(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

lil prince/MT- arbish you two!! Never take oatmeal cereal from me! now I have two small packs in my fridge. :p

MT, I tried to put faye in my pastille chair, she turned round and tried to stand! Gave me a heart attack- I never did that again :p

yuru, eh, motherhodd is a lifelong affair lar. if you are gonna beat yourself up over a small matter like food, then its gonna be a hard and long ride! Well, now that you know, next time be more alert, a lesson learnt is a good thing. We all make blunders mah.

Sharon, nice pics!!

hee.. no you dun looked auntie at all. Sorry din know that you dun wan your pic to be posted onto the net... I'll mail you the pic tonight.

wyn looks like she's enjoying the swim very much with her cousin...

yeh yeh.. thats shanice sleeping... gong xi gongxi too to faye... and she is really developing real fast...

Tena is always so cheerful ya.. and you such a good photographer leh.. although I knoe I cannot compare.. but jus look at the difference between QN and tena.. QN is like under-nourish leh... aiyo... sigh...

hmm... walker sounds so dangerous... though.. but I still like to put QN in the walker whenever I prepare food for her... under my supervision... other than that.. will not put her there.. but she seems to enjoy very much to be able to move around.. yesterday she finally learn how to move forward instead of the usually backwards...

aiya.. I spend the night washing and peeling the ikan bilis and grinding into powder.. than over the weekend cook the porridge for her.. but she refuse to eat... SIMPLY dun OPEN her mouth after trying for 3 mouthful of porridge.. I so upset.. then feed her the rice ceral with milk.. sweet sweet so she eat.. wat am I going to do?? sigh.. if she dun wan to eat porridge.. how to grow like that???
got any way to help QN 'put on' more flesh??? I so 'gek sim' when I see other bbies younger than her but bigger in size leh...
Sharwyn looks so cute in her "bikini"?
Kei to Sharwyn: so envy yr dd will carry u until u sleep. My dd jus sleep beside me and "Yi si, Yi si" pat on my back and normally he will fall alseep before I do :p

Agree wif Medusa, its best to hold egg yolk until cindy is older.

Medusa/Little Devil
tks for the info on the food. So Frozen Avocado can coz diarrhoea!!!

Yr IL very high tech leh ,know how to read e-mails. The way u descript yr ILS makes me envy they are so nice hor.

Tks for the info on walker.
Andrea, the older they are (usually past 6 months), the more they start moving, the lesser weight they put on. in fact, they might even start looking a few hundred grams at one point or another. BUT HOR, its no cause for concern if your gal is healthy, happy and eating/drinking alright. Faye also started slimming down quite abit since 4mth+ and I do miss her chubbier days too. Aiyo our bb grow up too fast liao hor.
thks for the infor... But QN was never chubby.. thats wat my hubby said too... faye is very cute.. now that QN is 6mos.. she dun tend to fuss too much... except for the night part... well sometimes she will even refuse to drink milk after 4 hrs leh... maybe that explains y... so when do we have a chance to meet?? QN and faye? keekee...
Kei also slim down when she was abt 4.5mths. She recently put on a little bit weight again.
Kei looks so small compared to other bbs at the gathering and she is the oldest bb there leh.So don't worry too much abt QN weights lah.
LOL! u just reminded me, i forgot to take the cereal fm u!! i was going to tell u just now .. aiya ..

u got diarrhoea too? i dunno if it got something to do with my freezing procedures or what leh .. though i know the avocado sort of darken which i thot its natural lor .. made me worry like mad when i saw him pooing a second time in the afternoon, luckily only diarrhoea once .. me still got frozen sweet potatoes in the fridge leh, i gave tt on Sat am and he was ok ..
Andrea, hey, you are also in the west right? You wanna bring QN to gymboree at Tanglin mall on a saturday? Faye usually goes on weekdays, but once in a while she also goes on a saturday (so that her daddy can also join in the fun hehe). You can print out trial coupon from the gymboree website and use it for a free trial!
lilprince, my gf said avocado cant freeze, but by then I already prepared. :p Anyway I eat lah instead.

Berry, we meet n I take from u lah!

Feeling nostalgic-

^ Top left is 2 wks! :p

Talking abt bb wt, now I'm starting to worry she's not so chubby... that day in lift, someone asked if she's 3mths OMG!!! That lady had a 14mth old so not unfamiliar with bb size lor.

