(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

angelia, no lah... initially lil devil's old post which needs to scroll horizontally was still there... maybe CL removed leow?

oh yah, maybe we can get those or else if keep using sending via phone, hp bill sure sky high!!!!as for pix posting, very weird as when i go preview it always looks ok then after i post, ai yoo.......
*pull hair* my pc kena stroke and was only revived yesterday

looks like Yingxin is the smallest amongst all the babies here: she weighs 4.5kg at 3 months 1 week (that's 25th percentile)

Yingxin took the 6-in-1 vaccination package; she had slight fever - 37.4 deg after her 1st jab and 37.88 deg for the 2nd jab

wah...P1 sums so "chim"!!!

Natalie has very big eyes, i feel she looked like U

Me wanted to drop by Bedok today but was pouring heavily...anyway, my PILs are coming down later so i'm kinda grounded

when are u bring Ryan for a swim? me thinking of joining u leh...
Ryan also goes swimming at another friends house at BT Timah after music lesson there every thursday maybe when u are free can join us there instead.. he has music lessons with bb from 6mth -1yr++.depends on who gets that that week..today weather seems bad leh.. so maybe go swimming opposite tomorrow morning. .U staying west side?
hi puff... i'm so sian at work... wish i can pop over to ur place now to play wif YX... hehe...
having a headache cos wake up early to pump... at night also sleep the latest... hiaz...

speaking of which, more complaints abt MIL... at night, we put Jean to bed as late as possible after last feed, like MN and she last till 5~6am then latch... usually (when I was still on ML) Jean next wakes up at 10am and feed at 11am...
yesterday when MIL carried Jean out from the room at 9.30am, hoping that she will wake early and then MIL can do her own things... Jean dun want to wake up and cont to zzz in the living room... wake up oni at 10am...
MIL complain say becos we let her zzz so late at night so Jean can't wake up in the morning... hubby explain say we want to let her zzz late so she will not wake up in the middle of the night like 2~4am and disrupt OUR sleep... MIL say wake up once to feed never mind mah, still can sleep... just feed then let her zzz again lor...
HEY!! I'm the one doing the feeding at night leh, not HER leh...
BOTH hubby and I will have disrupted sleep leh, not HER leh...
some more I have to wake up at 7am to express milk before rushing off to work, not HER leh...
NOT TO MENTION, hubby and I gotta spend WHOLE DAY working, come home still gotta TAKE OVER looking after Jean...
if Jean wakes up at 4am to feed, likely Jean will wake up at 7am again!! then how to put Jean back to sleep when we rushing to prepare for work and MIL still not up yet?!?

I can't believe she was so selfish, just want HER schedule to be "nice" and suggest to mess up other pple's schedule!!! Anyway, I keep quiet, then my hubby say "ok lor!" to her... then I say "what ok lor? of cos not lah! I'm the one waking up to feed leh! If Jean wakes up at 6am, just nice after she finish I can prepare to wake up to pump leow... no need to go back to sleep again..." then she diam diam...

Furthermore, u can never predict...
(1) bb may not fall back to sleep after feeding... so if wake up at 4am and cannot coax back to sleep, who is going to take care? ME/hubby leh!!
(2) after I wake up to feed, I may not fall back to sleep... so who is going to be tired at work? ME leh!!
(3) if Jean wakes up at 2~3am, she's going to wake up at 5~6am AGAIN... so that's feeding TWICE... not once only hor... who's feeding? ME leh!!

She whole day at home with Jean and Jean likes to nap long long in the afternoon, she still can rest what... some more she wake up 8am (later than us) and sleep 10.30pm (earlier than us), still COMPLAIN WAT?!?

I everyday wake up eyes so red oredi... and it's not even 2 weeks after I go back to work... hiaz...
my mum came by my place last friday to play wif baby; the 1st comment she made when she carried yinxin: on my, my bao bei has lost weight!!! must be u trying to starve her right!!! told u to feed her every 2 hourly but u insist to feed her every 4 - 5 hourly!!! see what u have done!!! and if u feed her at such LONGGGGG interval, her tummy will be filled with lotsa wind and she will not want her milk anymore!!!

then she turned to yingxin and said: poor u, mummy always refused to let u drink milk!!!

wahliao!!! as if i put yingxin on a diet!!

as her mummy, how on earth will i bear to starve her (told tis to my mum)...i also informed my mum that PD said baby is gaining weight and PD never remarked about her drinking pattern is unusual what; plus baby needs to sleep plenty to grow well...thus not advisable to feed every 2 hours (like dat, i will be damn busy man!!!)

then she went on and on: what do the PD knows?? last time when u were a baby, i fed u every 2 hours; now u MUST do the same to your baby!!!

