(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

cocoangle and linda, i gan bai sia feng! u gals are really very shen qi!

handwash?? i dump everything into washing machine. unless it's those pretty pretty bb clothes la...

have any teachers been asked to go on overseas trips yet? i managed to siam one coz just got back from ML in Mar. But may have to go in dec. just wondering if it's ok to ask management to let me off...
I would love to dump everything into the m/c but scared later the clothes will be damaged.

Seems like we have quite a number of teachers here.. I've always thought that teaching is not an easy job so i salute to you all
anyone still swaddling bb? how to "wean" them off? I tried, n he will be moving his hands around until he wakes up.
now trying doesnt mean me will strike leh... by the time, i strike.... is about 1 yr apart... now, me got full support from both my parents n PIL... so, think i better hurry b4 they change of mind... keke
i will still be wrapping him with the swaddleme wrap till he is big enuff for the dreambag i bought. The wrap also serves as a blanket for him now.
i'm also thinking of getting the swaddleme wrap. is the material hot for normal room temp? no aircon. now using the nappy cloth n he sweats in it.

can i know how to get the super baby food from you?

btw mummies, how long do u all intend to continue bf yr babies?
thanks! have you or your friends tried before?

my bb sleeps in aircon room, so swaddleme is okie for him. if your bb sweats in nappy cloth, most probably swaddleme will be too hot for him. It's cotton, but abit thicker compared to nappy cloth.

on bfing bb
i think i will feed for at least one year. Gotta save on formula to join more sprees mah!!!

btw, bfing mummies still using breastpads, ntuc got sale on pigeon breastpads at $8.00 per box. I just cheong to grab 6 boxes.

Heard careforr also having this promo price.
re: BF

min 6 mths, max 1 yr. i haven't tasted sashimi since last april!! aiming to pig out on sushi, sashimi, raw oysters & half boiled eggs come Dec '08! & drink lotsa teh & kopi everyday! After that then go diet........
oh... me also aiming 1yr. dont know can hang on or not.

ankh, bf can eat sashimi... my gynae said ok.

constance... me too... drinking coffee everyday. surprisingly i can do without during preggy times. put off by coffee. now popped already, the kick came back.
on bf-ing... at least 1 yr ba... i think if we cross the 6 months mark, should be quite ok already.
constance, ok to drink, just don't indulge. i ask the bio tutors in my college. they said ok... but if you drink too much then bb can't sleep la... hehheh
BF for one year? How to do it? Pump out? Haha, now I feed my boy 5 times a day already feel very drained.. how you guys manage to do 1 year?
Ya, no easy being in our line nowadays... like tub said, the irony of a teacher's life is we spend time educating others' kids but hardly have time for our own...
intend to bf for at least 6 mths, but now getting lazier, so ss is dropping. my girl doesnt seem to like milk, it's a real challenge getting her to finish her 5 oz. Latch her also she v easily distracted, got noise only she'll disengage and look around. Then good luck to me to get her to latch back on...
So target is 6 mths, any more will be a bonus. but once they start solids, the milk feeds will reduce liao, so it tends to work out. could give ebm to my #1 til abt 10mths, then i went overseas on sch trip then after that no more liao.
mong's cupcakes are nice and pretty, but she's full up till july. maybe you can try the cupcake thread at free items only, lots of potential there

My son naps are erratic!! Sometimes only half an hour each, morning and afternoon.. What should I do? Set a fixed nap time?
eve/ tub
i actually quite terrible sometimes. can take kopi up to 4x a day. gd time my bb bochap, still sleep thru de nite.

my milking schedule quite simple
7am - pump
1230 pm (lunchtime) - pump in ofis
6.30pm - pump (either in ofis or at home)
10.00pm - last pump

i usually only latch if bb wakes up 4 nite feeds or during weekends. so b able 2 stick to it for another 8 mths.
nope never tried b4. there's another one which i tried b4. my colg bought from here during her bb's full month. very tasty, not too sweet i tot...

i recently started a cup of coffee at 9.30am in the morning, then only i pumped my milk at noon time in office. so far so good. even during weekends, i go and have coffee once a day, and still latch on. baby is doing fine, sometimes a little hyper haaa. have been eating sushi/sashimi/halfboiled egg/ medium rare beef since end of jan. so far so good...

today went to see doc for 2nd pneumnococal jab. shawn was good at the clinic, he was 'forgiving' to the doc coz he din scream out loud or prolong his crying session. but this afternoon he gave me a hard time coz he keep wanting to drink milk, so i had to latch him on (felt sooo tired the whole day). his nap time was also topsy turvy today. the longest he napped was half an hr or so... guess he must have been so tired that now he's sleeping like a pig liao. heng ar...

