(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

hmm if puff told berry during wisma coffee, i was there too i tot... then how come i dun recall! :p

ok so far I worked out- lilprince remembers berry's age cos same age, then sharon is younger than puff... err, like this very hard to deduce puff's age leh :p !
sharon, evelyn,
gabe also used 2 sleep abt 11-12pm. abt 1mth back, i cut his evening nap...tat is, if he wakes up abt 4-5pm fr his 2nd nap for e day, i wont let him nap again at 6-7pm. it usually isnt hard 2 keep him awake cos i'm either out so he's busy looking around or we r at my mum's plc so my parents/sister will entertain him. abt 8-9pm, he'll b sleepy liao...so gabe knocks out abt tat timing nowadays.

i'll tell u over e phone abt my MIL. i've shared wif 1-2mummies here but cant recall who.

puff's 1yr older than u, sharon's younger than u.
tis is wat i know abt shichida...GF shared her story wif me.
my GF sent her son 2 shichida when he was 18mths (he's now 8yrs old) for abt 2-3yrs (b4 he went 2 nursery). she also bought GD cards at home for him. after spending thousands $$$ over 2-3yrs, her boy is now in pri2, still needs tuition cos he *lazy* 2 do homework.
my GF felt tat shichida isnt worth e $$ cos her son is indeed very intelligent 2 learn stuff, etc when he was younger (his vocabulary/language skills is excellent) BUT she often wonders if it was shichida or it's merely bcos her son is indeed intelligent.
now she has a 8mths old bb girl, she's not planning 2 send her to shichida (she also advised me not 2 waste $$) n she wanna c if there's any difference bet her 2kids in terms of studying.
cos that time u already left liao...went shopping alone without baby!!

ya...i asked about you and berry....but hor both of u did not answer directly leh

yep, it was a surprise mummy's day gift!


your hb is so sweet! (just like mine, hehe :p) berry's hb also, she's v romantic, easily melts one :p i'm also v stressed when it comes to buying hb presents. if you got any good gift ideas, share share ok? this year, i gave hb a book by one of his fav authors, bottle of wine and cheese 'cos he's a foodie
hmm my HB n i not romantic one- he usually accompany me buy present on my actual b'day haha, and i usually gift him electric toothbrush (spoilt almost yearly one).
sharon, aiyo, I made u think my hb dun buy me anything ah? Thats not what I mean, its just that he wont go n buy me a BAG on his own, cause I v choosy and hard to please abt bags so he scared buy liao I dun like (or act like I like but actually dun like LOL!) :p Aiyo he'll be v heartbroken if anyone thinks this way of him cause he bears to spend on me more than he bears to spend on anything else (including himself and Faye) actually
. BUT HOR, I beri zi4 dong4, I dun anyhow spend $. And at times when I overshot (like last month! faye sick I beri stressed, so went for alot of retail therapy mah :p) I will sure compensate (like this month!) by under-spending.
puff, har, where got so much? I *think* I younger than you by er.. 5 years? But hor, u definitely look younger than your age! In fact, alot of the mummies I've met on this board beri hip and young-ish looking wan(shall I name some? wahahaha :p) hehe
AGE- I not gonna reveal my age *here* lar. But hor, I realised that after having faye I subconsciously start dressing much younger n usually beri beri happy when ppl comment I look young :D
About that method of learning ..have yet to see it actually carry into when the kid is in Pri/sec school. I personally think it is quite "hogwash" as those material/etc can be suplemented by cheaper versions which are equally effective. Also certain things that they focus on ( like different type of birds - glend domain style) I find is totally useless to know ..unless you are a avid bird lover . I rather teach the kids the name/function of basic household stuff- mechanics of items that are used on a daily basis etc.

err ladies...Berry one of the youngest here... she is even younger then me

this just my personal opinion at the moment hor - i don't think i will use as a tool to teach luke how to read, do maths and have encyclopedic knowledge (i'm referring to GD, dunno much abt shichida). they appear to be successful, but i prefer luke to learn via a hands-on approach, through play, to foster creativity and independent learning. memorisation is an important skill but should not be over-emphasised i feel...schools now are apparently moving away from rote learning (dunno how effective lah).

what do the rest of the mummies think? i'm interested to know!


hehe, didn't know that those skills you mentioned don't last past the age of 6. where you read fr ah? i also want to find out!
Wau lao.... keeping up with this thread is HARD WORK man =P

Hi mommies,
Thank you for the compliment on Esther. She is a naughter bb who doesn't like to drink water.

