(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

actually i don't mind revealing my age, but scared u all will call me Loh Charsiew in future.

<font color="aa00aa">jen, cow,</font>
all the mummies here protecting their age like mad alr, u 2 still suggest include in Mummies' List? wahaha.. can also lah, but i think prob no one will drop me any email on that.. wahahaha..

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
yalor, chinese muz take Q # cos Faye goes chasing after eurasian boys! *faster siam*

<font color="aa00aa">charsiew,</font>
erm.. i'm not born in the year 1938 nor am i 38 years old this year hor! *LOL*
hi lil_prince,
fyi, I borrow rhyan's pics to show some mummies (in another thread) the globetrotters restaurant @ UE. hope u dun mind. :p
<font color="aa00aa">tbl,</font>
wah.. u made Rhyan the spokesbaby for Globetrotters ah? :p

<font color="aa00aa">charsiew,</font>
wah.. like that oso can ah?

hmm.. so if strike, muz buy mookcake for me leh.. kekeke..

<font color="0000ff">any1 knows if <font color="ff0000">Crown Prince Hotel</font> has any promotion with any credit cards for mooncake? or any1 has any lobang??</font>

i typical teochew lah, loves yam!!!!
last year cut the advert from TODAY and go buy at discount price. this yr i can't get TODAY everyday, so even if they have, i'll miss out
hhmpt....only a pack of bb bites ah??

quote from jen - "so cheap!!" ;p

hm?? i did not go to sharon's place leh, the first time i met you was at ruffy's house

*sigh* age is catching up, i cannot remember i told you at expo....urgh!!! ;p

thanks for sharing the promo at carrefour

wahahahah even U know MY age!!

sometimes yingxin also sit with legs wide open

i like the last pic of nat, with big eyes and pinchable cheeks, so lovable

hehe, athena also wanna join in the forum

yes, she sat crossed legged by herself for the first time; was rather surprised also so i took the pic

maybe will bring her for thyroid test when she's due for injection after her 1st birthday

may may
yingxin is on 6-in-1 and her next jab will be at 1 yr old

aiyoh....both of you where got old??? think beanie if dressed up in uniform can fight with sharon and pcs and perhaps me inclusive?? heheh

whahaha, u got sense of humour...no lah, we definitely won't call you tat

<font color="000000">SENGKANG POLYCLINIC</font>
just wanna let mummies know that instead of carrying the pram with baby up the stairs to the polyclinic, you might wanna walk further a bit to the centre back of the building to gain access to the facilities
Yuru/ Berry,
wahaha *I* know the meaning of Feng1 Jian4! :p Of cos not irritated, just that face-to-face I will panic if I'm spoken to in fluent mandarin. Still remember always kanna stand in chinese class to read out loud cos 2nd-worst in class (person with worst chinese results is a non-chinese...).

See lantern means at night... in GARDEN... got mozzies leh. My girl already kanna from dunno where a gigantic mozzie bite.
Even my FIL who claim to grow up in jungle, says very big swollen bite... heartpain ah.

I elect to not put my age in :p .
*sob sob*
I have to bring Athena for 4 swim makeup lessons (last term missed 2, this term missed 1, tomorrow missing another)... for the next 4 wks on a weekday freaking 9am! Argggh.
Rote Learning

The truth is no matter how much schools say they are moving away from that, sometimes, it cant be helped that near major exams, there is still a great amount of that. When I was teaching my nephews, i realised that you can even come up with a formula for picture description and conversation...

I rather gabby has very high eq and aq as I feel that paper qualification just opens the door then the playing field is leveled. So working hard to help him in these areas. Like planning to send him for drama class so that he will not be shy.

See lantern

good idea... count me in if you are planning one.

teething mystery

gabby has been drooling for some time so the old folks at home says he is teething... that was like 1 month ago. he still bites on hard stuff and drools but still no sign of the teeth erupting... how old on average do babies teeth? My gabby turning 10 months in 10 days time? Anyone has an idea?

