(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

think it was me who posted the retail outlet selling organic stuff @ Bt Batok leh..hahah; that's my fren's shop by the way and u were saying it's 2 shop space away from your BIL CD shop
brought yingxin to compass point yesterday for marketing; i was slingling her in kangaroo position and as we entered the lift, there was this malay family who kept staring hard at her - immediately she bawled so loudly and inconsolably!

then the malay woman exclaimed - u carry her like dat her legs not pain meh?? she still growing u know, like dat how she grow????? DUH!!!

while at Cold Storage, i was looking at those baby jarred food and a woman staff pushing a whole cart of jarred food walked past and told me this: your baby too small still cannot eat this food yet hor!!!

alamak!! even if she still small, can't i just take a LOOK?? and can't i buy them and keep till she's able to eat them???

i looked at the staff and told her loudly that MY BB is now 5.5 months liao and definitely qualify to EAT them!!!
Sori my memory getting from bad to worse. Wah u still can remember I mention that har, pei fu.
Maybe u can ask yr friend on our behalf if the stock is in or not?
Btw if I tell her I know u got discount a not? Hehe.

Very funny, u have so many strange encounters on the same day :p
tell her?? i dun know about this "her"...cos i think this shop is shared between my fren and his other fren

maybe u can ask for ong chuansan...just tell him u are my fren lor; but dun say my name is puff hor...hahaha, he won't know la...

my chinese name is mun mun (direct translation is full full)...full as in full month
<font color="ff6000">hello puff</font>
u know wat, when i try to put calista is tt kangeroo position, i kena shoot off by everyone in my family..
saying wat tt malay lady u met said. so till now i nv use tt position. wld try the Snuggle Hold soon since she likes to be upright.
now im still using Cradle Hold often coz she usually will sleep in there while we are on our way to &amp; fro MIL's pl

can, of cos you can have the tin. Don't want to waste the powder lah. I also got samples Similac Excellence but I've oredi given it to my fren whose baby is 9days older and drinking this milk powder.
hehe, you come to the west side mummies' gathering tis sat with Jen lah..

can pass it to you then.. haha .
anyway.. I'm working in Bedok

so how u wan me to pass it to u?
puff, u very cute leh... so next sat ON or not?
i oso think it's early... want to zzz... but then once in a while oni lah...

Re: Nanny/Babysitter discussion
hmm... beanie, I think u are using avent bottles also rite? maybe u can let ur nanny know if the holes is too small, just tell u and u will buy bigger ones... dun cut... cos u want to save for ur next child?!? wahaha... I'm sure if u tell her nicely, she will understand...

my babysitter also cut the other toddler's teats cos the mummy never tell her no... then she showed me... i told her, i have bigger holes teats... if need then tell me... recently, jean upgraded to #3... though #3 is for 3mths onwards... i feel no need to change teat size until baby is ready to change... that's why now 4mths then change...

can i take a poll, who use babysitter? can i know how old (estimate) is ur babysitter?
u may wish to test and see if a bigger hole teat can help jodie to finish her milk faster coz its quite difficult to judge at times if necessary to upgrade bbs' teats ..

can imagine yr anger .. haha ..

me using bb sitter though she is hb's aunt, she is in her 40s ..
hi hi,
long time didnt log in this thread. there is gathering for punggol &amp; SK mummies?? I want to join too!
so all HBs not joining huh? then I dun ask my HB to go else he sure feel very boring.

Date : 30th Apr (Sat)
Time : 0930hrs
Venue : Compass Point @ Burger King

Littleprince &amp; Rhyan
Evelyn &amp; Nat
Beanie &amp; Jodie
Sharon &amp; Sharwyn
Charsiew &amp; Isabel
Deniz &amp; Meghan
Kelly &amp; Gabriel
TBL &amp; Natalie
hmmm... I'm currently using pigeon for milk &amp; Avent for water.

