(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Hi mummies..
toking abt bb holding bottles..
hee.. QN also like to hold the bottle herself while drinking water... but not milk... for around a minute...

yaya.. I also like tena's clothings... ha..
QN to tena: wow.. your mummy buy so many nice nice things for you hor.. *envy you*

no lah.. no worries...my IL like to use the teats until hmm... dunno when she is going to change... she very old fashion.. if not spoil.. no change is necessary... *Bengz*

hi, long time no news from you and gab.. seeign his pic know's that he is doing great.. so did he cry during the cut.??? hmm.. he looked more and more like you hor.. so cute..

ziztine, mine is the large single piece in solid colours. One pack at $16.90 (or maybe its $14.90 hehe cant remember :p), 4 pieces in a pack. Its much bigger than those regular abc mat size.

kelly, long time no hear! Hehe can tell Gab look older liao
ziztine, andrea,
burst budget, all mainly bigger clothings lor... but I got check her existing clothes all dun hav these type :)P)... m abit sian of her existing clothes. KS lah, I make her start wearing when it's loose, by the time fits nicely, I see dunno how many times liao. Plus she drools so much she changes clothes a few times daily :/ .

gab looking more macho now hehe. His fine hair gave him a more gentle look ;) . BTW thx 4 fwding swim email 2 siew (i dun hav her email nor mobile haha)- she dropped by my place last wk n said she went for swim trial at Clementi (we went holland rd premise instead)- no dunking over in clementi!

gab looks quite GI Joe with his new buzz cut! luke also keeps pulling his already sparse hair out so his hair is super patchy now :p
me too busy at work yest + the pix looks a lil blurr .. haha .. u must be surprised coz i am usually the observant one hor .. :p

more foam mats at home? me thinking if i shld buy some and put at nanny's pl .. considering coz dunno if nanny will mind her living rm being turned into a nursery for rhyan, just like at my hse .. haha .. arbish u! tempting me to spend $ again!

lil devil
i can't let rhyan hold his milk bottle too coz he will either be pushing the teat all the way into his mouth to bite the corner of the bottle (coz gums itchy) or taking the bottle out to appreciate the cartoons on the bottle ..

wah, yr digital pixs skills really very good leh .. can take the pixs of the clothes and combined to be like this, i better study my camera and software more coz i dun even know how to edit my pixs!

tena has so many lovely clothes, i bet she will look real good in all of them! looking forward to seeing her soon!

rhyan goes to bed at 8pm nowadays, finish his milk and turn sideways to hug his bolster on his own - in dreamland liao .. no pacifier required unless hb talks to him or play with him after his milk (which he does at times ..
.. i make him suffer the consequences by lulling rhyan bk to dreamland .. haha!)

but hor, these few days, he hasn't been sleeping well .. keeps on flipping here and there while asleep and if he can't find his comfortable position, he will fuss and cry .. when this happens in the middle of the nite, means got to make milk for him .. haiz, end up hb and i didn't sleep well lor .. also dunno if its growth spurt coz nanny commented he gets hungrier earlier recently .. last nite was ok, hope he returns to his usual self soon ..

*** SK / PGL Gathering ***** Updates
Date : 30th Apr (Sat)
Time : 0930hrs
Venue : Compass Point @ Burger King

Littleprince & Rhyan (hubby not going)
Evelyn & Nat
Beanie & Jodie
Sharon & Sharwyn (hubby not going)
Charsiew & Isabel
Deniz & Meghan
Kelly & Gabriel
TBL & Natalie
Jen & Jean

btw, just wondering .. if teats are cut (snipped, i mean) instead of a proper round hole, will bb's tongue be caught in btw the snip huh? if yes, quite dangerous rite? a proper teat cutter shld hv the final effects of still a round hole in the teat rite?

