(2011/04) Apr 2011


just wash watever u can on ur hand first lor. when e rest cme ovr, then u wash it lor. i tink i need 2 get more towels too. as i tink i only have 2 pcs leftover frm my gal which i didnt use lor. tink not enough. For mattress cover n pillow cover, i also havent wash, tink tat 1 i will only wash ard wk 37 etc as confinement i will be at my mum hse. only full month thn will be back 2 my own hse. i yesterday just went 2 e storeroom n took out e "parts" that it meant 2 convert e playpen into a bassinet. n cleared all my gal toys that r in e playpen. my gal was looking confused how come i cleared out her toys frm e playpen n put into a laundry basket instead! then when she saw that e bassinet is set up, she said she wanna sit in in. took her bolster n ask me 2 carry her 2 e bassinet! omg! cant stand her.

all e while, my hubby dnt do housewk 1. even when i was preg wit my #1, be4 i go n give birth, i still changed e bedsheet, wash all e clothes 4 him be4 i go off!


Me back from lunch liao outside weather is scorching hot.

Mrs Chua you ok I think call your gynae and ask first.... at least you will be assured.

Ha ha I just ordered another customized romper for my bunny gal this time I ordered 6-12 months ... should be big and can last for awhile before she outgrown

i had e sling but also very stupid, dnt know how 2 use it! i got 1 brand new which i got it when i signed up for Young Parents magazine. tink i will still not use it tis tim rd. tink i will still use enormal type of carrier.

Dear mummies,

does anyone heard of this brand "Tommee Tippee"? is this brand good? coz over the weekend while shopping for baby stuff, we saw mothercare got promotion on this brand.

Bottle steriliser + bottle warmer + other small items cost S$169. (the bottle steriliser alone cost S$135 and bottle warmer cost $59.90)


ya lo hang on the stroller cos i cant carry him for long mah if he dun sit stroller how to handle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hmm i dun like sling wor i find hot use stroller at least can hang all the bag on it..


hmm i use be4 i dun like.. so up to u wor.. some mummies like it but for me i find v hard to feed..


haha is it? i tot only me stupid dunno how to use :p

yah i used more carrier (ergo) but if got sling ll be better to feed while walking ard and not so bulky somemore ergo carrier only can be use after ard 4mth old bah.

i also only left 2 new towel at home, need more as ll put her at ifc care better just prepare everythg b4 pop, in case after born ll be more busy to go shopping brg 2 kids


u mean u use before their bottle? what about their steriliser and bottle warmer? my hubby when look at their bottle, he said look like good quality, better than those other bottle like avent and etc. and Tommee bottle got one advantage whereby when baby finish their milk and they keep sucking their bottle, they won't suck air into their body due to the bottle design...


this is wat they claim la i find the teats too soft v diff to feed anyway market many brand also say anti colic mah.. for steriliser i use pigeon which i find gd enough..

it really depend on u n bb la.. cos u mus see if the bb like the teat anot..


ya, u not e only mummy who dnt know how 2 use! but as recommended by piggy, i also prefer stroller as using sling n carrier, i find it's very hot & warm.

Hi mummies,

Back from lunch...

Mrs Chua,

When you wipe did you have blood?? Actually 3rd trimester bleeding can be quite dangerous.. best to call gynae.. Did the gynae tell you anything about your placenta?? Like low-lying? Cos low-lying placenta can cause bleeding during this time..


Me too.. I very stupid.. Don't know how to use the MIM sling.. Hehe!! So i used the bjorn in the end..

Ya nowadays when I bathe my girl.. I feel like I have ran a marathon.. Sometimes I feel like my body is going to collapse man..


Ya, my BH are quite intense now leh.. can be super uncomfortable.. A few times a day..


I've used MIM sling esp when baby is small and I'm on TBF, it is useful. Maybe you can borrow to try out again, use a dummy baby to aid. The trick is in folding the cloth round the 'ring' beforehand correctly. If you can get that right beforehand, it makes it easy to adjust/re-adjust when baby is in there physically. Also, use your gut feel, when you sling, you'd feel if the position is okay or not, as long as you feel secure, should b okay.

Gerry my BH always happen at night especially after dinner.

My father scolded me for eating too much... nowadays I feel that BH is more and more frequent liao


u mean u got Braxton Hxxx ? how is it feel like?


i ever tried but really feel clumpsy when trying it. yah i noe its very useful tats y thking of try again but gotta buy

hi mummies to be

i have a playpen from a friend but i have bought my own.

Brand new, unopened, still in the original package.

Far east floral selling at $139, letting go at $99. self collection

Please PM me if interested




i hate it when BH kick in when i was walkin v v uncomfortable... n it happen many time a day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


hmm i tink at least buy a reliable brand bah.. like i say pigeon is gd enough... my 1 had been ard almost 2 yr liao n it can fit all bottles n it cheaper..


Hmm, how about going to the baby fair and try out first? I actually had phobia of using it initially, so I actually went to a friend's house, bring along the sling and she showed me how to use it and I followed her once before using it on the baby. But i do know it's not easy initially and some mothers buy it but did not use them at all. Alternatively, you can use those pouches type that do not have excessive 'cloth', just put the baby inside? I have not use those but I suspect those cannot be used for too long cos they look small(the pouch that is)???

vivi, piggy,

Ya for me it happens most often when I change from siting to standing.. and then it gets super uncomfortable.. I don't think it is from overeatin lah.. but some book said that it could be due to dehydration..

