(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB


Sorry to hear abt wat yr family are going thru. Do stay strong and think positive! Hope everything will go smoothly for u yah!
Take care! Do keep us updated.

be strong for your little princess. I will pray for her speedy recovery. Am sure ur cathrina will be alright after the surgery. Yes please keep us posted...take care <hugs>
fairylander, have faith. cathrina will be well. i understand wat u r going thru. bb is trying her best and mummy muz b strong too! in time, all will be well!
sorry to hear about cathrina...hope she'll get well soon and we're all here to support you

waaa thanks for the info i'll go to marina square today or tomorrow then to check it out...is the lcd black n white or colour? can still see bb when lights off? any interference (ie pick up other frequencies in the air)?

thinking to get one and since i've got some leftover robinsons vouchers if available in robinsons or lil john i'll get it from there heehee but i hesitate a bit coz my bb's head still wobbly and i read from baby supplies this bumbo seat only for babies up to 10 kg? (is it stated in the product packaging?) my baby is olredi 8 kg...will be wasted if so coz he puts on weight very fast
btw is participation in overseas and WTS thread will automatically be activated after being a member for at least a year or must send request to moderator?

Yes, once u are an active member for a year. The moderator will send u an email saying that u can participate in the overseas and the wts thread.
Hi Bluelily, Lynzi and baby12, I had made a reservation for the 4 of us on 4th May, sun, 3.10pm at Gymboree Tanglin Branch. Lynzi and baby12, pls sms to me at 91838632 with ur names and ur bb's names by Monday, ya? As I need to submit to Gymboree.
Bluelily, i got ur and jerrell's details,

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

classes for Level 1 (0-6mos) - Remember to bring socks for parents and blankets for bbs, ya?

They are located at Tanglin Mall 3rd floor. both parents can be attended to the class if the class is not full

Group 4 -4th May
1. Bluelily
2. Poohbaby1223
3. baby12
4. lynzi
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">ashtons_mummy, cocoangel &amp; raye's mummy,</font></font>

i have called and made a reservation for our gymboree level 1 class. pls sms your name and contact to 9451 4394 as i need to provide these info to gymboree. thanks.

Sunday 3.10pm - 3.55pm

Group 2 20th April
1. alien
2. ashtons_mummy
3. cocoangel
4. *Raye's_Mummy*

Mummies without voucher first trial will be $34

classes for Level 1 (0-6mos) - Remember to bring socks for parents and blankets for our sons ya, all boys right? no gf.. haha

they are located at Tanglin Mall 3rd floor. both parents can be attended to the class if the class is not full.
any mummies have suggestions how to make babies drink more/ put on weight?

my boy had been drinking 120ml every 3-4hrs since 2mths old. Hasn't been able to increase since then. In his 3rd mth, he only gained 300g and is now only 6kg. He's coming to 4 mths old next week. In fact, I felt he had lost a bit of weight after I started work and his flesh are less meaty. PD had suggested to increase his milk intake when we went for the 3rd mth assessment. But last week, he was down with cough and running nose. Since then, he has been refusing milk. He only drinks 30ml-60ml over several intervals. Feeding can take almost an hr and yet he couldnt finish the 120ml at all. Always end up having to throw the balance cos he'll be sleepy after all the distraction and coaxing to drink milk. Now a bit worrying cos his weight is already on the lower side and now he's refusing more. Any advise?

Am feeling so tired now taking care of him. Got to work in the day, rush to express milk for him during lunch time and before coming home. But when come home, he will fuss so much when it comes to feeding time. Feel so demoralised to bf. And nowadays, he will sleep around 7-8pm and wakes up around 10pm to play until 11pm/12am. Is it bad habit for babies this age? All the schedule I fixed before going back to work has all been messed up. Can see that he's getting to understand things and is always curious about the surroundings. Really worried that he'll pick up all the bad habits. Any good books to recommend on "disciplining" babies?

My ger oso leh... aiyo.. this week suddenly keep crying b4 sleep... cannot put on the bed. Must carry carry... once on the bed will cry.. put pacifier oso cry aiyo!!! Seems like she dun wanna sleep even though she is tired. Keep wanting to play... when she cry on the bed, i will tickle her and she can laugh and cry. Aiyo! Really headache.

As for feeding problem, my ger also drink very little since 3rd month. Now 4 month plus only 6kg.
eve goes with the flow. babies have all stages to go through. They will outgrown it. my bb sleep at 12am at times. When he refused to sleep i don't force him cuz this will make me so stressed up. Sometimes i try not to let him sleep after 8pm so he can go to bed at 9pm and asleep by 10pm.
hi eve,
i'm nt sure abt putting on weight part but for the sleeping part,i read before that it's common for babies to wake up in the middle of their sleep at night because at this age they haven't really established their ability to 'sleep thru the nite' their clock still doesn't work quite like the rest of the household. it's not a bad habit as long as baby is able to go back to sleep again.
my son sleeps around 6 or 7 pm everyday and sometime will wake up in the middle of the nite or close to dawn then he'll babble as if talking to himself or the stuffed toy in his crib but i just let him be and he'll go back to sleep by himself eventhough it takes him up to 1 hour sometime.
the trick is you shldn't entertain him or play along with him when he's suddenly awake at nite.also minimize talking to him so he'll know it's time to sleep and not time to be up and play otherwise it'll become a habit to wake up in the mid of nite to play...
Yah lor... sometimes he can be playing so heartily, suddenly he cries out loud. And now he knows how to throw tantrums. Will bian zui and cry out really shrieking loud when he doesnt get what he wants to do.