gab still look very adorable, finally decide to cut his hair ah? not totally bald rite? coz can still see some hair ..
btw, anyone heard abt any comments on Mamil Gold Nite Formula or tried on their bbs? good or not huh? seems like not much positive comments on it leh .. i hv a can given by hb's friend's bb's PD and his bb is not taking Mamil Gold at all so gave it to us .. i tried 2 scoops last nite with his current 4 scoops of FM and he drank all leh, but me wondering if its good to continue in the long run coz the contents dun look very nutritious to me ..
lil prince, mamil nite FM is exactly the same thing as the regular normal formula, EXCEPT that it was cereal added in to keep bb fuller. Go compare both ingredient lists and you'll see wat I mean.
MATS- these days faye dun fall much when she is crawling around liao. But I figured that the mats will come in handy when she starts toddling, cause the fall will probbaly be more painful if she falls from standing position? So the mats can be used for a long time, so its a worthwile investment, so its justifiable, so go and BUY! hehehe...
aiya, think i shld hv compared mamil step 2 with mamil nite instead of comparing with step 1 .. hmm, i know got cereal inside but not noticeable leh .. dun see residues leh ..

*cover ears to stop berry fm tempting me to go and buy MORE mats!*
Sorry to disturb here, would you please give me friso's co. tel no? coz i also want to let my girl try this fomula, so thinking of getting sample from them too.

Re: teats...
I oso one lazy person... never change one... :p but I make sure wash until clean clean... then sterilise... my bbsitter will sterilise for me also... sometimes I randomly check and I think it's ok...

Yuru, where to buy the teat hole cutter? is it good? cos I also a lot of unused #1 and #2...

Re: flies
Berry, lil devil, they are rear entry lah... doggy style... dun think it's 69... wahahah...

Berry, I forgot to mention, I think ur camera very good leh... u can take until so clear and the flies stop there to be photographed... hehe...

Re: Friso 2
Puff, sure will collect for u...

Chihiro, remember to pass to me...

Re: SK/PGL gathering...
Puff, you suanning me is it?? My freezer got NO PLACE for a TINY tub of ice-cream leh... all full of FBM... hmm... Jean tugs at auntie Puff's sleeve... "pls pls try to make it hor... I miss YX jiejie..." *pouts*...

ziztine, I remember u are another SK fella... U coming?? So many pple go, it will be FUN!! wahahah... but then hor, pls forgive me if I dun remember who's who later hor... sometimes blurr lah...

Re: shaving head...
auntie Kelly, wah... gab gorgor so MAN after shave... head as round as me leh... hehe... and still so chubby... I like.........

<font color="0000ff">Report on Jean</font>
babysitter has been saying Jean is quite difficult to feed during the day time... hiaz... dunno what's wrong wif this gal... hubby has GIVEN UP trying to feed her for the feed before bedtime... he scared of her fussing and rather do the last wash and sterilise bottle and pumps for me... so poor me gotta struggle to feed cranky Jean at night AND express after that... hiaz...

Last night, I gave her 170ml, not expecting her to finish but at least take 130ml... as usual she drink 100ml and fussed... so I left it for a while and kept trying... then I called hubby to come and try cos I need to express oredi... was so late leow... he still doing his things... finally when I was going to give up... I told her, "I dun like you lah!!" then put the bottle in, hubby came in halfway then quietly walked out when he saw she sucking... she FINISH the 70ml in 5 mins!! when I bring out the empty bottle, he say "so fast?!" *LOL*...

Watever, she slept after that till this morning 8am...
teat hold cutter..can get from KP..under FARLIN brand. I dun make bigger holes for Ryan coz he knows how to use it like a water gun if you put a big hole for him..press the teat then suddenly release then spray water/milk everywhere..so we stick to M( non-leak) size for him.
Faye is on a sleep strike (again)! She hasn't been sleeping as much as she needs, and this means I have so much lesser time to do the things I need to do (household chores, toileting, etc). TGIF!!!

Jen, the flies in heat of passion mah, didnt realised they were being photographed :p

lil prince, could be that they grind the cereal so finely that it sort of dissolves in. BTW does rhyan really sleep better after drinking this?
lilprince, when T's asleep, she will move too lor, turn sides or even tummydown (yikes! I can't help panicking when I see that). But she still can't fall asleep and stay asleep well, in the day lor.

Get more mats lah, I can't cos I need my single size mattress for when my mum stays over.

My aircon needs to service/ maintenance clean, sigh! My room last nite aircon leak, I camp over in T's nursery lor, so funny, sleep on mattress surrounded by the play-yard fencing ahaha. But she very light sleeper lah, I move abit, she will hear and move abit too. :/
possibly lor .. rhyan didn't wake up in the middle of the nite yesterday, last feed at 8pm and this morning at 6.15am .. dunno if its bcoz of the mamil nite or what, maybe i try again tonite and see how ..

hb and i are only worried when he keeps flipping nearer and nearer to the end of the mattress, skarli fall off .. i put pillow to block already but not much use ..

