(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

can i know when will MS usually kicked in? does anyone know if we can take celery + apples (in the form of fruit juices)?

i have the habit of having fruit juice 3x a week..is it advise to stop at the early stage of pregnancy?
<font color="ff6000">hi dolphina</font>
i am not sure whether is it ok to hv this during early pregnancy. perhaps u might wan to chk with ur gynae

it varies from ppl to ppl as to when they start experiencing MS.. some started right after they know they r preggie..
while some started slightly later..
for me, mine started ard wk5 .. 1 wk after i know im preggie..
<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
wah, u dare to eat crabs ah?? not scared next time bb "shou jiao duo duo" ah?

i've been cutting down on seafood since preggie, except fish.. cos i feel seafood more "poisonous" lor.
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
besides fish, i still eat prawns..but not a lot lah..scared high cholestrol ah ..

i think fruits is ok, but its better to eat it for the fibre to help relieve your constipation as the pregnancy progresses.

Yes, i am with dr chris chong at kkh. I go to see him on wednesday nights, at kkh. he's very kind and gentle i feel...i too, took the recommendation of some other girls on this forum to go to dr chong. their postings all said that he was very kind and gentle, very caring also.
So i went to him lor. No regrets so far, coz he's really very good to me.
angelia, i'm not pantang like you mah... anyway now regret eating cos i can't seem to stop vomiting... almost every meal will vomite...
kelly: i heard eating oranges / drinking orange juice will result in baby having alot of phlegm next time. Its an old wives tale, up to you to believe... personally, i am one who doesn't believe in avoiding any food except for raw food and caffeine.
thanks chihiro and plong,

hmmm maybe i will go and make appt to see dr chris chong...feel more at ease with your assurance now...
dolphina: how many weeks pregnant are you?

i was abit shy with a v-scan, so i asked dr chong to let me do an abdominal scan. my first visit was abt 5 weeks pregnant (i think! can't remember!) , and thru the abdominal scan we saw the yolk and sac. Must drink 1 big cup of water before the abdominal scan tho, otherwise cannot see anything...

ask dr chong to print out duplicate scan photos for you! he gave them to me FOC!
hi orange,
i'm in week 8 now, but the day and EDD will change as day go by.
My first appt show my EDD is 24.12 but by next appt change to 22.12 so all depend on bb growth.

have u seen a gynae. do u experience any MS?

errr..i think me only coming 5th week...so when u think i should see him huh? week 6 or 7? i cannot decide when to see him coz scare if too early cannot see anything..

do u think its necessary to get confirmation from GP? i have not been to one to re-confirm yet.. hiak hiak.

wow u can see the yolk at week 5 already..thats good...

btw, thanks for the tip...was worried they might refuse to give us copies unlike the private gynae
hi dolphina,
me see my gynae on week 4 and can alry see the water sac, all depend on individual. if u dun experience any dicomfort then myabe u can wait for anopther week for me cos i have cramp so i see early
dolphina: i was kiasu, so i went asap after i found out. Can go GP also, but i dun think they have those very sophisticated scanners that KKH has (they have 1 very sophisticated scanner that dr chong used on me for the abdominal scan at 5 weeks).

most importantly, you must quickly start eating folic acid (0.5mg) to help baby's spine grow healthily. Also must avoid strenuous activities &amp; exercise, and avoid smoke liqour and raw food. Caffeine can still take, but limited to 1 cup per day (coz caffeine slow's down the body's absorption of folic acid).

if you have irregular ovulation periods, the gynae will also prescribe hormone pills to help support the pregnancy.
(tho i read fr some girls here that the hormone pills made their morning sickness worse ....)

actually i think there is no need to go GP just to re-confirm your pregnancy. the home test kits are quite accurate already. I tried 2 test kits, all came out positive! after that made appt to see dr chong already....
dolphina: forgot to tell you, dr chong will also tell you to AVOID ALL HERBS and chinese medication hall prescriptions.
chihiro... no prob. if u find them useful, maybe u can sign on tis website. they send me info every wk, based on the number of wks u r on, and usually the issues r quite similar to wat i'm going thru, so i find tis website v useful. besides, seeing the 3D scans of BBs @ diff wks makes my day!
thanks wendypooh...

thanks plong..u have been a great help...then i will go and quickly make appt liow.

guess wat my mum say..aiyo no need go see gynae so soon one lah..last time we took months before we went for 1st appt.. almost fainted when i heard this..LOL
dolphina: this is the tel number to make appt in KKH:

6294 4050 -- make / change appointments
6293 4044 -- KKH general line
6394 1777 -- ask a Nurse helpline

my pleasure to be of some help!
<font color="ff6000">dolphina</font>
guess mayb last time the gynaes wanted to see only those who hv successfully passed the critical 1st trimester leh ?
hehehe .. now dun tink gynae will reject
coz u oso paying for their consultation mah .. :p
Yes, u shld not take too much orange juice or oranges. My SIL had craving for oranges and take it every day during preg, her gynea advise not to take too many too coz will caused phlegm in bb. She dint believe and my poor nephew got lots of phelgm during 2mths old ~ 3yr-old. SIL spent lots of $ and effort to treat him. So now she always advise us not to take too many oranges. So i'd say take everything in moderation lah.

