...
hey I wonder if coincidence or not, bbs on FM seem to have teeth faster, not that it's a good thing. Just wondering if it's nature's way of protecting bfg mums from horrors of bbs biting on them. ;)
oh almost forgot...

I'm doing I'm doing... hopefully can send out by this week... sorry for the delay...

I'll be sending out 2 lists... got a suggestion, do u mummies need the Blk no of the address? If not, can I just generalise the area? Like sengkang/bukit panjang/etc? cos some mummies dun like to put down their blk numbers lor...

Err... I oni got itsun's name under Daddy's column... hahah... anyone want to add their hb's name, please PM me... so that itsun got companion mah...
I think Medusa's method of staggering her guest is good, u can try it out. Just want to share my story coz don't want anyone to end up like me :p

Tks for yr compliments. **I'm so happy** 90% of my friends/family says she looks like a boy. My sis likes to call her "ah boy" LOL.

Wah the towel thing, u still can remember ah. Hehe. Tell yr gf "keira" is still very rare coz when I mentioned her name, pple always go "hur???".
The box is such a good idea. LOL
BTW why is Athena naked?? Hot or for photo purpose??
The party sounds very fun :p

Agreed wif Berry & Medusa that Esther has grown prettier.
Tks for the info on brown rice and spring onion.

Think Sentosa is only good for evening trip coz its quite hot in the afternoon. U can travel around the island by the bus provided.
U can go there around 3pm . Visit the under waterworld then walk to the nearby Siliso beach the proceed to the musical fountain where shows starts at 7.45pm.

*shake hands* I learnt my lesson well. No more DIY next time for me too :p
pcs, A was in diapers only cos after meal mah, my dining area no aircon.
NEXT TIME, I will make sure dining got aircon, or else I also perspire during meal ah. AND TV! So I can watch TV...
the cake was from yiling confectionery. vanilla sponge cake with mango filling. 3kg cake @ $87.
All guest commented the cake very fresh and delicious. We only had 30 guest in total. They all helped to finish the cake that night.

thanks! my gal eyes are veri round and black. i tot those pics are show the cute side of her thus veri tempted to post/share on the web. :>

Wow! Really impressed with the list of toys for A's birthday party. I was going to get the same ToysRUs blow up initially but the thought of having to buy a pump (potential white elephant) sort of put me off a little. How do you pump up the whole thing?

Do you want a Little Tikes slide to add on to your toys list? My friend just gave me a Little Tikes slide, can lend it to A for her birthday guests.....
we borrowed balloon pump fm SIL, can die! tt pump was so noisy tt nanny cld hear the pumping sound at the furthest room away .. haha .. tts why my friend blew with his breath in the end. i suggest you buy a pump lor, buy those cheap ones coz surely hv some usage on and off as our kids grow, maybe future small bd celebrations with normal balloons?

eh, i agree with what yr MIL said, i also think since hungry, everything also nice mah. my MIL and nanny kept telling me i shld hv called caterer to REMIND them that morning. siao ah! this is not the first time i order buffet leh, what nonsense is tt? especially when i was so busy that morning.

3kg cake, i didn't use helium, use my friend's breath to blow balloons .. hehe ..

eh, i think put general road name can liao lah, protect some privacy mah. those very "cooked" friends can further discuss on blocks if they want lor. as for daddy's names, i dun think its necessary unless daddy join in the forum lor, like Itsun.
oh dear I haven't thought how to pump- I bought a very cheap hand-pump for balloons, maybe next wk I experiment on the inflatable. No lah, I using existing toys, only the Pooh is bulky so KIV. Thanks for the offer but pity can't lah, I got no transport.

Lilprince, hehe the balloons were really big! :p
LIST- I agree with just listing the general residential area, anyway, why would everyone need or wanna know where exactly everyone else lives, rite? hehe
Happy Birthday to all who just turned one and turning one!

I scanned thr the postings as I had been too busy with work to read. The pictures posted of the babies showed that they were so happy enjoying the party. Wow, must really congratulate the mummies and daddies who put in so much hard work.

congrats gabe can walk now... so you are busy chasing after him?

Your Athena is so cute. She looks like a real happy baby all the time. Just wondering if you can start a class on photo editing then i can learn from you... hehe

I stopped bf gabby when he was about 5 months but he teethed when he turned 10 months so I dont think there is a corelation with bf... more genetics. My mum said i teeth when i was 9 months and my hubby teethed at around 9 months too...
<font size="+1">VERY IMPORTANT, PLS READ!</font>
I know some mummies are not willing to give info to the lists... so two lists will be sent out to protect privacy of those who openly share their contact numbers...