*wah, u also ask me to get MORE mats!*
*** SK / PGL Gathering ***** Updates
Date : 30th Apr (Sat)
Time : 0930hrs
Venue : Compass Point @ Burger King

Littleprince &amp; Rhyan (hubby not going)
Evelyn &amp; Natalie (hubby not going)
Beanie &amp; Jodie
Sharon &amp; Sharwyn (hubby not going)
Charsiew &amp; Isabel
Deniz &amp; Meghan
Kelly &amp; Gabriel
TBL &amp; Natalie
Jen &amp; Jean
yuru, will the hole cut be as "nicely punched" as those avent teats? for eg, if I punch 2 holes in #1, will it look like the 3 holes of avent #3? or bigger? hmm... u know what I mean?
When bb bigger may need to remove the mats..ABC et.. I have removed the playmat in Ryan's playarea coz now he walks around..sometimes the mat may move and may slip.. Ialso find the ABC mat quite slippery and only use it to barricade his sleeping area to prevent him from knocking himself if he falls off the bed... which is quite rarely now.. so *not asking you to buy more mats*

My boy drinking milk..depends on mood also.. sometimes I make 180ml.. he will take long time to finish..but if I make 2 x 120ml..he will happily finish both bottles = 240ml.. dunno why..anway make 1 small one finish then make another one so he doesn't waste the FM.
*** SK / PGL Gathering ***** Updates
Date : 30th Apr (Sat)
Time : 0930hrs
Venue : Compass Point @ Burger King

Littleprince &amp; Rhyan (hubby not going)
Evelyn &amp; Natalie (hubby not going)
Beanie &amp; Jodie
Sharon &amp; Sharwyn (hubby not going)
Charsiew &amp; Isabel
Deniz &amp; Meghan (if all hubbies not going, than not going)
Kelly &amp; Gabriel
TBL &amp; Natalie
Jen &amp; Jean
thks for *asking me not to buy more mats* .. hehehe ..

but hor, i think i may need to buy lah .. coz nanny's pl only got a mini sofa bed for him now and this bed not wide enough for him to flip .. there were a few times when he sort of flipped out and fussed, didn't knock himself lah .. so i am thinking of getting the mats to cushion his fall in case .. the small sofa bed also quite restrictive for him lor ..

btw, ruffy, i read fm a thread somewhere tt u tried mamil nite for ryan before, is it? how was it huh?

thks for offering to buy for me ..

me and hb not light sleepers also awakened by rhyan's movements leh .. haiz .. btw, its not a must to take mamil nite .. depends on individuals lor but if it works well for sharwyn and you are alrite with hvg dissolved cereal in milk, can try ..
Little prince,
Mamil nite tried 1 tin before.. waste $$.. doesn't keep Ryan full..also milk powder quite hard to disolve. waste my $$. Don't promote it.
Now he is on Dumex 1 plus coz cheaper than Gain..he takes about 1 big tin 1.8kg a mth. Gain is about $41-$42.. Dumex refill packet 1.4kg only $12.60 from Seng siong so save $$ for me.. cut down on his milk powder cost.. so have more $$ for other stuff.
BTW yesterday saw MP on sale at Ntuc $16.20.
RE: restless sleep
Kieran doesn't really sleep well at nite oso, since a long time ago... His sleeping position keeps changing in the nite. He'll cry, wif eyes closed, but after a few pats or giving him the pacifier, he'll fall back to sleep but will wake up again. Tis happens a few times at nite... Is it due to teething/hunger???? I oso dunno...jus hope it'll be soon b4 he can sleep thru quietly.

Gab looks gd wif or w/o hair
It's like so long nvr see his pic liao n now u post,can tell he really grow up liao.
hmm, i didn't hv trouble dissolving it last nite leh .. maybe coz i mix with his current FM .. thks for yr advice, will think abt it again .. and thks for informing abt MP sale
Morning Mummies
Stupid office server down again. Log in today

Oh yr friend is a guy har. Saw a lady at the shop thought she is yr friend. Will look for yr friend when i visit the shop.
BTW Like yr chinese name too.

