(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

pet, chihiro,

u have mail.


Hairband nice Hur? But My Dad says looks like sumo wrestler.

LOVE all Tena pictures especially the stick out tongue one. Her hand must be very delicious.

What a good idea for a toy! Love Faye's "meditation" pose.

V funny picture. Yr Keiran looks like very "ren zhen" looking for something.

Sharwyn looks very pretty whether is with long hair or no hair. Eyes like "fang dian".

Keira was born early becoz i was having contractions. In fact I was admitted to hospital and stayed for 3 days. I was having contractions every nite from 10pm to 10am next morning for 3 days.
On the 4th morning the gynae came to see me and say he cannot discharged me yet but he did not check whether my cervix is diulated (spelling?). My contractions came back and as usual I try to bear with it. I told the nurse and she says she will monitor for me. I told her I feel like PUSHING ALREADY already then she checked and found that I am already 9CM diulated so push me ito the delivery ward at 11am and I deliver Keira at 11.30am

Little Devil
Yr Quinn is so so so cute. Love the 4th picture like he has make a very important decision.

Your Gabriel looks very serious indeed hehe...
Hi girls, all your babies are so cute
Hv been following your thread as my boy is now 2 months so it's great to pick up tips from this thread! Just wanted to ask the mummies who bought the Bumbo seat for their babies - where to find the Bumbo? I don't seem to see it on sale at the normal places like Robinsons and Kiddy Palace. Thanks!
yuru, wahhh why your magmag so big LOL?! Ohh I think its the much taller cup, I might have seen it before. Mine is the smaller magmag. But I think the attachment the same- stage 1 is teat, stage 2 is spout, stage 3 is straw and so on.

lil prince, hehe I think its instinctive, my hb also never stop to think whether he knows or can handle Faye when she was first born. The min she's out, right after they wrap her up he eagerly took over, and handled(including bathing and watnot) her ever since

Maymay, gabriel's bed is so colourful! nice pics
Good morning ladies!

Been so long since I last posted. Am having trouble keeping up with the posts too. If I don't have time to read, I'd just scroll through and look at the lovely photos. Time flies! All the bbs here have grown so much. It seemed just recently when many of us were talking about 'popping' and when will our bbs ever arrive.

It's been more than a month since my girls and I had arrived in UK. The weather had been quite mild until 1.5week ago when it became really cold and snowed quite a bit. Of course, my elder girl was very excited! Life here with a toddler who is at the terrible-2 stage and a young bb is not easy. I don't get to do much during the day except when they are all sleeping sounding at night which is now. But then again, hubby complains I sleep too late (it's almost 2am now). What to do? This is the only 'MY-time'.

Yesterday, I brought Lavigne (younger girl) to the health centre to be weighed. I was shocked that I have to undress her totally before putting her onto the scale. Talking about accuracy eh? The health system here is very different from Singapore. We are registered to a GP at the health centre in our neighbourhood (like a mini polyclinic) and we will get appointment dates sent to us telling me when the little one is due for her immunisations and checkups. I can bring her to the centre to be weighed and measured every week if I want to. However, they go by weeks for the age of the bbs and pounds for weight. The nurse was having difficulty filling in the details onto my bb health book. Furthermore, they are not so meticulous with filling in details of the jabs. Had quite a bit of culture shock in terms of these. No wonder I had a friend who went back to Singapore to give birth. We are too used to our systematic and excellent healthcare system.

Like you, I had early contractions. Once at 29weeks (was monitored for a few hours and sent home with medication) and another at 33 weeks (was hospitalised for 3 days, put on a drip and given shots to strengthen bb's lungs in case she couldn't wait to be born). Luckily all went well and I delivered her at 37weeks. Funny, how come they didn't check your dilation at all until the very last minute. Which hospital did you go to?

You have mail.
Hope that the shampoo can help cindy . No lah.. dun say that abt urself.. ryan's just more weary abt people he doesn/t meet that often
THanks for the welcome ah... but I so lazy post a question than went back to sleep heehee....

