(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

fromage frais
thks to domesticgoddess' recommendation, i bought FF for gabe. in fact, i bought FF for gabe (tiking tat it's yoghurt) when he was 6mths old after seeing my GF serve it to her 9mth+ bb. after i bought e 6pack & served 1tub to gabe who LOVES it, my GF told me tat she bought e wrong type of yoghurt. it shld hv been e yoghurt range & not tis range. i finished e remaining 5tubs myself. yummy!

when i realised tat i buying the same thing again (thks 2 lil prince providing e link), i wunder if gabe will like it. if not, i eat lor.
on wed afternoon, after popping into my office at novena sq, i bought 2 6packs FF. i nursed gabe on both breasts at 330pm, fed him 1tub abt 4pm. after finishing 1tub, gabe fussed for more. i gave him 1/2tub more then gabe let out a huge burp. real cute cos i never hear him burp so loudly.

tis morn (thu morn), i gave gabe 1tub after he refused his cereal & bread. husband was appalled how gabe willingly opened his mouth wide & fast for FF but shut his mouth tight and/or turned away when i feed him cereal. gabe must hv loved FF.

after feeding gabe FF on 2occasions, i noticed something abt gabe. he's full of energy after eating it. *scratch head*
on wed afternoon, he was due 2 nap anytime after he ate FF (cos he woke up at 2pm n shld hv napped abt 4pm hence i nursed him at 330pm) but he wont sleep at all, didnt even rub his eyes. he finally KO at 1030pm for the nite. 8hrs+ since his nap...he even missed his usual late afternoon nap!

on thu morn, he woke up at 930am, ate FF at 11am, due 2 nap at 1130am (his standard mid-day nap) but didnt. he kept playing and crawling around...he had loads of energy. i tried 2 nurse him 2 sleep many times but wont work. he then finally slept on his own at 230pm til 5pm. 5hrs since he woke up...never happened b4.

i'll try again today (fri) n c if the same thing happens. i wont eat FF as a 1st option, it'll b my last resort if he wont eat anything again.


ff has added sugar, unlike the pm yogurt so maybe, just maybe, gabe reacted to that and got "sugar high" given the quantity he ate. i'm not sure exactly how much added sugar is in ff tho and whether it's high enough to trigger a sugar high but then every bb is different and it could be that gabe is young and is more sensitive to sugar.
congrats to jen and jean! jean has such a bright and lovely smile

domestic goddess

how different is the ak book that you have fr the sbf book? i've always wanted to look through ak but it's usually wrapped up in the bookstores and i always forget to ask them to unwrap :p

congrats to jean! eh, the winning pix is what i told you before lor. hmm, i also feel jean shld get first leh, most patriotic pix compared to others.

yar, how's yx?

DIAPERS - any mummies tried Huggies Pull Ups for overnite use? yest, went RTT to buy diapers and MP was selling at $16.20, EQ selling at $10.90, all XL sizes. saw the XL Huggies Pull Ups 2 packs bundled in 1 at $9.00 and bought to try. i usually use MP for overnite use, was wondering how good is Huggies?
puff! thanks for announcing for me... hehe... aiyah... must be not many bbs join the contest so jean can win something lah... :p
Yah U r rite :p So sorry cannot remember faces coz that day I was very busy handling Keira.

Any pic of fromage frais? Searched for it yesterday at CS cannot find.


Er now everyone knows yr age oreadi. Hahaha. So I presume Littleprince and Berry is younger than u & Puff is older.
*siams arbish from all mummies for bringing up the age topic again*
wendypooh, still around? saw u selling the avent 260ml bottles yesterday... how much huh? i remembered when i bought 2 bottles at robinsons, was at $10.50 or something cos on offer leh...

pcs, wah lau!!! din realise that man... u should keep quiet mah!!!
haha, when rhyan finds a hair on the floor, he will keep staring at it so nanny will quickly go and pick it up. tts why ppl say once bb moves around, must keep floor very clean lor.

need to drag left and rite coz some of the photos posted previously are too big so the screen expand. think the photos archived liao so now screen back to normal.
I bought the petit miam fromage & Meghan loves it! Thanks for the recommendation.

The other day when u met Meghan, she wasn't very friendly. She can compete with Tena in staring.

Congrats! Jean really smiley & cheeky looking. Was gonna mention the age thing to, but pcs faster!

