(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

Pet, I *used* to work for SIA.. quit when I went to the US with my hubby. Returned in Nov last year to give birth
I was in the Engineering Planning dept in SIA lah. Daniel Stephens is now doing PhD at Surrey.

JenJen, thanks for the tip off
Was going to call Robinsons already!!!

kypf, casros, really so envious of you!!! I really enjoyed all my overseas stints!! Lucky girls lah you!!


Is he a direct entry student? Or he entered in the 1st year? Not a lot of couple in Surrey that time. I remembered that time there's a couple staying in flat in Surrey court. Are your the couple? But the guy is entry into the 1st year if I'm not wrong.
Medusa.. that question is number pattern question from typical P1 workbook..supose to at +2 to each of the numbers to get the next digit.. something to do with number bonds.
In the workbook they have guided answers to some sample questions..also more examples in their textbook.. If next time she comes over..ask her to bring her textbook also...so u can refer.
ruffy, aiyoh next time her mum decides to knock my door and wake my bb up, I will ask her precious issit never pay attention in class ah?
Anycase, the lil girl shld eventually be resourceful enough to ask her classmates/ teacher/ make a guess and get it wrong but learn from it.
I wldn't know her syllabus, nor is it my business to know her syllabus seeing that I'm not the parents... me hazarding guesses is worse for her.
I get really annoyed by such things- my aunt whom I disliked n seldom talked to, used to PHONE me specifically with some Math Pri 6 qn (wahliao, what... distance, speed thing, as if I can recall such things), n as her kid got older, the qns got weirder. One was, "What do u call the meat in crab pincer?" (Dunno whether she came up with qn herself or what! Craw? Claw? Do I care, can eat lah.) :p Next time I'd tell Tena to either pay close attention, or choose carefully a classmate to copy.
Hehehe, come to think of it, both Kieran and Ryan would be good choices for copying homework. ;) Ok, as Tena's mum, I shall try and do my part to "da hao guan xi"
duffy, I'm a sling user, mine is the sateen range sling from MIM, definiely recommendable cause its not as warm for the baby and mummy as cotton ones. Also, this one is easier to slide and adjust.

yuru, yup, need to sterilise before use.

chihiro, I prefer rice cereal without sugar/salt/flavourings/additives, I'm feeing Faye organice brown rice cereal from Earth's Best brand, bought at Tanglin mall organic shop. If you want to get regular ones, heinz has this normal rice cereal with no sugar/salt added, I saw before at cold storage.

MT, wahahaha, hilarious aunt you have there! :p
MT, er, actually I think its more like Faye and Kieran trying to copy Rhyan's homework. If tena is nice, Faye says she'll let her copy after she copy from rhyan :p
Hello, i am new to the forum and thanks to kelly for 'enlightening' me to this forum.
I am a first time mother.
baby girl born 17 dec 2004..
hope to know more new mummies and to learn more about motherhood.
Pet, it's really a small world lor.
I think it's only 3 degrees of separation in Spore! Somehow everyone is related!!

Berry, I should've bought the sateen sling. My tropix cotton one is kinda sweaty :p Faye is such a sweetie.. she looks a little angmoh-ish!
<font color="ff0000">Berry, catz</font>
ahyoh, i bought the cotton one too, haven't really master how to use it.
Does the satin ones comes in padded edges?
hi casros!!
so nice to hear from you
yeah, the appt system for seeing a doc is really irritating. by the time you see the doc, you may have recovered already

casros, pet, catz,
i used to study in UK too!! was at stafford. i also miss tesco, sainsbury, and M&amp;S!!
i started lucas on Dumex rice cereal with DHA. not sure if he likes it but he can finish the whole bowl (50ml water + cereal)

just saw lavigne's pics...she's so adorable! still remember the cranky her at ruffy's house :p your 2 years look alike huh... so lovely
Heh u studied in UK also. Yeah....the supermarkets here are all so big! Lavigne was away from her father for a month and she still doesn't really like him to carry her. I'm really worn out sometimes. Your boy is really super size!! Are u still bf him?
yeah... love the supermarkets there!! oh... don't worry, lavigne is still young, very easy to get attached to daddy again
yeah, he's big! yup, still partial BF. he's on 3 feeds of BF and 3 feeds of FM a day. how abt you?? still BF lavigne??
hi pcs, silky, duffy n lachesiz,
welcome 2 e thread. hope u find tis thread useful n make friens along e way.

i saw in one of faye's pics b4 tat she was holding 2 a teething biscuit. it looks chocolated coated. where did u get it?