Me waiting to get back to work, abit cannot tahan stay at home with MIL... sigh... guess it's normal problem to live under one roof.

Have anyone ever feel sad to see yr baby gana mothered by MIL and might be closer to her than to yrself... I try not to, but cannot leh, very sad <<cry>>
Hi Casros,

Which part of UK you in? I don't really like their healthcare system. You need to take appointment to see Dr. Appt is few days or weeks. You have to go to the pharmacy with the prescription to buy medicine. Two different places. So normally I will stand by medicine. You do that?
Hi mommies,

My Elissa is 4 mths now but she weight only 6.95 kg. I wonder is she underweight.
Btw i would like to compare the weight of all babies at different months to serve as reference guide, thanks.


Elissa girl : 4mos 4day : 6.95kg : 60cm
yr MIL stays with u? she taking care of yr bb when u return to work? i guess the oldies are always like tt, esp when they dote on their grandkids so much tt they act like the mother instead .. but as long as u spend time with yr bb whenever u can, i guess yr bb shld still be very close to u .. afterall, yr bb lived in your tummy for 9 months ..
<font color="ff0000">silky</font>
Chloe girl : 3months : 5kg : 57cm

<font color="ff0000">littleprince</font>
She live opposite block, everyday she will come in the mornign till late at night. And she wouldn't go home if my hubby's not back yet, meaning I actually don't get to mother my baby alone at all, except weekends.

The thing is I realise my 3months old baby would seek for her and look her direction, which I very sad, feeling as if I very redundant.

You know at one point when my hubby went overseas for 3 days, I nearly never hold and feed my daughter for more than 24hrs.... than I cannot tahan, I gently told her the next day I wanna hold my baby abit more when she try to snatch baby away frm me again...

I've been trying to tell myself it's ok to be close to grandma (she actually quite nice one) BUT I can't help the sad feeling leh!!
lil prince... my ILs also 4D/toto seow one leh... got one time, in front of Jean, MIL was telling (teaching) hubby (damn loudly) abt the STAKES of winning 4D... 1st/2nd/3rd prize, starters, conso... biang! later Jean oso become 4D expert! my face so black when they were doing that but they din notice!! &amp;^%&amp;*%
duffy!! re: living under one roof wif MIL... i've to COME TO TERMS with it leow... during ML, clash many times... so she knows my huai4 pi2 qi4 leow... she's quite nice lah... but can be quite sarcastic sometimes... which i buay tahan... when i'm around, i will want to be closer to Jean... i dun care what she do when I'm not around lor... so far, since Jean still young, 11weeks+, maybe still haven't shown "preference" yet...

roughly when does bb shows "preference"?
duffy, how abt getting your hubby to be the middleman and get the message accross to his mum? Anyway, as long as you spend some quality time(30min to an hour is gd enough) bonding(sing with her, read to her, play with her, talk to her) with your baby everyday, in no time she will know you are the MUMMY. No worries, before she turns one you'll be able to see her clear preference for you even though she may also like/be close to other caregivers

silky, all bbs develop differently, some bbs born light, some born heavy, and then there is the genetic factor when it comes to weight; So its unfair to compare I feel. As long as your PD says your bb is fine, dont worry unnecessarily.
Jen, preference anytime from 4mth to before they turn 1yo, depends on the time spent with the parents, the things they do as well as the personality of the baby.
i can understand how u feel .. if she is nice, how abt telling her nicely tt she can go home once you are back though hb isn't? she took care of chloe fm her birth till now though u are ard? maybe she is worried tt you can't cope taking care of chloe alone?

i was wondering, how abt bring chloe to her place every morning instead? then when u finish work, u bring chloe home? tt will give a better excuse so tt u can hv more time alone with chloe? or ask hb to talk to his mum?

i wldn't think its ok leh coz i wld want my bb to ultimately know who is his mother and who is his grandma .. and who loves him more ..
i read tt our bbs shld be able to stretch out his / her hands if they want us to carry by ard 6 mths though all bbs differ lah, so can only take this as a guideline ..

though rhyan do knows how to cry real loud now when he sees me or hb walking away ..
.. even changing clothes aren't easy nowadays ..

