(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

me? i take them everywhere.. only when either one fall sick, them i'm being 'forced' to stay home!
will go BPP, IMM sometimes even to town. staright bus down here. meet up? when??

Agree with the rest. Must take things easy for your own sanity. I was like you for a while, worried about everything, not ready to trust anyone and was doubtful about my MIL and her maid taking care of my boy. My hb also counselled me ... now that I'm back at work, although the long hours are tiring, I find that it is better for me because I have my 'own time', even travelling on the bus can be therapeutic.

I also blacked out momentarily yesterday. I was carrying my boy and about to sit down on the sofa ... but the next thing I know, I was falling backwards into the sofa. The house was spinning around. My hb thought I was playing with my son until I told him. Quite surreal and very dangerous ... can't imagine what would've happened if I were not gonna sit down but was walking around?!?!
yeah ladies, and one more thing... if u gals are latching on at night, please do not sit at the edge of the bed. try to sit in the middle (kick your husbands off!!! :p). there was once when i DOZED OFF at the side of the bed! luckily din drop sumana on the floor! i caught myself intime and woke up!
wow, how do you lug 2 kids to town? On a bus? how old are your kids? Salute salute!!

Do you meet up with your friends when you go out? Or just you and kids?

The other day my mum and I took my boy to Vivo city. We took a bus!! I got to lug a stroller, my bag and my mum's bag!! In the end I realise difficult to take bus with a baby... how do you manage?
phy, travelling depends onmy son's mood. sometimes he wana take bus, other days mite be train.. so i go w him. i wont wan to entertain a cranky boy! :p Most of the time on bus tho.. Travel back mostly taxis. My boy dun use stroller anymore. I just carry my gal in the carrier. She usually will sleep thru out. hehe.. My elder boy is 3YO, Sarah turning 5mths soon. Usu, i meet up w other mommies. At times, just me and the kids.
Thanks ya
My sister also told me that I got to look after myself FIRST before I can look after my boy... Haha, problem is, I know how to look after my boy but not myself.. Haha, but then again, I'm learning to let go.. Told my hubby to help out with wiping our boy before bedtime. Except on days when he can't make it home in time.

As for sanity, it's true lor...Find my brain cells dying.. Daily affair all revolve around baby. Perhaps we are happier working

Tub, why don't you feed her while lying down? That's what I do for the night feed. Hubby will be watching TV and when it's turn to change side, we just swap. I also dozed off once while sitting on the edge.. Agree that it's not very safe..

Oh dear, you probably got to see a doctor to check your blood pressure.. What a close shave.. I shudder at the thought also. Thank goodness that both of you are fine..
Haha, but still you need to lug a bag which contains your stuff and your girl's
I have a baby carrier also, yet to use it. Intend to use it when my boy's neck is stronger.. His still wobbly.

Haha, if I want I can actually drive but my poor hubby would have to take cab. Actually hor, I also have not tried taking cab with Baby and stroller. Don't know safe or not.

Zu, then how about barang barang? A carrier, a big bag and a 3 y.o boy. Haha, you really really very Zai
heheh, maybe we can meet up soon. I got a colleague who is also on leave but she intends to be SAHM. We started going out together with our boys. The other day we very garang, took our boys to Marina Square and stayed there for quite a while.
ankh, CSI_fan, botanist,
My worry is the other way round, my bb doesn't poo everyday, sometimes can skip 2-3days.

Yeah, let's try to meet up, stay at home all the time can get depress easily.

How to go out everyday (though I wish to, then again, go out everyday means spend $$$)??? Me got housework to do leh...
I try to bring my 2 kids out as much as I can. I'm not bfing, so imagine I got a carry a big bag to put diapers, wet tissues, thermal flask for hot water, milk powder, bottles, spare clothings, etc. I use a baby carrier to carry baby, while backpack for the rest of stuff. My older gal is 6yrs old, so she can walk by herself.

