(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

AC, aiyoh... justin so funny... maybe he cold lah... needs mummy's warmth?

sulivyn, hehe... party... me oso hving headache... hb oso can't decide location... guests is the most jialat too...

lil prince,

Oh ya, fan cover.... y i nvr think of it huh. My hse got 2 medium standing fan(exchange from shell escape point), 1 of them is placed on a chair next to nat's cot. Last wkend, i leave her in her cot to go n get somethg. Gosh.... she pulled to stand by herself and she was touching the fan when i enter the room. Wah.... if i return abit late, i believe she will insert her fingers into the fan. Past few days, i was still cracking my head thinking where shld i shift the fan to as her room corners were all occupied. Now ur fan cover save me all the trouble.

As for the other 1 i will leave it in the living room during the wkend becos my ceiling fan cant really cool her down when she sleep. Nowaday she like to crawl near the fan and I was so afraid that she will insert her finger to touch the blades. So whenever she go near the fan, i ve to carry her away, very bo eng.....
my hse hor, every room also got fan (except kitchen).we hv 2 low fans too, 1 in his playroom and the other in our MBR. i used to put my fan in his playroom on a chair too but now can't, in case rhyan pulls it down while crawling or trying to stand. haiz, actually i sort of regret tt we never install ceiling fan last time. one thing though, fan cover will make the wind less strong when you put it on.

6am+ leh, you must be joking rite, to take cam and shoot him .. hehe .. nvm, i monitor tonite and if he does tt, i video it down.
Dear all,
i'm back.

Faye, Quinn, Rhyan, Keira & Lucas! Hope i didn't miss out any baby.

I bought the fan cover fm Waston,tink is ard $2. But it only come wif 2 colour (pink & green). U may go & take alook.

GOSH...thks for reminding,i always use tissue to wipe off the base. Nw then i got to noe hv to use special acid to sterilise. Can send me a satchel?? hehe..

Yty nite, i finally make up my mind to buy the stroller. I bought the 327 model from KP at $139, original price was $179. Hope i wun regret as i worried that nat may not want to sit in stroller when she grow older. Nowaday, sometimes she want me to carry her when i put her in the stroller.

I thought u went to JL sales? Y in the end still bought fm KP? I share the same problem as u, my boy wans my hb to carry him
Tks. Have u started planing linus bday?
U buying the acid? maybe we can share. Hehe

Happy belated bday to Princess Sharyn!!!!
wah your princess have started to walk oreadi?? She look so steady & PRETTY :p
Hi pcs,

Thanks. Yah sharyn started walking few weeks ago. Now she can walk very far from living room to bedroom. But I don't allow her to walk outside. Coz she still have the tendancy to fall.
Received the list, thk u.


We hv not plan for L b'day.
acid-ya gd idea we can share,tink i saw fm evelyn posting we hv to send chq then they will deliver to us.
evelyn...my floor no space to contain both of us leh...even we both sleep on floor, J will still climb up bed *faint* now he knows how to climb down but not steady yet...

sharon...my bed got an edge all round, so he step onto the edge, and pull himself up by grabbing the sheets, beri funni wan hehee :p

Jen...kept missing u in msn, me at work, msn on at home :p
me not including hub name in list, tks
Medusa, i did take pics forcusing on her feet..but hor, not pro kind..anyway, if her feet remains as chubby when she grow up, guess she will *kill* her dad..
UPDATE: Brought trixi to select pics today from the MC contest..ya, cost a bomb as i bought the remain pics!

PCS, Jen..ya, i think must plan early too..but her dad, aka my hubby still thinks its early..MAN
sulivyn, do scan & show us her pics- she was very smiley that day!

aiyo I forgot when I'm supposed to collect. Sure not to top-up liao, just the "entry fee" entitled 6R is enough for me.
AC... haha... oic...

Dear mummies,
If I had missed anyone out, pls let me know...
Currently these are all in my list...

Mapleleaf, Jean says "Happy 10 months Aaron gorgor..."