I'm in Surrey, near Heathrow Airport. Actually seeing a Dr here is not so bad so far. I brought my elder girl to see one last week. All I had to do was to call in the morning when they open and make an appt for the day. The pharmacy is just next to the health centre so that's convenient. Just that if I need more of the medicine, I'll have to fill in a little form at the health centre and get the prescription in the post about 3 days later. With that, I can then proceed to the pharmacy to get the medicine. So lei chei right? However, seeing a Dr is free and medicine's free too! Furthermore, all the jabs are free except for hep B which I have to pay for. You used to live here?
Hihi little_prince, yup, radiohead has gone MIA for a looooong time leh.. I guess she found a job lor. Your little boy is super cute leh. Are you a SAHM now? Did you buy a Bumbo for Ryan? I'm still trying to find out where to get a Bumbo for my Tim leh.
Hi Casros,

Yes. I studied there for 2 years. Which town you staying? I studied in University of Surrey. Guildford town. You working there or your husband? Yah their healthcare is free but like what you say lei chey. How's the weather now? Must be pretty cold and wet. Luckily surrey not that cold as compared to other part. I missed Uk even though I went back every year after I graduated.

me not SAHM lah, FTWM .. hehe .. how's timothy? got pixs or not? where are u staying at now?

rhyan anti-bumbo .. put him in once and he bawllll .. then take him out, thighs got stuck and bumbo stuck to his butt .. LOL .. i had to call for help!

i think can get bumbo at major dept stores like takashimaya etc? First Few Years have, at United Square .. if i am not wrong .. but, bumbo can't use very long leh, esp if yr Tim is chubby .. maybe can also try buying a 2nd hand instead?
catz...can buy bumbo from carrefour, i tink the price is $79.90, most places sell at $89
if u stay near punggol, i bought mine at punggol plaza, $79.90
Hey thanks AC! 'Cos I really haven't seen it around leh.. will go and check out Carrefour.. hope I can find it! Where exactly in PP would I be able to find it, just in case I cannot find it at Carrefour?

littleprince, wah, you FTWM ah? Good for you! Got piccies of Tim but paiseh to post them here. Still at my parents' place lah. With hb at his new posting, it's hard to cope being alone at my own place which is still full of boxes! Tim is a lanky baby so I think shouldn't be a problem.. looking around for 2nd hand Bumbo but cannot hold off for too long if not I won't get maximum use out of it!
Hehe.. I can just imagine Rhyan's face if he felt too stuck in the Bumbo
So cute!
AC, Catz,
PP now increase to price to $89. Told them my friend (AC) bought @ $79 they said that is for limited period only. Btw the lady told me nxt shipment onwards price will increase to $99 wor...
natalie tried it in PP and she likes it very much. Trying to get 2nd hand one price is $68, me still considering.
Dear Casros
I was given the drip, medication and injection but nothing works. The injection on the buttocks is VERY PAINFUL right, I really JUMP when the nurse inject me. I delivered in Mt Alvernia but cannot blame the nurse lah. Maybe they thought its false alarm just like the previous 3 days.

Gabriel looks a bit like the Singapore Idol Sylvester leh..

Don't Worry. My cousin works in Singapore while her bb is taken care by her MIL in Ipoh. She visit her daughter once every 2 mths. Whenever she goes back, her daughter will automatically look for her and don't want grandma anymore.
Aiyoh TBL, really ah? :p Yah it's not easy to find a second hand one and the savings are not that significant so have decided to look for a new one. HOpe Carrefour has it man.. :p The longer I delay, the less use I will get out of it! Hehe.. kiasu mummy

Pet, I'm a fellow EEE from UK.. although I was in Newcastle. NHS has its pros and cons, although I was lucky - my uni clinic had some slots for walk-in, provided you got there at 8am! Same here, I missed the UK so much that we went back as often as we could.
Hi Catz,

I've been to newcastle. Went there on our way to scotland. To see the stadium. You graduated in which year? I missed the weather, buildings and everyday. I even missed the shopping centre.
Pets, yah Newcastle is really far north of Surrey
I graduated in 2000. Didn't really miss the rain and gloom but I miss high street shopping.. hehe.. and I miss the chocolates!
Cadbury doesn't taste the same anywhere else!
<font color="ff0000">Jen</font>
yalor, If I not at home better lah I think. At least I don have the feeling of "can see cannot touch" Grrrrr....