i rebutted her: so if PD knows nothing, next time when yingxin is ill, i will not bring her to the PD or doctor lor!!! then she diam diam.

my mum practically called me up everyday to ask whether i am bringing the baby to her place; so i went down yesterday just to appease her at the expense of baby's sleep (left my house at 2.30pm and reached her place at 4pm, baby's supposed to have afternoon nap but did not sleep a wink during this period of time and only managed to nap at 5pm-6pm)

the minute i stepped in, my mum immediately outstretched her hands to signal she wants to carry yingxin; she was in my mum's arms and when yingxin saw me standing beside, she pouted her lips and bawled loudly

again, my mum had something to say: oh my, she can recognised people u know, this is bad!!! next time when u return to workforce how???

i managed to coax yingxin to sleep at 5pm with me sleeping beside her (cos strange environment she could not fall to sleep); then..............
my mum did it again!!!!!

she asked her fren over and she barged into the room (when me and baby were both napping) and let her fren in just to look at the baby

good gracious!!!!! she did it once when i was having a massage during my confinement; she barged into the room with her fren and asked me about the bengawan cake voucher

and she can loudly said to me: what's wrong with that, we are all women wat!!!! *puke blood all over*

wahliao, it's not about women issue, it's about respect and privacy!!! how can i ever made her understand!!!
aiyoh, she is so inconsiderate; tell her it's good that jean can sleep thru the nite and babies need a lot of sleep to grow..maybe she did not breastfed before so she won't understand the pains

hehe..i know u can't wait for your company's infant care centre to open so u won't have to tolerate all these nonsense

not a very good suggestion though: but if u are not resting well or not happy, can consider giving partial FM to supplement lor
puff, ur post very funny... but at least is ur own mum lor... for me, MIL... difficult to tok back... hubby oredi hamburger leow (meat thick)... later become ham sandwich (thinner)... no good...

yah lor, she did not BF last time, except first child... so when Jean bottle rejection that time, imagine I have to hear her repeat abt "last time my kids all no such problem!" OF COS LAH!! they all bottle from Day 1 mah... but then, that's another story...

As for giving BM... I'm ok lah... cos even if give FM, I don't think I will be able to rest much more either...
Rochelle, Yuru,

Are your bb breastfed? just wanted to share that breastfed babies do not necessarily follow the same growth curve as shown on standard charts. Most of that data comes from formula fed babies.
Welcome. I Just join this thread 2 days ago :D

So u bought the organic teether biscuit from Tanglin Mall too?

SLK / Coco
Maybe we can organize a "Bt Panjang/cck" Gathering one day

My Nanny is an ex-staff nurse (infant dept). She told us that we shd never feed bb every 2 hrs becoz if she fuss , you don't whether its becoz of hunger or wind. Should wait at least 3 hrs. (for FM bbs)

Maybe you can let yr MIL try out one nite then she know. Some pple think that nite feed only what, no big deal becoz they think only never do.

Kei (Keira in short) went for her last 5-in-1 jab today. Next one will be 1 yr old. Hope she will be ok ( X my finger)
When i see your complains abt your MIL, i am very glad and happy tat my MIL is not selfish. She will be the one waking up in the night. and though she sleep later than us, she wakes up earlier than us.
When i see your complains abt your MIL, i am very glad and happy tat my MIL is not selfish. She will be the one waking up in the night. and though she sleep later than us, she wakes up earlier than us.
mngo, you are so lucky to have a nice MIL. I'm sure a lot of the other ladies here envy you too! For me, I'm grateful for my Mom.. she's been such a good help esp since I'm TBF. She did not successfully breastfeed me but luckily no silly comments from her.

Medusa, AC.. aiyoh, really ah? Actually the doctor also scratching his head as to why Timothy pukes so randomly. It can happen when he's lying down, semi-inclined, upright, with or without Ridwind, with or without Baby Zantac. Luckily it only happens once a day, if at all. *sigh* Yah I know the Bumbo is not a cure-all but I think it's so darn cute to see them in it!
i saw step 2 in small can when i was at a shop the other day, i am not sure abt step 1 coz so far, i hvn't buy any FM before .. they are all given by my ILs ..

wah .. yr bb very fair leh
oh dear, at work u so pissed off with colleagues, and miss ur bb, at home ur MIL so problematic in "helping" u take care. Then join SAHMers lah
, take care of bb urself
, maybe it'd be happier for u.

aiyoh... I feel ur frustration, I can't stand anyone "barging" in when I finally get bb to nap. If bb can do without sleep and be content, no problem. But most bbs when sleep-deprived, get very cranky during their awake hrs, no point right? Might as well let them sleep "full" (shui bao), and let them be happy, content, alert during their awake hrs.

haha at 1st I thought older folk will understand when they do nite feeds... then HB pointed out in his parents' case- retired liao, not internet addict, don't need to go facial blahblah, plus TWO of them working as a team on shift, can go on and on and on and on... :p
Point won't get through to them!
<font color="ff0000">Kelly</font>
Thks for the welcome!

