(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Congrats Rhyan & JR! :D What prize?


waaaaaaaaaah! gorgeous cake!!


very nice pics! i like faye's "buay song" face when it was time to go home :p btw, have you seen enfapro's lactose free formula? i just saw at supermarket, can consider as an alternative to soy formula if faye is really lactose intolerant.


that's an absolutely lovely scrapbook page! wow! my mum has also been procrastinating about making one for luke but hor my camera skills not very good, have too few nice pics of him :p
berry, mt, baby_tara, fruitcake: (Scrapbook)Thanks! It's really not difficult. More people do together would be more fun.

baby_tara: No lah, chewing on the alphabets not part of the idea, but everything goes right into her mouth! Hee...

Hi mummies, Today I spilt a packet of m&m with peanuts onto the floor and I quickly cleared it up. I was thinking to myself what would happen if ash pops 1 into her mouth. AND SHE DID! I had a shock of my life when ash started chewing and drooling chocolate....(she managed to grab one while I was clearing) ...my HB quickly pop his finger into her mouth to dig out the chocolate... but got bitten (hahaha....now finger, swollen and bleeding). But alas, I tot she would get choked but she chewed and swallowed the choc with peanut happily.....phew!
Berry: Yah lor! Thank goodness she knows how to chew. Think it's because she's used to chewing cheerios.

sharon: Thanks! err..means she looks like boy boy issit?
I think his cake should be 3kg, because the cake shop sell their cake by S, M, L. I bought the L-size. It can serve up to about 50ppl. haha.. the second month pics was my favourite too.

domestic goddess, SheRhino,
I went to a barber to shave his hair off. In fact this is the third time. The first time was due to little hair, seconnd time because of hot weather and unproportional hair grown and finally now, it was because he had this line around his back of his head with little hair(old folks called it "ah-gu luo") so i decided to shave for him again, and i felt tat he look nicer when he is botak.

Kiern birthday cake was really yummy because it was my favourite chocolate cake! Really need to applause for you because of all your effort.

read from your post that you fell down, hope that you are fine now and do take care of yourself.

On saturday, I was so happy Kiern was walking the whole day, he improved from a few steps to countless steps and normally he is very lazy to walk but on sat he was like walking the whole day around the house but he still refuse to walk when we are outdoor.
puff, sorry din invite u, yx & hb in last nite... i tot u come up alone cos so late leow... then my house in a mess... wahaha... cannot see pple... :p

medusa!! i really kowtow to u leh... u so kiang... bake the cake... u mean now u oni 'testing'? not the real thing? wah... then ur family gotta eat cake for how long? :p

prince/jr, congrats on the baby show!!
<font color="aa00aa">morning mummies,</font>

<font color="0000ff">caterer's feedback</font>
i was recommending Lavish Dine.. can look at their comments at here

<font color="0000ff">baby show</font>
CONGRATS to Rhyan &amp; JR!!

<font color="0000ff">Lactose Intolerant</font>
yesterday gave Shanice EnfaPro A+ again (this time din mix with BM) but she doesn't want to drink after sucking only 2 mouthfuls. tried &amp; tried &amp; tried &amp; she doesn't wanna take the milk!!

so we heat up BM &amp; let her take, she also doesn't want!! we give her the bottle only, she make noise already!! hiaz.. after 30~40 mins, we FORCE the teats into her mouth to let her "taste" that it's BM in the bottle, then she happily finish the milk!! BUT hor, after a while, she threw up some milk leh! hiaz.. then hor, the next feed hor, she also threw up after drinking (BM only).

guess will try Mamil Gold / Similac Excellence tmr. if she still throws up, will have to try soy based or Lactose free FM liao!!
Wei Wei Wei. I see only nvr do anything what??
BTW long time nvr see Anders....thighs hor :p

Think my keira quite greedy everything also wants. Nice can eat one bowl. Not nice maybe half a bowl + 4 oz milk also can. Haha.

I salute u for yr determination. U r really a fantstic mum. *lucky Athena*
Your cake looks soooo nice, maybe u can start selling on line cakes after Athena BD if the feedback is good. Haha

Littleprince &amp; Junior
Congrats To Rhyan and JR

Little Devil
Nowadays u like xiao(3) fei(1) xia(2).
Lai(3) wu(2) ying(3), qu(4) wu(2) zong(1) :p

Faye looks like a BIG girl to me. Still can remember her "just learn to sit" picture. Time really flies......

Ashley is sooo pretty. Love Her eyes and eyebrows :p
Disney BB
Rhyan &amp; JR must have enjoyed themslf throughout the whole contest.

u realy gd man... say do and u really go for it and managed to create a few design out.. . As it say's: there's a will, there's a way is really true.

