(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be


I think nat ve the similar checker top that Jean ve.

Recently, nat oso start to ve stranger anxiety. She will bian3 Zhui3 whenever stranger talk to her. Most of the time they will run off when she bian zhui but some like to try their luck, hoping she will smile. But no chance lah... she will wail the next moment hahaha........ Last wk my hubby was saying, y nowaday nat become like this huh, last time she used to smile at stranger whenever they talk to her. Wat had ur mum do to her huh...... i replied... "my mum torture her lah....." Hope this sat she will more sociable and smile to all the pretty mummies.


I nearly fall off the chair when i read the first portion of ur sentence-have to open a new thread. Hahaha......


To cure drooling, wat i know is to use table cloth but nvr heard of using contaminated cloth. Hee.... in order to help nat stop drooling, I ever try using table cloth to clean nat's mouth, actually is quite effective but........ it last a few days only, chey........
I did what littleprince tot me. put a cloth nappy behind bb as the white background. this is what i submitted for isabel's passport:


Im oso trying take a nice photo for nat pp but have hard time capturing her looking at the camera. Shadow? Did u on ur light? I take during day time, no shadow. Wat do u mean nt white enough, background? I sit her on sofa and place a cloth nappy behind her to get a white back ground, so far ok.
evelyn, then gotta wear something different leow... keke... or wear the same? kaka...

Re: Sarong Slings
Who's using sarong slings? I'm wondering whether to get or not leh... the MIMs one should get the sateen/cotton one? pls advice.........
I think the satin one should be more cooling..coz remembered tried the cotton one..but not MIM when Ryan was newborn..had same effect as sauna

How's ur place today..still noisy?.. You want to join us for Music lesson at BT Timah . it is just informal bb gathering of 3-6 bbs.. sing song and do actions etc..1/2hr -3/4hr class..Asked Berry also.. but I think today she went out..so haven't heard from her yet. WE play the CD and follow the songs..bb play with shakers/drums/ scarf.. modification of Kindermusik. Oh the person's house is not avaliable this week..so maybe next week.
Jodie's allergic to cow's milk. Probably cow's milk protein cos' bm also contains lactose.

Little devil,
Your story very scary leh.

Reminds me of a story my mom used to tell me. It happened when I was 2-3yrs old.

Neighbour downstairs was murdered. So happens that my parent's room faces the stairs at the back of the apartment.

On the 7th day, mom said that I suddenly woke up from my sleep and stared at the stairs. Mom was wondering what happened when she heard the clinking sound of chains. She didn't see anything lar. But that spooked her big time :p
I hope when she grows up, she will maintain her sharp chin but not double. ;-)

Wah, your story very interesting. Regarding the sound of chains, i do believe in this. Last time when my grandpa passed away, my parents heard it on the night which they were told his spirit would come back.

Hmm... this is gonna become Singapore Ghost Story forum.

Wear same and they will be like twin, hahaha..... Not true lah, jean got bigger eyes. I just let her wore last wkend, so it's still inside the basket, haven't wash.

Im using the sling... Quite useful if my hand is occupied. And nwaday nat is getting heavier, so i use it to sling her everyday from my house to carpark and vice versus. Mine is cotton, quite hot when using. I think satin more cooling........
<font color="aa00aa">charsiew,</font>
i tried the nappy method. but can see the nappy lines very clearly leh

hey, that a very nice pix for pp. isabel oso chubby chubby

<font color="aa00aa">medusa,</font>
but i wan nice nice pix for her pp mah. if take ourselves can snap like nobody biz then pick &amp; choose. but the big problem is not 1 fits the white background, no shadow criteria!!

<font color="aa00aa">yuru,</font>
tried alr. on lights, put mahjong paper on wall, put her close/ back touching wall alr, still cannot. my house so dim meh?!!!

<font color="aa00aa">pcs, andrea,</font>
thanks for posting the links. erm.. can i also hv the pix sent to email? thanks.

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
aiya, dun envy lah. keira very sweet leh. how i wish shanice sweet sweet like her. Sun went my coll's bb full mth, his mum ask me "boy ah". yday brought her to coffeeshop for lunch, a grandpa tell his granddaughter "see, di di..." *faint* but aiya, used to it liao lah!!

<font color="aa00aa">andrea, berry,</font>
haha.. i oso tempted to join u gals this Sat leh.. since it's a looong wkend!!

hmm.. but what was i doing huh? why mouth open so big?! ?? hmmmm ??

<font color="aa00aa">berry,</font>
hey, u guessed by looking at the bb or at the bottom half of my face? hahaha..

