1 year birthday Celebration

Hi sillycow,
So sorry to read abt wat happened. I'm ordering fr them for the 1st time so no comments abt their service. Juz keeping my fingers crossed and hoping everything will turn out as planned.

o dear.. must be a really pulse racing experience for u. on the brighter side.. THANK GOODNESS they came up with a cake on time.. if not u will be left with no cake! i also ordered from PG..but dun think will order again from them. their cake is so so only.. look nice on outside but really cannot compare to viv etc.. its jus value for $$.. dunno y the newspaper caneven compare their cakes to hyatt hotel cakes..
i also called viv for her cakes but she was so fully booked!! sigH!

yr cake was awesome!! paisah josh kept bugging u to cut the cake. he refuse to leave the party without a part of the ship! he ate it all up in the car.. leaving none for jedd!. n poor jedd was crying for cake.. :S past yr left over cake to me..

anyone wants nbr 1 candle or plaque candle??
may hv lobang to get but abt ard $5-6..
will take pic of nbr 1 candle.. in stripes or dots.. very cute..
it was on the picture of my cake..
Hmm... dunno leh, Esther keeps saying NSRCC is big, but that day I went, not big leh.
Oh that's the bakery I'm looking at right now lor. Cupcake party ah... dunno by then still in or not leh. Boys also can have fun with cupcake party mah.

Most cupcakes are nice but sweet lor. Unless you can tahan sweet stuff. I ordered once and dun like them.

Sorry to hear that. Is it due to the peak period they had due to autumn festival?
Although this is not my 1st time ordering from them, I'm still praying real hard that they can do the design that I want. I'm not putting much hope, just hope they dun mess up my cake. This may be my last time with them too. Realised they aren't that creative with their designs anymore, copy here and there.
I'm surprised they are willing to redo a cake for you. Cos I think most will argue that it's still a 2kg cake tats enough to serve the guests etc... the most they just add names to the cake. Thank goodness you still have a cake in the end.

You are right, PG cake has nothing to yell about. But I think forum plays a big part and PG is earning bucks of $ into their pocket, getting more and more proud.
Oh, forgot to add that before the lady apologise to us, she told us that we have to pay artistic charge if we WANT our son's name to be on the cake??!!?? Pls lor, they already did not follow our simple instructions and leave such short time for us and yet her only concern is about $$$

Hmm cup cake party and boys a bit weird right? imagine the birthday banner say" welcome to zac's strawberry cupcake party" huh??? i imagine to be funny. Ah yah dont care in or not as long as the kids have fun! i think all the little girls enjoy baking and decorating the cupcake! hopefully u get something from her then u feedback to me nice or not.


I just scrapped off my cupcakes idea for zac's birthday cos i think only mostly kids enjoy them but not the adults. since zac's party has more adults and babies than kids. i decided to go for normal cake. the cupcake idea will wait till zac goes to school then i will do it for him and friends. just my thoughts on the cupcake, it is a tough decision cos i really like the look of cupcake although i personally has not tried one. haha
ic..then i can forget it cos don't like sweet stuff.

PG Cake
i wanna order a 1kg cake from them & the lady ask me to call them early Oct cos due to the peak period now.

can post here the pic of nbr 1 candle?

actually me vain lor, wanna try cupcake so tot of order for my boy lunar b'day ma...
at the end change mind & think shld order when he go to pre-school & clelebrate his b'day there.
I had the Pine Garden cake for my boy's birthday party.


I went down to the shop to make my order. They also abit cock-up one lor.

I initially chose another 2-tier cake with those cute candy. The sales 'auntie' said its included. When I about to amke payment, then she showed the design to the baker who then informed me that the cartoon candies not included. I got to supply my own

So, no choice but to change to the design above. They are also not friendly to tell me where I can get buy those cartoon candy. Only babbling that I can get at shopping malls. Ask them which mall, they cannot answer!
What???? Still dare to charge you for artist charge??? You paid them?
They should give you FOC!
I'm praying hard the auntie din misplace my bag of figurines which I handed to them last week, cos there's a lot of customers buying mooncakes.

