hello everyone. may i seek some opinion/advice?
pre covid, i had a good bond with a guy and during meetups, we would actively talk to each other, disturb, tease, joke etc. but we knew there was nothing for each other. it was just a platonic kind of relationship. at that time i was with my ex-husband (who was still a boyfriend during that stage) and the guy was single. however i did notice he was quite touchy but not the perverted kind, just small, innocent touches and brushes. so i just thought he was naturally like that, plus he's also the chatty kind and he could talk to almost anyone. after i got married to my ex-husband, we kinda grew distant due to less meetups and he roughly got the idea that i chose to be distant as i was married already so he stepped back. covid happened shortly after and totally no more meetups until recently.
i got divorced, covid happened then just a few days ago, we had a second meetup after a first one in may. so we're both now older, looking slightly different etc. but when we talked, it was all like before; same vibe, same teasing and jokes but we did have a few awkward silent moments. so the thing is, i caught feelings for him after the first meetup. obviously he didn't and i found out he has a girlfriend now. so during the second meetup, of course i didn't tell or show him anything about my feelings. what i think i'm overanalysing is...1) during the second meetup, i couldn't help but notice that he kept looking out for me and glancing at me and i noticed myself doing that too. i mean for me, i get it, because i like him. but for him? why would he do that? so each time our eyes met, we quickly glanced away though we knew our eyes did meet for a short while. the meetup was like in a function room with a lot of people but i noticed and felt his eyes searching for me and when he did find where i was, he would give glances and i'd catch him looking then he'd look away. 2) when we did talk that time, and during the past, i noticed he always tended to lean in closer when i'm pretty sure he did hear what i say. he would ask "sorry?" "what?" and then lean in quite close to my face and body. so i repeated and then he'd answer. so i'm not sure if i'm too short or he's too tall or i'm that soft or the surrounding was that noisy that i couldn't be heard? 3) i've heard about this "eyebrow flash" thing and when i recalled, i know i had so many of those eyebrow flash when i saw him or when we talked. i noticed he did them too when we talked. or is it he just has a habit of raising his brows when he talks, like it's a natural thing for him? 4) whenever he saw i was alone/talking to someone but we're still in each other's sight, and he was busy doing something else, his eyes would keep glancing at me and he would move a lot to try to make me notice him, then he would try and make himself free so he could come to me.
yup as u can see, am i overanalysing? overthinking? i do like him, a lot, yes... but i will never pursue him because he has a girlfriend; 3 years already, plus we just can't be together. but somehow why would his gestures/body language seem like he could like me? or maybe he just enjoys my company, or he can simply talk to anyone and everyone, or we did have a good bond after all and he's comfortable? or is he just like that? i can't stop thinking about this. like cracking a code. anyway, may i have some advice/opinion?
thank u and appreciate it...
pre covid, i had a good bond with a guy and during meetups, we would actively talk to each other, disturb, tease, joke etc. but we knew there was nothing for each other. it was just a platonic kind of relationship. at that time i was with my ex-husband (who was still a boyfriend during that stage) and the guy was single. however i did notice he was quite touchy but not the perverted kind, just small, innocent touches and brushes. so i just thought he was naturally like that, plus he's also the chatty kind and he could talk to almost anyone. after i got married to my ex-husband, we kinda grew distant due to less meetups and he roughly got the idea that i chose to be distant as i was married already so he stepped back. covid happened shortly after and totally no more meetups until recently.
i got divorced, covid happened then just a few days ago, we had a second meetup after a first one in may. so we're both now older, looking slightly different etc. but when we talked, it was all like before; same vibe, same teasing and jokes but we did have a few awkward silent moments. so the thing is, i caught feelings for him after the first meetup. obviously he didn't and i found out he has a girlfriend now. so during the second meetup, of course i didn't tell or show him anything about my feelings. what i think i'm overanalysing is...1) during the second meetup, i couldn't help but notice that he kept looking out for me and glancing at me and i noticed myself doing that too. i mean for me, i get it, because i like him. but for him? why would he do that? so each time our eyes met, we quickly glanced away though we knew our eyes did meet for a short while. the meetup was like in a function room with a lot of people but i noticed and felt his eyes searching for me and when he did find where i was, he would give glances and i'd catch him looking then he'd look away. 2) when we did talk that time, and during the past, i noticed he always tended to lean in closer when i'm pretty sure he did hear what i say. he would ask "sorry?" "what?" and then lean in quite close to my face and body. so i repeated and then he'd answer. so i'm not sure if i'm too short or he's too tall or i'm that soft or the surrounding was that noisy that i couldn't be heard? 3) i've heard about this "eyebrow flash" thing and when i recalled, i know i had so many of those eyebrow flash when i saw him or when we talked. i noticed he did them too when we talked. or is it he just has a habit of raising his brows when he talks, like it's a natural thing for him? 4) whenever he saw i was alone/talking to someone but we're still in each other's sight, and he was busy doing something else, his eyes would keep glancing at me and he would move a lot to try to make me notice him, then he would try and make himself free so he could come to me.
yup as u can see, am i overanalysing? overthinking? i do like him, a lot, yes... but i will never pursue him because he has a girlfriend; 3 years already, plus we just can't be together. but somehow why would his gestures/body language seem like he could like me? or maybe he just enjoys my company, or he can simply talk to anyone and everyone, or we did have a good bond after all and he's comfortable? or is he just like that? i can't stop thinking about this. like cracking a code. anyway, may i have some advice/opinion?
thank u and appreciate it...