<font color="0000ff">starting solid</font>
Sat cooked 1 tablespoon of self made brown rice cereal to Shanice, she finished almost everything. Sun increased to 2 tablespoon, she oso finished as per Sat's portion. Yesterday back to cooking 1 tablespoon again, but this time fed by my mum n she CLEANED up everything n wanted MORE!! walau.. think my feeding skill fail ah!! when i feed, i leave the spoon in her mouth, but my mum feed like toddler style, put the cereal in n out come the spoon. i was worried she might choke, but it seems like Shanice is doing well.

then hor, my mum say feed her by putting the cereal into her milk oso can. of cos i PROTESTED immediately lah.

erm.. will try to post some pix later today if i can find time to resize the pix.

<font color="0000ff">intro fish</font>
erm.. fish is actually recommended at 9mos rite? ikan bilis not considered fish ah?

<font color="0000ff">teething rusk</font>
hmm.. the teething rush contains salt leh, n we're to intro salt only later rite? then how? i bought rice cereal n teething rusk 2 wks ago but din give Shanice cos decided to give self-grind brown rice cereal instead. prob this wkend will be burnt grinding &amp; shifting brown rice!!

<font color="0000ff">swimming</font>
don't think can bring shanice for a swim so soon.. cos when bathe her, the water a bit cool only she don't want liao. damn jialat!

<font color="0000ff">stranger anxiety</font>
brought Shanice to coll's bb full mth on Sun, my colleagues say she very "dao" leh. hahha.. cos they try to play wif her only, she cry. haha..

but later on managed to carry her cos trick her wif a RED EGG lor. the other 1 tricked her wif a tissue plastic, haha...
Yah contaminated cloth wif urine!!I'm sending hb to spotcheck her as often as he can during the day as I'm afraid she comes up wif more horrible stuff.

Beanie also notice that all dds are wearing white!!So chiao.

Isabel sooo cute. Nice pp pic :p

Sweet?? U r wrong man!! Everywhere I go, ppl ask me "boy hur?"
<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
huh? nowadays these people's eyes got problem is it? urs alr kenna asked, no wonder mine pple no need to ask, straightaway say "boy boy/di di" alr!!

<font color="aa00aa">charsiew,</font>
here's 1 sample!
<font color="0000ff">StArTiNg SoLiD dAy - 23 ApRiL, sAt</font>

1st time in high chair

where's my food!! where's my food!!

food is here - a small "bowl" of homemade brown rice

mummy : urm, open ur mouth
shanice : hmm *frown* what's this..


mummy din remove the spoon, how to eat?

shanice : very nice, very nice
mummy : good girl, din make a mess
* after this, she flapped n the spoon flew off wif some brown rice cereal!!


i've had enuff..

this is what's left

*note : she downed 160ml after the cereal feed
Whao..ur bb so big already.. maybe when she has more hair she won't be mistaken for boy.

Mine also sometimes get mistaken for Girl(but rarely..coz he very sam seng type).Nowadays I let him wear a baseball hat..so more boyish.
<font color="ff6000">evelyn</font>
my mum start potty training her when she's 2-3mths old... but then now hor, her timing still not very accurate.. have been pooing ard 8am these 2 days.. can't sit on potty coz usually tis time got to bring her to my mum's pl .. so she did it in her diapers instead

sometimes she will do it in the afternoon.. sighz...so to me, still not very train yet lah .. :p

<font color="ff6000">yuru</font>
guess its no hurry to introduce lor
if u are comfortable, then u give her lah ...
then see if she's ok .. if she's ok .. then u can cont' giving .. otherwise wait for a while more before trying again

<font color="ff6000">little_prince</font>
erm, tink my mum will add the ikan bilis powder while porridge is still cooking over the fire bah ..

geez.. i nv asked her abt this

last night when i went back, calista just had her dinner (porridge + vege (tink its spinach) + fish (threadfin))... she din finish all though ..but according to my mum, she likes it
well, so far i see no allergy yet.. so i let her con't with porridge

<font color="ff6000">andrea</font>
hee..maybe she dun like the taste tts y refuse to eat? did ur MIL feed this while QN is there?

<font color="ff6000">angelia\andrea</font>
u r not the only ones who encounter this qn...
tts y i seldom dress her in blue. the mothercare 7 pcs pack got a blue color romper, tink she only wore it 2x and very easy to be mistaken as boy.. hehe...usually let her wear any color but blue .. :p
but then still got ppl ask, "boy ah?" when she's wearing pink/flowery romper.. *faint*

<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
at least Shanice still allow other ppl to carry her.. calista cannot. When my MIL carry her, she will cry until very cham..but when she play with calista, no problem..tinking calista is ok with mil liao, mil tried carrying again.... result still the same ... cannot
so whenever i go MIL's pl .. headache

juz last wkend, tot she's ok with ILs and she's in her walker chair.. so i slipped out to get lunch downstairs' coffeeshop. after getting my lunch, went to get her milk powder from the provision (cheaper than NTUC, and not from M'sia). while i was heading back towards the coffeeshop, saw mil carrying crying calista

she was cry till so cham, nose running, eyes red red ... when i carried her , she still cry cry a bit ... aiyo.. like tt hor, can't leave her alone with my ILs if me &amp; hubby hv to go out..