My thoughts exactly!
<font color="aa00aa">yuru, sharon,</font>
the left/right scrolling is due to some (wide) pix posted.

i complained so many times (always request mummies to put 1 image per line) i also give up liao!!

<font color="aa00aa">prince,</font>
i bot the TWIN packs too.. but i think good for day use only. cos there was 1x Shanice pee too much and it leaked.. wahaha.. but we never have any problem wif MP.
aiyoh jen, u are not old mah ... i prefer to think of these years as our PRIME ie newly matured with lots of energy! hahahaha ... i'm 1 year older than you.... nothing wrong mah.

where do u mummies find time to read?
i dun even have time to go thru my magazines!
one pile of magazines waiting to be read, so far i have only flipped thru them to look at pictures and advertisements!

petit miam FF ...take a look here ...

I am personally quite hesitant to start Dean on FF becos of the added sugar. He's ok with the baby yoghurt, so i think i will stick to yoghurt for the time being...
MP pull up pants having offer now. $7.95 per pack...size L contains 14 diapers.
Available at Carrefour &amp; The Marketplace (at raffles city basement 1)

i used huggies pull up pants also, but not for overnight.

Diaper leaks:
erm, i have NEVER encountered a diaper leak before. Dunno if its becos mine is a boy, or whether he pees less, or becos i change diapers v regularly...... hmmm
Frommage: I can't access the website as co doesn't allow me to install the latest flash player... some kind soul pls post a pic... :p

To all young and pretty aunties... Jean thanks you all for ur congrats...
thks, mummies. think i will use the pull ups for day use then.

READING - eh, i only hv time to read in the toilet (when hb is at home), read after rhyan sleeps at nite and i am not tired, read in the car on the way to work. that's why cannot borrow books from library coz always cannot finish! i seldom buy magazines nowadays, only like 1 a month coz i still hv newspapers to read.

cody, thks! any idea XL got how many diapers? i think also 10pces rite? hehe .. abit bo hua, larger size lesser pces

eh, rhyan got diaper leak leh, esp on Sun mornings coz his diaper wld be fm 9pm to 9am (if he wakes up late and hb never change). i think maybe u change diapers very regularly.
jen, PCS
husband took digicam out 2day (he going 2 comex 2 check out other digicams &amp; enquire how much we can sell our present digicams). if i take wif my HP, i dunno how 2 email it to myself...unless someone can teach me
good morning everyone!

haven't logged in a almost a whole week leow
Been down with sore throat and bad gastric pains caused by anti-biotics! sheesh...

Anyways, walked over to Taka for lunch yesterday and saw HUGE fair for mooncakes at the atrium. Also, there is a baby fair at basement 1. Its on till 14th Sept
thanks for all the info. I'm nervous cos A has NEW rashes on hand, foot (but PD said it's food allergy??? And it's not on palms, not on soles... later I post pic for opinion).

Yuru &amp; mums,
wah thanks for the compliments on my Serious Athena.

wah congrats- 2nd Prize is big prize ah!

Huggies Pull-up,
I am NOT getting anymore. I'm very chin-cai abt diapers cos A not prone to diaper rash, but hor, after she tried Huggies, developed RINGED rashes along the backside... we've seen 3 different GPs, and 1 GP twice, for it, only now after abt 3wks, it's recovering.
Berry and Fruitcake seen it before- weird round rings on her butt NOT where the pee would leak to! I realised it's along the SEAMS of Huggies!

Athena very infectious- 1st HB down with cold, then me down with dunno-wat (GP dinno, just gave me anti-vomitting pills cos I vomitted 10 times in 1 morning, fever went down, no cold symptoms... not preggy cos period just ended lah), then now my mum down with bad cold. I passed Athena to my PILS today :p . Like passing hot potato like that, LOL.
oh dear! puke 10times???
hopefully you'll get better asap.
but it IS a recognised fact that children ARE very infectious, and the adults suffer the infection alot worse than the kids.
Common symptoms are yo-yo fever &amp; vomitting ...
looks like you got it fr A.

how's A? she's ok yet?
A is in the finest health among us now, LOL! :p She no fever, no running nose, blocked nose seems cleared, no cough. Only her unknown food-allergy rashes and that stupid Huggies butt-rash. :p
cody, *BIG HUG*... thanks!! but i tot this one was for KIDS?? that's why din buy?? before 1 year old can eat meh??