I confess I'm doing something not-recommended... I put abit of cereal in her FM bottle to make her "eat" abit more. She used to be 3.6kg at birth, now only 6.8kg at 6mth leh!
And she dun eat much solids at meals even when fed 3 times daily! She drinks quite alot of FM tho... now abt 150-180ml FM 4 times, and another 50ml at midnite.

Wahliao, upstairs drilling... DIRECTLY unit above me leh, she so tired she's napping thru it! She woke up in middle of naps due to noise so really very tired now. I'm expecting to wake screaming any minute now.
Can't get her out of the house cos aircon servicing coming, argh!
Andrea & pcs
Dear mummies, maybe both of u saw linus so chubby then u gals started comparing the weight & hw meaty he is,right? But do u noe that i hv problems feeding & bathing him cos he's too heavy. Even my hb oso cannot tahan his weight. As wat berry said so long as they r healthy,eat,drink & sleep well is fine.
Sigh....As a mother we r worry if they too skinny or too over-weight. Maybe my boy too heavy he still cannot flip.
Aiyah yr Linus-no fight lar.
Weighing at 8.2 Kg and drinking 200ml for every feed at 4 mths!!!!!

I was Red with ENVY when I see Angelia's gal Shanice. Cannot stop looking at her legs. "drooling....."
Oh Yes - Pretty Jen also looks so chubby.
see? tena looks absolutely adorable now hor .. so smiley and full of energy .. hmm, i dun think tena looks so small lah .. tt auntie blind ..

actually, there is nothing wrong with cereal in milk lah .. depends on individuals lor .. u giving mamil nite or put own cereal?

what is linus' weight now?

maybe u all shld go according to percentile range to judge if yr bbs are too thin or fat? coz i guess it also depends on bbs' height and build lor .. like i always thot rhyan is overweight or close to exceeding 100th percentile but PD says he is in 90th percentile when he is close to 10kg now .. when we chkd his weight during his 5.5mth, he was almost 9kg and tt was 98th percentile .. after i thought over, realised cld be coz of the height lor coz he grew taller by another 2cm whereas previously only 1cm ht increase ..

maybe u can ask SIL daily when u go and pick cindy up, what she ate etc? coz i guess maybe she forgot to tell u lor, since u mentioned before she is nice to cindy .. i usually make it a habit to ask rhyan's nanny what he eat today, got poo or not, what time last napped, what time last feed etc .. then i can know what to expect more or less lor ..
at least after carrying cindy for 9mths in womb, she looks like u! I think she's very pretty lah, ur MIL quite mean to say that, n u r very nice to reply so diplomatically.

i do worry abt next bb... wat if ends up look more like me instead of hb, will PILs be biased against... if BOY, then wait Tena kanna shunted one side how?
I think my mind too free to think such- havent even start trying to conceive for next bb, hahaha!

i add abit dumex with hot-hot water, make sure very diluted n fine, no lumps, n i use nuk medium teat, the same as for her normal fm. Dun want to use bigger teat in case lumps get thru n choke! I started after i read Mamil nite has cereal... :/

Wish aircon guy come n done, the drilling is driving me nuts! T really woke up as expected! Need to get both of us out of the home so she can nap properly

I think nat same as linus too heavy to flip. She will be 5 mths next fri and so far only see her flip once to her tummy. Last time she on and off will try to flip but nowadays she is so lazy that I hardly see her trying, such a lazy lazy bb.

Ur face look slimmer as compare when u r pregnant.
No lah when he's at home he only drink 120ml(max).I tink if i take care of him he sure lose weight. Maybe my bbsitter is gd at taking care to him. Even her son oso fat fat. oh so bad say pp fat fat. Normally he'll drink ard 180ml at nanny plc. So bbsitter always remind us to top up milk powder.
i saw the health booklet & realise tt girls tend to be smaller frame than boy so dun worry.
Only 2 words to describe yr MIL "Yu(2) Mei(4)" and I think that's a lot of pple in Singapore that thinks like her. very "ke(2) bei(1)"

Soli so soli
I mean young pretty mummy Jen and chubby bb Jean :p "forehead sweating"
*pissed off with my mum*
each time my mum came over, i'll surely puke lotsa blood! yingxin has stranger anxiety and doesn't like anyone to carry her except me

and when my mum tried to carry, she naturally cried loudly and fussed a lot trying to look for me; then my mum would exclaimed that (everytime without fail) her "baoobei" is very hungry for sure!!!

she always loved making such remarks: for goodness sake, can u dun starve my "baobei"!!! can u feed her at 2 hrs interval instead of 4 hrs interval??