The teat for the pigeon has already been changed to Medium leh. It's for 3-7mths.

I only have 2 Avent bottles but a lot of no name bottles :p Got it at JL for $1. I replace teats with the Pigeon ones. Most are used for storing ebm.

hmm... dunno if I should change teats again leh. Jodie likes to sleep while feeding. So she tends to choke a bit at every feeding cos' it went into wind pipe instead of oesophagus. Scared that if I use faster flow teats she'll choke even more.
understand how u feel, cant help but being suspicious sometime.
normally if natalie still drinking her milk when we pick her up the nanny will suggest us to stay there till she finish coz not so good to stop &amp; continue later. btw Nat will complains too if we stop her half-way. :p I gave extra teats to nanny so she can change if the teat is torn.
1hr to finish milk is a nit too long lei. is Jodie stop drinking when u talk during feeding? if so u may want to find a quiet place during feeding. nat will pause drinking if she hears HB or me talking! very KPO!! Or may be u can try teats wif bigger hole?
Came across a sight and I took some pics for my hb to see wahahaha. FOR THE CONSERVATIVE/ SQUEAMISH people, please do not scroll down :p


Any idea why are they cross breeding ah? Diff species can mate meh?
sling/carrier- I've had ppl coming up and saying how snug and comfortable Faye looks and wat a brilliant idea it is to use a sling. I also came accross very suspicious aunties who PEER at us then asked in a v condescending tone 'eh, you carry your baby like that she not uncomfortable meh? Why not use your hands to carry ah??' Usually I'll just tell them that faye is perfectly happy this way and leave it at that

Came accross a RUDE balding pot-bellied uncle a few weeks back who saw faye fussing in my baby bjorn (she was fussing cause tired) and he came up to me, shook his balding head and said "AIYO you carry your baby so tightly! You see lar, you make her cry liao!! Aiyo, poor baby, She dont't like it, use your hands and carry her lar!!" I fumed and gave him a killer stare then told him 'wah uncle, how come you sound like you know my baby better than me ah? I am a fulltime mum, you trying to tell me you know her better than me ah?! You MUST be kidding!' then I wahahaha, rolled my eyes until my eyeballs nearly drop and left. :p
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
can only tell that one of them is a fly.. can't tell the other one. eyes blur liao

haha... like ur description of "rolled my eyes until my eyeballs nearly drop and left".. uncle must be buay tahan after wat hearing u said

Wahahaha...... just a shopping trip can ve so many funny encounters. Guess u must be boiling at that time. U know i keep laughing when i read your last sentence
Berry!! wahaha... I wish I was present man... the uncle must be cua tio... how come this woman tok to me like that... haha... as for the pic, i like chihiro, see until eyes pain... haha...

TBL, sharon... think I will be going lah... (IF I can wake up... ahha...) tell puff to go lah... then if we meet to go together then I SURE wake up... wahhahah...

very nice pix .. erm, i wldn't notice they are mating till u said so .. haha .. :p

wah, the uncle pray pray come and tell u off ah .. never die before .. *arbish him*
ha!!!!! i like it, when u tell pp off like tat as i also buay tahan tis kind of pp!!!once i dress quinn very lightly and went shopping, a GROUP of old women alsocommented me about tat, saying tat how can i do such a thing as its a aircondition place!!! then i jus reply in a nice SARCASTIC tone "ehhh....AUNTIE ah, u say tat becos hes not UR son, i know him well tat he HATE being dress up like a sausage in between the bun and he will fuss when theres heat". then the nxt min, quinn HELP me by KICKING away the tiny blanket which i cover him.... kekekekeke.........
MATING FLIES- eh, cant see meh? the flies are *upside down* the one with the red eyes on the black one. :p

Jen, yar, he was definitely shocked at my reaction. He was left completely speechless and mouth gapping like a goldfish. Stupid uncle, next time he shd pick on someone who is also balding and a tummy his size!
lil devil, OMG you are right! they are in the 69 position wahahaha! Waliao, trust you to be able to see that!!

lil prince, hmmm I tot its beri obvious leh :p

^ Counteract Berry's gross pic :p , nice anot? Hope can mix-match with existing, or else headache :p .