Aiyoh.. this #2 pregnancy is really killing my body.. feel like an old lady.. Most nights when I wake up, I feel like my body is not well rested.. still achy.. =(


agree..i feel better when sleeping in the afternoon..but night time is really super tiring with the peeing marathon..my last drink is around 8 plus and i can have urine at 6plus AM the next day where before that i already went like 5-6times of toilet

Erm bbgoh you will feel tummy suddenly like very hard no pain...

Gerry me drink a lot of water wor and when I drink a lot of water with the BH power .... the back will also be aching lor...

Actually my hubby wanted to buy the sling but I told him I dont mind but I dont know how to fold wait I scare bunny gal fall out wa ha ha


I still got 9 wks more to go .......hopefully bb will come out early or mid April .......


Hey u dun buy e MIM sling I can pass u mine dun waste coz my friend had sew me a pouch I prefer to use that coz I use that for #1 too ...... I can teach u how to sling bb ......

This time round I use E pouch than when bb head firm n stable I use bjorn


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me ask my neighbour 1st last time she used it. if she has pass to others then i ll ask from u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


huh dehydration ah.. hmm but later becos i drink the raspberry tea so end up i drink alot more than usu liao wor... sigh~


actually sumtime i see some use the bb head like kena press v scary so scare the bb will get suffocate...

Hi mummies,

Elmo: I remembered your boy is around the same age as my girl. Its good that your boy likes the Chinese med but Chinese med is milder so will take longer to cure. Important thing is that he does not have fever and no wheezing when he breathes. If so, best to go back to the western doc. I tell you.. feeding my gal medicine is such a headache that I have resulted in giving it with ice (don’t know why children love ice.. maybe like ice cream) or even mixing with ice cream. I tried to mix it with ribena or even yakult. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. Headache! But just have to be creative each time to get her to eat her medication. Btw, if coughing, don’t give yakult. I was told it induces cough.

Can I check.. do we need to buy laundry softener for new borns? I bought the kodomo washing liquid and saw the softerners for new borns.

2nd time mummies: Are you going to buy new bathing towels for your #2? I have a few from my #1 but they are like about 3-4 years old. Not sure if I should buy new ones for #2.

Jtho: I also have not tested all my sterilizer, breast pump, wash my pajamas etc…. I only managed to organize my #1 cupboard to make space for #2. and I bought the things i wanted.. totally forgot about washing and testing my existing items. argh panic panic. Ok, I will pack my hospital bag this weekend.


no wor... now i hope not so soon if not gotta pay salary of 2 maid siong ah...


no i will jus use the bb washing detergent...

n i will be buyin new towel for #2[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also just remembered that i have to wash all the slings, carriers, rocker covers, etc etc... the more i think of it, the more i realised i haven't done... jialat jialat... and nowadays everything like so slow motion liao... how how how???


same as piggy. i ll only using the detergent & also ll get new towel for #2. i have 2 new one then ll buy few more as need to chg everyday at ifc care


ur #1 towel is it still new..if yes then can use..if old then i will buy new ones..i bot new ones for #2

and i never use softner leh...


but if come earlier can learn earlier too and maybe help u or ur mil..


faster do else later when ur tummy get bigger more tiring

me now have to pack my office stuff i already very sian liao


i keep telling my agecny if they can help to let the maid come in fast fast kekek...at least for my case now we got time to train her leh...

ST me also havent do anything yet... I think I better start to wash the clothes that I have here and my pjs...

I thought still can wait till next month lor....


i just transferred the amount for iherb to you.


i'm trying to do but mind is willing but body just couldn't move... hahaha

i'm also trying to clear my office work and handover to my staff... super sian also....


if u doing urself then do earlier else u might be too tired leh..but if u got someone to help u wash then maybe can wait till next mth

Hmm here I still have some baby clothes I think which I will wash by myself .... erm kind of exciting to wash those tiny clothes ... hee hee

The rest will have to get my hubby to wash when he goes back Malaysia to collect mixture of hand me downs and some new ones that my MIL bought....

Erm bed sheets and bumper did you all hand wash too?


as long as the maid come be4 i pop i am ok.. cos if we get the current maid discharge n isolate her we got no room for new maid also..


ok noted..




bedsheet and bumper i use washing machine LOL..

but bumper i will use the option delicate lor


true lor..but don't know when we gg to pop leh..hmm..if my maid comes in early at least one thing settle


my case still ok la cos the maid not stayin with me also mah anyway dun tink the maid will come in after i pop la... tink nex wk shd hear from the agency now wan to settle current maid first.. the stupid NUH afternoon i call till now no rtn call ..

Ha ha I was wondering ok la then that 1 I will get my hubby to bring back to wash since the baby clothes he will be using washing machine to wash... oh ya same goes for the blanket and the towels.


Thanks mummies.. good. Don’t have to spend $ on softeners! Now I have one more thing to add to my list… baby towels.

Jtho: Yah.. I’m so SLOWWW in getting all the things ready. Cause half the time got to manage #1 while trying to prepare for #2.. end up dilly dally and to think I wanted to go full-steam ahead after CNY but now.. I think I am only half done.. at work, I also I wanted to start on my handover manual/list but still solving crisis/BAU things.. no time to do my handover list. Must start soon cause I sure don’t want to be disturbed when I am on ML.

Aiyoh! I keep yawning at work.. and its only Monday!