medusa, thanks... acherly i sent in for fun oni leh... haha... so only after jean won then i checked the prize... duh... it's 8000pts (no cash prize leh... *greedy mummy*)... can exchange for *only* 8 cans of SE/pediasure? hahah... duh... some more Jean on TBF so it's no use to me now leh... :p

puff/medusa, any news from US?
yingxin is still sick with very blocked and runny nose and cough; been using suction to clear the mucus and getting so tired due to her resistance

i'm also very sick and wat's worse, i did not sleep a wink last nite, dunno whether it's the med i took, i have hot flushes the whole nite and heart was beating away doubly fast

my mum wanted to come up my place on wednesday but i forbade her cos dun wan her to get infected
, she called just now and said she missed her granddaughter and wanna drop by later!! again, i told her NO and she's very disappointed

then hor, my ILs also insist they wanna come up later (cos FIL off work today) to bring baby to their place so that i can have a good rest!! initially i refused cos same reason dun wan them to get the flu bug but they dun mind it at all!

sigh....what's with these oldies??

actually, even if i'm perfectly fine, they will still come over and bring baby back to their place so my FIL can play with her (cos we only bring baby back on sunday for a few hours and sometimes FIL is working and he missed seeing baby)

just like last sunday, we had lunch with ILs and yingxin was already having very bad flu; after lunch, i wanted to bring baby home so she can have a good rest, instead MIL said since FIL off work, let the baby rest in their place first so FIL can play with her then we bring baby home at nite!!! *faint*

then at their place, FIL shoo-ed us away so he can have some time alone with the baby!!! so end up we went out to catch movie lor
no news yet...

yingxin also had the same kind of rashes but only behind her ears and neck...initially i thot it was allergy from med but dr said it's heat rash

maybe u wanna tried calamine lotion?

how's cindy rashes??
I told PILs to take more Vit C... FIL said they see doc no need money one, never mind :p .

Actually if u r down, shld pass to someone to take care, then u will get well, get YX back, no re-infecting yo-yo. The oldies can take their time to get well (if they take care, see doc lah).

If they dun mind then let them be lor... At least u can ve a gd rest. Remember.... u must be in gd health in order to look after YX.
oh yah, GP said it's heat rash (sweat), but PD said food allergy. *my head spin liao* Anyway they prescribed a yellow tube of cream...
Eh, I think I'm gonna CUT ATHENA'S HAIR! Behind her ears, cos really causing discomfort to her. I think I will DIY cut, cos too tired to bring her to hairdresser lah.
Poor Anthena.. really heart pain... my daughter had this when she was about 10mths old. It was heat rash and old people says it would normally explode right after a bath...

Didn't notice the IC thingy on the abbot website.

Agree with Leo.. you should go take a good rest first.. if not how to take care of YX?

I have batch freeze puree, stock.. but not fish. Don't quite like the idea of batch freezing fish. Feel that its better to feed bbs fresh fish..
right after a bath! Oh dear! I've been giving warm baths thrice daily to relieve her nose (running/ then blocked)!
Good afternoon,

<font color="0000ff">Another sick baby</font>
L is dw wif fever,cough &amp; flu. Y'day took leave &amp; bring him to PD.

I c oreadi oso heartpain. I tink(tink only &amp; personal pt of view) her rashes is due to food allergy. Did u let her try any food recently?

Did u engage the cleaner? Hw do u find her?
There are contrasting beliefs.
Old people: This type of rash is what they call nettle rash (Feng1 Mo4). they say it would normally explode right after a bath.
New generation: They says if you don't shower, the dirt will make the rash worse.

I combine both. I will take a super quick bath for my bb (to make sure she is clean and hygenic).

Paiseh, never do self introductory
thought I can mingle in just like that.
Hi Mummies, here is another mummy who has a little boy born in Oct 2004..

Here's a "ratedPG" pic to start with

Welcome Feline.

Saw from another thread that your bb was born in Mt Alvernia. What is the DOB? My bb gal was born there too on 20 Oct.
ummm...not tat i am a super KIASU mummy but i suggest u can bring tena to pd to check those rashes out. till now, quinn rashes is all on his legs and hands and butt *not the base of foot or palm, not a single rash in these area* in the beginning when i first spotted those nasty rashes, me keep looking out fot them in his palm and base of his feet but nothing. but quinn does develop fever tat nite after i spotted those rashes in tat morning itself. for HFMD, symptoms can varies, due to diff. cat. of HFMD. some people might not even have rahes or might not even have fever and so on....... now is the SEASON again, if u feel in doubt, bring tena to pd. me really GOT SCARED after tis HFMD episode of quinns..... NO JOKE!
Hi Charsiew Rice
*Gosh, as I am typing to you, my stomach is growling.. feel like eating Char Siew rice now"
Cayden is born on 10/10/2004 @ 2222hrs. Its nice knowing more Octobabes....

