(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Huggies Pull up gave her a rash (not urine-caused rash... it's the seams of the diaper)! Saw 2 GPS for it, different creams (2nd cream more steroid), now develop into something strange-looking, will see GP again!

mamil like not cheap enough leh, think Cold Storage selling at $23.00 now.

btw, i read somewhere you mentioned ryan is taking Dumex 1+ now? any mummies decided what FM to give after bb turns 1? me thinking now since rhyan will be 1 yr old next mth.
Those prices I got from Todayonline..anyway Ryan doesn't use any of those products.
Yeah he is taking Dumex 1+ (duglow- new packaging name). Cost $12.40 for refill packet 1.4kg at Seng Siong - economical. The chinese medicine shop sells the 1.6kg tin at $15.
<font color="ff6000">puff</font>
thanks for the link!!

will chk it out!

tink i know Puff's age too .. ;p

Flash Card
I tried showing cali some pictures from a book, she's quite excited over it whenever I did tt. So prob i will get a set of flash card to test out and see. nothing expensive, abt $5/box i think.

Milk powder
Cali is on Enfapro A+ now. Most likely i will carry on with Enfa series for her when its time to chg.

Rather disappointed to know JY did not make it to the grand finals. Was very Gan(3) Dong(4) &amp; Ma(2) with his Tong(2) Hua(4) leh.. was even thinking to get his CD if he win...
thks, what was ryan taking before he took Dumex 1+? eh, can share what was the reason tt you decided on this FM? btw, how often does ryan drink FM now?
MILK AFTER 1- Faye currently drinking Similac Excellence, so I'll prob get soemthing from abbott. Maybe either Pediasure(sp?) or Gain IQ. Must see wat taste she prefers :p
he was on simlac excellence 2..then tried Gain IQ(super expensive and gave him constipation problem) .so switch him to Dumex and he is okay with it so far.
he drinks 240ml x 4/5 times daily + 2 tea time snacks + lunch + dinner.
so like 1 mth need about 2 (1.4kg) refill packet. now in school he drinks lesser milk..but at least 3 bottles a day.

Pediasure expensive.. 1 small tin 900g $26/$28...supose to be more "complete" nutrition..but dun really know about it..didn't let him try..they come in vanila and chocolate taste.
i am thinking of GainIQ, no particular reason. hb's nephew taking Pediasure, dunno what is the difference between the two since they are both under Abott.
Any more mummies want to help me on the stroller thing :p. Looking for light weight &amp; can tahan until bb 3 yrs old type

Combi 4.2 Kg. Full canopy and basket
Weight Limit ??
Price $150-$200

Luck 3.2Kg
Weight Limit??
Price - $59.90

Quinny Buzz
Weight Limit: 20kg
Price $699
wah, ryan got big appetite! hehe .. Dumex and the Abott group FMs' prices very big diff rite? nutrients wise also very big diff or not? Pediasure's price is very similar to Similac Follow up! *horror*
Nutrients wise the only difference I find is the % of DHA/AHA etc.. the iron content is also very high in Gain IQ.. therefore it caused Ryan hard stool/constipation. Other than that not much difference as both have DHA/AHA ..anyway this DHA/AHA can also be optain from other food sources like Fish etc.
When they grow bigger eat more mah..so more $$ on pocket to give them so expensive milk..still have the increase in quantity of solid food etc. Supplements wise I give him cod liver oil (orange flavour).
YX so cute can sit wif cross leg. Keira likes to sit with legs wide open. Hahaha.