Hi pcs,
err... i think it was only 1 week+ since we last met and u feel that she is chubbier =P.

Hi yuru,
Wow.... u got very gd memory leh. I don't even rem I posted such pic b4.

<font color="ff0000">Bags:</font> (hope that i am not too late to comment =P)
We also bring 2 bags out:
1) Esther's bags: (haversack)
- 1 thermal flask of hot water
- 1 bottle of cool water
- 1 changing mat
- umbrella
- 2 milk bottle
- 1 spoon
- 1 ziplock with: 3 diapers, 1 spare clothing and 3 small hankie
- 1 ziplock with: 2 packs of wet tissue and 2 pack of tisue
- 1 milk powder dispenser with 3 feeds
- 1 tubberware of junk food for esther
2) mommy's bag (sling bag)
- her wallet, sunglass, HP, camera
- 1 baby wrap (in case esther is cold)
- 1 pair of long pants for esther
- 1 jacket for esther
- another umbrella

Hi medusa,
Wow.... make milk, feed Athena and can still move along in the queue *clap clap clap* *standing ovation* U r really a wonder-woman.

Hi deniz,
Esther also doesn't like to drink water (she will choke whenever she drinks water fr the bottle). We spoon-feed her with water whenever we got the chance.

fruitcake, similar! Like I shared w you before, thats pretty much why I am not making use of flashcards too. I'm concentrating more on skills that will see Faye through the school years, cultivating her thirst for knowledge, self-motivating interest in books/things around her, concentration skills, etc- that explains why I actively encourage her to explore alot. I feel that a child armed with these skills will surely not be lacking in knowledge. Also, I guess I am not very keen on the concept behind the flashcards method, which is feeding info(child passively absorbs), as opposed to child-led learning (led by curiosity and interest).

I'm sure flashcards are good and definitely useful in their own way (child absorbs info when cards are flashed, hence the info is registered), so it pretty much depends on everyone's personal opinion.

EDIT TO ADD ON ABOUT MEMORY SKILLS- this is what I think for NOW (if I read more later on, maybe something might change my mind?). I am abit skeptical about flashcards aiding memory skills because below the age of 6 a child absorbs everything anyway, so actually our bbs are memorising everything everyday- like name of objects/people, location of objects ard the house, how to manipulate their limbs to get certain things done, and hundreds more! So if they are intro-ed to flashcards, its simply one more thing in additional to the hundred things they are memorising daily. Just that flashcards are probably engineered in such a way to maximise their absorbing ability (which is why the size of cards/words matters, the colours of the cards etc?)? So how does it 'train' their memory skills then?

Very interesting topic this is! Mummies/Daddy please contribute!
<font color="ff0000">AGE:</font>
Hi ladies,
Please excuse me on this. U ladies really made me laugh my tiredness away after a long day @ work....=P. Yr exchange of posts r very funny.... haha. And I must agree that Berry really looks YOUNG.
Kelly, if you friend is right..than i will be wasting my $$..
..my dad did tell me, dont waste $$, since baby so young, learn/dont learn, we also dont know blah blah blah...But hor, somehow, i am scared that my kid will be slower in pri sch n needs tuition etc...

Mummies, how young is the mummy in this thread? dont have to name..but i am curious to know the age
..think i read somewhere there is a mummy who is only 21 / 22..wow..
U r rite. Schools r indeed moving away from rote learning. In fact memorising of facts r no longer the emphasize, but rather the application of concepts learnt. So i wonder, if a child is trained to memorise, will their little minds be flexible enuf next time to apply wat they learnt to different situations?