wah liao, yingxin is her "baobei" only lor, not my "baobei" lor

she would then go on and on about how she fed me at 2 hrly interval in the past and now i rather "listen" to the PD and drag her feeding time to every 4 hrs so that she would be very starved by then and she would be very sickly and small; so i had no choice but to bring her to the PD and in this way, the PD can make money from me!!!

she wants to feed baby at HER timing and not to the baby's timing!! how can???

not that i'm rebellious but every time she comes over i will have clashes with her

*pissed off with my mil*
last friday i had to run errands at several places so i dropped off yingxin at my mil's place

i specifically told her not to give baby pacifier cos i have weaned her off liao; yesterday when we went over to her place, she excitedly showed me yingxin's picture taken on last friday n there were pics of her sucking the pacifier!!! i questioned my mil n she claimed she has no choice cos baby was crying!!!

i didn't want to make snide remarks at her cos she is one extremely petty fellow and i have to "rely" on her to take care of baby in future also; i just kept quiet but was very very upset

I think jen must be hiding at 1 corner crying when u said she chubby.......


Just joking...... We all know pcs is refering to Jean.
2 difficult women. U mus be v headache.
I also have MIL stories.
My SIL (who used to take care of kei) visited my MIl (who is taking of kei now). She says see the way MIL treat kei she very "sim tiar".
MIl was drinking coffee and holding Kei. U know lah bb sure look at u when u eat/drink. Kei drools a bit and guess what she do.
She takes a face towel (that has dropped into the potty wif urine) and CLEAN HER DROOL. She says like that bb will not drool any more.
"Vomit Blood and Faint at the same time"

Oi "Bu Yao hai Wo Hor". I've a hard time explaining oredi :p
AVOCADOS- oei, can freeze lar. Mu super baby book says can freeze leh. I've also tried feeding frozen to faye before, no diarrhea or discomfort.

PERCENTILE- Faye was in the 90th percentile for v long, and she dropped to 50th percentile when she was 4-5mth old. Oh well, nvm lar, I look on the bright side lor, that if she keeps on putting on weight like that my arms and shoulders will give way one day :p

yuru, er... unless you are really desperate, if not then not advisble to add cereal into milk. (MT is *desperate* lar :p)
BTW wah your PR skills indeed v good LOL!

oranges/Evelyn, sometimes could be due to personality too mah. Some bbs more zen, prefer to lie about absorbed in their own thoughts or figuring stuff out in the minds and less experimental physically. Give your bb plenty of chances and space to lie around on a spacious mattress so they get more opportunites to experiment with movements and learn about their own bodies.
hey, thought you will have a better relationship with your own mum... I cant help but agree with you... yesterday QN was crying non stop.. hubby was napping... and I wasn't able to sooth QN.. so cries woked my hubby.. instead of consoling me.. he sipped at me.. y you din feed her full enough?? I was so upset.. instead of helping me.. he actually said that to me.. sigh...
aiya pcs,
sorry I missed your post.. hmm.. you know hor.. too many plp conmented N is so sm.. I felt real sad leh...

sorry jus saw your post.. yaya.. so the gymboree is at tanglin.. okie okie.. I really envy you and the other sahms.. can spend so much time with your bbies... so which sat you going again?? maybe can meet faye.. hahaha...

hmm.. tena dun look like 6.8kg leh.. QN 6.89kg @ 5 mos 27days leh.. you sure the PD din got it wrong?

wei wei.. chubby bbies do have their woes ya.. keekee...

Yuru, MT, Berry,
I really too desperate.. this wkend I found that QN loves cereal in her milk leh... plain milk she will reject.. but once add cereal.. wow.. suck like no tommorrow.. so I decided.. to add cereal into her FM.. Er.. berry I am a lil concern over wat you say.. y cannot add cereal to milk??
puff, eh my mum too! say i starve T :p by feeding 4hrly instead of 2hrly. LOL!
But then she also alternately complain i overfeed T (cos T pukes easily, so mum assume eat too much lah).

pcs, aiyoh, contaminated cloth?!!!

berry, agree abt different bb temperaments. Guess wat my hb said when T repeatedly made farting noises with her mouth?
- "must be learn from faye, i never teach hor!" LOL!
Andrea, I think T got big head (PD really said bigger than average ahaha) so look heavier than she really is... her body quite small n she not very tall :p .
Andrea, eh u have MSN messenger or not? I shd be going again this Saturday. You email me (you got the list of mummies contacts rite?) and we make arrangements if you are free k?