Berry, maybe not mating... devouring lah!
<font color="ff6000">berry</font>
peifu you tt u still can see the black eye..
i cant see lei..
anyway.. maybe their offspring will hv 1 black eye &amp; 1 red eye?
since somrtimes back whenever quinn drink his milk, his hands will always touching then holding the bottle. and last nite, he keeps holding it n play. but jus now, i try letting him hold n he feed himself thru out the whole feeding time!!! mummy sooo happy now!!!
aiya... hmm.. the fly mating??haha... post all so fast..

hee.. thanks...

no worries too much.. so long as bb growing fine.. my MIl (bb caregiver) also cut the teats.. I was real shock leh... than I go and tell my hubby.. so my hub spoke to her.. but she deny it.. anyway, I told her nicely that if she find the hole too sm.. please let me know so that I can change it... so til now okie leh..
Wah liao, can't read the earlier postings leh... too bz to read the postings then 2day wanna read, bo liao

Kieran has been on Friso since birth. Actually wanted to change him to similac cos it's the No 1 choice for S'pore mums. Received the sample tin but when i tried to mix Friso wif Similac (cos when 1st start, must mix the 2 together), Kieran can't finish his milk at all. I wondered if it's cos he happened to be too full on the day i tried Similac or cos he didn't like it. Haiz...in the end, hubby said jus stick to Friso. Maybe i'll let him try similac again.

I guess we tend to be a little too worried when our bbies r taken care of by nannies. Kieran is taken care of by my aunt. Like u, i tend to be abit suspicious of the things she does. I mean, she has gd intentions cos i can tell that she really loves kieran but then some of her knowledge, like wat u say, may be dated. She cut the teat holes many times liao. From the time I used Avent till now i use NUK, she has cut the teats to make the holes bigger. I was very worried cos Kieran will puke at times while drinking milk. (jus for ur info, my boi drinks onli when he's asleep) So i'm worried he'll choke or wat, but nanny insisted dat no gd to drink milk too long etc etc n when she feeds him, everything can't be any betta. But when i bring him home, he pukes while drinking. N of cos, I'll call up nanny immediately n ask her y y y!!! I tink she senses my gan cheongness n she got me another teat wif a smaller hole. N she intro certain foods w/o my knowledge... i was mad initially, but now i can't help but agree wif ur colleague, ignorance is bliss. I know for a fact dat she means well n wil not do things dat r no gd for Kieran so i jus close 1 eye n at times 2 eyes, unless i quit my job n be a SAHM... which of cos i won't :p

berry m puff,
Ur strange encounters really made me LOL :p berry,
wah liao, wat a pic u posted
I can't imagine u slinging faye n singing n feeding her at the same time. No nid to go workout liao...

I 1st bot the lucky bb carrier but i gave up using it when Kieran was abt 3 mths old. My poor neck n back ached like mad after using it. Now i use a sling n i tink it's betta than carrier. Well, my shoulders/neck/back will still ache if i use for long.

Ur MIL stays in bedok rite? Y not u join us for the SK/Punggol gathering?
wahahahah, jus when i said i can't read the earlier postings, i click here click there n saw all the archive... hmmm...smthg wrong with my comp or my eyes kena blocked? :p
I would love to.. but early morning.. bedok to sengkang very far too... I cant drive... so maybe the gathering is at a home of a bb.. and afternoon time.. than I may be able to join... I bring QN home to CCk on fri night.. thanks for inviting...
cutting teats
well, thats how they did it in the past .. to save cost
they see no reason y need to get a new teat when the current is not spoil yet
but then if u let bbsitter know tt u will get teats with bigger hole and pass it to them, tink shd be ok

my mum also belong to tt generation.. spoilt 1 liao coz NUK's teat difficult to cut.. so i told her not to cut, i go buy one with bigger hole.
but then, end up too fast for calista.. so change back.. wasted

juz like to find out, how often do you change the teats ah? so far i only change once when the teats color seems to different.. looks a bit towards yellowish. btw, im using NUK's silicone ones
LARGE FOAM MATS- those who are looking large pieces of plain foam mats, stock is back in at kidsmall. The lady called me yesterday, so today I went to buy 2 packs. Yaayy!