Sad to hear tat Faye is down w/ ear infection again.As PD said could be food aleergy,can u recall what ytype of new food u had given her last 1wk? Poor faye... Hope she gets well soon.
Pics taken when she is ill? She still very vibrant and active ya...

Ashley is fast ha...Next time u just have to be faster than her ....

Sharywn is sleeping so soundly w/her "surrender position". Very cute.

bought 1 "transition potty" for my babe 1mth back. She dun really like it tho... we bought it for $2.50 but of cos dun have the side handle. Lucky did pay much cos it's in store now. :-(
wah!! wyne is 9kg already! tats good but ur arms suffer even more now, but its okie so long u know ur darling is growing well.

for quinn, hes okie, jus tat i have to commit 101% !! upon waking up, i will let him watch some vcd *and i have to let him chose which one he wants* so tat i can go prepare his meal. then will proceed to his playroom for his funtime, his playroom is like a GYM to me! by the time he decided its enougfh for him, i'm FLAT! then will feed him snacks *those ready to eat type* and he will slow down abit as preparing for nap. when he nap, i will prepare his snack of the day, for him to eat at home or when we are out. so the rest of the day i guess u can imagine....feeding.... playing.... going out..... preparing his food..... and oh yah, lately he will insist tat i sit ard while he reads his books. he will pick up a book, starts flipping and using his index finger to point at pix in there and will speak in his own language, and will turn to look at me to CHECK if i am CONCENTRATING!!

yah man! i almos become MISS INVISIBLE liao..... if he dun nap long!
WOW! your "1" cake looks fabulous!
can lah, looks good enough!!!
baked with mommy's love, what can be better?

decor idea: maybe you can use colourful M&amp;Ms instead of frosting? my sis regularly buys plain cakes, and she does the decor herself. From M&amp;Ms, to skittles to little toys to lollipops, cherries etc.

by the way, your castle cake looks good enough to be sold! heck what your friend says!

Berry: oh dear, poor faye! is she better now?

Brown Rice:
i grond the brown rice, and cooked it by stirring it over a conventional flame.
I failed miserably !
Spoke to my MIL and she told me my errors:
(A) My BR was not ground finely enough. She said i need to make it as fine as instant cereal, esp for dean's first attempt.

(B) My BR tasted a bit grainy ... i didn't cook it long enough.

(C) My son hated the BR, hate half the bowl and refused the rest .... BR doesn't take nice to begin with.

Alamak, i give up lah.
Think i will just buy the ground brown rice from the chinese medical halls. I saw them sunning the rice meant for grinding. ie means that DO wash the rice. That's a consolation.

I didn't manage to use the slow cooker cos the qty was truly TOO LITTLE; it couldn't even cover the entire base of the slow cooker's pot!

failure failure failure
it seemed so easy, but in actual fact its NOT!
ladies, i have an unopened box of Heinz Baby First Cereal (blue box)... initially bought for Jean but her first box she eat until jin kang kor after less than half box... dun think i want to torture her further... haha... anyone wants to buy?

Consolation for *ME*
Jean eats the Gerber puffs!!! wahhaa... can't get enough of it... she can eat 20pcs continously!! I read the instructions... serving size 80pcs?!? so much?!?
berry, nice pics of faye!! hehe... *teasing*... u got permission from faye to post pics or not?? ahhaha... :p *siams ah-bish*

angie, ashley is sooo cute!!!

puff, i hope yx is feeling better... hang in there...
hi all,

i am back!! good trip. lucas enjoyed himself SO MUCH!!! but we are exhausted :p

congrats JR and Rhyan!

thanks for your votes for lucas

i can't remember the name of the organic fruit puree. taken alone, it's quite sour, not nice. but if you mix into the cereal, it's yummy

i recommend EarthBest's canned food if you are travelling. Lucas loves this particular one - Beef and Vege. it has rice and carrots in there too. i tried, nice!

no, lucas can only walk a few steps unsupported, so not considered 'can walk' yet :p

you look diff in the pic. getting prettier and prettier
rhyan can stand unsupported!! very soon he'll be walking a few steps, then started walking already

wow, you are good!! your cake looks so professionally made!!

wow, ashley can chew a peanut! be careful with nuts, choking hazzard

faye looks chbbier now. cute!

oh, quinn is on 210ml of milk already? that's fast! lucas is still on 180ml every 3 hrly. is it too little? should i increase the feed to stretch the intervals?