<font color="ff0000">Info on SIMPLE list:</font>
- Baby Name
- Baby DOB &amp; Age
- Mummy Nick
- Email
- MSN contact

<font color="ff0000">Info on FULL list:</font>
- Baby Name
- Baby DOB + Age (yy mm dd)
- Mummy Name
- Mummy Nick
- Daddy Name (optional) - WHY? It's more for Daddies who attend gathering... not very nice to keep referring to so&amp;so's hb cos machiam like hiding behind the wife... duh... STRICTLY ONLY IN LIST... will not be revealed online... pls respond with ur hb's name if ur hb dun mind... currently 9 daddies on the list...

- Mobile
- Email
- MSN contact - MSN &amp; Email will be separate - for obvious reasons... nowadays yahoo also can be msn...
- Address - Addresses will remove block numbers... only location will remain to protect privacy of mummies...
- Occupation - Occupation will be SAHM/FTWM/WFHM... no specifics... to protect privacy of mummies...

<font color="ff0000">Any more suggestions? Is everyone HAPPY?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">medusa/sharon</font>
yingxin on formula and till date still toothless!!! heheh

<font color="aa00aa">ziztine</font>
ok, so it was your dad's effort yah....got the software or not? can lend me??

<font color="aa00aa">jen</font>
i dun supposed my hb wans his name in the list lah, thanks for asking

<font color="aa00aa">pcs/medusa</font>
that time when i held yingxin's 1st month celebration, i also staggered the guest into 3 groups, but the timing in which they come and go all very messed up and i'm left with ALOT of food

so for the 1st year birthday, we are thinking of grouping them altogether
I oso dun tink my hubby wans his name in the list. Afterall, i'm the one participating in forum, not him.
Hey, thks for taking the troucle to consolidate the info.
Hi jen,

thanks for collating the list, it must be hard work!
i sms u my hubby's name already, but i think that's about as far as he would go.

I gave hubby's name cos its easier lah, else everytime we have a gathering and he comes along, he's only known as "cody's hubby" or "dean's daddy".

quite cham.

Eh since you're updating, can u pls indicate my occupation as FTWM? Last time angelia got it wrong and made me a SAHM (much to my envy!)

Speaking of Angelia, where is that woman now ah?
haven't seen her in this forum for the longest time!

Thanks again Jen!
berry, skyblue... no problem... i oredi said it's optional mah...

cody, i've oredi noticed and amended it leow...

thanx for the overwhelming response! i've oredi got 13 names! those who got msn can just drop me a msg...

yes, it's leh chey for me to update the lists... cos A LOT LEH!! I have 80 pple on the list!! In view of that, to shorten the list, <font color="ff0000">I'm going to remove anybody who dun have an email address on it by end of the week!</font> So if u got my PM for ur details, pls reply... thanx...
oops, sorry if i caused some misunderstanding...

what i mean was 80+ pple on the list since the thread started... so some pple hv already disappeared aft their delivery, etc... then there's no email/contact available on the list... so i find no point keeping them in the list lor... understand?

dun worry, i wun anyhow circulate to pple outside the thread... dun forget i'm oso one such mummy who dun like to show my photo... dun like my info to fall into wrong hands... i very ethical one... wahaha...
<font color="aa00aa">yuru</font>
u managed to get the cetaphil lotion from pharmacy?

<font color="aa00aa">sharon</font>
is your air-con problem resolved??
i think A looks better in dresses and skirts!
the cargo pants made her look grunge.... but still v adorable lah!

the place you're in looks like AIWO at raffles city? Went there once and will never return ... i spotted 2 baby cockroaches there, told the manager and he said "so?".
cody, eeeks!!! The food too strange, nice for 1st time, reasonable price, nice ambience. But just too strange, gimme chinese zhi-cha or indian komala's or fish &amp; chips, not some hybrid lah. :p
<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
that's AIWO restaurant at raffles city!!! but the food sucks leh though the deco is nice
yah, i also think athena looked nicer in dresses and skirts...the pink skirt is lovely, did u buy that frm hongkong?
puff, u even recognise the place!! peifu peifu...

medusa... tena so lucky to hv u as mummy leh... the number of her pics... whoa!!
Itsun, MT,
Thanks for your concern about my wrist. Just went for two sessions of accupuncture. Advised to continue to rest it for 1-2 weeks b4 using it normally. If pain, will hv to go back for more sessions. So probably next week or the following, I will "test" it by carrying Esther - distributing her weight evenly on both hands more often. THEN the verdict will be out. Can't wait for it to recover fully, would like to be able to cuddle &amp; wrestle with Esther more.

good to be back! yes yes, agree the poster very nice, all thanks to MT.

got lah. sure in contact with Puff one. she my SAHM neighbour leh ;) i very happy when ppl say Esther look like me
but hor, the truth is, she looks exactly like my hubby
their baby photos same same even.