This morning gabby is in a real good mood. However, at the end of the day he is quite grumpy as he got a gigantic 'kiss' from a mosquito right under his eye! Now wondering why swell up to the size of 5 cent coin...
was at the KP this evening. saw the blue hippo push walker (or watever it is called) is selling @ $49.90. UP $79.90

jus in case any mummies or daddy here is considering buying that...

oh no... save $$ club cher meh gonna arbish me *siam*siam*siam*
u looking for caterer? can consider y.l.s catering services


imo, it's priced reasonably and food not bad too, chihiro also tried their services before, u can check with her

i will get growing up milk samples and let her try to see which one suits her best; but PD ever mentioned before that it's best to stick to the same brand...i feel FM are more or less the same cos yingxin can take follow on from Mamil, Friso, Promil and Similac Excellence

sorry can't help you on the stroller cos mine is hand me down and i have not done any research on it before
what?? that hippo push walker is selling at$49.90!!!


i bought it at $54 durin robinson sale

ziztine - hey, u can consider leh, since it's much cheaper!! aahhhaha, even if u think esther too big for it, can keep for 2nd one mah!!!
pcs u looking for stroller?
i juz bot maclaren volo from mothercare, the simpliest and lightest maclaren, 4.2kg, can sit until max weight 15kg, price at $129
now sale till 21 aug

members of SMSG
my combi not spoil yet, but black sheep berry instigate me to buy!!! she made no effort to stop me!!! :p
Tks to all mummy/daddy for yr info on Stroller
ORANGE, Hope the info are useful to u :p

Combi 4.2 Kg. Full canopy and basket
Weight Limit ??
Price $150-$200

Lucky bb 3.2Kg
Weight Limit??
Price - $59.90

Quinny Buzz
Weight Limit: 20kg
Price $699

maclaren volo
max weight 15kg
price : $129
no canopy &amp; basket

Maclaren Techno XT
very sturdy, smooth wheels, goes up and down steps, rough terrain very easily. just that no stroller bar and may be a bit heavy
TOYS- Just to share my personal thoughts on toys and why I'm really not gonna be buying much anymore.

Actually hor, I believe that too much toys, esp toys that are too fancy (the sort with lights and all kinds of sounds and whatnot) are not too good cause when a child is too used to being passively entertained(as opposed to simple objects where the child manipulates and thinks of ways to play with it), his creativity can be stifled. Also, if he is too used to toys/equipment that are built to attract and enagage actively, he wont get the chance to hone his concentration skills(things like books, worksheets, school work etc are all 'dead', a child who spends alot of time on tv and fancy toys will find it difficult to concentrate on something so non-engaging).

Before Faye was born I was quite adamant that I wont buy much toys for her, BUT HOR, after she was born I realised what an active and wakeful baby she was. Especially during her younger months, I would have NO idea what to do with her if she didnt have much toys. She oredi dun sit walker, not confined in playpen and not watching TV. and she sleeps so little everyday. If also dun give her toys, I think I'll peng san :p SO I bought and bought until now got truckload of toys (she doesnt even like them! hmmm I should be glad I guess hehe.). BUT now that she is much older and can do alot more, I dun plan on getting her too much toys anymore. Esp later on when she can walk, there'll be even more that we can do (I'd rather bring her to the playground and let her run freely everyday), and I am really determined to stick to not buying too much toys this time

AC- Ehh, the stroller beri nice hor??

SMSG- See lar, this AC buy a STOLLER! Stoller leh, BIGGER and more expensive then toys! Must make her stand in a corner to relfect! :p

Chriso, Your bb has really bright eyes!

SEE LANTERNS- eh how ah? Anyone keen to go see lanterns together? I know its a little far esp for the punggolites :p BUT its a yearly affair mah, it'll be really fun for the babies! How how??
My super eh sai tong bb is really can manz

yesterday, his last nap ends at 6pm. After we fetch him from nanny, we went parkway and bugis, and our way back home, he slept less than 15mins....then, ALL THE WAY TO 5AM+, J is wide awake...
for 11 freaking hours, my dear boy is awake
any bb can beat dat???

not only tis...he shouted from 3am to 5am NONSTOP, and towards the end he started crying for nothing(fed and change diaper)
usually when he's awake, he will play on his own...last nite was a bit abnormal and i hope it dun continues

i do think that toys with too many lights/sounds etc are actually rather distracting/confusing/overwhelming for our babies at this age. when they press a button, they hear music, see flashing lights - these are generally more for entertainment and novelty value. they are meant sometimes to teach cause and effect but er, baby cannot really see how pressing this button can create the light/sound leh. so actually, the same teaching aims can be achieved with much simpler toys. haha, but i also succumb to the "buying many toys" phenomenon, eg i see the bruin activity table looks so value for money, so many things, i buy! i am still in the process of learning what toys are good and useful!

