(2004/09) Year End (Sep - Dec) 2004 Mothers-to-be

we same fate lah!
last week remember we still thought how come our MS became better & may be we are the lucky one, who knows....

btw my family (sis & bro) long long time ago alr practices put matteress blw the sarong, for safety purpose. i thought most ppl will do tat too?


hi plong,

understand that you are seeing dr chris chong from KKH as your gynea...

can you provide some feedback....coz i cant decide whether to go for him or john tee or adrian tan... headache sia to decide on a gynae

did you see him at the private suit or AMK. thot of making appt to see him at AMK..

ever heard of one nasty comment about him so alittle apprehensive..

TBL, today I peaceful leh... no puke, no nausea, NOTHING! hehe... so happy... oops, *feel fluttering in my tummy*... better dun be too happy... later oso calm before the storm... cos last week Thu Fri I oso fine... then Sat - Wed puke and puke... sigh... maybe my bb can recognise the day in the week hor?
wah chihiro, u so lucky... mummy is a bbsitter... then u good leow... no need to find bbsitter... sigh... me still headache abt who to do confinement...
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
was telling hubby tt sometimes at night MS like a bit more jialat, he say becoz bb hear his voice and is reacting to tt

mum will be doing confinement definitely ..
as to who will look aft the bb, chances of my mum looking aft is high lah .. unless my ILs want to look aft then bo bian lor
chihiro... tats gd. was shocked the injury rate so high. to think most of us grew up w/o a scratch in the mua! :p

jen... if u getting a CF lady, then may hv to book soon, cos i nearly couldnt get the one i wanted cos she was booked already. lucky she rejected the other person.
congrats on yr peaceful day!
my bb not recognise day one, happy happy peaceful for few days until i get worried, then sometime I nausea for whole day! Naughty naught oh!
me oso need to find CF lady &amp; nanny but intend to wait till end of 1st tri then start to look for one.
when did u start looking for CF lady huh? really supply more than demand huh? jialat liao!
tbl... i was told to start once i knew i was preggie. but i tot a bit too KS so waited till abt 10wks. was recommended a lady so i just casually called her. who knows, she said she already booked liao! &amp; tat was in feb! she said she will intro her fren instead nearer the date, but i kept asking for her cos she's supposed to be gd. then one day she called &amp; said she let off the other couple cos she preferred SK. heng ah! so glad when i paid her the deposit. *whew* at least a load off my mind.

do u hv any recommendations? or u want to try agencies? was told a lady from an agency quite gd, somemore cheap @ $1400 compared to my $1800. but too bad, she was also booked when i asked!

abt nanny... still deciding btw nanny or a maid. sigh... tat will be a headache i will face oni in 3rd tri!
Hi Jen, TBL &amp; Chihiro,
Thanks for the advice, really feel more relief after talking here....

My gynae said "the pills are for two weeks supply" and the nurse told me to take three times a day, so I think I have to take it everyday...in fact I think it's not necessary lor, but to play safe, just take it lah..
yah lor... me also looking around for CF ladies... i need to wait a month or so to see if my grandma can do for me or not first mah... that's why the delay... my grandma fell down quite recently but I was thinking she should recover by Dec, that's why higher chance she can do for me... still dunno yet leh... I kinda prefer my own family do lor... heard many horror stories of CF ladies... =P

are, can u PM me some of ur contacts for CF ladies? then I can shortlist them also...
jen... sorrie, i was oni recommended those 2. the agency one was working for MIL's relative so she helped to ask, and the 2nd one is the one i booked.
are, it's ok, you 2 months earlier than me mah... so maybe she will be able to do mine too... :p just PM me both contacts lor...
bebechic, at first the 'feelings' in my tummy starts off as fluttering kind, lke some undefined movement in tummy, then about 1-2 weeks later I could feel like a 'poke' from the inside, then as baby grew bigger, the 'pokes' begins to feel more like kicks. Nowadays I feel all kinds of movement, can feel baby sort of 'turn around', v obvious fluttering, as well as small pokes or v hard karate kicks LOL! Depends on what baby is doing. Sometimes on left side of tummy, sometimes on right side, sometimes v low, sometimes higher.

Jen, you're in week 9 right? I think the earliest you can feel movements should be around 15 weeks (considered v early liao) to 20++ weeks.

are, if your house got ample space, then get a maid is more practical, can help you round the clock, at least you dun have to bother with housework at all, then you'll have more time to spend with baby teaching/playing.