Superb phototaking skills- can capture such a momemt or did the flies stay in the position for very long??
Thought Puff's encounter v funny orderi, yours is even more hilarious.

Like u i never notice unitl little devil mention position 69.

Haha-red &amp; black eyes.
Wahaha-oval and triangle wings
Very creative leh. keke

V nice clothes u bought for Tena. Think is going to look very sweet on her. Pics pls......

Little Devil
so good, Quinn can hold his own bottle. Kei can only hold bottle for 3 mins and takes 20-30 mins to finish her milk
*** SK / PGL Gathering ***** Updates
Date : 30th Apr (Sat)
Time : 0930hrs
Venue : Compass Point @ Burger King

Littleprince &amp; Rhyan (hubby not going)
Evelyn &amp; Natalie (hubby not going)
Beanie &amp; Jodie
Sharon &amp; Sharwyn (hubby not going)
Charsiew &amp; Isabel (hubby not going)
Deniz &amp; Meghan (if all hubbies not going, than not going)
Kelly &amp; Gabriel
TBL &amp; Natalie
Jen &amp; Jean
RE: restless sleep
Meghan also quite restless, will turn from side to side but she doesn't wake up. Sometimes, will suck her thumb or her upper arm. On the rare occasions she wakes up, she don want milk leh.

RE: babies holding bottle
Meghan will only touch the bottle when she wants to bat it away....when drinking, not interested in holding at all.
Meghan's just like Cindy, must finish all at one go.
After monitoring her drinking habits, i usually make 180ml for her 1st feed and 210ml for her other feeds cos she also don like to be interrupted when she's very hungry.
No choice lah if milk wasted...better than a screaming baby!
nanny woes

saw many post on teat and nannies method, i cant help to post my unhappiness.

my mil is taking care of Nicole since i back to work in Mar. I'm had been very stress and upset in her way but i can do nothing. change her milk teat 2 week ago to M size (pigeon) she complain the flow is very slow and new one not nice and insist on using the old one, and mix up all my old and new teats. for me i find the M teat just nice cos i dun see anymore drip on Nicole mouth during the feed. i oso chnage teh milk bottle from 120ml to 240ml. and she also ask me why need to chnage??? i told her use for so long alry and some more now must increase the milk ml alry. she tell me dun need make 2 bottle lor sigh.... only when i ard she will use the new bottle , if not she will use the old one again, she tot i dun know. so i believe one day she sure cut the teat.

i dam piss off and go back nagging and scolded my hubby, guess wat he tell me dun tink so much one ear in other side out. i tell him off u tink i dun care of Nicole she is my daughter and i know wat is best for her and want the very best in her. then he say ok ok lah let her drink in 20 min in M teat then i even more piss off dun talk to him last night. dun know wat MIL say true cos everytime i feed her she finish in 10-15 min.

she also boil bottle once a day, i suspect she only boil when i ard for normal day she never boil. she even got the cheek to ask me the bottle can boil meh is plastic u know. she wan to act blur, all these are general thing tat all ppl will know, how can milk bottle dun boil??

they are more and more...... sill / stupid thing tat she do tat made me upset.. no ending at all but poor Nicole have a timid mum who dare not open mouth to argue wif ppl and a dad who will only side his mum.

Sorry for my long nagging post. I had been keeping some much to myself until I saw all of u posted and I nearly burst into tear when i saw it

Don't be like that leh. find one good day when both of u cool down a bit, then voice out your views to your hubby lor. Letting MIL takes care of bb is like that, most of the time the DIL doesn't dare to voice out one, you are not alone.
agree with charsiew, hv a good talk with hb after cooling down .. tts what i did too, and i realised he understands better after tt ..

actually, rhyan's nanny also sterilise bottles once a day only .. i dun hv much comments abt tt lah coz when rhyan was at MIL's pl during my confinement, also once a day sterilise lor though its soaked in boiled cool water throughout lah .. but at home using the steriliser, i will try to sterilise whenever i can .. else, i will at least use boiling water to rinse the bottle before using ..
hi ladies,

just curious to find out what is the pixel of your digi camera cos all the photos posted are very clear and sharp.... enjoy looking thr all yr darlings' photos...
We're here to share, so dun keep everything to urself or u'll go mad... Well, when we let others take care of our darlings, we jus have to grin n bear wif the caregivers. If not, we'll be very miserable like how u're feeling now. They have their own way of handling little ones, n some mtds r indeed dated but well, we either tell them nicely n hope they listen or jus let them be. Haiz... on times dat i can't bring my point across, i bring in the PD :p It works at times...
I am currently reading a book which says that bottles are fine as long as they are washed with detergents. There is no real need to sterilise and any normal detergent will do.