My problem is my gal doesn't like to take car ride, so I usually take bus. Once in awhile, if she wakes up in the bus, I must standby milk or water or I must stand up cos she doesn't let me sit down, she wld cry so loud that I think the rest of the passengers must have hoped I get off immediately.

remember how i told u my son hates car rides too? i bought a mirror to install opposite his car seat so he can gaze at his reflection while i drive n that has done the trick! it took him a couple times to get adjusted...cried n cried bit now he quietly sits at the back.
Usually my hb drives n i sit wz bb behind. Always end up war zone behind. Milk bottle, rattle, soft toy, her pillow, pacificier, all over... No use leh, once she starts screaming, its no stopping til we stop the car n open the car door. Once I'm outside the car, she stops crying, once I step in, she starts all over again. Really don't dare to go out wz hb in the car like that

yup i was in the same situation as u too...i didnt think the mirror would work but my fren from the states suffered the same problem n this worked for her. maybe u wanna try it... no harm since u also sound desperate, like me....haha

got my mirror fr mothercare 20plus after discount. ps, the mirror is big!!
Phy, i also nurse lying down. nurse sitting down in the middle of the night is really tiring ..

Phy you don't have to swap when changing side! i found a way but u need lots of pillow support

let say u wans to feed on the right and bb on ur left

let bb lay on his back and u tilt your body towards him. bb head will turn to your direction n latch him on ur right breast.

put pillow at another side of ur bb and u can rest on hand there. another pillow under your right leg below ur bb for support ..

Hope what i say is not comfusing .. haha .. works best at night ..
phy, barang2? i dun bg so many tgs out.. boy is toilet trained, dun use diaper. so wat i bg are my gal's stuff. my bag normally consists of 2pcs diaper, 2bottles, and milk powder. no nid hot water la.. i get from fast food. haha.. my boy if he wana go out, he will behave lar.. so far cn manage.

hen, go out normally speend on food and taxi lor. hehe.. will let boy know in advance if im buying him toys for tt day. so if pass by toy shop. he'll tell me, wan to see only, never buy. :p by the way, i wont go out everyday la.. v siong lei like dat. mayb 3 or 4x a week. cos my poor boy nt schooling yet.. cn imagine a 3yo boy at home everyday?! he'll wreack havoc man!

Housework- i dun mop and vacuum. dats hb job which he does once a week. i only 'wash' clothes. haha.. actually the machine does dat for me. then put in the dryer.

meetup- u girls are welcome to meet at my place.. dats wat i like to do beside gg out. cos at least my boy wont be bored at home.
hey Jaime.
sorry for the late reply..
seems like not many Kembangans mummies around
there is another one, eva...
gimme your email addy??
we arrange from there??
eva, u free to join us too??
phy, i think after all the sharing, you must be feeling much better, ya? dun worry, u r not alone... ;)

fyi, i am now back at work and my mil and maid takes care of them during daytime. at night, hubby and i take care lor...

for me, time management is very important and if i have errands to run, i do it during lunch time or weekdays after work. weekends are totally dedicated to my 2 darlings!! ;)
I know what you mean
But I'm used to let my boy latch on both sides... so no choice got to swap position with my hubby lor...In the morning I'll be alone with baby so I got the whole bed to myself

Thanks ya
I'm sure I'm not alone. Just by 'listening' to how others cope make me feel much better. At least I get ideas how others are coping being a mother. Agree that time management is very impt. Intend to discuss with my supervisor to see if I can do part time work so that I can have more time for my boy.

I'm using medela pump. Heard that Ameda is better. I used to be able to have fast letdown. But think my mood swings affected my pumping sessions so SS dipped alot when I pumped.. Anyway, no pumping already. All direct latch on since I'm home anyway. But when I return to work at end of May, probably got to start my boy on FM. If not I'll have to figure out how to pump in school and store before going home.

Your boy seems very well-behaved
Good for you. It seems so easy to lug your 2 kids out. Wow, your hubby also very supportive, does all the major housework
really envy mummies that can latch... my ger have problems latching and make me so stress up and pek chek. So now i dun latch her ler... only pump. i know its very troublesome and somemoore i'm not working, i should latch her. But haiz...
i also need to pump 30mins to empty both breast! sometimes nearly an hour if using avent uno (single pump).. my let down is fast but the flow kinda slow
typically latching on shawn takes a longer time. nowadays he'd want a break btw breast. during evenings when i'm back at home latching him, he wants to play awhile after clearing one breast, play then continue to drink the other. as for pumping, i pump 10-15min in office to empty both sides(am using dual pump).
you using dual medela pump? last time i swore by my avent manual. but eversince using ameda, i wondered why i didnt change to dual pump for no 2. so much faster and let down on both sides can yield more too.

actually at times i take more than 15 mins to pump too, at home. heehee, cos i was glued to the pc (SMH forum!!) and forgot to monitor the time.
fairylander, tat's wonderful! take good care of cathrina and yourself! sumana cheers cathrina on!

sumana is going for heart ecg and scan today cos doctor wants to confirm that her heart is not affected by the neonatal lupus.
This is good to hear. Continue to pray to God n trust in Him

My bb also have problems latching on since day 1 and I was so stress up too. I don't latch her, only pump. Yes, its very troublesome n i'm not working too, i should latch her too. Like u said, but haiz...