Yalor, When does baby show preference har, frankly the thought that I am not "THE ONE" haha makes me feel sad leh..
Yup yup yup!!! I don't like the supermarkets here.. I used to spend at least an hour shopping at Tesco's 24 hr.. haha
Of course, everything was darn expensive, even worse now with the strong euro, plus 17% VAT. Most of all, I miss the telly! Used to be addicted to all sorts of weird programs, for e.g. Eurotrash.. heheheheheh
catz...the shop in PP is at 2nd floor
If u can't get it in carrefour, can try kidsmall which is juz besides it, at 3rd floor
ARGH!! I'm so PISSED OFF!! My boss jus gimme one email "pls check out" and I got to sort out a whole lot of rubbish which happened during my ML!!! damn...
I query my boss, she say "dunno, gotta check out lor!"
I query my subord, she say "dunno, ask boss lor! I not sure!"
I query my peer, she say "it's the fault of the other dept lor! Cos this is what they give us."

HOW I ENVY SAHMS!!! Should be at home playing with Jean man...
<font color="ff0000">Berry</font>
I have tried in some occasion lor, but my hubby quite filial one
He doesn't really understand my needs to be BB more, instead he would be ok if he's mother keep getting to hold the BB....
So I try not to say too much, cause I think it will only make me the alien of the house, he might think I am the "bad guy" !!

<font color="ff0000">littleprince</font>
I took care of Chloe in the first 2 months one, than when we ask her to come over to help.... waaar.... she stick to Chloe liao haha..... than suddenly I got to fight to even hold her ahyoh, tell u har, so much so that when I really get to hold her, I very scare Chloe cry... haha because cry abit har, "phewzoom" comes MIL's hand and say "ayyahh let me hold"... very stress one leh

Actually u very clever, haha, the idea not bad leh, put in her house than I can have Chloe whenever I want!!!!! GOod Idea!! But hooor, clever u, help me think of a way to convince my hubby leh.... u think he would resent me if I tell him this idea...hmmmm
Really good idea...

<font color="ff0000">pcs</font>
Hey, thks, now I really hope for the day my BB would call for me from the arms of the grand ma hahaha! Than I can officially hold her without ppl snatching frm me heeheeheee

Wah, the posting so fast until I don know wht to say, haha
Oh wah so many ladies lived in Uk.
My hubby was posted to Londonin 1999 and I lived there for 5 months plus, We brought Ashwina(oldest DD) when she was 2 months and left when she was 6 months.(Moved to USA). I was in London. Hmm East Ham I think and the only place outside of London, I viisted was Bath, as Dh's aunty was there. I regretted not going around so much, but I was a nervous first time mummy and the weather was so unpredictable. Morning would fine and sunny, next thing I know afternoon cloudy, windy and then start raining.

Anyways here is Neil at 5 months(tomorrow)
my MIL used to be like this (carry over bb when he cries in my arms for no fault of mine) when i was hvg confinement at her place, those were the days i will never forget in my life .. so after the last day of my confinement, i insisted on going home with rhyan .. she wanted me to stay for another 2 wks till my ML end but i die die refused, rather struggle at home myself .. fm then on, no one can say i dun manage my bb well or carry over when he cries ..

i guess she thinks she understands chloe better now so when u carry her and she cries, yr MIL thinks its coz u dun handle her well .. so, a better idea will be to bring chloe to her home instead (giving some excuse tt it will be better for her since she dun need to shuttle to and fro) and when u go there at nite, just say u are bringing chloe home liao .. (can pretend say hb on the way home, reaching soon etc) once she gets the idea tt u can manage chloe well, she may not be so sticky lor ..