No need strawberry cupcake party. You can have transformer/cars or other boy boy theme mah.

Actually hor, I dun understand there's a lot of mummies ordering cake from PG and needs those figurines. Why dun PG go and source the figurines and include in the price for the cake, just like what Smiling Orchid is doing. They definately get the stock cheaper than us. Make us the trouble to go down PG just to hand over the figurines. Ordering from Smiling Orchid is much easier and they are flexible to change the design to what we want.
You can call PG now... Autumn festival over liao, they not so busy le..
Make sure everything is written black and white in email/invoice.
Ya. I also ask them if they can help me get the candies (per the cake design), they said they cannot coz worried they get other designs which I do not one.

I ordered the cake 1 week before. Weekday also no time to go around buy the candies. In the end, choose another designs with everything included.

I agreed that they should probably stock up the cartoon candies at their store so that customers can also buy on-spot.

But in general, the cake is quite ok, and not too expensive (mine was 2kg at $100, inclusive of delivery)
yeah..will call them this few days.
hopefully can get a 'special' cake. hehe....
cost they charge 1kg cake $55 lel inclusive of delivery.

i oso not understand why they dun stock up the cartoon candies since that's their popular cake design.

In order to avoid further delay due to both parties arguing over the artistic charge, yes, we paid them $20 artistic fees JUST to put in my son's name using the icing alphabets. They agreed to redo the cake AFTER we agreed to pay the artistic fees.

We have pass them some figurnies too, lucky they didn't misplace/lost it.
actually I was telling some mummies that PG is earning a lot of $ cos they just need to bake and cream the cake. The rest of the decor are mostly provided by mummies.
The cake is ok lah, but not so great like wat some mummies said. Frankly speaking, I find nothing great with their lychee martini lor, sweet only, but many mummies are going woolala with it.
Their pricing is ok, not taking into consideration that we provide our own figurines lah.

It will be great if PG has their stocks for figurines, candles etc for a one stop service. I dun mind paying a bit more for them cos it save time and hassle.

u r welcome


no worries, understand what u mean


wow, congrats
zac will hav a younger sibling for company now




hehe, thanks for the deco
very grateful for them

tat time was puking in hubby's car , so he keeps stopping and was delayed..paiseh paiseh
the candle can be seen on IAN's cake
either in strips or spots.. will try to find the spots pic..

for those who dun wan to overblow the party budget, and wan a pretty yet edible cake, PG is the best choice..
i alos ordered my cake from PG.. but hv tis uneasy feelin tat the cake was turn out wrong.. HENG ah.. all was fine..
another mummy ordered from PG last yr.. gave them a simple big bird pic to COPY!!... and big bird came out different.. she didnt hv the mood to even cut the cake.. :S i mean its a really simple big bird design..
for those who are willing to spend on the cake, go for pattistier.. or viv.. maybe strawberry shortcake also not bad..
attended a party with passtier cake.. $398 for 3kg.. fainted.. even if u cut 100pcs, per slice is still $4..
but the cake was shiok.. i had 2 helpings..and blamed it on mt greedy son..
Hi jenny,
I also passed them some cartoon icing to plaster at the sides. They assured me that they're experts wif icing so wont damage but I din trust them wif my marshmallow lollipops so told them I will stick the lollipops myself. Jus leave a space on the cake for me. Wah lao, aft hearing sillycow's experience, now crossing my toes together wif my fingers hoping nothing will go wrong.
I think we have the same feelings till we see our cakes hor? I also praying hard every day haha

Me too, dun dare to hand them my candle haha...
heres a pic of my cake... cant tell its a numeric ONE cake..


made my own cupcakes at the last hour..heng ah.. also turn out ok..

<font color="0000ff">cake price</font> jenny, thanks. too busy to login. yes caleb's cake cost me $260 n the cake kit (decors on the cake) cost me ard $10.

<font color="0000ff">ethel</font> tks. tho' got half the cake left but many of the guests were very pleased visually n many others had more than 1 helping so i am happy of the outcome. best is hb was surprised of the overall design cos i nv showed him the design only told him the cost.

glad josh like the cake. poor jedd. next time ok. after this, dun think will have another such 'grand' party for caleb until he can understand what is birthday n cake ba. too much of organising. but then after this, think many of the guests will expect something similar or better next year. stressed now.