<font color="0000ff">food</font>
nowdays calista show very big interest in the food we eat. her mouth will start moving with sound when she see us eat/drink. now her hands will come &amp; grab the packet drink in our hands too
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
shanice looks so happy to makan.
where u get ur high chair huh? how much? does it come with a "table"(dunno wat u called it -- tray?) in front?
angelia, wah... shanice still can down 160ml of milk!! did u make the cereal really watery or what? i tot first day must be more watery? how come urs looks so gao(3) one???

beanie, i got a shock when i saw the hand sticking out grabbing jodie when she's on the throne... haha...
sorry miss yr posting
Linus is 8.2kg at 4mths&amp;5days.

Y shanice kept grabbing linus leg? Maybe she's tinking muz grab his leg to chk whether is soft or firm.hehe..

Thks. Hmmm...yr burst getting bigger, is a gd news no need to go for implant. haha... Some of my gf get shrink aft giving birth.
Thks for posting the pic. Kei looked like girl girl. pp got cock eye izzit?
<font color="aa00aa">chihiro,</font>
got it from an ex-colleague *LOL* u know aichin? that reminds me, gotta ask if she forgot to give me the attached table/tray!! the chair is from ikea!

and as usual, my mum saw &amp; say "this chair can bring over to my place for me to feed her leh" hahaha.. then i told her my hubby expected her to say that. but cannot cos otherwise we will hv to carry &amp; feed her when we bring her back on wkends!

<font color="aa00aa">beanie,</font>
like that blur meh?
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
eh... aichin... dunno who lei..
maybe she left when i join bah

<font color="ff6000">beanie</font>
like the 1st pix.. nice !
got blur look meh?
she's concentrating hard on looking @ camera &amp; smile .. hehee..
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
i "feel" i added so much water, but it still is so "gao" so i gave up adding water. but anyway, Shanice is taking it well, so okie lor.

just now i called my mum (who's feeding Shanice halfway) n only talked for 5 secs Shanice make noise liao. very "tum jia", this lady.

<font color="aa00aa">oranges,</font>
whahahaa.. maybe she's checking who's thigh is bigger *LOL*
dunno leh... she seem to have this "huh? u looking at me?" look.

Can't seem to get pics of her smiling though. She smiles a lot at home. Just that she tends to stare when the camera's trained on her.
Thanks for your compliments on Esther! The wig belongs to my mum lah. she was spring cleaning her cupboard &amp; found it
after taking photo with the hat/wig on, her whole head was wet with perspiration! ahha. she is a perspiring queen lah.
Not blur lah I think Jodie eyes v expressive. Very pretty gal :p

Wor, Shanice appetite v gd hor, can eat so much.

The chair is from Ikea. I have wanted to buy this chair since 1 mth ago but Ikea had no stock. Stock coming in after Labour Day.

Yah wear pink oredi still ask me "boy hur?"
oranges... aiyo!! how can u say such things over the net...
my bust bigger is cos I TBF mah... I damn scared if stop TBF will sag leow ar!!
thanks for the compliment pcs
expressive eyes? hehe... wah... if jodie can understand this she'll be on cloud nine leow... hehehe...
wah leow... anyway, our thread disappeared from the newest postings leow... no wonder moving so slow...

who else using sarong sling? i'm thinking which type of material to get...
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
i got a cotton one.. plain one (not in market anymore)
heeh... i got naughty eyes ... i like the embriodered ones from baby supplies.. puff is using the embriodered one from there
tempted to get another ... but of coz cannot lah...
tink get satin/silk one better lah
nicer to feel also

<font color="ff6000">pcs</font>
oh.. May then will hv stock ah ...eh.. soon liao lah
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
haha.. maybe the thread too fast.. hahaha.

or maybe Chin Leng is trying to migrate to SM (singaporemotherhood) thread...

for sling, of cos get Satin or silk lah. then bb won't be "baked". esp now the weather is soooooooooooo hot!!!

<font color="aa00aa">pcs,</font>
actually the "bowl" very small only. it's a very very small tupperware container.

<font color="aa00aa">ruffybear,</font>
yalor, finally i "tong" EBM until 6 months liao. hhahha..
Jen, I'm using the sling, get the SATEEN one, not the cotton one, sateen is much thinner and cooler, lighter as well.
I tihn the sling is one of the best items I ever owned, cause carriers all have max weight limit, usually 10-12kg max, but sling can use till 1-3 years old. Most babies like being in a sling because they usually feel v comfy and snug in it. Get it I'd say.

Ruffy, what music lessons, where? Which part of Bt timah? how old are the babies?