TBL, my belly is also rather big (considering the number of weeks I'm in) and it also started protruding v early. But I think its a good thing leh, I feel v happy everytime I look in the mirror and see my belly. :p

What I'm feeling is those kinds of Jurassic Parking kicking.. u noe the part when the dinosaur goes" domp...... domp........ domp........" haha.., sometimes he's just rolling around

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ wk 03-May
.. .. .. .. .. . EDD .. . Week

aurora ......... 08/09/04 wk 21
cubbiebb ....... 12/09/04 wk 22 MAH / B
expecting_mum .. 12/09/04 wk 22 TMC / B
lilo ........... 20/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
mom ............ 20/09/04 wk 20 MAH / B
berry .......... 21/09/04 wk 20 TMC / G
bebechic ....... 26/09/04 wk 19 MAH / G
ww ............. 29/09/04 wk 19 KKH / ??
pets ........... 03/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
angelia ........ 04/10/04 wk 18 TMC / G
SLK ............ 08/10/04 wk 17 GEH / B
yingzi ......... 10/10/04 wk 17 MAH / ??
heather ........ 10/10/04 wk 17 GEH / B
blisse ......... 11/10/04 wk 17
are ............ 12/10/04 wk 17 MEH / G
mtmtmt ......... 18/10/04 wk 16 ESH / ??
dee ............ 22/10/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
micky .......... 23/10/04 wk 15 GEH / ??
yeeyee ......... 24/10/04 wk 15
cosmo .......... 01/11/04 wk 14
joyful ......... 20/11/04 wk 11
melbb .......... 26/11/04 wk 12
chihiro ........ 02/12/04 wk 10
TBL ............ 02/12/04 wk 10
emma ........... 09/12/04 wk 09
plong .......... 08/12/04 wk 09 KKH / ??
woof ........... 08/12/04 wk 09
jen ............ 09/12/04 wk 09
melody ......... 12/12/04 wk 07
wendypooh ...... 22/12/04 wk 07 GEH / ??

<font color="ff0000">GEH - GlenE, MAH - Mt A; MEH - Mt E; ESH - East Shore</font>
<font color="119911">remind me if I left u out or get ur date wrong</font>

<font color="aa00aa">are,</font>

i oso need to go find maternity clothings this wkend liao. last Sunday bought 2 maternity tops from OG. after paying up, went toilet, then forgot to bring home!!!!! din realise until Tue when i want to wear them

really getting absent-minded these days!!!!
good morning...
angelia, i noticed that emma and me are 9/12 but how come plong and woof 8/12, "come between" us huh? :p

TBL, this morning I puked out those bitter yellowish liquid you described last time leh... did u ask ur gynae wat was it huh? very gross leh...

chihiro, i took the prenavit at night yesterday then after that feel like vomiting... dunno if it's psychological? then this morning wake up with stomachache but after puking the liquid described above out, then slightly better... do u know why?
berry... its 5-rm, so tats why we r considering a maid. bt i juz dun like the idea of having an 'outsider' ard. guess hv to adjust if really no choice.

angelia... eh? u wer @ OG on sun too? me too! :p i was @ the bugis one, u? i oso bought maternity clothes, esp since on sale.
bt now on archive cos i dun nid to wear yet.
are, actually my hubby also mentioned getting me a maid to help things out when he's at work since I'm planning to be a fulltime mum with no help at all. But I insisted that I didn't want, cause our place is also not very big, and I like privacy + things around the house to be done my way. I think will have more headache to get used to + train maid if we get one. So for my case, the most I'll want is a part time cleaner. But part time cleaners are v cheap, only $10/hour, whereas if you want a nanny, economical-wise, more worthwhile to get a maid instead. I told my hubby, I'll only have a fulltime maid if we live in a house at least 3 levels high. Then I'll feel like Ihave privacy :p
jen... pm u liao.

berry... i was considering part-time cleaner too, cos i hv 1 v gd contact. bt i'll be working &amp; my hours r not regular, so i doubt nannies will be so nice to be so flexible. i'm not willing to let nanny look aft overnite too, 1st child mah.
so bo bian lor. but will park maid w MIL in the day tho'.
Hi Jen,

I think the yellowish liquid is "dan3 zhi" (bile??), secreted by the liver to help to digest fat, it's bitter right? this is because our stomach is empty in the morning, nothing else except bile can be vomitted.
thanks are!
will check it out later...