I'll go n get a mirror. Will try all means to find the things to make her comfortable wz car rides.

My elder girl these days knows that she can't ask me to buy things liao (always tell her, now mummy no more working, only daddy working, very poor, somemore still got to buy diapers n milk powder for meimei, cannot anyhow spend money). So, she happy just to window shop. Think my gal will be happy to play wz your boy lor.
Everytime I turn on my pc, I'll get glued to it (on SHM forum n chat online) n forget abt time. Sometimes, I almost late to go fetch my elder girl frm sch. And I won't hv time to do housework or cook. Naughty me... :p
Hooray for Cathrina!!! Take care of yourself too.

No more fainting spells already but a bit giddy now and then. I've always been slightly anaemic, so it's no surprise lah. My hb keep reminding me to drink chicken essence, haha!

Hope Sumana's ecg scan today will go well, i.e. heart is ok. Stay positive.
re car seats,
are your babies still on the fully reclined, rear facing position? Am wondering when can we raise the seat one notch....?

Luckily I didnt buy any of the sling/carrier. However, we received 1 combi carrier on my bb full mth. Finally able to use it since his neck is stiffer now.
However, we tried it twice.
The 2nd time is even more "superb". He will 扁嘴 when he saw the carrier. Then will start crying when we put him inside...then his cries will last quite long even after we removed him...
*sigh...as if I am bullying him.

my bb dun like mirror...
He can start crying fr the moment we sat in the cab to the time we alight.
So far, we ve only encountered once that he didnt cry at all...Or I shld say I managed to stop him b4 he starts his "engine"
so glad to hear about cathrina!

u must take care of yourself yah gerl.
me and zu has met up and gone out.
if i bring my boy along i will take his stroller if going on mrt.
if taking bus then will use the baby carrier.
I hope you are feeing better, dun stress yourself too much yah and dun be afraid to get help, even a short break is good for your mind and soul

Thats good news! Hope your girl will recover soon and take care too
great to hear that the surgery was a success!
Wish Cathrina a speedy recovery!
u tkcare and be strong!

yah.. adam loves to play w the older kids. but sometimes i see him v pity lor, only see the toys cnt buy so will give in sometime. :p if he behave tt day lar. hehe.. But i'd rather buy books for him. yah, we shld mit up one day.
Cheap and Good Sarong Carrier
Anyone knows where to get? Is the MiM one a good buy? I'm getting one for my MIL's helper who complained that my son is getting heavier and her hands ache from carrying him everyday so much so that it impedes her efficiency with the household chores (oh sure!).
may i know where is ur girl studying? Cuz we stay near each other, me looking at schools too!

think MIM is the cheapest bah. but it can get quite painful on the shoulders.
Hi Mummies,

I've a tin of NAN 1 HA (900g) opened on 27 Apr 08 to let go at S$25, bought it @ S$32. Self-collect @ East. Interested pls sms me @ 81887299 to deal.

My boy, Tristan only feed on it twice. Previously he was on it until I changed him to Similac as he was sick, now wants him to switch back, but he support Similac liao.

fairyland, happy to hear ur gal is doing well in the surgery!! Wish Cathrina have a speedy recovery, then can play play with our bbs wor!

SOSSSSS!!! my boy had been waking up in the midst of the nite for more feeds for the past few nites!! This is unusual as he has been sleeping thru the nites since feb until recently. His daddy and I have officially become panda club members! Is he ready for soild?

i think he is ready for solid. can start ler...


really very glad that ur bb is fine! So happy for u!

hehe u oso same as me ah.. pump pump.

my girl too!!! ..
i duno issit coz she 2 weeks neber go bk to my MIL place..den last friday brot her bk .. bb face black black the whole wkend .. and since friday nite she's been waking at least 3x .. ..