i asked pd about starting baby on solids. she recommended me to start only after 6months. tink i'll stick to that and start only after 6months. as for drinking water, haven't started yet. may be after i get my babyctr loot then i'll start him on the sippy cup with water.
actually i've been drinking some teh and kopi since pregnancy, but always half cup, no matter what the cup size hehe. as for raw stuff, dun dare la. I a bit prone to stomach upsets. Already kena food poisoning 2x last month from spoilt cooked food. If food had been raw, goodness knows how my stomach will react. Strangely, when it comes to spicy stuff, I got no problems

emma's smile is simply endearing..she's lookg more like ur hb now..

manna number 5? u teachg her even numbers issit? haa..


i rem u sayg that one side of ur ss is greatly diff fr e other! it happened to me yest n today!!!!!! one yield is always twice of the other *shivvvversss* how come ah? dun tell me all ameda pumps will b like that OR is e supply starting to dip?? *more shivvverrrss* i chked everything leh...seems to b in order..BUT i do get e feelg that e breast is not being emptied properly. i can still feel alot of milk inside just cannot come out. =( v worried now.
hi mummies, long time no post...regarding ss, mine is weird, my left side totally stop producing. now relying on right side only...sigh...and with menses just came back on friday for the 1st time, ss was horrible...dipped tremedously...sometimes i wonder if i should continue since the ss is so pathetic...
pretty my mens came too .. 3 days ago .. Not sure if is hormones or what .. I'm feeling really really down after mens came.. Wasn't prepare that it came so early ..

Not sure whether ss dipped cause i total brestfeeding and no pumping out .. Was happy last week that i no longer leak and i can go braless.. But the next day mens came .... on top no need pad, below need ..

SAHM, do u all feel tired ? I feeling kind of tired as i can't rest well.. i got no helper and my hb always come back really late. nowadays my bb is teething .. after first tooth bud, another 3 came out .. I'm having a difficult time ..
past 2 nites my girl kept sleeping after 12am, so end up sleeping even later. yep, just shaved her head to get rid of cradle cap, and to stop her pulling her hair and putting the strands into her mouth.

hee hee, agree about the smile
me shameless mum. aiya, was hoping she'd look even more like her dad. he got sharper nose and chin, but instead she decided to follow me instead ha!
Am tbf and sahm. could be hormones getting you down. I noticed sometimes I do get a bit temperamental just before my menses. To avoid feelign too sianz, i'll go out with baby or sleep along with her during daytime. housework-wise, i throw as much as possible to PT cleaner and hb. Otherwise, i'll just lay my girl down on mini mattress and pull her to wherever i am doing housework, or even pull her to in front of toilet while i shower with door open! LIke that then she won't cry, and her waking hours are used up doing my stuff. but teething issues, i haven't face it yet
ya, i oso used to do that. put the baby at the bathroom door then i shower hahaa.. looks like me not the onli one.

mel, yalor, been tired lately. naps late morning and afternoon during wkeneds oso can't help much. think my gynae used to tell me that menses would probably come 5-6months after delivery. but it varies women to women
mel, i dont know if menses affected my emotions...but it seems like i always have mixed feeling..i think mainly due to work stress...i been crying very often at work...and when bb cried and i cant pacify her, i will sit down and cry too...feeling really hopeless...but when i see how cute bb is and happy she is, i dun feel depressed leh...like very difficult to control my own emotions...sigh...
my lopsided supply was a few days long problem. now back to normal liao. but i do realise if i miss a pumping session, the next 2-3 pumping sessions will yield less by 20%. so cant skip any session if i wanna maintain lor. but you have so much excess, dun worry lah.