regarding bb's weight, i tik it's not fair 2 gauge a baby's weight by comparing wif other babies. there r many factors 2 consider...
1) parents' genes
2) bb's type of milk
3) bb's milk intake
4) bb's genetical makeup (parents fat, bb may not b fat. parents not fat, bb may b fat)
5) did bb fall sick during 1st 4mths? (if bb fell sick, milk intake may decrease and/or weight gain slowed down)

i give u a gd example from 3 mummies including myself...
mummy A (40wks+4days)=bb girl born on 5oct, 3.19kg, 51cm, PBF in 1st 2mths, FM from 3rd mth onwards, slim n tall parents
mummy B (37wks+)=bb boy born on 5oct, 3.21kg, 49cm, TBF in 1st 3mths, FM from 4th mth, slim mummy+daddy of average built/height
mummy C (35wks+)=bb boy born on 10oct, 2.8kg, 48cm, PBF in 1st 2mths, TBF from 3rd mth, fat mummy+tall daddy

at 4mths,
mummy A=bb girl weighs 6.8kg,65cm
mummy B=bb boy weighs 8.4kg,69cm
mummy C=bb boy weighs 7.4kg,62cm

ur bb is of a gd size now, dun worry. as long as bb is healthy n develops well, no need 2 worry abt bb's weight n length. if u r really concerned, consult a PD. very difficult 2 gauge by comparing wif other mummies+babies.
<font color="aa00aa">little devil,</font>
the pix R all taken wif mobile phone? hmm.. am still thinking should i get the cable link for my samsung phone so that can upload the pix taken wif it.

oh, the width is okie this time
duffy, I think all the MIM slings don't have the really padded edges right? My husband so geh kiang.. I told him to watch the demo video or at least read the instructions before using.. he insisted NO NEED. End up like my poor boy going to fall out of his half-past-six sling :p MEN!!!!! Grrrr.... I'm also not very good at the sling but getting better.
morning to all

i had a good laugh at yr posting .. LOL .. if i were u, i wun open the door next time i hear knocking .. can pretend tt i am sleeping ..

copy rhyan's homework? aiya, wrong liao .. all our kids shld copy kieran's homework leh .. sure all correct one ..
.. i can only help in health education .. *wink* .. LOL

wah, yr analysis very good .. haha ..
duffy/catz, MIM ones are padded leh, at least mine is.

Kelly, chocolate?!! No lar, thats a dark brown looking organic teether biscuit from the brand Healthy Times, suitable for 4mth onwards.
Berry, issit? I guess I'm comparing it to my Nojo sling which is ultra padded and totally impractical for Singapore weather. Hehe
Actually I'm eyeing a new sling from iwantmilks.. their sling colours are really nice!

Er, is there anyone facing problems with their babies doing merlion-style vomits? My boy has been doing that and the only cause I've managed to narrow it down to is - too much milk, too fast. One minute he's OK, the next minute, both of us are covered in half-digested milk. :p So sian. Have already been to the paediatrician twice and since he's gaining weight well, there's not much cause for concern. That's why I want the Bumbo so badly!
baby's height and weight,

me and my hubby more worried about baby being fat than comparing with other babies. so if his weight is on the 90th percentile, than his height should be on the 90th or 95th percentile, so of like BMI.

my paed also comical. ask how tall me and my hubby is because baby is on the tall side. our baby is also heavy but for his height is ok so she didn't ask for our BMI.

just for the fun of adding to Kelly's analysis
mummy D (40wks)=bb boy born on 1Dec, 3.68kg, 52cm, PBF, skinny average height mummy and skinny and tall daddy
at 3rd mth, bb is 7.1kg and 67.5cm

baby's tummy time and gripping things

my baby not willing to grip things, maybe becos wear mittens too long
also cannot hold his head steady so paed said have to increase his tummy time.

my boy used to "merlion" whenever his milk is not dissolved well. and when he sounds like he has alot of wind, we have to stop feeding him and put him to burp position so that the milk can go down. my MIL say that have to feed baby so that he is in a semi-sitting position, than they can kaypoh and drink better (it works for us).
Rochelle, my boy is on TBF leh.. even if I pull him off every 5 mins to burp, he can still merlion.. really sian lor :p Short of putting plastic sheets on everything (incl baby and myself), don't know what else to do. PD said that it would stop in 4-6 months...erks.
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
erm.. i dun anyhow scold people one hor..