I really want to see Nat in person, she is soooo pretty. Can anyone organize the next gathering!!!

yr post remind me that was once When I was pregnant. I was in the lift a uncle STARED at me wif look of disgust on his face for VERY LONG. He must have thought that I'm a teenager too.
ruffy, wah is expensive! then maybe not pediasure liao hehe.

little prince, I think abbott's products r made in ang mo country, so airticket costs more whereas dumex made in malaysia, sit bus to sg not so exp :p

pcs, IF ONLY faye sits in a pram, I'll most definitely get a mcClaren stroller. Superior quality and looks good imo.
Dumex- packaging 2 types- packed in malaysia or singapore.. Milkpowder comes from NZ. Packaging by malaysia cheaper then the singapore packaging.
Think can forget about getting bb to sit in pram. Ryan only will sit in it if he is being pushed continuously or fast asleep. And still can come out of the restrains. McClaren is nice..but can be quite heavy.
Huggies Pull up gave her a rash! Saw 2 GPS for it, different creams (2nd cream more steroid), now develop into something strange-looking, will see GP again!
recognise gd enough liao, if flashcards can help her gain faster recognition of words (in turn when reading books she can hopefully recognise same words).
Once u recognise, then can remember... then when the fine motor skills are there for writing, can hopefully learn to write same words easier.

But I'm not diligent in "flashing" :p . LOL.
oh dear, i am also concern abt iron nowadays. rhyan never had problem with it till in the recent mths, constipates easily which is why i had to stop cereals. i am also thinking not necessary to give very exp FM since he is taking nutritious meals at nanny's pl liao.

LOL! maybe abbott should consider taking ships here instead of airplanes!

athena pressed "back" and "post" ah!

my aim is to encourage luke to have a thirst for learning that will last a lifetime. many pple talk about the critical period for learning to be in the first few years but i think that learning is an ongoing process that lasts throughout your life. flashcards may enable the child to recognise the words but if you give him a new word like "gobbledygook", can he read it? if you teach say, phonics, then the child should be able to read by himself (i.e. independent learning) and not be so reliant on having seen the word before to be able to read. but hor, word recognition is important, it's just personal preference of how i want luke to learn that's all. plus, i am not that hardworking as to do up all the flashcards properly :p

hehe, actually hor, as a sahm, i don't spend that much time consciously "educating" him. he will learn at his own pace and he will naturally learn by himself in our normal family environment. i think sometimes we parents put too much pressure on ourselves for our child's intellectual growth. so SULYVIN, while i see your point, no need to worry that your child will be shortchanged by you working!


isn't that meant more for kids with poor appetite? that's what i heard hor, haven't compared contents of the different types. anyone planning to just get normal full cream milk, like Nespray?


i got the Maclaren Techno XT which i like very much, very sturdy, smooth wheels, goes up and down steps, rough terrain very easily. just that no stroller bar and may be a bit heavy if you gotta take public transport. if you want lighter, get the Maclaren Volo, but not padded, no canopy (can buy as extra attachment but that adds to the weight), and cannot recline.
Meghan also currently on similac excellence. So far so good &amp; no constipation. Isn't iron good for bbs?
Thot of continuing with Gain IQ, but the price seems quite x so see how 1st.

Tena so intelligent, can post on forum already *clap hands*.
One time, Meghan press dunno what then my page can auto-scroll

YX so clever can sit cross leg!

Meghan also like Keira, sit with legs open &amp; straight.

Watching TV
Last nite, Meghan was very engrossed in watching the Brainiest Kid show. Can giggle some more. I think she thought the little boys talking to her!
SAHM n HOME EDUCATION- yar, I also dont go about my day planning what to teach faye and consciouly making sure she is learning something all the time. In fact, we just do every regular stuff- she plays freely on her own, we play with toys/stuff together, she flips n 'reads'(look at pictures) on her own, sometimes I read to her, and we pillow-fight alot :p

deniz, iron is good but faye cant take much, it constipates her very badly.
RE: Home education
Hehehe...i dun do home education yet. Now only engage in ALOT of play... Kieran loves to play hide n seek or even catching with me. Other times, we kick/roll ball, push his toy cars around or he crawls/walks ard on his own. Free exploration