i have read that repetition is key to learning and yes, while our babies' attention span is fleeting and they constantly look for new things, perhaps the answer is rotation of toys rather than substitution. a rattle at birth is manipulated differently than at 6 months for eg.

open-ended toys like wooden blocks are good choices i feel and i would like luke to play with toys purposefully, creatively and not just be passively entertained like what berry said. hehe, common household items are also good i think, then he can learn about the real world and next time help me with housework :p but i am not saying toys can't be fun hor because i want luke to have fun too! i spend a fair bit of time at home making him laugh!


hey, montessori emphasises concentration hor? is it appropriate to instil and encourage our babies at this age or only at a certain age? what age har?

count me and luke (and maybe hb) in! but when is a good time, i.e. not too crowded!?


i wish my chinese was half as good as yours! your chinese words postings are useful for me to brush up my sorely lacking chinese skills :p i agree with you about not spending all our school years studying. i also want luke to have the happiest childhood possible, no need to spend all his time learning/studying. but hor, i really wonder how that's possible under the singapore school system. in my time, not so bad, now i think it's far far worse!


hey, let us know how the shichida classes go and whether you think it's effective! i think it's great that we all want the best for our kids, can understand why you don't want her to have tuition, very sian one!


anders face has slimmed down but his eyes are so big and cheeks are still quite chubby! *yummy*
Athena loves her Bruin table- flip butterfly wings, press keyboard... so i feel does teach Cause &amp; Effect (C&amp; E).
Also the stupid gum-drop machine- she knows to press the lever to dispense balls! So also C &amp; E achieved lah.
And the ball-jungle machine- I observe her pressing red button to spin the stuff! So C &amp; E bingo!
The stacking rings she learning how to remove rings... hopefully next time learn how to put it back in. We name the colour when she holds the ring.
Building Bear blocks- she loves to dismantle when I string a long piece, and I name the colours for her. Loves to bang-bang together.
Building lego-type blocks- same thing as above. She cries if abit stuck, not enough strength to dismantle haha.
Bowling pins- name colours and for her to bang-bang together.

Books, I read to her, and she likes to look at pictures herself, learns to flip, turn the whole book lah.

So I *do* like her toys :D .
Oh and the FP musical keyboard (last time her playgym) she pulls to stand and examines everything on it... cos I too lazy to replace batts. Maybe she wonder why no sound n light liao. LOL!
<font color="0000ff">Berry/Fruitcake</font>
Thanks for the complements!

Yah, his eyes are big, think he took after his papa (who claim he has got even bigger eyes when he was a bb :p)

<font color="0000ff">SheRhino</font>
Think it should be <font color="0000ff">Sharon</font> who has the breastpump that your friend wanted.
fruitcake, yar lor. To me its not so much of something to be instilled, but rather its a skill to be acquired. When a child achieves this focusing of attention (concentration), he becomes calm and controlled and a inner formation of will will be gradually developed. With this ability, the child is also able to inhibit his impulses towards extraneous movements when he is working on something (this would most definitely be very helpful in the sch going years). And when the child has achieved this degree of concentration, it gives him a sense of power and independence. After he has achieved independence and has power over his own movements, the child moves on to being able to spontaneously enforce self discipline. This is important to me, what I would wanna help my kid/s to achieve- I dont wanna be chasing after my kid/s everyday when it comes to her school work etc.
good grief... MIL &amp; friend is staying over till the 29th!!!! Am totally exhausted taking care of jodie for the WHOLE DAY!!! wah piang, i can't survive another day like this man... am gonna peng san soon leow.

MIL &amp; friend just sits around all day talking to each other. Play time with jodie lasts abt 5min max each time. Rest of the time I gotta take care of jodie myself.

Plus the fact that jodie is having bad phlegmy cough so she's been waking up every 30min to 1hr throughout the night. wah leow... am so sleep deprived and exhausted. Whole body aching.

I mean, I like my mil. She doesn't interfer with my style. But she could bloody HELP once in a while! I a bit pai seh to ask for help also lar :p

Jodie threw up 5x since yesterday night. I had to clean the floor and wash her stuff. Hands all wrinkled like prunes leow.
Thanks for the caterer contact. Will go take a look.

I also offered the avent breastpump. Can ask your friend to e-mail me at [email protected].