berry, i somehow dun feel safe to get a maid leh... cos i dun stay near either parents... then the maid will be at home alone with the bb? so scary! wat if she go out and leave my bb at home... think i rather get a bbsitter... at most pick up everyday after work lor... boh bian mah...

tantan... it's gross leh... aiyoh... i was hoping it will be just dry retching... but i couldn't stop retching this morning... in the end the bile came out...
Hi all,

how's everyone this morning? finally it's FRIDAY!

angelia, so heartache for you lei. bought liao and forget to bring back.

tomorrow finally can see baby liao..so happy.

received a piece of bad news today, hubby will need to go off US for 3 weeks for training, sob sob. i will be all alone, and sure i will get lots of nagging from my parents and ILs. think got to move to ILs place for the few weeks, will miss my bed. anyway, good also lar, my MIL will make me bf and supper.
Hi, may I join in.

I have just confirm +ve with GP on 5 May but yet to know my EDD. Based on my last menses, that is 24 Mar, I should be wk 6 now. Same like tantan, I have long cycle that range from 34 to 38 days. Maybe I should be wk 5 then.
Hi Jov,


If you know when you O, then your EDD = O-day+ 266 days
gd morning everyone !!!
its FRIDAY !!
how's everyone feeling ?

welcome <font color="ff6000">jov</font>

<font color="ff6000">micky</font>
rem to giv u bb a prep talk ah .. :D
tink on the bright side on staying with ur ILs for a while lor
i guess ur hubby will feel more at ease knowing that there's someone with u most of the time
<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
i dred to eat tt prenavit oso..
tink i giv it a miss for today ..
chihiro, i feel like asking dr adrian if can dun eat at all or not leh... feeling quite giddy now... dunno why... sigh...

welcome jov...
jen, if you want a maid but dun dare to trust here, can always get your your MIL or your mum to pop by for 'surprise visit' whenever, or get them to call at random times to your home to make sure maid is at home all the time. That is what some of my friends do. The maids know that anytime the MIL or mother will pop by, so they dun dare to be funny.
I hear its best to take durian only in second tri (that's what I did), but if you really have cravings, then just take a little, will not hurt.
<font color="0000ff">tan tan</font>
oic, FF show that my O-day is on 14 Apr. Based on your calculation, my EDD may be on 5 Jan 05. Thanks.
hi hi,
it's friday, finally! but i'm feeling very down today. Last nite got very very bad dream! i dreamt got spotting then bb gone...
i was very very scare! i checked immediately, luckily nothing. haiz.... may be i too stress liao.
then this morning a lot of things. those ang mo ask for a lot things, i very sian ah!!

ya, i checked wif my sis, she oso said the yellowing liquid is bile! may be nxt time check with gynea again. it yucks right? very bitter and the whole throat is like cant get rid of the bitter feeling!

anyway hope everyone has a great friday and coming weekend.
Had morning sickness since the 5th week. hubby v nice got me lots of ginger sweets from Umeya and Ichiban. Helps alot in getting rid of the bad taste in the mouth as well as clearly some heartburn. MIL thinks ginger is v safe to take.

My EDD is on 2nd Dec. and thinking of having baby at raffles hospital

My gynae say I dont need to take the prenavit until 3 weeks later because of my morning sickness. Now just need to eat anything I can keep down as I am underweight already.

Just had my scan yesterday and baby happily kicking until gynae was amused.

Intend to get a part-time cleaner if cannot cope with housework. Cheaper and more privacy.
Well well... more pple joining in...

Berry, my parents working full time so dun think they can spot check... and they stay quite far... even lazy to come my place, dun say come and spot check... my PILs...hiaz... quite old leow... and no car and quite far... plus my MIL taking care of my hubby's nephew and niece during day time as his SIL also got maid... so dun think they can come and spot check...

TBL, yah... my colleague also say is bile... gross man... they tell me to drink more water... but after I brush teeth I started to retch and puke... where got time to drink water first... aiyoh...
are and berry,
hahaha, HB discourages me from eatin durian. Said he heard from his colleagues the baby will become a gorrilla. LOL! Anyway, my case need to moderate durian consumption to reduce chances of gestational diabetes. SIAN!