Cereal in milk- er.. another subjective matter lar :p mainly because bottle feeding of cereal delay skills like learning how to swallow non-milk/liquids and when you feed thru the bottle, the baby is not given an option to choose whether to eat or not, and how much to eat at each feed. Also one of the important requirements for a baby who is truly ready for solids would be the ability to eat from a spoon, and diff babies are ready at diff times. Plus its a choking hazard. And other similar reasons. BUT HOR, these are all rather techinical and in an ideal situation I'm sure all mummies want the best for babies lar. BUT HOR, in real life, sometimes caregiver/mummies will feel that they need to bottle feed cereal for whatever personal reasons they have and there ARE plenty of babies who turn out alright. SO HOR, its a personal decision lor. For me, I've been tempted lar but havent succumb hehe :p
LOL, Faye was engrossed at chewing her toy and I ran into the room to birng out something. And I came out to see a sobbing (sob until damn cham, tears running down LOL) faye crawling after me. I dunno to laugh or faint! lolllllllllll
hey thanks for the infor.. later I sms you.. abt the cereal.. hmm.. but my MIL insisted to feed the cereal thru bot.. and I really cannot say anything.. you know.. *arghhhhh*.. okie, I try to feed QN cereal with spoon too.. but I think will still continue to put the cereal in the milk.. cuase she drinks better... hee.. Faye so cute hor hahaha... crawl while crying.. keekee... and I would love to meet up ya... do I have to make appt? I cannot seems to find the tele nmubers from thwe web.. MSN ah.. haven install in my new PC... will try ya..

wanna join this wkend?
sigh... dunno if I should b happy or annoyed at hb.

He volunteered to feed jodie at 11pm so that i can express bm. But almost everytime jodie will wake up & cry when hb is feeding her.

End up, I'll be rocking her to sleep after feeds. Am quite inclined to just feed her myself next time leow... dunno how hb will feel.
Apparently allergy to white rice cereal isn't as uncommon as thought. At the talk at SK poly previously, there was a mother there who said that her bb is allergic to that.

The nurse couldn't believe it initially too. She even said that the mother probably gave bb brown rice... sheesh...

Anyway, hb's colleague has gone back to feeding bb with ebm only. She also dunno what to do.

hmmm.... am paranoid of jodie developing further allergies since her last reaction to cow's milk. That one was quite drama... she ended up in the hospital. Hope she won't have to do that again.
in modern days like this, we so call modern mummies are sure not tat superstitious *or chose not to be* but something happened on sunday evening tat leave a HUGE ? mark in my mind......

we (quinn, me & quinn) are attending a relatives' dotter wedding dinner at river view hotel (i dun know where and how the hotel looks like initially) and happily, we drove there and as hubby drove pass the hotel, he pointed out to me to show me and in my heart was like "oh..... ummm..... tik its a old old hotel". we are pretty late by the time we reach there and the min we arrived and take a lift to the 4th floor where the dinner supposed to be, quinn started to be cranky. so i tot hes tired or maybe teething discomfort so i jus try to ignore it. upon the starting of the dinner, quinn was crying away so we presume tat hes hungry so i jus go ahead n make milk for him.he drank jus abit n his crankiness got worst. sil offer to bring him out for a walk but came back (abt half an hr) with a super jialat looking quinn. he looks sooooo scared n was cring n screaming away. he cried till hes trying to catch up his breath!!!! so hubby n me take over n bring him out of the room again. while trying to sooth him, he jus got worst once we step out of the room. quinn will jus look ard *n he really look terrible* n started to scream again while clinging on me tightly, i can even feel his nails biting into my arms!!!!! then mil came to rescue, she take over and try to calm him down, me and hubby jus stand aside n watch. mil hold him tightly in her arms and quinn jus press his face against her shoulder and when hes better and lifted his head up to look ard, his screaming and crying starts all over again!!!!! after about 1/2 - 45 mins, i tik he got tired so he tone down abit and we jus brought him into the room. then my sil carry him and sang to him and quinn fell asleep....*PHEW* so j=hubby and me tot FINALLY its over. he wake up after about 45 mins and hes quite ok and dinner is ending. so everyone jus stay ard to chat. so everyone decided to leave and once we step out of the room, it starts AGAIN!!!!! quinn looks ard and scream, cry, and body shaking!!!!!!! hubby *MODERN DAD* then whisper to me tat he sense something is very very not rite and i was like "r u sure"????? then 1 uncle ask me to leave asap and he told my pil tat he suspected tat that place is UNCLEAN..... so.... i mean wat can i do or wat can other reason be then... pp who knows quinn well knows tat hes jus not himself as hes a cheerful baby, hes always ok with everyone and anyone, even in new environment!!!! and this issue really send shivers down my spine...... and wat makes it more spooky is tat when we put quinn onto his carseat and drove off, hes smiling away and playing with me and he even laugh out loud when i play with him.........
today i bought abox of the erathbest rice cereal and a oatmeal cereal *dom wants it* and was wondering can quinn have tat...... as it stated its for babies beyond rice cereal..... and bought a box of teething biscuit (band healthy time) and quinn loves it. i tried all sort of teething biscuits as pil, sil bought too much and he jus hate them...... so i'm soooo happy tat he likes the one we bought today
2molo will make applesauce for him again *keeping finger cross tat he will eat it*