Nat oso dun like BR. I bought 500g when she was 6 mths old, so far i think she only consume 20%. Haiz.... I think i ve to throw it away if she cant finsh it soon. I think some mummy said cannot keep for too long.

U grind the BR, i grind the white rice last wkend. It's so much easy to cook porridge now. No nd to monitor fire so closely, no nd to stir so frequently, no nd to sieve it anymore....
INFECTED EARS- Faye dont seem unwell apart from her on n off fever. She is not really lethargic/tired like the previuous times she was sick. This time still beri chirpy, active and wakeful. BUT HOR, she dont like soy milk leh!
She is drinking alot lesser (I mix 50% only!) than usual, hope she'll get used to the taste real soon. Fever still on and off, waiting for PD to call back to advise on this.

Jen, the pics not I post wan leh, is Faye post herself wan! She beri advance hor, can post pics! :p
BB CEREAL- the blue box plain cereal is beri tasteless, it will take on the taste of anything u add to it. Have you tried adding meat stock to it? It'll be just like porridge.

Sherhini, I cant really recall leh. But I did give her more egg yolk /white than usual. She is still happy and active, not beri tired/sad at all hehe
Salmon Fish

Anyone let ur bb try salmon fish b4?

Sweet patato

It's under which food category huh, rice or vege? I know patato is under rice catogory so i was abit confused.
Congrats to JR and Rhyan!

Congrats to u too! happy mummy!!!!

u accept online order for the lovely cakes u bake? 1kg how much?

Thanks for the info...u bought the earthbest from forum or tanglin? how is the hotel? u sling Lucas most of the time or he sit in the stroller?
yah, quinn started on 210ml since hes abt 8 months if i didnt rem wrongly. but he will drink every 4 hrly, but also depends on his mood lah, sometimes 3 hr sometimes 5 hr and at times when he wants more, he will drink 260-300ml. but now hes quite constant onhis solid food so milk intake does drop a little. maybe drinking abt 1080 if he wakes up for nite feed. so now i try to give him 2 solid meal and see how it goes.

i tik theres nothing we can do to change bb milk intake, at least not for quinn. when he decided to drink jus a little, i let him be so i guess lucas is definitely okie.
<font color="0000ff">Gripe to vent</font>

Jodie's still having phlegmy cough. It's been >2 weeks leow.

On saturday night, she threw up after her feed. This I could handle cos' it was mainly on the floor.

In the morning, she was at her favourite perch, standing at one end of my bed, looking out the window when she coughed out some phelgm. ewww.... but still managable.

Then after her feed (whilst sitting on me, on the bed), she coughed again. This time, she threw up ALL OVER my bed-sheet, my comforter, her comforter, her PJ and ALL OVER ME!!!

wah lau eh.... major cleaning session after that. So tired of cleaning up after her. She's been throwing up almost every day cos' of her phlegm.
<font color="0000ff">Funnies</font>

Every morning, Jodie does her doo doo whilst at her favourite perch.

Must have some view whilst doing it mah :p

Can't seem to get her to do the deed at her potty... nanny doesn't seem too keen to teach her also.

When she's doing it, she'll go "eeeeehh....eeeeehh....eeeeck!"
regarding the canned food ... i am keen to find out more cos i am also going to travel soon.
where did u buy the canned food fr?
how much each tin?
you feed it together with porridge?
how did u warm it up?
did u let lucas try it at home in S'pore first before introducing it to him during the hoilday?
sorry ah, many questions....

u know what's the irony? my son DIDN"T seem to reject the BR initially. IN fact he even finished half the bowl!

the white rice ... i use this other method, also quite idiot proof. I cook the rice by steaming it. Heat up water in the wok first, when its boiling then put the rice in to steam. Steam for abt 30-40mins, and the porridge will become like cantonese congee.

Berry: poor faye. Was she sick in those pics that "she" posted? lots of TLC now ya?
sharyn called bambi uncle?
my son calls my dog "kor kor"
my dog is 8 human years, so actually uncle should be a more appropriate term also huh?
Hi mommies,
wonder what's the norm out there when it comes to cooking porridge for your baby .... do you normally cook the porridge twice a day for lunch and dinner ? Or cook just once for lunch and heat up the remaining porridge for dinner ?
Heard that it is better to prepare porridge only before meal time ?
Any views on this ? Thanks
kelly (mona)
its personal preference i guess. for me, i cook seperately. sometime quinn will jus take one solid meal and if he takes 2, mos of the time they will be 2 diff kind of food, so i cook seperately.
Hi cody,

Well Bambi not my dog. It belongs to my sister in law. My sister in law is Bambi sister so Bambi is Sharyn's uncle loh.
my MIL / maid prepares the porridge just before meal time.
however when i am at home, i use the slow cooker to cook 2 meals for the entire day. After its been cooked, i put the slow cooker to auto mode just to keep it warm.