<font color="0000ff">UK</font>
my BIL in london. been there for only a couple of days during Aug 2003 but i do like it there, except for the 12 hrs flight!!
<font color="0000ff">kypf &amp; yuru</font>,

Thanks for the info on the Lucky Baby stroller. I've bought it already :p hehe... couldn't resist.

Anyway, think the one I got is different from the one you have. Features sounds different.

Main reasons I got it is cos' the basket at the bottom is big and there's a rain-cover which u can pull all the way down. I scared that bb will get drenched when it rains lar :p Nanny has to bring her daughter to nursery everyday and she has to go marketing too. So that means that she will have to wheel bb along.
Nice to see you here. someone picked on you?
saw your comments... that Feb mummies are very nice. So this thread mummies nice or not?
Yah.. kena tekan....I think u know what lah..dun need to write here.
Mummies here all very helpful and nice including u
.. it is over and forgotten..don't need to harp on unwanted feelings loh..how's ur boy.. easier to look after now. Haven't seen u at the last few gatherings..hope to be able to meet up with you soon.. R u going to the swimming one at Rochelle's place? We (Ryan &amp; I ) may go along to..quite boring brining him swimming alone.. can get to play with mei mei and di di.
Ha... thanks! But i am not very helpful as i cant contribute due to lack of experience. I seldom go gatherings as I prefer to be at home. Maybe i am lazy. Maybe i think it is troublesome to go out, when we do not drive.

My boy is ok. Easier to take care .. better now. looking for better days to come. I dunno if i wil be going to rochelle's place cos i dunno where she stay. and also i need to see my schedule....
Catz...u might wan to reconsider abt bumbo if yr bb tends to puke milk coz quite a bit of bb here puke milk after sitting in bumbo
Rochelle stay just opposite my house lah.. anyway gd to know ur boy is better now. soon very soon u will be seeing him crawling/cruising /sprouting teeth etc.
Catz, mine pukes in Bumbo so not sure if getting the Bumbo will help reduce merlion-puke. Cos most bbs seat in Bumbo when head strong (and spine not necessarily strong), so in Tena's case, tends to "slouch" and the diaper waistband "cut" into her tummy. Got it more for novelty, fun sake lah... and to get her used to upright position.

Jab, fever, solids- Tena went for her 4.5mth jab this morning, came home and 37.4 deg already, so just gave her med and pasted the kodomo fever pack. Now dozing, will continue to monitor.

PD said her 6.3kg wt (alot lower than I expected, n I forgot her ht, oops) is MEDIUM size, nothing to worry about... but looking at the chart, it's just slightly below the middle blue line lah. He suggested solids NOW at 4.5mth to "maintain" weightgain- esp since Tena already on TFM (he said solids after 6mths guideline is more for TBM bbs). Start on white rice cereal cos more digestible, wait til 6mth for brown rice cereal (cos less digestible... however, I hear from MANY people that once bb taste white rice, won't be receptive to brown).

My gf's premmie/small-built TBM Keira was advised by her PD to start solids at ~4mth though, for weightgain. The poor darling LOST weight recently- inner ear infection and throat infection made her refuse to feed. Gf only realised when she brought the bb in for poor feeding, and mentioned the bb rubbed ears a few times a day, but no odour, no discharge. In 1st place, TBM (direct latch) already reduce rate of ear infection, plus she feeds Keira at inclined angle. So alarming!

Tears n fears- My mum complained to me that Tena "not drinking well" becos of my schedule feeding (instead of as and when demand feeding at whatever quantities :p), and says Tena is using milk bottle as pacifier (sigh, trade one headache for a different headache). Tena didn't cry when PD handled her, but wailed with LOTS of tears when the needle went in. My mum quickly comforted her and it's quite funny- Tena LAUGHED while huge tears flowed down her still-flooded eyes. Oh and this morning while in lift down, Tena was staring interestedly at a stranger ahmah and then SUDDENLY burst into tears. The ahmah didn't even try to engage Tena in 1st place what.


I'll be arriving on 18th April if all else goes well. By the way, what visa are you and your family on? Because my husband is British Citizen, I had to apply for Settlement Visa and it cost $800+! I'm wondering whether I got conned.. Also, you mentioned that the jab is free.. is it the vaccination? My boy will be 5 months on 23 April and I was planning to do his jab before we fly but if it's free.. might as well do it in England right? Heh heh..

Catz, I think there's good and bad for every situation lor.. Even though it'll be fun to live in England, I have concerns about my lack of income as I am going to quit, and things are so expensive there! Plus leaving my family behind... I could go on and on.

Beanie, my stroller is different from Yuru's can't face the baby when pushing. My colleagues bought it for $159.