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>Babies' Name</TD><TD>Babies' DOB</TD><TD>BB Age</TD><TD>Mummies' Nick </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Ryan Chan Yan Hui</TD><TD>05/03/04</TD><TD>1y 06m 25d</TD><TD>ruffy_happy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>1y 01m 07d</TD><TD>gab04 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Jiang Rui</TD><TD>23/08/04</TD><TD>1y 01m 07d</TD><TD>junior </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Kiern</TD><TD>24/08/04</TD><TD>1y 01m 06d</TD><TD>jer (dreamer_j3r) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Sarah-Lynn</TD><TD>25/08/04</TD><TD>1y 01m 05d</TD><TD>radiohead </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>Keefe</TD><TD>31/08/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 30d</TD><TD>cubbiebb </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>7</TD><TD>Marcus</TD><TD>03/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 27d</TD><TD>domesticgoddess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8</TD><TD>Kieran</TD><TD>09/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 21d</TD><TD>skyblue </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>9</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>14/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 16d</TD><TD>expecting_mum </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>10</TD><TD>Tan Hong Wei</TD><TD>15/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 15d</TD><TD>mom </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>11</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>18/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 12d</TD><TD>chiuling </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>12</TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>18/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 12d</TD><TD>vaingirl </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>13</TD><TD>Faye</TD><TD>23/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 07d</TD><TD>berry </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>14</TD><TD>Rhyan</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 06d</TD><TD>littleprince </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>15</TD><TD>Quinn</TD><TD>24/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 06d</TD><TD>little_devil </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>16</TD><TD>Keira</TD><TD>26/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 04d</TD><TD>pcs </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>17</TD><TD>Lucas</TD><TD>27/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 03d</TD><TD>SLK </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>18</TD><TD>Sharyn</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 02d</TD><TD>pets </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>19</TD><TD>Shaness</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 02d</TD><TD>yingzi </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>20</TD><TD>Carriane</TD><TD>28/09/04</TD><TD>1y 00m 02d</TD><TD>blisse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>21</TD><TD>Arnav Neil</TD><TD>03/10/04</TD><TD>11m 27d</TD><TD>sun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>22</TD><TD>Rachael</TD><TD>04/10/04</TD><TD>11m 26d</TD><TD>are </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>23</TD><TD>Lavigne</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>11m 25d</TD><TD>casros </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>24</TD><TD>Samantha Ng</TD><TD>05/10/04</TD><TD>11m 25d</TD><TD>sherhino </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>25</TD><TD>Esther</TD><TD>06/10/04</TD><TD>11m 24d</TD><TD>ziztine </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>26</TD><TD>Shanice</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>11m 22d</TD><TD>angph38 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Ray</TD><TD>08/10/04</TD><TD>11m 22d</TD><TD>micky (ade02) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>11m 20d</TD><TD>kelly </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>29</TD><TD>Cayden Tan</TD><TD>10/10/04</TD><TD>11m 20d</TD><TD>feline </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Meghan Alyssa Francis</TD><TD>12/10/04</TD><TD>11m 18d</TD><TD>deniz </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>31</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>13/10/04</TD><TD>11m 17d</TD><TD>bride0712 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>32</TD><TD>Qian Ning</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>11m 12d</TD><TD>andrea ku </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>33</TD><TD>Athena</TD><TD>18/10/04</TD><TD>11m 12d</TD><TD>medusa (mtmtmt) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>34</TD><TD>Isabel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>11m 10d</TD><TD>charsiew rice </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>35</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>20/10/04</TD><TD>11m 10d</TD><TD>may may </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>36</TD><TD>Nilay</TD><TD>22/10/04</TD><TD>11m 08d</TD><TD>august </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>37</TD><TD>Justin</TD><TD>25/10/04</TD><TD>11m 05d</TD><TD>AC (anchovy) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Anders Foo</TD><TD>26/10/04</TD><TD>11m 04d</TD><TD>cow </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>39</TD><TD>Sharwyn</TD><TD>28/10/04</TD><TD>11m 02d</TD><TD>sharon </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>40</TD><TD>Gabriel</TD><TD>29/10/04</TD><TD>11m 01d</TD><TD>gabby mummy </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>41</TD><TD>KJ</TD><TD>01/11/04</TD><TD>10m 29d</TD><TD>kelly (mona) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>42</TD><TD>Cindy</TD><TD>08/11/04</TD><TD>10m 22d</TD><TD>yuru </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>43</TD><TD>Isaac</TD><TD>09/11/04</TD><TD>10m 21d</TD><TD>cosmo </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>44</TD><TD>Esther Tan Yun Ting</TD><TD>10/11/04</TD><TD>10m 20d</TD><TD>why &amp; itsun </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>45</TD><TD>Ying Xin</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>10m 19d</TD><TD>puff </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>46</TD><TD>Calista</TD><TD>11/11/04</TD><TD>10m 19d</TD><TD>chihiro </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>47</TD><TD>Rui Ying</TD><TD>17/11/04</TD><TD>10m 13d</TD><TD>KC </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>48</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>18/11/04</TD><TD>10m 12d</TD><TD>deer </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>Shannon</TD><TD>20/11/04</TD><TD>10m 10d</TD><TD>guess </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>Amanda</TD><TD>22/11/04</TD><TD>10m 08d</TD><TD>seahorse </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>51</TD><TD>Brandon Koh</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>10m 07d</TD><TD>Bing (crazbin) </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>52</TD><TD>Ethan</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>10m 07d</TD><TD>kypf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>53</TD><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>23/11/04</TD><TD>10m 07d</TD><TD>peg peg </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>54</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>29/11/04</TD><TD>10m 01d</TD><TD>duffy/wooof </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>55</TD><TD>Aaron</TD><TD>30/11/04</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">10m 00d</font></TD><TD>maple_leaf </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>56</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>9m 29d</TD><TD>chantelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>57</TD><TD>Wen Wu</TD><TD>01/12/04</TD><TD>9m 29d</TD><TD>rochelle </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>58</TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>02/12/04</TD><TD>9m 28d</TD><TD>TBL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>59</TD><TD>Allycia </TD><TD>03/12/04</TD><TD>9m 27d</TD><TD>emma </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>60</TD><TD>Steffi Chia</TD><TD>04/12/04</TD><TD>9m 26d</TD><TD>LL </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>61</TD><TD>Dean Awyong</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 24d</TD><TD>cody </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>62</TD><TD>Luke Ong</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 24d</TD><TD>fruitcake </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>63</TD><TD>Natalie</TD><TD>06/12/04</TD><TD>9m 24d</TD><TD>leo29 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>64</TD><TD>Trixilia</TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>9m 20d</TD><TD>sulivyn</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>65</TD><TD>Declan Isaac </TD><TD>10/12/04</TD><TD>9m 20d</TD><TD>mngo</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>66</TD><TD>Jeannieve</TD><TD>11/12/04</TD><TD>9m 19d</TD><TD>jen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>67</TD><TD>Andric</TD><TD>15/12/04</TD><TD>9m 15d</TD><TD>stephie (blurq)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>68</TD><TD>Rae-Ann</TD><TD>17/12/04</TD><TD>9m 13d</TD><TD>lachesiz</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>69</TD><TD>Linus</TD><TD>18/12/04</TD><TD>9m 12d</TD><TD>oranges</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>70</TD><TD>Jodie</TD><TD>20/12/04</TD><TD>9m 10d</TD><TD>beanie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>71</TD><TD>Nicole</TD><TD>24/12/04</TD><TD>9m 06d</TD><TD>wendypooh</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>72</TD><TD>Kenneth</TD><TD>24/12/04</TD><TD>9m 06d</TD><TD>Chihuahua</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>73</TD><TD>girl</TD><TD>26/12/04</TD><TD>9m 04d</TD><TD>GIRL (baobei)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>74</TD><TD>Ashton Ang</TD><TD>03/01/05</TD><TD>8m 27d</TD><TD>Blanche</TD><TD></td></tr></table>
Last call... dear aunties (uncles, gorgors, jiejies, didis, meimeis...),