my MIL says dun feed over night porridge cos its known to cause wind in the stomach. I'm not sure how true this is, but no harm adhering to it.
*applause for you, its a nice cake* even if dun taste nice, athena surely can appreciate your efforts, dun think i can make so nice a cake like yours leh. i like the castle cake though i am abit wary of so much bluey colourings

hehehe .. thks for complimenting rhyan. eh, so bad to say tt bb looks like yr granny *guffawing*

oh dear, yr fall sounds terrible too. luckily, anders wasn't hurt.

gab looks so cheeky nowadays .. hehe ..

i learnt baking and sewing during sch days lah, but never dare to wear the clothes i made. i gave to my cousins though, and they wore it .. hehe .. i like baking but now not much chances anymore, oven going to grow moulds liao.

thks for explaining, yr scrap book looks good! but, i dun think i hv the time to do it leh.
am barely finishing rhyan's photo album at this point, though i am still trying very hard to.

rhyan's bb contest
rhyan says "thank you" to all aunties here, me also very happy he won something. both JR and him won consolation prizes in their own categories. the contest is very similar as the one athena attended and yar, the bb massage class there sucks! rhyan was happily walking ard the whole hall while waiting for his turn to be judged, clapped and smiled to everyone who smiled at him but during judging time, never clap hands lar. i *think* he didn't win a better prize coz the judge (doctor) thinks he is overweight leh, he commented his weight is out of range! anyhow say, rhyan's PD says he is still under acceptable weight!

PRIZE - a trophy, MP pull ups, a cushion from the CC and $15 cash (took part in contest and paid reg fees $15 then). (eh, 1st prize was $25 cash only leh)

congrats tt sharwyn is crawling well. eh, in the video, she like so frustrated liao you all still make her chase after the hp ah? so funny, can hear her screaming away. all smiley bbs look like rhyan ah? :p

*blushing* i didn't look flattering in that pix lah. anyway, i am waiting for it to be removed.
specially for skyblue, rhyan's motor bike VROOM!!


Simei CC BB Contest


^ walking everywhere ..


^ clapping ..


^ balancing to stand by himself ..


^ tadahh! the prizes!


^ happy rhyan, eh, i dunno why his eyes are so big in the 2nd pix .. hehe ..
i think angelia posted before on the list of CCs hvg bb contests. but, i didn't notice this contest in her list. rhyan's nanny told me and when i went to see, already last day of signing up so i signed rhyan up lor.

oh, there is a bb contest in Kembangan CC on 3 Sep, i think. Last day of registering is 30 Aug, someone gave me the brochure yest. Dunno why this reg date is so late coz the one i signed rhyan up for ended few weeks ago.

I will cook porridge for lunch n din seperately. I oso heard that reheat porridge will caused wind. But if u using slow cooker, i think u can cook lunch n din together provided u leave the power on.
Little Devil
Haha, Quinn spot check whether u r attentive or not, so cute :p

Poor Jodie &amp; Mummy. Hope she recover soon.
hehe .. i didn't buy tt bike. hb's little cousin gave it to rhyan coz he outgrown already.

rhyan started to go on milk strike since Sat nite.
. Sat nite last feed 3oz only, Sun he woke up at 4am and we made milk for him. drank only 3oz and refused to drink more, another 3oz at 8am and when i made milk again at 11.30am, he refused to drink at all. ate porridge at 1pm (cld see he was very hungry then) and when he fell asleep in hb's arm at 3pm, i gave milk again and managed to coax him to drink while sleeping. then, he ate porridge at 6.30pm and when i made milk at 9.30pm, he refused to drink again. managed to coax him to drink only 3oz and he woke up at 2.30am today! i made milk and tried feeding him till 7am (think i tried at least 10 times!) and he drank less than 2oz. then, just now i called nanny during lunch time, rhyan only drank 1oz at her place. she finally gave him porridge at 11am and he ate all. haiz, i really think he is teething coz he bite the teat when i try feeding milk but he is okie with water. i tried to spoon feed milk but after drinking one spoonful, he refused to drink at all, just kept shaking his head.

haiz, i am so tired today!

hey lil prince
based on your description, it means my monkey is also on milk strike! same, he will bite the teat and shake his head but porridge will eat obediently.

the difference betw yours and mine?
rhyan drinks 3oz on his milk strike, mine drinks betw 20-40ml!

same here, i think my son is teething hence the milk strike. right now, he thinks his fingers are TASTIEST!
