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  1. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    linda, i think u got me wrong. I didn't judge base on what i read on article. And i'm just sharing articles on soild food. Some babies can start solid at 4 months. It's not wrong too. My Pd ask me to start my bb at 4 months. He have signs of ready for solid n i even bought cere for him too...
  2. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Crystalz and hen, there is chances your bb can get back to breast. There is babies who doesn't know how to latch finally did it when they are like 3 months old .. OInce in a while try to latch on in between feed. Not when theya re really hungry .. Who knows suddenly they will altch on ...
  3. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Phy, i also nurse lying down. nurse sitting down in the middle of the night is really tiring .. Phy you don't have to swap when changing side! i found a way but u need lots of pillow support let say u wans to feed on the right and bb on ur left let bb lay on his back and u tilt your...
  4. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Mummies, I think is really hormones making me feel really down .. Yesterday my baby fell don the bed .. He end up below his playpen .. The bed and playpen is side by side and my bb just roll ard the bed and drop into the gap between the bed and playpen .. I just turn around the get...
  5. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    pretty my mens came too .. 3 days ago .. Not sure if is hormones or what .. I'm feeling really really down after mens came.. Wasn't prepare that it came so early .. Not sure whether ss dipped cause i total brestfeeding and no pumping out .. Was happy last week that i no longer leak and i can...
  6. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    mummies where can i buy teething gel ? Isaiah is teething.. Having a hard time right now ..
  7. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    jeelo, the reason why i nv let my bb attend class and never intend to is cause i don't wan him to remember his childhood is full of flash cards. but i wan him to enjoy his childhood like a CHILD. with a child thinking. one day he will grow up.. When you bring up a child with love n hugs, u need...
  8. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    jeelo the best lesson and clas u can give ur bb is "love lesson" learning how to love his family and ppl ard is the best. Lesson and class can wait. Maybe some learn A-Z at before 2, some learn at 3+ but still they learn it. Lawyers and scientist doesn't attend class during babies days too but...
  9. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Gosh when i'm wiping my bb just now he spill the whole small tub of hot water all over him n the bed. The water feels hot to touch. Luckily he is okay. But .... it's soooo scary ..
  10. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Just back from GP, He caught a cold. Doc gave me two medicine. 3ml each. Like alot hor. I check with doc. He say pulling ear not a sign of teething.. Not sure if is right or wrong. I read the ten signs of bb teething. My bb already have more than half of the signs. The wound at his ear area...
  11. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Oh ya, he is pulling his ear non stop for a week already. End up his ear got alot of scratches. Signs of teething ?
  12. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    i just read up, runny nose also a sign of teething. I don't i don't know if he is teething anot. Saw white spot since he was 2 months old. Now white spot became more obvious. He is always eating his hands. Putting everything in his mouth. Consider teething ? His running nose suddenly came the...
  13. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    ah bie i decided to bring him to GP. Cuz his running nose not very serious. On and off. If bring to PD have to go Mt Alvernia. Near my house no PD leh.
  14. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    My baby is down with running nose. He is coming 4 months and this is the first time he fall sick. Still playing but running nose is on off and difficult to sleep at night. Should i bring him to GP or PD?
  15. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    tub yes u can. u must continue bf is not it will get worse.
  16. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    eve goes with the flow. babies have all stages to go through. They will outgrown it. my bb sleep at 12am at times. When he refused to sleep i don't force him cuz this will make me so stressed up. Sometimes i try not to let him sleep after 8pm so he can go to bed at 9pm and asleep by 10pm.
  17. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    steffintan, I'm not the one doing the wrap bp. I selling cause i got another nursing wrap already.
  18. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Anyway anyone want to get busy baby wrap ? I have one pink one BN but i washed it.
  19. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Regarding the class, max 4 babies. We will be joining their normal classes so there are limited spaces. For those groups that already confirmed, Someone please Call 67355290 to book the appointment asap to prevent class being full. I can't help much as i won't be there. So one person make the...
  20. B

    (2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

    Mummies still got anyone wants to get allyzabba blankie ??