Today is the last day to vote for me!
Pls vote for me if u haven't done so...
I give u my basket, ok? [
Thank you!

yuru, very nice pics!! eh... help me do leh... :p
i agree with itsun... medusa and yuru can he2 zuo4 and open a shop... :p

skyblue! yah yah... HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!!

sulivyn... I sure vote for trix!! Oct you say? btw, wat MC contest u tokking abt huh?

Tena has many pretty pics n album mah..while for trixi, all pics in digicam..n..i find she really do enjoy PS..hahaha..*inherited, i guess* will show the pics here once i get it..think mus wait for 2wks / their call etc

Jen, i agreed. Medusa &amp; YuRu can start to do freelance for all the mummies liao...open shop, sure got biz..
MC-Mothercare Contest: Trixilia and Athena will be 'online' on the 17OCT for the contest
<font color="aa00aa">jen</font>
u cannot recognise yingxin ah?? heheh....esther and shanice and make good buddies liao....cos both of them "sian zhu shou"!!! wahahahah

esther lift up yingxin's skirt and stared at her diapers!! it was beri funnie

<font color="aa00aa">medusa</font>
i agree with you the price at AIWO reasonable too but food way too weird, only like the cod fish which is pretty "normal"
puff, can't recognise yx leh!! i tot look like... cos got so much hair... but couldn't be sure!! wah... very pretty oredi leh!! jean want to take pic wif yx jiejie leh...