as for yr hb, just tell him abt yr suggestion to bring chloe over to mil's pl instead so tt save the old folk a trouble to walk to and fro .. but dun say its bcoz u want to bring chloe home at nite for time with her alone lah .. just do it slowly till he and yr MIL gets used to the idea then they wun think abt it lor ..
Pet and Catz
I'm currently staying in Egham, near Staines. This is a dead town compared to Guildford. Guildford is the best, all the shops are there and the train station is so near uni right? EEE...all the Sporeans study that there. I was there from 1998-2001 so I should know you (?). Got pic to share? Now, it's always shopping for the kids at Mothercare, M&amp;S, Next and Adams...hardly Topshop, New Look, Miss Selfridge for myself. The return policy is fab too right?! Can return anytime within a month and no questions ask.

Ya boy! The 2 jabs hurt so much. I teared during the injections....terrible! Anyway, glad to hear all's well with ur darling now.

My hubby say u get all kinds of weather in a day in UK.
ha!!! one day i shall take his NOT SO HAPPY pix to show u, then u will know tat its his mummy hiding all his naugthy part!wow, ryan really looks like he enjoy his bath / play time!

ummm..... i tik its like how u pronounce the D.O.M tonic tats for women.... if i didnt get it wrong how pp pronounce tat.

yah man... or i tik i will really miss so much of quinns pix (already miss alot actually) as lately he does alot of new things but jus tat i got no cam with me.

is it? maybe tats y alot of pp says hes a SHE!!! then when they discover tat quinn is a boy, they will say "oh, then hes a PRETTY boy, next time he will belong to those ou(3) siang(4) pai(4) looking guys like F4"! OMG!!!! i rather want him to be like ren(4) da(2) hua(2) famous model gigi hubby tat type, more manly and i HATE F4!!

whos CL? how can i do so? oh no.....

ur gab very zai(3) ho.... got strong neck i guess....and yah, i saw our fav toy for the moment MR CATERPILLAR!!hee....

hes actually trying to blow bubbles, ha!! tats y he always dirty his clothes but no choice and got to jus leave him alone.
Hi Casros,

You also studied EEE? I think I know you too. Don't mind can tell me your name? If not you can PM me. Not lots of girls in EEE. You know ken?
<font color="ff0000">littleprince</font>
no dobt the idea is good, but my MIL live opposite block only, walk 5 mins reach already... And we need to buy one while sets of items to put in her house right....
wah, very hard to convince them leh...<<still>>

Why mother wans to be with daughter so difficult one har ...Tiaaan ahhh!

I was one of the rare ones who didn't study EEE. I was with School of Management Studies. I'm Roslyn...perhaps you dun know me by my name but we could have met before. I know Ken and I met him a few weeks back when I was at the Uni. He's still there doing his PhD.
same here! i'm always thinking of going holiday but can't bear not seeing my girl for even a day! hiaz..

Sharwyn's getting prettier, still look girly with the haircut.

well, my HB likes the name Tricia &amp; actually i thot of few names which i like while preggy but dunno if it's fated or what, his colleagues &amp; my frens (last year baby boom) started using "my" names for their babies even though i kept mum abt it so had to settle for Tricia in the end, was pretty upset for a while...

Quinn's looking more &amp; more like you leh...he always looks so cheery. miss carrying him...

wah seh... its getting harder to keep up with the posts here.

Anyway, there's a John Little Sale today &amp; tomorrow for members. Lucky Baby pram is going for $119. Wonder if I should get it or should I try to get a 2nd hand one... what's the concensus?

Is the Lucky baby or Combi pram better? What's the normal price for them? Intend to get one which allows nanny to put marketing stuff in. Otherwise she might have trouble wheeling bb across roads. Worried for Jodie's safety :p

The pram I got from PP is so crappy. I didn't know how to use sling and it was damn tiring to carry Jodie to the PD for her jaundice checks. Got my current one as a stop-gap action. Need to get decent one to replace it now.