Had the hormone jab and duphaston at 5 weeks becos of spotting. Had to rest in bed for 3 days and minimal walking after that.

I was allowed to stop my duphaston a few days ago and my morning sickness became very mild from very bad.

When I tool the duphaston my morning sickness became so bad that hubby was worried and wanted me to stop taking so told him that it is for our baby's survival.

Gynae told me by week 9 baby would be more stable.

Nothing wrong with talking to baby. Once I found out I am pregnant I start mind talking to my baby to tell my baby that he is loved and wanted and to hang on there. Pregnancy books say to send positive thoughts/feelings to baby as often as possible.


I could see my baby's heartbeat at 5 weeks so if you are curious can go see gynae at 5 weeks.

I also got pain and told gynae about it. He did a check and said that it is stretching pain and not something serious. Probably the stretching is due to our baby growing in size.

Saw some lovely baby cots at the Robinsons sale at Centrepoint. They are cheaper than at Mothercare and Motherworks. We are thinking of getting the covertible cot to toddler bed (newborn to 3yrs old). Salesman say got sale nearer to our EDD so can still get later at good price. The baby cot website is below.


MIL say going to pass us a stroller but hubby thinks the strollers we saw not safe so maybe we would still buy a stroller for our baby becos we intend to take baby to places where walking paths not so smooth.

ya hor, last time my mum gave birth at kkh is FOC one and last time many will give birth to at least a couple of children..unlike the new generation..somemore the gynae cost is so high now..

plong, u r indeed very informative...hmmm so please bear with me for the many questions for now and future okie...thanks thanks...

none of my frds went KKH so i am very lost lor...dunno where to start...

do u mind telling me what to expect for 1st appt... how much did u pay (roughly if u cant remember) oh do they allow visa payment huh...

no probs dolphina

first appt nothing much:
dr chong will ask when you had your last menses, when was the last day you tested on the home pregnancy kit etc and then proceed to do a scan.

he will recommend that you do a vaginal scan first, cos you can see the sac and yolk more clearly in the earlier stages of pregnancy. If you really dun want to do a v scan yet, ask him to let you do an abdominal scan.

(FYI If you want to use the hi-tech scanner that he used on me, must go to see him on a weekday afternoon. And the queue to use this machine is quite long!)

After that, make payment and go to collect your medicine from the pharmacy. At same time as you make payment, make appt for your next visit.

Cost wise, depends on where you see him (he's either at the Private Suite or Clinic A). Private Suite is slightly more expensive lah, but the first visit is around $100+. Can pay either with Nets, cash or credit cards. I think clinic A is more crowded for those walk-in patients.

Subsequent to this visit, you can also sign up for a package. Dr Chong will explain the 2 different packages KKH has. I took up the premium package where Dr Chong sees patients every wed (at the Private Suite) and Friday (KK's clinic in AMK). The standard package can only go to see him during normal weekday clinic hours. Price difference only about $200, so i chose to take the premium package coz its more convenient to see Dr Chong at night.

Pharmacy: can also pay using nets, cash or credit card.

On your subsequent visit, Dr Chong will also do a breast examination (just to make sure nothing wrong eg lumps etc).

During the first trimester, you need to see Dr Chong every 2 weeks. In the mid trimester, the appointments are once a month (which is where i am now). Final trimester ... dunno yet, but will keep you informed.

Dr Chong will also advise you to sign up for prenatal classes in KKH (its cheaper for KK patients). You should start your classes when you're abt 4 mths pregnant. Must check with KKH (gen line) for their schedule. The classes cost $120, can't remember how many sessions tho...

Anything that i left out?
let me know if you have any questions and i will try to help.
u not so good today har? then we really quite opposite liao.

Hope u will feel better soon. well, hope both of us same same, feel better &amp; NO MS!!
nvr mind lah! as u know we sometime good then sometime bad, no choice one. sometime i think may be bb sleeping so MS not so bad, then may be when bb is active and moving ard we start to feel bad MS. but i quite worry nite time, normally not feeling too good during dinner time.

thanks a lot for the detailed explanation!

wow it make me so anxious and excited to go for my first appt liow.. how how...

my LMP is 8th April 2004, can anyone tell me am i at week 4 or 5 huh....now i am getting so excited and wish i can make appt to see him this week!!

No wonder my MS got worse...oh is all be'cos of duphaston. My gynae ask me to continue for a few more day anyway saturday i'm seein him. Let c wat he say.
Hw's yr appetite? Mine quite bad, dun feel like eatin oso.