Wah piangz... *faintz* u still wanna look younger? U're oredi BERI YOUNG!!! :p I can't apply for leave on Kieran's bday cos i have to attend a course. Sianz... but i tink it's okie lah, cos i'm celebrating his bday jus the weekend b4 his actual day
Actually oso dunno wat to do or where to go on his bday leh. Zoo we went liao. Beach oso went b4, shopping ctrs all the time...where else can we go? hmm...

yuru, why, pcs,
I hope Xin Hui gets into finals. She was great jus now whereas Kelly paled in comparison. I hope JY will get in too

Was it u who asked me to post a pic of my thermos flask? Must wait till weekend cos it's now wif nanny. It comes home to me together wif Kieran :p
heh heh, yes yes, u told me about your age

thanks berry for saying i 'look' young!! wahhahah, if i "exposed" my real age now ah, think everybody will know everybody's age!! kekekekekek

berry is indeed very young, pretty and very knowledgable

ryan looked like he's much taller and slimmer
you must be delighted he can feed himself now; got make a big mess or not?
Who r the mummies who look young huh? *winks*

RE: Flashcards
Rather than tink flashcards aids memory skills, i'd rather tink they provide aid in word recognition.

I hope i made a right choice though i knew that learning those encyclopedia, its kind of useless if we dont go thru with the child everyday. By the age of 6, think they wont remember most of the words. But if a child is train to read more, learn more vocab, n 'i am really into the learning of maths', one day in school, it might help them. But of coz, we parents have to 'work' n help them learn. That is why shichida request mummy to be in the classrooms. Anyway, that my opinion. Its actually ME. As i am a working mum, i find that i cant be with my gal n teach her everyday. So with more programs(which we had none beside shopping, which she understand / recognise the words), i might intro more things into her life. ok, its just something to make me less guity of not providing her more...(eg. she dont have playroom, dont have mummy 24hr care, etc)
if you need more info on THERMOS, can go to their website


ya, think i also remember someone as young as 20...was it jer??

anyway, age not so critical la, so long we are all YOUNG AT HEART
Hi puff,

I think u r right. I think jer is the youngest. But according to my "official unofficial record", annliya is currently the youngest on my list (unless I find out how young berry is.... =P).
hm...i dunno about annliya but she sure is young too!

you wanna know how young berry is?? heheh, you sponsor yingxin 3D birthday cake and i'll tell you!! whahahahahahahah
hi hi, this thread moves sooooo fast!!
wat's the topic now? age ah? hmmm... looks like all young mummies here. not me lah.... I alr 'not young' leow...

u've got mail! thks.

natalie's photos to share. poor nat, dad &amp; mum very busy working during wkends, so only got indoor-photos...




Hi puff,
I just need a confirmation coz i *think* (think only) i know how young r u.... =P. I will use a pack of bao bei ma ma bb bites to exchange.... haha.
Boo hoo hoo... so saddddddddddd... JY lost to WL. N i thot i can buy his CD... Haizz.... nearly boxed my hubby when he exclaimed so loudly jus b4 they announced the male winner dat JY SURE win one, no nid to see. Wah couz, jus a sec later, WL was declared the winner... and XH is showing so much progress in her singing...how come she lost??? Must be cos of her bad press... Sigh! Sigh! Sigh!!!
whew, finally!!! me using dial-up so e page takes damn long 2 load. i can now read e posts in e thread...definitely cant refresh cos gotta wait for damn long.

not 2 pour cold water on u...i;m sure shichida has its success stories if not it wont b so popular.

teaching bb
husband n i prefers a hands-on method too. tat's y gabe touches everything we can let him lay hands on from durians (his middle left finger bled cos he dunno it's sharp) 2 honeydew (which he dun fancies) and other stuff such as veg, items in e hse, how they work, etc.
right now, gabe knows where i keep his cheese, yoghurt, frozen food cubes (e cold stuff), he knows where his toys r, where his daddy spends time in e hse, where e fish tank is, where he baths, etc.
wat i meant by gabe knowing where e stuff is or where he shld do wat is bcos he likes 2 walk abt e hse now. when i told him tat i wanna bathe him, he walks all e way into e bathroom (wif me holding onto him of course), pulls down e tub n sits next 2 it (as if waiting for me 2 take off his clothes). a few days ago, when he's playing in his nursery, i asked if he likes 2 hv some cheese. when i wanna run off 2 get his cheese, he cries &amp; wanna follow so i held him, letting him guide me 2 e fridge.
as for teaching maths, i merely start by showing him, "1 apple + 1apple equals 2apples". i havent go beyond 2apples, 2 bowls, 2 spoons, etc.
i did buy blank flashcards, intending 2 make some myself but NEVER got round 2 doing it.