Vent abit: my HB's ex very sourpuss! She found out abt the baby names I was thinking of, and commented that it makes her laugh! And then said I had bad taste. Hmph. Sourpuss! When HB comes back I'm going to complain how he got such a disagreeable ex in the 1st place! His only saving grace is he dumped her. :p

Anyway I'm starting afresh with new names... realised from another friend (who pointed out NICELY, not in that bitch's sourpuss manner, that the short form ain't very flattering :p).
Oh I want to recommend my yogurt brand! I'm lactose-intolerant to milk but yogurt can tahan, except normal cup yogurt too much to finish at one go (very jelat).
I buy the Yoplait Petit Miam 60g each cup only- it's marketed to kids lah.
hi mtb,

wow so many posting, trying to read and digest.
i resting at home due to flu and doc gave 2 day mc. had been feeling very tired but cant fall asleep. MS seem to be ok these 2 day and oso make me feel uncomforatble wonder bb is ok, trying to make myself look postive.

thank for the advise.
i try to rest and drink more water, a bit stubborn want to avoid medicine
ya, agreed wif u. we are all the same. When MS is real bad we complaint a lot. But when MS becomes better we start to feel uneasy and wondering what's happening to bb, whether bb is ok.

btw i MS out of sudden very jialat, so i oso thinking to skip multi-V for sometime.
MT3... wow, u r in contact w ur hubby's ex??? u v liberal leh. ya, u r rite. too much durian is a no-no if u r @ risk of diabetes. bt my hubby oso say dun eat too much, cos gynea says my bb may be too big, but beats me why cos my tummy is so small!
<font color="aa00aa">MTMTMT,</font>
how on earth did ur HB's ex got to know the names??

<font color="aa00aa">wendy,</font>
muz take lots of rest.. &amp; rem to take medicine.

maybe u think of it this way, bb know u'r sick, so dun cause too much trouble for u mah

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
no need to ask. i asked b4, he told me folic muz take everyday, multivit, can alternate day

<font color="aa00aa">rochelle,</font>

list updated

<font color="aa00aa">micky,</font>
hiaz... bo bian lor.. preggie more forgetful mah

<font color="aa00aa">tan tan,</font>
u know ur EDD yet? so i can update u into the list as well
<font color="0000ff">durian</font>
1 colleague was telling me too much durian might make the kid too hyperactive.. says she got couple of frenz who took a lot of durian &amp; kids hyperactive.. so she dun dare eat too much during her time
angelia... eh? nvr heard of hyperactive leh, tats new. hmm... guess wun eat too much lah, very heaty oso.
angelia, can i dun take the prenavit at all? =P I've been very good taking for the last 2 weeks... only yesterday then I change to at night... now feel like dun take today onwards... =P
Hi all, today still no sign of getting worse, phew.... heng ah.

Hey, Am thinking of buying a comfy maternity jeans, that can last me till my 2nd trimester at least. Anyone got any suggestions?

Even in my 9th week I'm really bloated liao, think my figure will never go back again
hey... there seems to be a prog abt babies &amp; preggies on chn 5 now, those @ hm might want to chk it out. office tv no sound so dun noe wat they toking.
bt the newborns so cute!!!
<font color="ff6000">angelia</font>
so sayang .. $$ wasted .. tix wkend go shopping again lah ... OG got anymore sales or not ?
am tinking to get bigger sized bras there..
ya .. i hvnt got any yet
mayb a pair or 2 of maternity pants

<font color="ff6000">tbl</font>
same as u, woke up rather moody
mayb it was raining and i couldn't sleep well last night makes me drag myself to work
was so tempted to go get mc sia

<font color="ff6000">jen</font>
perhaps u might wan to ask dr adrian abt ur giddyness ...
like wat angelia hv mentioned lor, miss a day of prenavits is ok lor ..but dun eat.. dunno wat will be the impact lah .. better ask him

<font color="ff6000">hi rochelle</font>

looks like u, me and tbl got the same EDD !!

<font color="ff6000">wooof</font>
i dunno where can get nice n comfy maternity jeans leh ..

<font color="ff0000">durians</font>
went to MC hotel for buffet dinner last friday
can't eat much as usual
but i ate a bit of their durian paga(dunno how to spell) yum...

wooof, try Thyme at Taka (next to baby dept), they have a good range of v trendy maternity bottoms (capris, denim, coudrouy, etc). Because they are specially made to grow with you, they'll definitely be able to last at least one whole trimester, if not all the way through. Or alternatively, try Mothercare, but mothercare's sizes are very big, not suitable for shorter/more petite mums.