little prince,
Abbott didn't call u? They called me n has delivered a tin of Gain IQ to me liao. Will let Kieran try it out. From wat i heard, Pediasure is for children wif poor appetites.
Mid-Autumn Festival (Zhong1 Qiu1 Jie2)- Anyone keen to gather and bring bbs to view lanterns? It'll be fun! I heard something about the chinese garden having some lantern showcase thingy? Tried searcing for info but cant find. Anyone knows more about it?
Heng Ah!! Feng Jian not Fan(4) Jian. Hahaha
Yah Lah I'm the traditional type (NOT VERY lah). Cannot stand pple behaving intimately in public.
Wah u got scholarship every year *impressed* U sen(2) tong(2) or what??? keke

U want Cindy to go chase after boys hur maybe can learn from Faye
*siam arbish from her mummy*

Feng Jian - traditional thinking (something like that)
yuru, oohh okok, I had no idea cause never go before! The maybe can go before the actual day? Then still got lanterns to see or not?
pcs- wahsay you! *arbish hard hard wan* OEI! Faye dun need to chase afer boys wan hor, and if got boys wanna chase, they can take a queue number
jus pop in to kpo....

think you should add in another column in the bb name chart for "Mummies/Daddy's age"...... :p
hello mummies...

long time did not log in....
just wondering after the last 6-in-1 or 5-in-1 jab, when is the next jab? 1 year old?
The lantern festival thingy sounds good but Chinese Garder very far leh!

Wow, some of you are pretty young. I think I'm the oldest here....&amp; I think only berry can guess how old
hi gals... was away this morning... wahahah... hb was telling me he saw this morning so many of u sobbing over JY's loss...
acherly i oso think he should have won lor... but then results already finalised so dun take it too hard, kae??

Re: Age
Why the sudden interest in discovering ages of mums? Since so interested, might as well put Mum's DOB oso... haha...

Re: Mums' List
wei... no one (except itsun) support my idea ah?? Can put Daddy's names in?? Of cos keep it optional lah...

Re: Follow on Milk
So many drinking milk from Abbott?? Good?? Anyone got full price list?? I've got 2 cans of Friso Gold 2, reserving it in case milk ss suddenly dip... hiaz... if in the end din use, prob sell leow...
hi yuru, little prince, pcs..
thanks for the info on the next vaccination. hubby keeps reminding me that i need to bring gabariel for assessment at 10 months cos he remembered PD mentioning that. told him no need...dont waste $$. bring gabriel for the next assessment together with the next vaccaination.
wah piangz... so many postings these few days.

What's with the age thing suddenly har? You girls making me feel very insecure leh. Deniz, u competing with me for the oldest mummy in this forum? :pp
Hehe I dunno how old u are leh...but u definitely don look old!;p

Actually I heard fm friends that it's ok, since Meghan is ok with it, just stick to it lor. Anyway, I think almost all FM is abt the same lah.
fruitcake: noted..just that maybe i KS now..coz i wanted gal to enjoy her life in sch. scarely end up like her daddy..tuition everyday...

Mummy list..the list that post in the forum? Ok, i dont mind age too...

Names: I also cant write my gal name..that day when registered for her classes, they said no BC no, nvm...bring the cert next time..than i had to ans: I know the BC no..but not the chinese name in chinese character...:p

But hor, actually i am chi-na educated but cant write ler..Infact, hubby angmo educated, can write gal chinese name..but i told him, WRONG liao..so we need to bring the cert down when her class start..(went home than found out he was right) hehehe
hmmm.. what can I say... from what I've been reading, I figure I should be almost a decade older then berry (?)

I dun look old(?!?!?)... hmm... as can be said of u lar :p

CS rice,
976 forms part of my mobile number. Convenient to remember and unique enuff :p

ok, gotta go. Have to pick up MIL. She's here for the weekend. Wonder how jodie will take to her after a 3mths absence.

beanie, how can that be possible?!? you're prob younger than me leh... acherly other than angelia, i really have no idea who is how old (or young, for that matter)... wahaha... =P