at gabe's kindermusik class, we were taught 2 label everything in e hse so tat our bbs can identify e items in hse. when we teach bbs e items, we also explain/show its function. i'm now thinking of using e blank flashcards 2 do so...

thks! i got ur mail. nat is so cute, wif her chubby cheeks &amp; almond-shaped eyes
AGE- I think you all are right, Jer is the youngest (20 or 21, I think she still studying?), then following that (from what I THINK I know lar), the mummies all mid 20s onwards liao :p

itsun, wahahaha Annliya is very slightly younger than me! (and little prince is same age as me!) :D

puff, u beri crever ah! ask itsun to sponser YOU cake to trade MY age! Better yet ITSUN, u sponser Faye a few board books (no need cake, my mil buying cake :p) and I tell u my age, sure accurate wan :p

TBL, very pretty pics!

sulivyn, yeah I can understand
oh my god!! how can JY be out of the competition?? was in tear last nite when i saw the result..... sob sob..... this is so unfair... the one with the most star qualities is not winning the competition. am sure wl has gotten lots of sympathy votes which are not based on his performance at all!!! Am so sad!!
Argue with itsun over this last nite....he supported wl. nearly fight over this ...sigh....
A bit disappointed wif the result. XH definately sings better. Well its just a game no need to get so work up and I believe that JY and XH will be signed by the recording company too. Just look at slyvester.
BTW I really admire the young pple nowadays. Wah Liao can declare their love on National TV.
got leh, i think i was told twice. sharon's pl when i first met u and at wisma tt time. :p

the esprit bag very slippery meh? i hv been using it for many mths liao, ok for me and hb leh .. hehe .. eh, someone whom both of us know saw u in United Sq tt time and commented you look like a TEENAGER leh!

*shall not say too much else later everyone's age, including mine revealed*

nat has a nice playroom!
Know ur age lah..u told me yourself at Expo.
Berry also expose her age online in another thread.kekeke.. she should be the 2nd/3rd youngest mum here

Like gap, nat last time will take a short nap at 7-8pm and wake up at 9+. Now she oso skip this nap but she still wun sleep early leh
. Got a few times she fall asleep at 9-10pm, i tot HO SEAH LIAO, she is sleeping early but.... guess wat....., she wake up at 11pm
. Alamak, when she wake up at this hr, she is super Jing1 Shen2. The earliest i can put her to sleep is 12+
. Sometimes she will protest when i put her on her bed and has to be carry out to living room again. So now i dun take the risk anymore on wkday. I will make sure she dun fall asleep at 9-10pm and the earliest she can sleep is 10.30pm.
I think they allow absorption of words (recognition) faster than reading books. Neither can replace each other, I'd still read books and flashcard simple words lor. Particularly flashcard her chinese name- wahbiang, so many strokes very difficult to write, I can't even remember how to write it myself! :p
MT, I think it works for child to recognise, not reproduce, esp when it comes to complicated chinese characters that has strokes going in all specific directions. :p A child who can recognise certain words might not be able to write them out, esp if its in mandarin.
Flashcards around the house,
I wanted to do that long time ago..but end up only having 2 stuck - Door and Fan..the others chair/table/cupboard, sofa etc ended up being taken down from its place by Ryan..so no point to stick. so stick to flashing picture cards to him.

Tena will recognise her name but to be able to write it out properly will take another 3-4yrs. Coz they will only learn how to use a pencil properly to write at abt 3yrs old.
Oh..carefour having promotion on milk powder and diapers.
Petpet 2 packet for $24.70
huggies pull up $8.95 per packet
Mamil gold step 2 $23.20

recognise gd enough liao, if flashcards can help her gain faster recognition of words (in turn when reading books she can hopefully recognise same words).
Once u recognise, then can remember... then when the fine motor skills are there for writing, can hopefully learn to write same words easier.

But I'm not diligent in "flashing" :p . LOL.