little devil, wahh so good! I cannot let faye hold her bottle since dunno-when, cause if I do, she'll pull out the teat and play with it then dun wan drink liao! No choice lor, I have to disallow her to hold bottle. I very sad lar, cause you know I hate to disallow faye to do things. *sob*

sharon, LOL, biz opportunity then must move to perth to stay leh.

MT, nice! Nice than my pic for sure. I like the poncho except that faye will flip it right over her head in a sec! :p Devouring? Where got fly devour a bigger fly wan?
I change the teats if it gets blur.. I'm using tollyjoy antiwind.. its transparant... that's why it will get blury after a month.. so in fact... I change every month...
so gd! I'm holding her bottle, she's using it to sleep (screams otherwise), and SLINGING her today! Intermittent drilling noise keeps waking her, $$%$Y%&amp;*)*(!

Venting here-
She's still having daytime nap problem lor, she needs the bottle to lull to sleep- sometimes I can remove and put her in half-awake, sometimes I can't cos she screams (and won't be placated when I rock). But on rare occasions, she will nap without bottle lor, but it's all not within my control unless I really let her cry to sleep (she cries even when I rock her). Unless we r out then she's quite angelic in my sling (at home it's too hot for her in the sling). Her solitary tooth gonna rot at this rate, argh!

Lest anyone suggest I intro pacifier again... no! Mum's been nagging to "give back" pacifier since I took it away, but I really don't want her to use it as a crutch- she *will* suck ALL thru her nap and scream if removed halfway. Hoping she will somehow learn to fall asleep... I *think* the situation IS better than last time lah.

I bought thru frens from Old Navy, Gap and Gymboree... *burn hubby's wallet, hah!* . But now I wonder if I know how to mix n match, haiz. I bought a pair of home slippers for my mum too (freaking expensive but cheapo for a Mother's Day pressie :p ), and a swimset for myself (cos reminded by Andrea's qn- I dun hav any I can fit in! And even though I look like a BEACHED WHALE, I think I shld put aside my useless vanity and go in the pool with Tena lah... aaack). Bought a pair of board shorts for HB too as yisi yisi, ahahah! Berry gonna shake her head and claim I'm extravagant!!! (I'm NOT!!! We got no car! And Tena uses PetPet n Drypers during day! :p )

Aiyah I'm feeling sulky- whole day been eating 2 pieces of bakwah, no proper breakfast or lunch, and dinner's gonna be late!
the poncho and the 3-tier dress above it, are both terrytowel material. I plan to put over her b4 or after swim. *hiao lor, but will look so cute leh...*
Eh I saw a flower shaped towel waaahbiang ~$50SGD, sooo nice but so ridiculously priced hor
The bottoms on the right are 1 board shorts and 2 skorts (shorts with a flap to make it look like a skirt)! More sporty look hor? Cos my darling grow up liao, LOL!

So happy that u joining us, both our Natalie can meet up.


I tot puffs reaction already very fierce. Who knw u lagi fierce hahaha.. How i wish i ve the courage like you to tell those irritationg person off......

Jen and Puff,

Join us lah.. Me oso the type that sleep till very late(sometimes until noon) on wkend. But for the sake of this gathering(Me can meet up the mummies and nat can meet up the babies), I forsake my sleep. Nevermind lah, just for 1 sat only.


Ai yoh.. u terrible leh, study their position..