Thks for yr article.

i oso advise u to go &amp; c gynae asap. I can c my bb heartbeat, is so amazing. U will experience this special feeling yrself.keep us posted ok.
hi chihiro, tbl, jen

i having the ms same as all of us and the time is anytime. i cant sleep at night too.
think i saw a posting here beore tat snack on cracker will help toease the ms and i did try and find tat really work on me. now i buy those meiji plain crack to snack sometime i snack ard 10am plus and ard 5pm plus. cos i work i Parkway and saty at Punngol travelling need an hour plus so by the time i reach home i alway like want to collasep due to hunger so now i awlay snack on crack
ya, due to long journey home i always put crackers in my bag so can take if really hungry on the way home. But hor, some time after taking then no appetite for dinner leh.

congrats! i can see bb heartbat @ wk5.5 too. but dun worry if u cant see heartbeat on yr 1st gynea visit coz i know some of us can only see @ wk7 or so. do make appointment first and meantime take good care of yrself.
hi hi ladies...

understand from my friend's experience that it is good to talk to your baby...but he/she only can hear you when you are 20 weeks....
my friend say if you always talk to the baby...he/she recognise your voice when he/she born.
hi tbl,
where u work? can take mrt? me cannot so have to rock 2 bus back so sian. the biscuit at least can let me survive after i bath then eat dinner or half way think i collease alry i will feel umcomforatble thruout the night so now i very scare alway eat a bit first
bb can only hear from 20wks onwards? oh... nvr mind lah. i'll keep talking to bb. HB &amp; myself started to talk to bb once we knew i'm preg. I think bb can feel it although cant hear us.
tbl, wendypooh... maybe u can try drinking something filling or taking a snack before u begin ur journey, so u dun eat oni when hungry. i find tat sometimes eat when hungry will make my MS worse. also by the time u reach home, will be hungry for dinner again mah. nowadays, i drink a milo 1 hr b4 lunch, so juz nice.
me can take mrt too but need to change to bus. so take direct bus 62 from punggol lor. Journey is longer (~1hr) but can sit all the way home, no need to change lor.
btw, me going home soon...

ta-ta to all...
wendypooh and tbl... i oso snack on the meiji cracker last week... this morning, i ate bread but throw up... then i eat cracker, throw up again...
very upset... now my stomach still grinding... very cham...
Hi gals,

All fruits I take in moderation. And I also heard abt not taking too many oranges for the same reason that u gals are saying. Ribena it seems also can cause phelgm n to think I drank ribena everyday during my 1st trimester cos I jus can't stomach plain water. Now, I take oranges like once or twice a week. I eat a variety of fruits: strawberries, kiwi, apples, pears (not fragrant pears cos cooling), watermelon n papaya (a small slice once in a while), grapes (my favourite).
Watever it is, take in moderation. Not the same thing everyday...

First few days on duphaston was very bad becos of the morning sickeness but after that I ate about every two hours on good days and twice a day on bad days. Just think that it is for baby's survival and you would be able to find the strength to hang on. I threw up until I cried but hubby very supportive.

Even on bad days I would eat as much as I can so that baby dont starve. Scared baby would be hungry so would take milk, wholemeal bread or even just plain porridge.

On days that my stomach dont fancy milk, I would take soyabean milk instead.

Toasted bread is good too for morning sickness if you dont like crackers.

I have a sensitive stomach since young so I made my own mental list of food to avoid. You might want to make a list of food that are "safe"/unsafe and stick it on your fridge door so that your hubby and parents could buy you more suitable food.

Chihiro, TBL
Still looking malnourished despite all the food I eat. Probably baby eating almost everything.
Ya see liao le..

but I dun experiece MS leh..
only no mood to eat anything down lor..
just simple simple dinner/lunch lor..
actually mine abt same week as yours leh.. but last time when i see gynae he told me EDD 12/12/04 but now another gynae say too early to tell .. have to see in later week.. to be more exact..

actually,, i am very worry abt the bb in side me.. my next appt is at next week.. so anxious to know and look forward for the appt lor..
so as to see if my bb is fine inside me..
dolphina, judging from your LMP you should be abt 5weeks 4days. Not sure also, better ask dr chong exactly how they calculate it.

I also saw my baby's heartbeat at abt 6 weeks. In fact, Dr chong gets very happy when he sees it!
at 6 weeks, the heartbeat is very weak but its a positive sign.

I'm sure you'll be excited to see something growing inside you. Make sure your husband accompanies you for the visit!

Hi Ladies,
I had a bad scare yest. Spot twice! Today called gynae to ask...he told me its most prob due to the vaginal insert i used over the weekend. My yellow discharge have been around for a few weeks. Anyone of you have yellow discharge before? How long did it take to recover?