Angelia wow your girl has good intake of solids and milk! For faye its SEASONAL wan, during peak season she can eat one rice bowl AND drink milk after that. During non-peak (er... which is like 3/4 of the time :p), she eats two TEASPOON and thats it.

Beanie waahhh your bb is so much older liao! She is lovely!

^ Tena: wahliao, my mum has NO dress sense!
^ Me: Eh not my fault u drooled all over the 1st top I picked!


^ Oh I found a new emergency bib! Use serviettes and fold, voila! Must watch her from chewing it though. She puked all over BOTH big bibs I brought lah.
Charsiew, nice pic of Isabel, she's giving a demure smile in it! Not stone-stone like Tena's passport pic hehehe.

Mistaken gender- aiyah I no longer correct strangers when they say loudly, "see di-di/ see that boy", only when they directly ask me, I will say she's a girl. Even tho she's always in pink. But hor, at least got people say she cute ehehe, yesterday at BK, this auntie staff gave her a free wind-up toy (she tried to eat it but of cos not suitable for eating, but it moves and captivates her interest
). And that day a saleslady loudly exclaimed what BIG eyes Athena has... so I bought the pair of shoes I had been eyeing some time :p .

I don't think her eyes big, more like she has an un-nerving, unwavering stare... so possibly gives impression her eyes big.

Angelia, wow that's a gd appetite. Strange that my bb doesn't follow my big appetite leh :p .

Yuru, ahaha, I laughed when u wrote that u wish u cld fatten her up when she was in the womb!

Beanie, wow Jodie looks so grown up in a bubble chair! I've been eyeing one ages but I don't think Tena can sit in it yet! She's so pretty in the pic above the red top pic. ;)

Sling, I'm using MIM silk sling, err, looks pretty cos 2-tone colouring, but hotter than most slings, and more "slippery" grip (so need to tug often).

But still easier to use than another brand that has thicker padding along the edges (forget the brand name, just look out for it)- the padding doesn't really add comfort but makes it more difficult to adjust the sling.

Ironically, the sling is easier on my shoulders/back compared to a Baby Bjorn carrier (which has 2 straps that evenly distribute wt). But I find carrier much easier to use, no need to adjust at all. Fast in and out! H/e, Tena happens to nap better in a sling than carrier. But Tena will fuss more when awake in a sling than carrier cos sling is more restrictive (she keeps trying to "jump" out of the sling if she's in an active mood).
heee.... me the nite owl mah, but lately didnt really stay up late for mos of the days, force myself to zzzz early, i scared will AGE faster...ha!!!!! tena is getting prettier for sure, especially comparing to her newborn pix!!! can tell its her lah but sure more beautiful!!!!

yah lo, now when tik about it still have tat creepy feeling...... but quinn is ok even go out at nite. i brought him out when confinement is over and when hes a baby, we even stay out till 3am with frens for kopi. but now not so liao as he will demand he need to sleep. i mean its a hotel mah, not like park or wat but still experience the spooky thingy!!!!

wah, ur bb soooo ba ba, me miss quinns ba ba time......

ur story lagi scary leh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooo envy, quinn dun want to eat!!!! and today even dun want to finish his milk!!!!!

so i guess quinn is now the non peak period!!!!!!!!! urrggg!!!!!!!!!!!!
i post a question on cereal and mothers who are still breastfeed..not sure did anyone reply?? sorry for the question again if u have answered me...

the ikea highchair is coming in after may day hah? i went yesterday night and the salesman said in june leh? if it's in may, then i might consider.

i was also thinking of the fisher price high chair....
ANYONE else has high chair recommendations?


wah, linus is a big boy! he takes after your hubby issit?


jodie is really sweet looking!


hope luke takes after shanice when he starts solids. she looks like she enjoyed her first meal. why did you decide to grind the brown rice yourself instead of giving cereal?


tena looks like a shinjuku babe in the first pic! btw, i realised that objectively speaking, luke's head is really stinky but i still like to smell him as if he smells of roses :p
my email is [email protected]

Berry says need to call the gym on the day itself.. I think they got 2 class at 230 and 350 respectively.. so wanna join? Hey nice pics of shanice.. the highchair looks nice... hee... and she sure is hungry.. down another 160ml of milk.. Ooo...

er... scarely leh.. come to think of it... QN always cry with I bring her home during the joyney in the cab.. dunno whether issit she dun like dark dark.. sigh..

really nice pics of Tena... i love them very much...

hey, calis so ke lian.. your heart must be very pain to see her cry like that hor... my MIL feed her porridge and cereal.. but the cereal is in the bot.. according to MIL.. QN seems dun like to eat porridge.. aiya.. dunno how.. maybe meanwhile give cereal first than intreo the porridge again when QN older..

abt the highchair.. I also thinking of getting one.. I may go to ikea to see the chair chanice is using...