puff/ziztine, quick tell me which day good? i take leave and bring jean over to play!! ehhe...
<font color="ff0000">*PULL HAIR IN DESPARATION*</font>

I really dunno what to say or what to do. My mum actually called up my MIL and complained to her that I refused to heed her advice in giving Yingxin salt and soy sauce etc. My mum wanted my MIL to give me a piece of her mind cos my mum thought that I may have to give her face and listen to her.

Lucky thing was my MIL respected my instructions I gave her for cooking porridge and no further questions were asked.

Didn't expect my mum to do that!! I really don't understand why she has to harp on this issue constantly and kept on nagging and saying that I am restricting her growth by not adding salt and soy sauce into her food.

She kept insisting that the porridge I cooked is very bland (which is not cos I used chicken/fish bones or scallap with other veg for the stock and I also added at least 3 kinds of ingredients) and that adding salt and soy sauce would make it taste better!!

I have already explained to her that TASTE is not so important in babies as in adults and yingxin is also not fussy too. She is taking her solids well and the blood test has proved that she is very well nourished.

I showed my mum chinese articles about not adding salt/soy sauce into babies food as their system is not as well developed. I also explained to her that taking salt will lead to hypertension blah blah blah and lead to kidney failure....

I also told her there are many cases of obese kids due to too much good food and oily/saltish food

Just because she has seen chubbier kids, she expects Yingxin to be chubby too!!

Though her weight gain is slow, she is ok in other aspects. Most importantly, Yingxin is healthy and my mum recognised this fact BUT she WANS her to be HEALTHY AND CHUBBY AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

I told my mum this can't be forced and is also partly due to genetic makeup. And every baby developed differently and it's unfair for her to make comparisions!!

Despite all these, she still cannot understand and kept putting the blame on me say ALL BECAUSE OF ME AND THAT I DUNNO HOW TO REAR BABIES!!!!

She said that last time when I was 6 months old, she was already giving me chwee kueh and bread dipped in milo and whatnot rubbish!!!

I told her this is her method in rearing her child and I have MY OWN METHOD in rearing MY child.....

sigh.....she still dun get it, still call me on alternate days to keep "reminding" me that I SHOULD add salt blah blah blah

I dunno how many times I have lost my patience with her liao. Also gave her the ultimatum, threatend her that if she kept on saying all these which I dun like to hear and which I will not follow, I will throw her out of my house, change my locked and forever refused her into my place.

and hor Yingxin is now 10 months 19 days and still dunno how to walk and my mum also put the BLAME on me!!!

said last time at 9 months, i was already walking everywhere very fast how come Yingxin
S - L - O - W

she blamed me for not putting her in walker and not giving her frog leg and not giving her salt to make her put on weight thus the slow development!!

<font color="aa00aa">sharon and wendy</font>
thanks for the info on air con servicing

<font color="aa00aa">littleprince</font>
my current servicing charges $35 per unit, yours is cheaper, can let me know the contact please? thanks

<font color="aa00aa">pcs</font>
thanks for the tips on organising party; that time yingxin 1st month i was the only one preparing 50 red eggs and i already felt so tired....3 cheers to you for cooking up a storm on kiera's birthday
Wishing ALL bbs here

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!!</font></font>


NOT forgetting

<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Happy Birthday to bbs here too!!</font></font>

paiseh, rather busy with work, so am not able to list down bb's names.
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
she pulled out the wipes?!?!!?! *screams*

well, Cali is no better. She pulls tissue paper and eats them too
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
regarding walking.. my colleague's son who just turn 14mths, still can't walk too.

Calista lei, took 2 teeny weeny unassisted steps 2 days ago.. thereafter, she refuse to display this ability of hers to my HB liao.. prob she's not quite ready yet.

okies.. gotto go..
wishing all mummies n daddies have a gd wkend


She's happy got alot of fragile items in this place ah!