One side production. hmmm... then the difference in breast sizes will be so obvious esp if you r engorged rite???
hi constance, if u din say, i din even bother to notice...just went to mirror to check...haha looks the same size to me...hubby oso says no diff...guess becos my ss is really pathetic, now i only pump once a day...nite time...guess factory closing down soon...i give myself another month to go....soon, i will put a sign in my blog. WE ARE CLOSED! haahha
steffie... 5 is below la... aiyo...
teach her? she's more interested in eating the book. eh... did you try getting your ger to empty that side?? my boobs also unequal when it comes to production. left side always more than right. sob. used to be the other way round.

i also shower wif my girl at the bathroom door when i was at home alone! heehee

pretty, dun cry la... bb can sense your emotion and feel frustrated too. happy mummy=happy bb k??? babies r like tat la... cry cry cry then after that can laugh and play. they'll be ok.
Me SAHM n no helper. I'm super tired lor, bb still wakes up couple of times at nite, wakes up super early in the morning, got to do housework, take care of the older gal, n cook. Unlike #1, hb somehow can't cope n handle wz #2 this time, n he always looked so tired after work. My girlfriend said maybe he too stressed cos he's the only one working n bringing home the bacon. With only 4-5hrs sleep a day, super panda eyes. I stopped bf at 4mths cos I really no energy n time to express.

Sometimes I also like that in the past, will cry when alone wz bb n she just cry n I can't pacify her. Now, getting better, learn to keep cool when she cries, it helps...

Haahaa... when alone in the house, me too will put bb somewhere in sight so that I can do housework or cook. My mum said she's gonna drop by my place on alternate days, am looking forward to that cos otherwise I can't do accomplish a lot of chores wz the bb screaming for attention these days.

When I try to read to bb, she wld scream. When I give her a book to look at by herself, she either chew on it or she wld bury her face on it. We feel that our kids r all not "study material".
phy, crystalz,

I stay near Bt Timah Plaza, often go to Bt Panjang cos brother-in-laws stay there (directly opp the plaza) n I bring my gals to go play wz their cousins.

yea!! u're prob right! i've been slowly skipping my pump sessions! i thot i want to start 'training' e nehs not to work so hard mah..last time, whenever i skipped a session, e output will b so much more. now, i guess, e twin peaks kinda got my cue. =( i dread e day i stop producing milk - it has become too strong of an emotional attachment to me. =( ok, i'll will not slow down in my pumpg n see how it goes.


yea, i tried to latch her on this morning in e hope of gettg her to empty tt side..but alas, she was too sleepy by then n she dozed off before she cld finish her job. =( btw, she's started on her cereal already n hence, she prob felt full tis morning when i tried to latch her on.


ur bb has teeth already?! tts fast..dun stress k? once they cut their first tooth, the rest SHLD BE better..hang in there.

sidetrack topic:

i got pimplesssssssssssssssssss....big type wif 'no head'..which means...cannot squeeze out type..wahh..super painful. why got pimples??? becz of lack of sleep n stress i tink. my hb is STILL not back fr his trip..n i've been workg my buns off takg care of the 2. gawd..i wonder if ppl can ever die from sleep deprivation. if so, i'll b e first. now i'm like a panda wif pimples. how attractv is that.
hi mummies,

i already used to the dip during menses since my bb 3 mth old till now. lately e cycle seems change again e ss will dip before the mense and recover during menses. my mood really swing when my mense abt to come cos my hb commented that too

the dip can be as much as 20%-25% lesser during menses came.

since day one, my ss from one breast is slightly more than the other but at times the same also. i find medela can empty my breast better than ameda.
everytime i pump i always will squeeze my breast in order for all the milk ti be pumped out
steffie, u r still v pretty ok? saw ur facebook fotos la... u r really not the typical SAHM!!! *whistle*

so fast start on cereal? tot hv to wait till abt 6 months?

gals, how should we start on solids ah?
hen, my gal screamed too when my sister tried to read to her! so farnie. i dun read to her la... oni narrate some nursery rhymes off the cuff.

good to hear that your mum's coming over. it's impt to have external help. ESP when u r staying at home full time! jia you!!!

haaa, i'm not pretty. i depend alot on hair (tho not much left), makeup n lighting. u shld see me w/o them. even my hb cant recognise me..hee..

i started her off on cereal becz of MIL's constant hints n also PD gave e go-ahead (sort of) since she was on e small side.

after she crossed her 4.5th mth or so, i started off by introducing a teaspoon of cereal to her for a week or so (slightly after her morning feed) n then increasing her intake bit by bit. now she's about 5.5 mths already n can already eat 1/2 bowl of cereal. she seems to enjoy it anyway. i was rather adamant at first as i wanted her to be on BM exclusively but imagine hvg a MIL saying it everyday, u also will get sian. haaa..anyway, MIL is pleased now n says that once she crosses her 6th mth, she shld b able to finish a bowl of cereal. her rationale being, if we started Alexis when she turns 6 mths, it will b way too late n by the time she is able to finish a bowl, she will b 7 mths already. ok la, it makes a bit of sense la..got to give it to e old folk sometimes..haaaa