To me, bottles should be washed immediately after each feed to prevent bacteria from multiplying.

I'm not too concerned if the bottles are sterilised after every feed (although I do that at home lar).

I gave my nanny a steriliser to use and told her to sterilise each bottle at least once a day lor.

In days of yore, people normally just rinse the bottles in hot water after washing it with detergent :p So it's a matter of your own comfort level.

After getting feedback from you girls, I guess I could try to buy an L size teat for nanny to feed fm with. For ebm, I'll ask nanny to continue with M size teat lor. See how it goes. Hope the L size isn't too fast.

Any of you girls using pigeon L size teats? Is the flow very much faster then M size?
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
yup! will bring the powder to you tomolo for you to pass to puff

<font color="ff6000">kelly</font>
gab still looks chubby &amp; handsome lah .. :)

<font color="ff6000">andrea</font>
my mum also like ur ILs.. hehe..
anyway, when i pass her the new teats to chg, she will lor ;p

<font color="ff6000">medusa</font>
like tt watermelon (is it?) hat ! cute

<font color="ff6000">puff/pcs</font>
will it fly normally with 1 oval &amp; 1 triangle wing? flying impaired ? :p

<font color="ff6000">yuru</font>
oh.. got teat's hole cutter wan ah... hee...
nx time i go kiddy palace &amp; kai kai yan jie .. to see how it looks like .. :p

<font color="ff6000">little_devil</font>
quinn looks a lot like u hor..

<font color="0000ff">bbs holding bottle</font>
when feeding cali, her hands will also like to join into action. but hor, if feed water, she will hold the bottle (small one) for a while, if feed milk, fingers go into her mouth

<font color="0000ff">sterilising bottles</font>
usually will sterilise 1x, at most 2x a day..
then will use boiled water to rinse before nx use

<font color="0000ff">Huggies Dry Comfort</font>
am using this for night time on calista now. Slightly cheaper than MP and still as absorbent as MP.. no leakage so far (from 11pm-7am). anyway its having sales in NTUC now.. 2 for 30.35, usual price is $16.40/pack
<font color="0000ff">Ikan Bilis powder</font>
erm, any idea where can i get this?
went to cold storage to find, but dun hv
i only started rhyan on L teats recently, am also using Pigeon .. i think M shld be ok for Jodie in the meanwhile leh, but if she is drinking milk for an hr using this teat, then maybe u try the L teat and see how she reacts ..

ikan bilis powder got to grind yr own self lah, cannot be bought fm supermarkets if u want pure type ..
yah, got to diy one. my mil grind a bottle for me (those nescafe kopi bottle) then i myself seive it afew times, first use normal seive then follow on 2 time with seive tat got very small holes, then after tat left 1/2 or 3/4 bottle tats very fine powder.

wat she told me is :
1) buy ikan bilis from S.M (chose the white &amp; silvery type)

2) then wash it so to clean any dust, dirt and wat she call yin(2) fen(3).

3) dry it.

4) u can use a huge wok to fry it (without oil) but she use oven to bake them.

5) grind them to powder.

6) seive it several times (done by me).
<font color="ff6000">littleprince</font>
my mum used to grind it herself till hte blender koyak.. :p
now she asked me to get tis fr supermart.. coz she was told tt its available off the shelf
for me i always sterilized quinns bottle but i know its really not ness. i have a fren who stay in U.S once told me tat pd over there actually tell her tat theres no need to even sterilize bottles, reason is the min u took out the bottle from the sterilizer, everything ard the surrounding stick to it liao and its a diff story when those nurses sterilize the bb bottles becos the room they use is so call VERY CLEAN.so the pd says at home its useless to sterilized. and my fren never sterilized her bb bottles too. but for me, i still sterilized lah, at home i will feed quinn with bottles tats already sterilized and when go out, i jus reuse them by rinsing them in hot water.
ai yo....tat woman ah, she very the act cute one!!!ha!!!! but dunworry lah, though i dun like her, i will not feel offended when u say tat.
lil devil, wahhh you slim down again leh! your chin nice nice sharp sharp wan

wendy, maybe you can buy a steriliser for your mil so that she has no excuse to say bottles cant be boiled?