Hehe, she looks so funny FROZEN- dare not twitch a muscle! :p
(yah, I din wash her only pair of pants- she wore thrice, just now then wash :p ).
oh dear your mum doesn't let up on the salt!
YX pulled wetwipes, hehe, A loves tissue box. She will shred into smaller and smaller pieces... and suddenly stuff small piece in mouth when she thinks we're not looking, LOL.
actually citric acid can be found at all supermarkets. just go to the agar agar section. i last bought it for >$1 for one pack if i remember correctly.

Sharon, Jen,
it is Yingxin in the pics. only she has such lovely locks
Wat is this "sian zhu shou" ah? wat did Sweet Sharwyn do to deserve the same title as Esther???

walking milestones are genetic. did u or hubby walk late? if u did, then u can say it is cos u got the genes fm your mom lor :p anyway, most 10mths plus babies also can't walk wat. next time we hv gathering, she can see for herself.

there was actually an article in Mind Your Body a few weeks back (but in Eng so i did not bother to ask u to show your mum) that for babies below 1yr, the sodium in BM or formula is all the salt that they need to reach their max salt intake per day. anymore will be deemed excess. maybe can tell her about it.

Athena looks very much like u in the 2nd pic leh!!! compare to the rest of the pics u hv posted so far i mean
More like u, less like your hubby when she grows up? :p Esther does exactly the same thing as Athena for tissues. My hubby &amp; parents get real upset with the mess. For me, I just sit nearby (so i can stop her fm feeding herself extra fibre) &amp; laugh.
I know its hard but try not to give in for the sake of YX. I think just fu(1) yan(3) your mum by "saying" ok lor no pt quarrelling coz she is not going to accept / understand.
I did not cook at all, I help only *pie say*
It is the buying /arranging /moving /co-ordinating that its super tiring.
BTW my keira still can't walk.

I'm interested too. Anyone got lobang??
Meghan also loves pulling wet wipes. If i don watch her...my bed will also look like that! LOL

puff, ziztine, jen,
Err...can Meghan come also??
Happy Children's Day to all our babies here

eh, my air con servicing company is not very exp but i believe those companies tt offer packages have better deals leh.

the air con co i am using:
Gavin Care
Tel: 6773-7118

erm, rhyan dislikes tissues and wipes leh. he likes the Pigeon wet wipes refill pack though but he only like the exterior, not interested in pulling tissues or wipes at all. not tt i wish lah, but at times when i am trying to change him and he refuse to co-operate, i tried giving him these stuff but no use .. hehe ..

athena looks good in her outfit, i think i am starting to get use to seeing her in pants!

ya hor, how come i never thought of the normal citric acid? but, what is the quantity you use to clean the steriliser? btw, citric acid can use to clean our air pots and boiling kettles rite?

i just realised cruise prices are terribly high, and babies got no special rates, pay adult prices too!

found this thread tt cody posted some time back:
my new colleage gave me some ideas on cooking recently and i came up with this for rhyan today, he ate all!

i made pasta with tomato sauce, made the sauce myself! i used tomato, onion, pumpkin, carrot, broccoli and simmer till the sauce was thick enough, then added minced meat finally and poured over cooked pasta. yummy!

btw, not sure if u all know this method of removing tomato's skin (i didn't know lar!). gently slit 4 lines (criss cross) on a tomato, pour hot water over and cover for 1 minute. the skin will auto peel off itself and you just have to remove the remaining skin with your hands! very amazing to me .. hehe ..
"Mommy n Daddy brought me to this nice place where I could sit on the floor and eat together with them!"

"I saw lotsa ppl sitting on these white pillow thing and I decided I will too!"

"there! I was eating a fry in this pic!"

"whats this reserved sign thingy??"

"Tis leh-bit beri ugly hor??"
Something else to share!! THIS pic is taken by Faye!

She was fiddling and playing with my digicam, then she figured out that if she presses a particular button, it will emit bright flashes and hence she started pressing it alot. So I 'helped' her by aiming the digicam at one of her fave doll!

Berry, LOL nice photography... by Faye! :p Eh, wat place is that? Looks fun. Wah, say for umpteenth time but- F really grown up into lil gal liao!
puff, oh dear!!! Can imagine how livid you must have been!
Sorry, your mum very hard-core, I dun have any useful suggestions. But feel free to vent your frustrations here, at least you'll (hopefully) feel better. *faye pats you*

MT, u dont recognise? Its at holland V,, at fosters' stretch there, called Essential Brew! These floor seats are upstairs, its all shoes-off, the floor is VERY clean (aiyo, cleaner than MY floor on some days!) and all the tables are short, just nice for bbs to cruise around!