<font color="ff0000">Catz</font>
haha, so funny, i can imagine the baby's face of puzzled -- wht's daddy trying to do!
Ahyah, at least he try, I don't think my hubby will try the sling at all.....
I'm actually thinking padded ones are better for the BB's leg.... really not practical huh?
Me actually eyeing the ones from Baybsupply sling... :p

May I ask , wht can the Bumbo helps huh? I saw it at Robinsons yesturday... very ex ah
<font color="ff0000">puff</font>
haha, And I thought mummy knows best! After trying to live with MIL, I wish for my mum to be here, but think think better not also.... never easy to live under one roof... haha

How come they alwasy wants to disturb their afternoon sleep one har.... I got a relative IL's side, who would snatch my baby frm me, and try to wake her up, saying don let her sleep, so tht she will sleep at night.... walooor vomit blood also

<font color="ff0000">Jen</font>
haha, so funny u describ hubby as ham, hahaha, I think my hubby also become luncher meat liao...
duffy, you saw it at Robinsons ah? Which part of Robinsons and how much? My husband ah... really gek kiang. Luckily baby was asleep but I really cannot tahan seeing baby dangling out of the sling
I recvd a Born and Bond sling but I find the fabric very obiang leh.. is the bayBsupply one nice? Hv a look at the iwantmilks one.. quite nice too!
thanks for your info

agree with u that no matter what we say, point won't get thru to them

i have no problems with my mum before i got married but hmm, somehow things got different when i was married and eventually became a mummy (though i finally understood what she went thru during her times but but....it's kinda difficult to accept their view point)

i tell u, the worst nightmare i had was having my mum and mil with me during my confinement time!! it was hell....
<font color="ff0000">catz</font>
haha, the scene of bb dangling like very funny leh
I saw it where the escalator goes up, infront is all the playpen, it's on the right side, on top of a pile of boxes of I don know wht.. haha

u know the url for babysupplies? wan me to PM u? I like the black one from the website heehee...
But seeing the silky ones from iwantmilk... also not bad leh,ahyah, let me master my technique first heehee
<font color="ff0000">puff</font>
ahyoh, tht's everyone's nightmare!!
lucky u went thru it, really ah, the most difficult thing abt having baby, is not the baby themselves, it's the family / human relationship...
yr ger very fair hor! very pretty.

u wan to buy sling fm babysupplies? may be can ask Junior, think she is the 'distributor' for SB ladies, may be able to get discount for u.
MT, wahaha poor stranger ahmah kenna wailed at for nothing.:p

yurum, nice pic!

Pcs , I bought that organic teether biscuit from forum.

duffy, the bumbo is just a chair for babiest to sit in safely, cause they cant crawl away when you're not looking mah.

catz, check out the MIM sateen range sling, very light fabric and easy to adjust(smoother fabric).
duffy, wah those are some inovative breast pumps! But it would be rather strange if it makes a 'chugging' sound when pumping huh? Imagine in the MRT pumping milk :p
yuru, that's a beautiful pix...

pcs, i am BFg mah... in order to minimise disrupting my hubby's and MIL's sleep with Jean's cries, at night i latch... i feel that it save time as Jean immediately will suck and almost dun cry at all... plus no need to wash bottle...

oh, when i was on ML, day time i was the one who measure &amp; pour milk into bottles, defrost milk, warm bottle, wash bottles, sterilise, almost everything i do... once Jean cries for milk, MIL ask me what she wants (HOW I KNOW??)... then she tell me to go and warm up the milk... she just sat there and rock Jean in the rocker to stop the crying and WATCH TV!! and then all she had to do was FEED (cos training bottle, i cannot feed as Jean smell me, dun want bottle)... AND she scold Jean "jin pai si" (so naughty) just becos she cried when drinking from bottle...

so i was so fed up once i innocently tell hubby "why not you all (hubby/MIL) train bottle at night with lor... then in the day I latch... so i can rest at night..." hubby quickly hushed me up cos MIL outside can hear me... but she diam diam... at least next day got help me to wash 1 bottle lah...

mngo, u are lucky... acherly my MIL is not bad oredi... just that my temper not very good... so she quite sensitive to comments i make then not happy... but then the comments were just what i think and not directed at her, she dun understand... hiaz... so she sacarstic and watever i say she must rebutt, i oso buay tahan lor... ba zi bu he...