Auntie Pcs &amp; Auntie Sharon,
Thank U for your kind comments
littleprince: U had a almost prefect celebration, dont think much about it! (i had my worst wedding &amp; baby full mth k =P, but kan kai liao..hehehe)

Pcs, thanks for the wonderful suggestion.N wow, you really 'work hard' for your gal bd. Dont say sori lar, your post really helps! *great ideas to split into groups* But we definately wont cook coz we CANT cook :p Hmm..the venue is a problem..cant think hard!

Medusa, you got it right! Ya, i was amaze by the pic outcome..hmm..they really look like the same in size..but trixi as 'giant' as mummy&amp;daddy lar in real life..*poor thing liao* btw, trixi gettin famous since taking pic pic with tena ;)
Must thank tena liao oh, n btw, how did you 'paste' all the 'papers' into a giant poster?

itsun, jen, T must thank A so much to make her *famous* liao...wahahhaha

feline, i didnt notice much till you guys mention

Party Party Party:
hmm..i am having headache from planning for months.
1) Location/Venue depends on budget *so depends on hubby, &amp; he kept saying i am too early to plan*
2) Guest (hope to take away parents n PIL friends to reduce the nos)
3) Relatives (really hope i can skip some as well)
4) Colleagues (wonder whether i can skip some)
5) Friends the only list i dont have headache

So its the guest and the location. Didnt know you guys plan with TOYS for kiddios..hmm..headache liao
Coolserve got good air con servicing package or not?

hallo! how's back to work life? any updates of Ryan?

i think yr guest list depends on yr budget too, and how well you can manage. i dun think you can have a celebration without yr parents and ILs unless you hold a separate makan session with them. relatives not so bad coz not obligated mah, and i didn't invite any of my colleagues at all other than sharon (coz she is also my forum friend) .. both my hb and my side have very extended families so we have no choice but to leave out some friends.
Hi Sulivyn,
My children's bd,3yrs and 1 yr old,is approaching in 2 weeks time. Actually i've decided not to hold bd cos' it's really troublesome.I've experienced that when for my elder daughter's full month,1st bd and my younger son's full month.
Then days ago,my mil asked my husband if there will be celebration for them. Then, my hb hesitated again. hmm,i think i'll keep quiet,hopefully no action taken.
The actual plan is to hold the celebration in my girl's cc together with her frs only...
Good morning mommies,

Hi feline,
Thanks for the compliment. =)

Hi Jen,
Thanks for updating the list. So thoughtful of u. =)

Hi pcs,
Thanks for yr reply. Will consider Sentosa coz it is much much nearer to my place..... hehe.

Hi Sharon,
The service from cool-serve sounds professional and price is also quite ok. I am thinking for getting my unit serviced too. Can pass me their contact? TIA =)

Hi Medusa,
I also feel that Athena looks nicer in skirts and dresses.... hehe.

Hi ziztine,
LOL.... wat is Esther trying to do??????? =P
ziztine/puff, is that yx? or another neighbour? dun look like her leh... but lots of hair too!! wah leow... one of these days must take leave and bring jean over to play the whole day... jean miss playing with esther &amp; yx jiejies leh... when is a convenient date??

wahaha... *shocked* when i saw the 2nd pic... hehe... u dare to post? not scared pple here tease her xian zhu shou also? :p hehe...
hi all mummies &amp; daddy

so sorry had mia for sometime.
had been busy wif company ISO audit, everyday work till 10pm

manage to sneak in read soem post

sharon, littleprince, puff, itsun
coolserve service is good staff friendly.
last mth i get them to service my MBR unit and main condsenser, cos very dirty.
had request for chemical washing for thourough clean.

MBR wall unit $150
main condenser $200

actually intend to normal wash $40 in the end spend $350 cos concern of Nicole nose problem so better chemical clean

i check wif other company price is ard there but i Like coolserve service so use them.
so u all can get their service woory free sincew sharon &amp; I had good comment.

i try to pop in if i got time again
eh, i rem' u post before abt how to buy the acid for washing the steriliser. do you still hv the info?

the fan coil in the MBR cost $150 for chemical wash? my current air con service company charges $90 for each fan coil or condenser for chemical wash, normal wash is $30. i saw those package kinds by other companies which are even cheaper leh, but dunno good or not.
lil prince,

Last mth i just ask itsun for the purchase of acid info. See below...

Cannon avent (S) Pte Ltd
152 beach rd
#32-08 gateway east

$5 for 10 packs

Behind the chq, please write Purchase of citric acid, ur name, mailing add and contact no.


sorry for being kpo, i help u to reply lil prince liao.
those with Isetan card... think there's a private sale today! Wah seh... was walking to work when I saw this Q snaking all the way from isetan main door to Shaw House.