Poor Jodie, is she down with flu? Hope she gets well soon.
I think no need to be pai seh to ask for help afterall Jodie is her granddaughter. Just try lah.
Agree with you...we all very young at heart

Meghan also loves the Bruin activity table, can flip the butterfly wings over &amp; over again. The other day we were at Angie's choice looking thru their cake sample book &amp; she used her skill to keep flipping the pages over.
Stacking rings - can only take out &amp; throw, dunno how to put back yet
She loves it when I read books to her. Will also flip thru herself &amp; mumble.
Oh yeah, &amp; she loves looking at mirrors!
Wat formula? Wanna share? I beri curious leh.

*tsk tsk tsk* buy stroller... *i close 2 eyes*
J dun wanna zzz? Could he be teething, dats y cry?

Anders looks slimmer but eyes still as big
Came across this and I had to share. A little long but very touching and so true. To all the mummies who celebrates motherhood!

We are sitting at lunch one day when my daughter casually mentions that she and her husband are thinking of "starting a family."
"We're taking a survey," she says half-joking. "Do you think I should have a baby?"
"It will change your life," I say, carefully keeping my tone neutral.
"I know," she says, "no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous vacations."

But that is not what I meant at all. I look at my daughter, trying to decide what to tell her. I want her to know what she will never learn in childbirth classes. I want to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will forever be vulnerable. I consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without asking, "What if that had been MY child?"

That every plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. That when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. I look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub. That an urgent call of "Mom!" will cause her to drop a souffle or her best crystal without a moments hesitation.

I feel that I should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. She might arrange for childcare, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting and she will think of her baby's sweet smell. She will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her baby is all right.

I want my daughter to know that every day decisions will no longer be routine. That a five year old boy's desire to go to the men's room rather than the women's at McDonald's will become a major dilemma. That right there, in the midst of clattering trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in that restroom.

However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother. Looking at my attractive daughter, I want to assure her that eventually she will shed the pounds of pregnancy, but she will never feel the same about herself. That her life, now so important, will be of less value to her once she has a child. That she would give herself up in a moment to save her offspring, but will also begin to hope for more years, not to accomplish her own dreams, but to watch her child accomplish theirs.

I want her to know that a cesarean scar or shiny stretch marks will become badges of honor. My daughter's relationship with her husband will change, and not in the way she thinks. I wish she could understand how much more you can love a man who is careful to powder the baby or who never hesitates to play with his child. I think she should know that she will fall in love with him again for reasons she would now find very unromantic. I wish my daughter could sense the bond she will feel with women throughout history who have tried to stop war, prejudice and drunk driving.

I want to describe to my daughter the exhilaration of seeing your child learn to ride a bike. I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog or cat for the first time. I want her to taste the joy that is so real it actually hurts.

My daughter's quizzical look makes me realize that tears have formed in my eyes. "You'll never regret it," I finally say. Then I reached across the table, squeezed my daughter's hand and offered a silent prayer for her, and for me, and for all the mere mortal women who stumble their way into this most wonderful of callings.

May you always have in your arms the one who is in your heart.
Formula for English Oral for Pri school? Isn't it too early for you to try to find out for your little one? Will get the infor from my nephews before telling you. Anyway, they are 'drilled' very well by their teacher. Guess this is what happens when the school is one of a 'brand' name.

Me a bit blur about childhood education but i thought that montessori employs teaching through repeated experiential learning. My friend said its more like you want to learn about cow, go milk one type of ideas? Do enlighten me on this. Thanks
had an exhausting weekend, am dead tired today.

the chix pox vaccine is not compulsory but its supposed to be good to take coz chix pox can lead to complications at times.

thanks for all the info, mummies. i did a short and simple comparison on Fri at NTUC. :p. realised tt Mamil Step 3 and Dumex 1+ nutrients very similar, except Mamil Step 3 contains another 2 more kinds of nutrients (AA and dunno what?) but the price diff btw them is almost double. then btw Gain IQ and Dumex, Gain IQ has alot more qty for the nutrients but iron wise, the 2 FM only 1.0 different.

LOL! u are arranging for a party in Globetrotters restaurant ah?

oops, see lah, my memory lousy. hehe .. thks for the info on SK Polyclinic, then i no need to struggle like mad when going there with rhyan in a pram.