<font color="0000ff">freshpoison</font> can check out concourse. i saw many candles. party city at holland v also got quite a good range.
hey, y dun we hold a christmas party?? will be fun. invite everyone but i guess all hv to split cost.. like tea dance in our days haa.. not tat i attended any before.

erm. i can mail to u? let me chk if supplier still hv stk. when is yr party day?
i hv been to lots of party shop.. all the candles are like 12.90 upwards.. n some so o biang.. u can try to look ard.. then let me know..
<font color="0000ff">ethel</font> Hi5! me also nv went for tea dance too. will b in HK during X'mas leh. mayb a new year's pajamas party? attended one recently organised by a magazine n really interesting to see guests dressed up in all sorts of pjs. am toying this idea for the next party....
Yes, I had Lychee Martini and Lemon Drop for the cakes. Liquor for adults, lemon for kids.
After trying, not really fanstatic. A decent cake, not too sweet. Guests are happy with the cake.

I do agree that they should stock up some of those cartoon candies. Its rather inconvenient for me to go down to BIY to buy them. And BIY are not open on Sunday somemore. So tao!! haha..

Yes, my boy is very interested in the cake and has been trying to reach the cakes. In the end, we remove one figurine and hand it to him to hold so that he can 'sit still' enuff for us to take pictures

You're welcome.
Congratz on your #2.
Probably the baby show next year, #1 & #2 can go participate
PJs Party 07 in progress!!

i wanted to go halloween but i think i will be in australia..
Winnie the Pooh Scene Setter
Want to check with mummies whose babies' parties are over. Anybody with Winnie the Pooh Scene Setter (the one with the Happy Birthday words on it) to sell off? I joined a spree but somehow the spree didn't work out and I don't have sufficient time to participate in a second one. Thanks!
sillycow... sorry to hear from ur experience too... I oso ordered from PG cos no choice i changed date due to my gal having chix pox then my original bakery gladcake is full on my postpone date , that I had to choose PG... I've already heard abt the experience on the big bird case that ep n my friend has but I still wanna try the cakes... I choose the design of strawberry other than that I ask her to take over the overall design of the cake, I oso kind of scared when i pass yun the figurines (went to search high & low for the figurines, finally found at taka atrium toy sale, pick up the figurines from playdough, hahaha)... problem is, i pass her all sorts of figurines and tell her for those un-use return me... who knows she used everything, luckily it turn out ok...

sample of my gal's cake
hi mummies,

my DD 1 YO bday in 2 weeks...and i havent done anything...super stress now...
can anybody tell me
- where to get the figurines? (tot of getting a PG cake also)
- PG's website?
- wat do ur dress ur DD? i went to 2 bday parties and they dress their DD like princess leh...
After tomorrow, I won't be stressed... I will SEE my cake tomorrow! Same too, heard and read abt the big bird case.
Your gal cake is very nice and sweet

Figurines - Depends what theme you are looking for? What's your them?
PG Website - www.pgcakes.com but nothing much on their website. If you have ideas on the design, drop them an email. If not, they have albums for the cake design in their shop, which you need to make a trip down. Alternative, ask them to email you sample. I think they will email you ep's one haha...
Dress - I will dress my gal in a simple white dress. So that the dress can be wore for other occasion. Personally I dun like those princess dress.
Alphabets - Those are made from Icing sugar or fonduet. PG makes them and charged them as artistic charge of $25!
Hi Jo
I saw the cake u ordered from coffee bean, it was so nice and the price is very reasonable.

How is the taste of the cake? What flavour?