ha!!!! u ate tena food!!!!! but avo will sure do u good!!! at least for ur skin

ha!!!! tis issue again!!!! my pil quite ok, mil really saiyoung quinn. upon his arrival, she already prepare lots of things for him, his home clothes athough alot pass down from sil as she really got too much liao as her hubby travels alot so bought too much in the pass, and bought me a changing table so i can bath quinn as me c-section so she says its easier for me as i dun have to bend down (but end up not using, jus use it to store quinns diaper, wet towel and all tat), babysafe mattress,pillow, bolster........ as she knows tat they will make me feel safer, ha!!!!! and now tat quinn starting to eat solid, she make pure fish, chicken stock for me to freeze, grind ikan bilis, and today call me telling me tat she will grind brown rice for me. and keep stocking up quinns teething biscuits, cereal, clothes, diaper and sometimes formular milk powder. but i told her tat quinn dun like those biscuit and cereal and prefer earthbest brand as i dun want her to waste $$ and i am not lying. and shes a modern grandma so quite ok when communicating with her. though at times she will give suggestions like putting cereal into quinn milk, giving porridge when quinn is 4 - 5 mois..... she will accept wat i intend to do or wat i say without complaining. so i guess its more like a give and take isse.
oh yah, forget about something, tat day hubby and me got a HUGE shock!!!! we were watching tv and hubby suddenly jump up and ask me to look at quinns clothes and i saw BLOOD STAIN!!!! and it looks like its a mixture of saliva and blood and i immediately check his mouth, tongue and gums....but ok leeh didnt see anything uunusual..... and tis quinn is laughing aways while i checking, thinking tat i am playing with him and make it sooo difficult to check with his tongue sticking out!!!!! and me really at a lost man!!!! so hubby says there nothing we can do but to monitor so i really MONITOR!!!! so far so goos and a gan jiang mum like me head straightto my laptop and start searching for infor and realized tat teething might cause bleeding..... omg!!!!!
Can picture Faye crawling and crying at the same time. Funny yet heartwarming :p

Little Devil
Yr story gives me goose pimples. I was told when kei was very young not to bring her out during nite time coz bb can "see things" which adult cannot see.
pcs, no worries lah... hehe... teasing u oni... i knoe u always mix up my name... hehe...

been really bz... really nice to meet up and looking forward to sat... hehe...

oranges, u got slim down wat... aiyo...

lil devil, so scary!!!

andrea, got icq or not?

re: stranger anxiety...
jean is starting to display some oredi... so far others carry still ok... but she wun smile at them at first unlike last time... now she will look at them hesitantly then after sometime if play wif her then she will smile... i noticed she was kinda weird last sat when we met up... usually she will not suddenly wail... let's see how she is this sat...

ok, gotta zou kang leow... ciao!!
<font color="0000ff">mummies, help!!</font>
have been trying to take pix of shanice with WHITE background for her passport, but took so many still not successful! either got shawdow or not white enuff. how?!!!! don't tell me gotta go to the shop to take leh
then very lehcheh cos gotta scan &amp; submit online

<font color="aa00aa">andrea, pcs,</font>
thanks for posting the pix!! hope i hve time to go thru the posts today!! hiaz.. bz leh!
angelia, i think they hav instant on-the-spot for when u collect passport.

Tena says, "hehe, nice to see the chubby babies show, lol!"


^Pretty QN


QN : Shanice smile leh, Kei u r looking at the wrong way!!!

Shanice (thinking) : Hmm Linus thigh also baba like mine hor.....

Kei : Hur.. Hur.. look where????

Linus : Ladies, Bu Yao Ruan. Just Relax and look in front.
