(2011/04) Apr 2011

st: hugz hugz... sorry i missed your post...

piggy/andrea: he said yr end stomach big big liao.. cannot go.. hahaaa...

piggy: i think no need.. maybe the air attendant just tot i am fat.. haahaa....



now i headache with preschool lo tryin to find playgroup den change to kindergarden but tink preschool n kindergarden same better hor which school ur boi attendin? i tink ur cruise u go at wrong time la cos early stage mah ..

argh it rainin ...

Piggytoh.. Ya loh. Went at 8wks.. E peak of my ms. Sianz. My boy just started playgroup near my mum's place. No brand de. Better to stick with e same sch. I got alot of sch blues now. You see my fb you'll know.


nope don't have joint account.

No sister too. only brother [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sigh ya lo.. but the playgr i lookin at no kindy 1.. if wan all in 1 mus sent him to Childcare liao n it ex lo... n i dun intend to put him ther so long.. jus wan him go sch learnt sumthin better than always at my IL house do nothin but play..

Piggytoh you looking at apple tree ah? Where you stay? Only v limited branches of appletree got kindy. Wat abt pcf? They got playgroup too.


the appletree at my house here no gd... check out Carpe Diem, little sch house n Cherrie heart all more of Child care sianz... btw i stay in the west:p

dear mummies, I'm doing a Bp on Sophie the giraffe , baby first toy. It's a natural rubber teether made in France. If anyone is interested to order for mummies in this thread, special discount can be given to u all ya. Cos all is ready stock. Pls pm me ya. Tks.

piggy: i hardly go there.. but ever meet some friends at JP.... if go there.. either my DH pick me home.. if not i take cab lor.. heehee.. no problem for me de.. but got to see where other ladies staying... then can plan some where in the middle... =)

Hi everyone,

Hope you are coping fine with ms. Me into my 11wk and the ms is getting slightly better, nausea but no more vomitting... hang in there...

Just when I say my vomit count has gone down today very jialut again.. 5 times already pre breakfast breakfast lunch tea post tea all vomited . Sigh


its like that. just when i thought it was better..from once at night, yesterday was bad again. whatever i ate or drank it came out immediately. sigh.


Feel that we are really kelian. Vomited dinner also. So exasperated. My stomach cramps feel like it's going to be pulled apart. Vomit until I feel like my whole intestine will come out. Have tears rolling down my face sweat rolling down my forehead . I'm really so so so sick of this

Hi mommies,

jiayou! We may have our tough times but our 1st trim will soon be over... Oh ya mommies maybe u can try taking porridge or cooking soup with marmite yeast extract.. It's rich in vitamin b tt helps in MS. It doesn't hv much fat n contains folic acid too. Easily found in supermarkets. I cooked porridge w tt n it helps w e vomitish feeling tt I had... Can give it a try..

Jus had my scan today. Bb is 10 weeks 6 days.. My Edd is brought fwd from 19th apr to 16th apr.. Today saw bb's hands n legs n a bit of fingers n he's 3.85cm now... Doc said s/he's v comfy in e waterbag... V happy to see that... :)


hi mummies...

talking abt age, think i'm the oldest here... i had my #1 at 37, going to have #2 at 39... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gathing @ JP - let me know if there's any, cos i just live opposite JP [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