yuru, today tena and faye went out to have tea together with another flend, not around in the afetrnoon lar. I'll pass your message to faye. :p

pcs LOL! the flies stayed in that position VERY long, long enough for me to take 8-10 pics from diff angles :p

lil prince, eh, trust me on this, you CANNOT count on MT to encourage you to be on budget wan lar, she is the chairperson of shopaholics anonymous!
i am so tired and hardly got time to read the posts.

anyone has started introd cereal to baby who is past 4 months old??

still bf?? I am thinking of supplement, tired and baby drinks little.
fortunate to get hand-me-downs, I hanker also dun have much lor.

ahbish u! I'm not penny-wise, pound-foolish :p mah, hah!

great pic! U look gd. Yah bbs so unpredictable, they dun shang-lian to give megawatt smile.


^ Gf gave this!
Tena likes to chew on the cuffs though, LOL!


^ Lunch with my mum that day- well behaved darling!


^ Flend grab her shoes! :p Guess who is the other flend? :p

^ Dinner just!
Bottles- I'm still using Nuk medium flow 0-6mth, she doesn't like fast. She doesn't like feeder cup for water either (too fast for her either). Sterilise twice a day cos I run out of sterilised BIG bottles halfway (small bottles retired liao cos she drinks better at one go). When out, I dun bother just ask waiter to rinse for me and refill with warm water. 6mth old should be ok... I *think*. Anyway, HB says he read TAP water is ok even... :p just that my own flat tap water is too risky lah even for a bohchup abt such things parent like... HB! Boil feel safer definitely!
Thanks for the feedback little prince. hmmm... great... now I dunno if I should get the L size teat :p I guess the 1hr feeds happen cos' Jodie's not too hungry then. So she'll drink &amp; fall asleep. I wake her up to continue feed b4 ebm goes bad. Very "sum tong" if ebm is thrown away lor.

Just realised I look kinda ridiculous at the moment. I'm 1/2 way expressing milk and reading the postings. Got pump on one side and balancing a bottle on the other side cos' it always drips while I'm pumping one side :p

*Mooooo!!!* :pp
thanks for the mat info!

for enlarging the teat, i just heat a needle over the stove &amp; poke the teat :p u remember i stay SK yah! but i can't make it dat sat lah
Server broke down again whole day yesterday. x@#*&amp;!@

Tena looks so much like yr HB in the last photo. She seems to smile very often nowadays :p

no la, where got suan u? i didn't know u got no space in the fridge...cos "stressed" when spelled backwards is desserts!! i tend to eat sweet stuff when i'm stressed up *sigh* that's why i still can't shake off my excess...

gab looked very fresh with his new look

my mum has been bugging me to cut off yingxin's hair cos she finds them "too long" but i intend to keep them...kekeke

u let QN sleep on such big pillow? will she roll off from it? i bought those kind with a hole and let yingxin sleep on it to prevent flat head but her head always "roll off" the pillow and she has FLAT head *so sad*

those clothes u bought really very pretty

i went to the kids bazaar sale at united square yesterday and their selection is not as nice

but i still bought 1 long sleeve OK top and 1 pair of GAP baby shoes

by the way, the other time i asked u about the ear infection thingy when tena's head being dunked in water...will water get into her ears and cos infection?

little devil
u are such a pretty mum, definitely not auntie la!

u have to take things easy lor, else u will get very frustrated

like yesterday, i dropped off yingxin at my mil place before going out to run my errands

i told her to wipe baby's face with cotton wool and use cool boiled water after every milk feed cos she has very sensitive face (everytime i left my baby at my mil's house and end of the day i went to pick her up, her face will be full of rashes); and she actually used tap water and those small rough hanky to simply wipe her face right in front of my eyes!!!

and true enough, when i went to pick yingxin up at nite, her cheeks and chin were full of rashes (which of course never happens when yingxin is taken care of by me at home)
