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  1. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    bbgoh, Hmm, how about going to the baby fair and try out first? I actually had phobia of using it initially, so I actually went to a friend's house, bring along the sling and she showed me how to use it and I followed her once before using it on the baby. But i do know it's not easy...
  2. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    bbgoh, I've used MIM sling esp when baby is small and I'm on TBF, it is useful. Maybe you can borrow to try out again, use a dummy baby to aid. The trick is in folding the cloth round the 'ring' beforehand correctly. If you can get that right beforehand, it makes it easy to adjust/re-adjust...
  3. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi Mummies, Long time no 'see'. All the talk about breastfeeding :-) yes, pls bring along the nipple cream, I use Purelan, cos with the frequent latching, the nipple can get really sore and red... btw, I just did my Wk32 growth scan and bb is abot 2kg already :-)
  4. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hihi mummies, Didn't log in for a long time cos was sick from xmas till new year and the kids were sick too... i blame it on the bad weather! Vivi: braxton hick should be temporary and the hardening is the whole stomach. For stretching, usu only on part is part,other parts are...
  5. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hihi mummies, RE:Breast pump I used Ameda electric pump for No.1 and No.2, its a reasonable pump, not the best but okay. Advantage is the pump it not too noisy and light-weight for pumping in office. Diadvantage is the funnel/valve not too sturdy, need replacement quite frequently. Agreed...
  6. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Pink, Prevention is one-so you can start applying the cream(thinly, not too much, that's not good too) at the first sign of soreness. Using your breastmilk is also helpful... remember to try to 'air' them so if you can be braless for a while after you feed, that can help too... if all else...
  7. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi mummies, RE:breastfeeding I wanted to add that if your other breast is leaking when you are feeding, you can get a breast shield that can 'collect' the milk you can use...I've not used it personnally, but think for those who have leaky breast, can store 5-10mls... also, apart from the...
  8. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi Mummies, I would like to join the f/b too. I've just sent a request via f/b, my name is Jo Lim.
  9. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi everyone, Hope you are coping fine with ms. Me into my 11wk and the ms is getting slightly better, nausea but no more vomitting... hang in there...
  10. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi Jeslyn, Initially, #1 sleep on floor mattress, #2 in playpen. Then when #2 is bigger, we put #2 on flr mattress as well. Right now, they take each side of my bed, one on my left, the other on my, I have to think when #3 comes, no more space...!!! I have 8 months more to thing...
  11. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi Kaira, Actually, I dont have a choice cos I am staying staying with in-laws(i.e we all stay in 1 room). My #1 (thankfully) is a sound sleeper so sometimes he can sleep through when #2 is crying.. and actually, I think after a while they get used to it...?
  12. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi Susan & hippopolai, I also think children are a blessing [IMG=] btw, My #1 is 2 and my #2 is 1 yrs so maybe not so 'envious' when you think I have been and will continue to have 'sleepless' nights for another 1-2 yrs...
  13. J

    (2011/04) Apr 2011

    Hi Mummies, Hope to join the group too. EDD 12 Apr 2011 TMC Gynae Dr LC Cheng Baby #3 My baby just turned 8 wks and I am having 'night sickness' mostly.