Lantern Festival at Chinese Gardens
hb's co had good discounts for the tixs, so bought for us to go this year (we hv never been to CG before!). but, i can't decide when to go, hv 3 wedding dinners and rhyan's bd celebration in Sept!

rhyan started drooling since 4mths old and his teeth only popped out when he was 8mths old, 6 at a shot! think all bbs different lor, hopefully gab's teeth will appear soon! but hor, nothing to be too happy abt, i kenna "bite" by rhyan very often leh.

ander looks so serious in the photos .. hehe .. i like the one at 4mths old.

wah, so long never chat with u and u become very happening hor! MACLAREN!!! and going parkway and bugis on the same nite!

*this one def must stand outside classroom for 1 week!*

stroller-i still hv intentions to buy lar, but my pram still working so like very wasted to buy leh, esp when we only utilise it on wkends. tt time thought can buy liao coz nanny's hse pram spoilt but we managed to get it repaired so i told hb cannot buy. hehe .. but if this stroller can sit till 15kg, dunno how good for rhyan coz we weighed him yest and he is already 12kg.
Yes there its a promotion for Crown Prince mooncakes. I think its either UOB / OCBC cc card promotions. I threw away the leaflets oreadi. Maybe other mummmy can help.
Btw has Shanice started taking formula??

Don't be pai seh coz u will suffer as a result. Think it this away "Your MIL also pai seh so nvr volunter to help"

My situation a little better - 2 weddings &amp; keira BD celebrations in Sep.
hi ladies... wow... so many postings during the weekend...

anyone knows what is "family ties"? is it a magazine? buy from where?
gabbymum, fruitcake asked me about what I posted on concentration, which is why I mentioned only abt that. Repetition and Hands-on learning is also a large part of the montessori method.
Mummy has been teaching me to express my love to her and daddy. I have been very dilligent in learning and has made good progress.

Mummy," Ryan say Wo Ai Daddy."

Ryan, " Wo Ai DADDY!!"

Mummy," Wo Ai Mummy!"

Ryan, " Wo Ai DADDY!"

Mummy," I love Daddy."

Ryan," I love Daddy."

Mummy," I love Mummy."

Ryan, " I love Mummy."

Mummy said that I made a mistake as she asked me to say " Wo Ai Mummy" but I said " Wo Ai Daddy". She tried again a few more times but my answer was still " Wo AI DADDY!!".. Haha.. doesn't she get it? She tried to trick me by saying " Wo Ai Daddy" then saying " Wo Ai Mummy" after that and getting me to repeat what she had said but my answer is still " WO AI DADDY!!"
<font color="aa00aa">cody,</font>

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
hmm.. think i flipped thru UOB and OCBC CC card mailers, all don't have leh!

hiaz, after the 3 failed attempts, my mum says to stop a few days 1st, since she just recovered from her phlegmy cough. (i gave hou zhao san n stopped GP's medicine after couple of days)

maybe will try again these few days! hopefully she can take it well..
Good morning

<font color="0000ff">STROLLER</font>
Thks u so much for helpin me to post on forum.

Nice meeting yr whole family esp esther. Remember to send me y'day photo ok? thk u so much.
How could i be asking u dat to prepare Kieran? *faintz* He's only less than a yr old n P1 is like 7 yrs later :p I'm only curious lah... hehehe...
Dun know if u all remember JR(junior)? JR is in Disney bb contest n junior hopes that if u happen to pop by united square, u can support JR by casting your votes for him. He is #A1, wore USA cap n light blue stripe overall. TIA
Haha Ryan so cute refuse to say wo ai mummy. Keira also not the affectionate type. She will siam or push me away when I try to kiss her

I only know "Family" magazine.

Have lah. I only received the flyers on Friday. I remember its those traditional flaky skin type "or ni" flavour from Crown Price Hotel. Maybe u can call and ask them
Poor Shanice. Hope she recover soon.
Pls send my congrats to Junior :p

Kieran can Walk!!! Wah The guest will be very impressed to see Kieran walk on his BD party :p
Hi all, I just stumbled on this thread.. CAn I join too?

Didn't realised that postings are still accepted as I thought it has closed. Confused!

My baby Marcus was born in Sept 04, so would love to chat with you mummies too.

Berrywife - thanks for sharing that really beautiful piece. I feel so much of those sentiments described and has been celebrating motherhood ever since.

Growing up milk
I can't decide btw Gain IQ, Nestlac and Mamil too though Marcus drinks Similac right now.

Hi Berry,
Thanks for sharing.

Hi mummies, what do you feel between leaving babies in nanny care or sent them to infant care?

Domesticgoddes, welcome here. My gal is 8mths+ already and she is on enfalac..How do you find similac?most of my friends babies seem to be on similac...