Yes.... i constantly remind myself not to be so hard up with him over the sleeping &amp; feeding schedule. But no choice leh, i'm the type of person who get stressed up when things dont go according to wat i want.
I usually get home around 8.30-9pm. By that time, my mil would hv made him sleep already. And nowadays I get so tired that I will go to sleep together with him while carrying him in my arms. End up he seldom sleep on his own in his cot these few weeks. And recently, he doesnt want to go back to cot to sleep and will cry for me to carry him when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
I know how u feel. My boy was coughing quite badly recenthly and I already feel so heartpain when I see him cry while using the neubiliser. You must be feeling many times worse than me. But do stay strong for Cathrina. We'll pray for her speedy recovery.

i oso very pek chek when my ger dun sleep at the timing i want her to sleep... just now oso... kenna say by my mum haha say let her tired tired she sure sleep de
haha cos last time very good... her timing quite fixed. now aiyooooo all hay wire sianzzzz
A. 17th May
1. Linda
2. Cocoangel
3. tub
4. baby12
5. slimz
6. ankh
7. witty
8. bbtree
9. Jeelomeelo
10. missylan (last 6in1 jab, hope no fever)

B. 18th May
1. Linda
2. bluelily
3. slimz
4. constancet
5. witty
6. steffietan
7. bbtree
8. fanny
9. hentang
10. Jeelomeelo

C. 24th May
1. bbtree
2. Cocoangel
3. Elaine
4. tub
5. baby12
6. slimz
7. petrina
8. alien
9. ankh
11. Valerie
12. Jeelomeelo
13. missylan

D. 25th May
1. hentang
2. slimz
3. constancet
4. Witty
5. steffietan
6. bbtree
7. fanny
8. Jeelomeelo

E. 31st May
1. Linda
2. Cocoangel
3. Elaine
4. tub (kiv depending on bb's vaccination date)
5. baby12
6. slimz
7. petrina
8. ankh
10. bbtree
11. Valerie
12. Jeelomeelo
13. missylan

F. 1st June
1. Linda
2. slimz
3. constancet
4. Witty
5. steffietan
6. bbtree
7. fanny
8. hentang
9. Jeelomeelo

Venue: Function Room - Savannah (Near CGH)

Time: 2pm onwards

Simei Rise? Your place right? Hahaha... your side got enough visitors' lot? My side hor, miserable! think 7 or 8 only! Me can make it only on Sat... =)

MIA these few days cos my god-dad passed away... aiyoh, my inbox e-mail got 104 unread ones from yahoo group!
I think I can somehow feel your emotions. Once my #1 was admitted to hospital, nurses was going to adminster the drip, he was there screaming, like asking me to help me, that broke my heart. The thought of it again, makes my eyes teary. You are very brave and got to be even stronger for your dd. Hope that everything will be back to normal soon... speedy recovery!
am so sorry to hear about your cathrina.
hope she will get well soon!

thanks for helping us to book for gymboree.
i have not had time to come in here the past few days.
luckily u called.
if not afraid no more slots liao.

when is the pikkolo coming?
Lynzi, got ur sms, couldnt reply as was busy with my boy. Sorry, e 4th may only left with 3 slots when i called gymboree again to give them another mummy details. It my fault la, i heard wrongly , tot got 4 slots. So only me, bluelily n baby12 will be attending on tat day.
eve, no worries... my ger has onli been drinking 120mls from 3rd mth onwards... today is her 4mth... she is onli 6kg to date.... the pd say is normal for her... s long s bb feel gd... is ok.

smtimes, when bb having running nose... they tend to b a bit difficult to feed s it block their airway when we put the teat into their mouth...
do your babies always have this phelgmy sound coming out from them? Mine has been having like phelgmy sound from him since day1. I'm not sure if this is normal, but my PD ever mentioned tat nothing to worry about.
eve/ jaz
my bb also 6kg only. still drinking 100ml every 2-3 hrly. no change since the day CL left.....
dun worry, eve

my no 2 - another false alarm lah!!! 2nd time already. good thing this time the sch use sch bus to send my dd home. Esle me or hubby will be making another wasted trip to fetch her. Must ask the teacher not to anyhow raise the alarm again!!!
anyone can scan and post the pix of the gymboree pass in this thread?
I misplaced mine. (all 3 of them!!) dunno whether i lost it or my maid kept until where. gotta show her how the pass looks like so that she can recall. thanks in advance!!
Thanks... really hopes he gain back his appetite. Now can see his ribs and the shoulder bone on his back. See already a bit heartache. He was born rather big... 3.765kg, and so it makes his weight gain only abt 2kg+. PD did mention that his weight is still in the healthy range. But becos he's tall, his weight considered a bit low for his height.
Hi mummies,

sorry to barge in here.. but is anyone interested in buying "PAMPERS BABY DRY DIAPERS - S (3-8KG)"?

Im letting go of 4 packets of PAMPERS BABY DRY DIAPERS - S (3-8KG)46 S as my baby can no longer wear S.

Usual selling price at NTUC: $11.90 each

Selling for $38 for 4 packets or $10 per packet

Pls sms me at 96810386 for quick deal.
Eve, my son also only drinking 110 - 130 ml per 3 hrs feed. No increase since 2 mths. He is weighing at 6.3kg. He is born big at 3.52kg. But Doctor says he is at a healthy range, so dun worry.