My boy is turning 1 in Nov n now looking for a birthday cake for him. Don't intend to spend a lot on the cake itself. But found the color pink is not quite suitable for boy n may look for other design. Thanks.
u mean they email u my cake ah? i was looking for a nbr 1 in 2 tiers.. n the ydidnt hv any design to choose.. so i told them must do a good one so they can use for future reference..

i see if i can find the big bird pic for u to see haa after i saw the pic, i got cold sweat hee hee..
dun worry la.. yr cake will be fine... remember to post yr cake pic here..

yr boy sooo cute!
alphabets provided by PG.. n can nbe eaten too!

if everything we provide ourselves, we might as well bake it too! figurines find ourselves, lollipops find ourselves.. etc.

going aussieland in oct.. in time for PJ party!!
thks ep and jenny for the info.
havnt tot of theme, but most likely strawberry shortcake or mickey mouse theme? will those party shop sell figurines?

btw, i think i read somewehere there's a party shop in holland V. anybody knoe the shop name (and tel no.? if possible)

eeyore, playdoh got figurines?
phoebe, where u end up getting those cartoon candy?
hi jenny,

i'm also praying hard that PG did not misplaced my figurines... now really crossing my fingers. will get to see the cake tomorrow too!

hi sillycow,

so sorry to hear about your case. do hope that mine will turn out well! cos i went down 2 wks before mid-autumn and the auntie that was serving me was also attending to other customers too.

hi jo,

happy belated b'day to kelicia! she has changed quite a lot!

hi pups,

mine is Pooh & Friends Add-Ons Set, not the scene setter. I may not use it tomorrow, cos i have changed to an outside venue. will PM u if i did not use it, ok?
<font color="0000ff">Hi Pheobe</font>

haha, hopefully lor, bring both tog like kill 2 birds with 1 stone

<font color="0000ff">Hi Eileen</font>

they do have some nice ones for boys

taste wise, both the cupcakes and the mushroom hse cake are nice leh

for mine, i choose banana favour .. actually , the designs comes with certain flavours which u can choose, can get the exact details from the brochures at all coffee bean outlets =)

<font color="0000ff">Hi Gemini</font>

hehe, i miss ur almond jelly

my recent buffet fr ysl comes with alomond jelly and dun taste good at all, taste like agar agar in fact

may Tricia have a great celebration
Happy advance 1st birthday to her !
the alphabets provided by PG and yes the figurines are found on top of the playdough container, surprisingly i can find it... i bought pooh bear, eeyore, piglet and cinderella princess, luckily nvr pass them the cinderella otherwise my cake got mixtures of cartoon character already...
yes, PG emailed me your cake design for sample. I saw it somewhere and they still emailed me.
No need to find the big bird cake to show me, cos I SAW THAT. Totally out of shape.

Party shop dun sell figurines... if not you won't see so many mummies looking ard. BTW, if you are doing strawberry shortcake theme, I advised you get the cake from Smiling Orchid. I saw their designs, very nice. If not, there's actually a lot of strawberry shortcake figurines selling at dept stores. Mickey seldom see lor.

<font color="0000ff">Disappointment with PG
I finally saw the cake yesterday (cos passed 12am liao). I'M VERY DISAPPOINTED WITH PG THIS TIME!!!! The cake that I ordered didn't look like a 3kg cake. It was only less than 1/2 the size of my elder gal's cake last year which was also 3kg. And worse, the design was not what I discussed with Chan Yun! She told me they can do the design I want, that's why I change my order from Smiling Orchid to PG. The cake was so simple that I or any bakery shop can bake and then just add the figurines that I provided onto the cake. Yet still charge me artistic charge of $25. I told Chan Yun I'm very very disappointed with them, and we are not going back to them any more. In fact, I also told her that there's a no. of mummies having problems with PG designs recently. Anyway, the so called 3kg cake was so small that I asked Chan Yun, "you think this can feed 80 guests? It looks like 1.5kg to me." and she just kept quiet. Before I left, Chan Yun asked me "so you still have other food right beside the cake?" Come on, a party w/o a cake, will it be like a party?? Or rather a party with maybe say 1 slice of cake, doesn't it look weird? What kind of remark is that?? Ended I was left with no choice but to buy another 1kg cake off the shelf. And personally I find the cake taste was only so-so, unlike the normal times that I bought.
Before me, were a couple who were there to collect their cake. I thinked they must have waited for q long and PG couldn't find their cake. That man was super angry and shouted at them.
When it came to my turn, they told me my cake wasn't ready yet and they were doing on it, asked me to wait for another 15 mins. My heart sank cos I dun think they would do a good job this round. My collection time stated 5pm, I reached PG at 5.15pm cos they said they couldn't fit into my delivery schedule. Ok, I purposely made a trip down, and ended I waited for abt 20 mins when I finally saw the cake, and almost fainted. Argued with them for another 10 mins. I was really late as I was expected my catering to come at 6pm to do setup. 5.50pm I was still at PG. Chan Yun said she would ask the chef to redo. Pls lah, how to redo when there's no time??
Ok, one plus point, the oneh oneh that I ordered was simply too good.
Actually after reading sillycow's comments, I already dun feel good haiz... My hb said never go PG again (he's very very disappointed). I should have sticked to my order with Smiling Orchid who I know they will definately do a much better job that PG. And I dun even need to go and source for the figurines as Smiling Orchid provides them. I really regretted this round.
On my way rushing to my party venue, I received 2 SMSes from Chan Yun, saying she's apologetic and said she would check and reverted to me next week. I'm wondering what's she's going to revert? In fact, my hb was so disappointed and angry that he told me he won't want to go PG to buy cakes anymore.