There were door gifts and bags given out. Any good deals or not har?
J sleep

Last nite I witness how stubborn my son is!$@%^$^*@!!!
J slept at 11pm, woke at 2am, and INSIST on climbing onto bed. I smack his legs each time he try to lift them, and he cry and cry lor
We battle for beri long(tink an hr, in the dark somemore), the moment he lift his leg, I would said JUSTIN!! Then he will cry and put down legrepeat this process for mani mani mani times. Eventually I switched place wif hub(he on bed, me on floor previously), so I went up the bed. This J saw, he turned and crawled to hub who is on floor.big big KNS to him
Afterwards, he crawl around on his own and we dozes off.i woke up near 5am, J sleeping in my arms, on bed!!! *faint*
AC, LOLLLLL!! J beri cute hor (er, I know its not beri cute when you are going thru it:p)! He cant decide who he wants, so wan best of both worlds! :D
i am using the big avent steriliser, not the microwave one leh. i think i do need the 10 packs lor, else hv to buy so often .. ley chey, maybe any other forum mummies? oh btw, can use this citric acid to clean our air pots also rite?
oh, friends ok lah, if they are good friends surely will understand if you have a reason to leave them out.

wahahahahha! *auntie lil prince sayang justin's leg coz kenna smacked by mummy* :p

this am, i saw something very funny too! rhyan woke up at 5.45am, drank milk and didn't return to sleep. we discovered he poo-ed in his diapers at 6.30am (he has been hvg watery poo like this and poo-ed 2 mornings in a row like this liao!
) and cleaned him up. then, we left him in playroom while we prepare for work.

when i was changing in my room, i heard someone pushing the fan (crat! crat! crat! sound) and quickly went to his playroom and peep. i saw rhyan adjusting the fan's direction with his hands, then crawl a distance away, sit and look at the fan. then crawl back to adjust the fan again and crawl away to sit down again and look at the fan. i *think* he was imitating the way hb and i adjust the fan usually, to maximise the wind on us. LOL!
AC, hehehe!

Sulivyn, no lah u &amp; HB not big-size! But Trixie is tall! And her feet so cute, LOL! U shld take side view of her chubby feet ;) as memento.
No suggestions on Trixie's party, I have no idea whether A's will run smoothly *fingers crossed*. My mum invited mahjong kakis for the dinner session leh- so will set up table in her unit, LOL. We didn't celebrate A's 1st mth, only 1 table immediate family EAT at restaurant :p , and mail cake coupons to rest. So no experience...

LOL at Esther &amp; YX (looks different leh!) pics. Suspected YX's hair nicer and nicer (already very nice last time leh!).

puff, i bought A's pink skirt long time back, that time too loose already let her wear, now fits just nice, hehe. Bought online.

Oh dear, am apprehensive abt A's b'day... will get mum to standby disposable food containers for guests to tabao :p if really too much leftover. I think guests are usually LATE rather than early, so if SOME lunch guests late and come for tea should be ok, cos my tea group not that big
. If some tea guests late and come for dinner, can spill outside function room and use KTV room. If dinner guests come late ahaha, can go mum's home to play midnight mahjong. *fingers crossed tight-tight*

my mum liked the food, I thought ok for the price and ambience... just abit too strange concept lah.
Hi Evelyn,
Thanks for helping me with the reply. =)

Hi Sharon,
Thanks for the contact. Will call them up when i am free. Btw, y do u need the citric acid while u r using the micro-wave type? The citric acid is used to remove the deposit on the metal heating rod in electrical sterilizer.
U r welcome. Guess yr guest list will be a long one too. Its best to plan early rather than late coz sure got last min things. I only invite immediate family members + 10 close friends = 55+ guest oreadi :p

LOL at Justin latest stunt!!Cross my fingers for u that this willl happen only once. Cannot Imagine bb doing this everyday *pengz*

Wahaha. Sometimes our bb really suprised us with their action hor. really cannot under estimate them.

Poor j... kena smacked by mummy so many times, auntie evelyn sayang sayang. Same as berry thinking, i think he cant decide who he want to sleep with. Maybe if u can, let J sleep between u n ur hb then he will not be so indecisive.

Lil prince,

LOL.... rhyan so cute.... I'm still lauging when i visualize the scene, must be very funny. Ur fan so low? He wun stick his finger in to touch the blade?

my fan is placed on the floor in his playroom, i bought a fan cover to cover it. definitely he will put his finger in to touch the blades but everytime i see him doing that, I will shake my head and tell him "No". so, he has been doing it less frequently but i tested and the blades can't really touch his fingers if he stick it past the fan cover, so quite ok. of coz i also try to keep an eye as best as i can lor.