Is there any gathering for Octobabes soon?
Berry, I've frozen lots of cooked fish before n it tasted just the same as freshly cooked.
But guess whether it tastes nice or not, fishy or not, all depends on how the fish is cooked in first place.

fruitcake, i have not really sat down n read the SBF, but browse through it but prefer AK. Maybe because I have already read a lot before I saw the SBF, so didn't find much new info in the SBF (for me personally). The recipes didn't look good to me too. Prefer AK's recipes..

Those who tried the ff, you are welcome.

Kelly, the ff does contain sugar n it could be the sugar high that caused Gabe to be more energetic. Maybe restrict him to 1 pot max per day n not give everyday to see if there is any difference. Marcus started eating it a few months ago (maybe when 8 or 9 mths) n didn't notice any difference in his sleeping/awake hours.. but i started with yogurt n he didn't like it. Then when I switched to ff, he loves it... not even sure if he has sweet tooth as he doesn't like many other food that is sweet too..

I read that most BF bb will love sweet food as BM is very sweet.

littleprince, pls remind me again to share info re. MG2 n 3. Got some inside info which is in line with what i mentioned before about upgrading FM.
eh, the fromage looks like the packaging of adult yoghurt hor .. so misleading.

fish cooks very easily leh, why want to batch freeze?

the rashes pix behind ear is also what rhyan had tt time, and nanny kept nagging its coz rhyan sweats easily and hair long liao. the rashes were very itchy and rhyan kept scratching or rubbing his head against anything he could to relieve the itch. nanny kept nagging me to cut his hair lah, so in the end, i DIY and trimmed his "side-burns" .. hehe .. the only difference in his diet then was a whole week of BR porridge so we stopped BR after that.

oh dear, hope the two of u recover soon. recover liao then snatch YX back again lor, coz if u sick, can't take good care of her too.


i was thinking what if i had no external help to take care of baby when i'm sick??

it's a sacrifice of motherhood i guess....i dun find it a chore nor pain and i dun even grumble to my hb about taking care of a sick baby when i myself is sick

if that's the case, might as well not give birth at all.....can enjoy all i want

anyway, i can rest when yingxin is sleeping

maybe they really meant well for me to rest but i also meant well just in case they catch the virus mah

i supposed yingxin should be well by sunday if i feed her med regularly then i can bring her over to ILs

now that my ILs were so insistent about bringing baby to their place, i have to give in to them lor

but if any one of them really so bad luck and caught the flu bug, then we will have to "shun" them for say 1 - 2 weeks so that my baby will not get it again..... (wah, if they really get infected ah, i will laugh my head off)
the reason why we can get HFMD again and again is NOT tat we are NOT immune to it, actually a person let say who got HFMD,Coxsackie A-16 virus which is the most common type can get immune to it meaning low chance they will get it again. but due to there are sooo many diff. cat. of HFMD ard, A5, A9, A10, A16, B1, B3, enterovirus 71, and with A-16 the most common. so if pp who expose to A-16 and RE-EXPOSE to it, will probably not be re-infected. but He is still susceptible, in varying degrees, to the other viruses.

YX is soooooooo cute. I LOVE her hair! Did you shave her when she was younger? How did she get such luscious hair? She can be a model for baby shampoo..

Yeah, we would have lots of parties to attend real soon. Better start saving up now

Hi Kelly
Wow, great to know that our boys are born on the same day. Which hospital were you at?
PD said food allergy. No fever, no ulcers *touchwood*.
Last time she had ABIT of such rash on back- GP said heat rash.
May seek another medical opinion tomorrow...

No new food introed. Only Cold Meds lor. Changed cold meds already, still like that.

oic... thanks for the info. Her cold clearing up well, I think will back to 1 bath daily- hope the rash clears too.

YX such a doll in those pics! I love her hairstyle!

Little devil
Wah, your explanation of HFMD so "chim"... didn't know there were so many categories.

Me staying at woodlands. How about you? Don't worry, I won't kidnap you and eat you up.