Wow.... u can now relax since Quinn know how to hold bottle. Nat oso like to hold the bottle during feeding time so now on and off i will place her on bed and let her hold by herself. But she still young so will hold for awhile, let go when she is tired and hold again.

i'm also using nuk silicone teats which i replace every month. even tho' the teat doesn't turn yellow, it will become less transparent, a bit cloudy, so i change. it also depends on your frequency of use, i use 3-4 teats each month.


love tena's clothes!! tena doesn't use her thumb ah? luke almost always sucks his thumb to go to sleep nowadays. he will cry a little then use his thumb to comfort himself. his thumb is quite useful because when he is startled by noises during his nap, he will soothe himself back to sleep. i read that children who use their thumb to go to sleep will find it harder to wean off thumb sucking, but it's really much easier for my husband and me now so i figure i'll try to wean him off when he's older, don't ask me how but i'm sure i'll find a way when the time comes :p


i'm one of those looking for the mats, thanks! will go down this weekend to buy.
Tena sucks her thumb but can't manage to find it satisfactory for lulling to sleep leh, LOL!

*watches Berry's halo fall off :p *
<font color="aa00aa">littledevil,</font>
hubby last nite oso "made" shanice hold her own bottle, n surprisingly, she finish half of it b4 her hands got "tired".

actually i don't really wanna let her hold herself cos it seems that she doesn't "push" the teat all the way in, so only sucking on the top part... but anyway..

<font color="0000ff">poor me, still in office!!!</font>
evelyn, no lar I not fierce lar :p You see ah, the thing is that I was initially alot more polite and nicer. BUT, everytime when I think of the incident in the later part of the day I wished that I didnt bite my tounge and instead bite THEIR nose. So, after many times, I decided must stand up for myself and tell them wat I think since they also told me what they thought right? :p
aiyah, my dear mother also lamented that yingxin is "terribly" uncomfy in kangaroo position and also commented tat she's so poor thing cos i "torture" her (i always sling her in that manner when i go over to my mum's place)

but i feel bb likes to be carried like tat lor, so long they themselves never "complain" can liao...bb are smart creatures!!

wah, u very imaginative leh; offspring can have one red one black eye!!

but looking at the pic hor, perhaps they might have one oval wing and one triangular wing!! ahahahahah

i hope to meet up with u on saturday but my darling still not fully recovered...hey, u just reminded me...if Jen is going, maybe can pass to her?? *paging for Jen*

*stressed ah*....hm, i still have a tub of ice-cream in my fridge, will binge on some to relieve my stress!!

can help me collect the tin of friso 2 gold from chihiro please please?? thanks!!

charsiew rice
i like my chinese name too!! *puke*
which is why i dun have christian name cos it's too common nowadays; and that's also part of the reason why i did not give yingxin a christian name

still can't confirm whether i'm going for the gathering...
but will definitely keep you girls posted
hi mummies,
long time never post anything...very busy wif work/training n gab lately. btw, there were so many interesting happenings n cute cute bb pics for the past wk n i like 2 respond to all mummies but dunno where 2 start...LOL

gab has been fussing very badly since i MIA (abt 12apr). we cldnt figure out y but noticed tat he's chewing his fingers more intensely n starting drooling (he never drools). husband n i concluded tat he has to be teething (if not, nothing can explain his crankiness). well, i checked his lower gums every morn n nite but c nothing yet. his tooth betta come out soon if not, i'm going berserk.

juz 2 share a pic of gab at 6mths
spot the difference...

we shaved gab's hair off on mon. he sweats a lot (and i mean A LOT) nowadays n we not sure if his filmsy hair is causing him 2 b cranky (he pulls his hair now n then).
thanks for letting us know that kidsmall has stock for the mats. how much is the large foam mats ah? how many pieces in a set? it is a single pc or there is another pc which can be pulled out fm the centre?

i love Tena's new clothes! i thought burst budget liao? :p