medusa... I'm sure I will have complaints even if i'm a SAHM... haha...
will then be complaining abt bb... haha... but cannot leh... expenses will be tight if i dun work...
MIL stories?

well, my MIL is generally ok..juz tt sometimes i dun like her comments
there was once we were dining out @ hawker centre
cali was sleeping thur'out our meal..and she woke up juz as we are done. however, the minute she woke up, she cry very loud coz its her milk time
so we quickly go back home to make milk, since we r nearby, though im ok feeding her @ hawker centre since its not oily or smokey at all..
anyway, while i was making milk for her, MIL talked to cali, saying "aiyo, why u cry so loud.. so xia suay".. when i heard tis .. im felt quite angry lor.. y bb crying in the public is xia suay? if she use "paiseh", maybe i not so angry..
if feel xia suay, dun bring her out.. tt was i was thinking back then..
<font color="ff6000">yuru</font>
cute pix of cindy!

my cali's head still cannot lift up like cindy when on tummy
maybe becoz we seldom let her lie on her tummy tts y...
hi mummies,
thanks for ur reply regarding cereals
tink i will go and get a pack of tt Dumex rice cereal for cali to start with

thanks !
duffy, actually I read that people use their dual electric pump while driving! Just strap it and switch it on! Hehe.. I've actually pumped with my Avent manual in the car

Berry, yah it's a pity I bought the Tropix one. Robinsons had run out of the sateen ones *sigh*

TBL, thanks for the tip
I think I'll buy one baby item at a time.. if not, hubby might get suspicious and check on my spending..keke.. Bumbo first! DIe lah, I find that I'm now transferring my compulsive shopping habits (for shoes, bags etc) to buying baby equipment!
Cindy V V fair. "Envy" cos kei very dark like Daddy.

Very Envy. "Xin Fu De nu Ren"

Understand How u feel. During confinement, I was also the one who do EVERYTHING. MIL just do cooking and washing clothes until 6PM then she "pang kang" liao. Very stress so sometimes I snap at my MIL also.

Yah, forget yr IL can play with Tena even at 3am :p

Tks for the info
chihiro, what's so xia suay? aiyah... maybe she anyhow use words lah...

pcs, i can also tell when MIL "pang kang"... haha... MIL wash her own clothes and bb things only... our own clothes is hubby throw into washing machine one... she also do cooking... and she cook until whole kitchen so oily and even living room oily... when i on ML, when hubby come home and she cook finish tell hubby to wash floor!! piangz... hubby so tired leow ask him to wash dunno wat time leow! and sometimes hubby took leave to "rest" and play with bb... then she say since he on "zu ti", can wash floor, toilet and clean the house! pengz... that time, cos confinement food oily, she expects him to clean the floor like everyday after she cook leh... and bedsheets she want to wash every week?!? where got so much time?
<font color="ff0000">pcs,jen</font>
haha, very funny leh, my problem is my MIL don wan to "pang kang", haha, and when she don pang kang early I don get to bond with my baby.... ahyoh, wht to do...
suddenly remembered i had a bad dream last nite and wanted to share with you girls

an english old man full of stubble was trying to set fire to a woman who's half dead lying within bushes; a group of us (me and my frens) who witnessed this immediately alerted the police; but being the government sector, there's always a pre-recorded message like: for english, press 1; for chinese, press 2 etc...

alas the call finally made thru to the officer after a long wait (the wait is even longer than booking and confirming a taxi during peak hours), the officer thought it was a hoax and refused to send reinforcement!!

at this juncture, the old man saw us and gave chase, hurling abuses at us and even attempted to throw daggers and swords at us!! lol...

we ran as mighty as we could but unfortunately, i was caught and tied up by him......

the end!!!
hahah, puff, u under wht kinda stress huh??

Berry, thks lor, ahyoh, these relationship so hard hoor, I'll fight back, but slowly and carefully loor :p
saw so many nice pics of all the babies....and finally bought a PC n able to post my baby andric pics
DOB: 15 dec 04

taken on 30 Jan 05
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
dun understand lor
anyway, i always i did not hear tt word lor

<font color="ff6000">hi stephie</font>
bb andric looks cute leh

got big ears?
stressed?? no leh....maybe cos i played too much with the baby during the day, i'm over stimulated!!! lol

STRESSED?? DESSERTS is the answer!!!
hey, i remember u were complaining about a book / vcd tat has lots of grammer mistakes in it and can i have the title or pix of it as i dun want to buy the same one when picking some books / vcd for quinn.
puff... u play so much wif yx still can login at 12am ar?

duffy, play wif bb is not considered zou kang hor... zou kang is those chores...


U saw bumbo chair at Robinson?? Which branch? Centrepoint? I called up Robinson but the staff told me they do not have stock.