I urged Mummies ordering cake with PG, pls seek PG's expertise for the no. of kg for the cake for your no. of guests. My 3kg cake was really too small, which I thinked can only feed 40 pax. I want my guests to have big slice cake, not miserable small pc. How can my 2nd gal's 3kg cake is only half the size of my elder's gal 3kg cake?? Weird isn't it?? Some more my 2nd gal's cake is 2 tier and my 1st gal's cake is 3 tier. How can they be such a big difference? I liaise with Li Keow for my elder gal's cake design, and the cake turned out to be actually the one I want. My 2nd gal's cake, I liase with Chan Yun and it turned out totally wrong! I even attached my design to the email.
these may be useful to you.
If you have time, make a trip to the one at Great World City, q big and lots of stuff.

Jolly Party (Party Ware* & Cafe)
#03-09 Great World City
Tel: 6733 3797
Daily: 9:00am - 9:00pm

Party City @ Raffles City
Tel: 6336 2161
Daily: 11am to 9pm

Party City @ Holland V
277A Level 2 Holland Ave
Tel: 6462 6011
weekday: 11 to 7pm
weekend/PH: 10 to 6pm

Party with Us @ Centrepoint
Tel: 6235 0221

Party with Us @ Valley Point
Tel: 6235 0326
o dear.. sorry to hear abt yr unfortunate story.
did u ask them to weigh the cake?
post yr cake pic leh... well.. they prob give u another free cake..
was yr cake enuff for yr guests? u shldnt pay for yr extra 1kg cake..
her remark is soo duh.. " No the cake is the only food i hv at my PARTY!"

I blew my top at PG yesterday too! My heart sank when they presented me the cake, so naked.. only 4 pathetic disney figurines & those 'pebbles' at the bottom tier. Questioned them where's my 3D wordings & they explained it has to be placed last coz cannot put inside fridge. Asked how come it doesn't look like the photo shown, she pointed to photo decorations, this, this out of stock.. That moment trying hard to keep my cool but thought I'll wait for them to show me the final product.

I waited for 15mins. In my mind, I also got this bad feeling. True enough, colour of 3D wordings is wrong, I wanted blue, even their records stated blue, they gave me yellow & orange, still dare to tell me they want to make it more vibrant!! My 2 tier colour also not what I wanted.

I think by then my nose got steam coming out, then they immediately call this lady down to talk to me. I even called them to confirm the day before & they can still get them wrong!! If those decor were OOS, why can't they tell me then. Told her it is ridiculous im paying $25 for this type of artistic work. She apologised & wanted me to wait for another 10mins to redo the wordings. Told her im running late & not going to wait any longer, ask her to send the wordings to my party venue. She was dumbfounded but guess she didn't have much choice.

In the end she appeared & replaced the wordings, promised me she'll give me a proper explaination by next week. Really, dunno for what??
