(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hi ladies,

read that quite a few of your darlings having frequent pooh pooh, which could be due to teething. btw, how do you know that its due to teething? what are the symptoms har?

today, alena pooh 4 times again! she seems to pooh after every milk feed. hubby and i so worried so brought her to the doc. upon examining her, doc says its virus infection, some kind of stomach flu. she needs to be on soy milk for 1 week and doc also gave her Lacteol Fort sachet for diarrhoea.

will continue to monitor next few days and see how...

also, anyone started giving your darling cereals yet? I started giving my twins Healthy Times brown rice cereals since last Fri and just stopped today due to my girl's frequent poohing. will wait for her to be well before continuing.

you ordered from jshoppers already?
i am having problem ordering leh/
everytime i go to next step after checking out, instead of going to shipping details, i got redirected back to the homepage!! can't make payment at all. you have this problem??

voted for your pretty gal liao.

sorry, almost missed ur post.

i dun think choking on saliva can cause a cold or prolonged coughg.

e only way is to monitor her. i'm v sensitv to my baby as i spend most of my time w her. she has been rather sneezy n coughy e whole of yest (i know it cz she doesn't cough/sneeze alot) n her nose got a little runny, like hvg a slight sniffle. as PDs normally dun give them medicatn at this age (they'd rather e cold runs its course), i took my vitamins n hope that she can boost her immunity thru e milk i give her.

she has been sneezing less since. *keepg my fingers crossed*

not yet, but i just tried to register and they kept saying timeout. yesterday can still log in leh. hope dun miss the promo. by the way, the bedwetting sheet is the USD32+ one issit?
hi all mummies, am back to office this morning, 2 days nt in office, tonnes of emails to clear!!

MANY MANY THANKS TO ALL MUMMIES FOR THE WELL-WISHES. My ah beng is doing well now since back home ytd, still as smiley as ever even when he was in hosp.

Here's his drama story:

On sun - he vomitted few times after some of his feeds. When putting him down on the bed, he was crying in pain with his legs up. Rushed him to KK at ard 940pm, waited to see the doc at 11pm plus, doc diagonsed him as either having stomach flu or urine infection, send his urine for testing. Urine test ok, doc want me to feel 80ml to ah beng for an hour, if he can't finish 80ml within an hr, will have to be in hospital for observation. He failed to finish, so no choice, have to stay in for observation. Ya, of all the places, saw witty in kk... :p

- on mon, ah beng was doing ok, no more vomitting, but nvr managed to finish all his milk, doc came and checked. Doc said he can be discharged since he have no more vomitting, no dehyrate and seem very active...

- on tues, discharged.
Aiyo, i tell u, throughout his stay in hospital, he machiam like go chalet, sleep well, play well and even put on his most smiley faces to every nurses and docs. One of the nurses even came over and played with him before she changed her shift. My this boy!
Feeling stony liao... last nite, bb was sleeping in yaolan ard 10pm, then she woke up crying. We managed to calm her down after much crying by giving her milk. She then fell asleep when my hb carried her. My hb managed to put her on the bed to continue sleeping. 1hr later, she woke crying again. My hb carried her n calm her down n get her to go back to sleep. Instead of keeping my hb awake (he got to go to work today), me n baby went to sleep in the other room. Again, 1hr later, she woke up crying. I gave her some gripe water n carried her till she fell asleep. Couple of hrs later, she woke up for milk. Then refused to go back to sleep, stared at me n smiled. By 6am, I told myself forget abt sleeping lah. Time to get ready for the day.
re: poo
My bb poo is very irregular. She can poo once in every 3-4days but since Sun, she has been pooing once every morning. Dunno why like that.
i'm feeling so weak. dunno y ystd got block ducts on my rt breast. pumped and latched so many times. now feeling sore. tried cabbage too... worked a little. i think i'm habving a slight fever.
heard that better not to use cabbage coz it actually reduces ss. and sounds like you might have mastitis already. better go and see a doctor.
my bb poop like alternate days, then rest then poop after 3-4days later. very inconsistent. he's on breastmik exclusively. today his poop super watery, but the color still mustard yellow, i reckon it's normal.
My baby is down with running nose. He is coming 4 months and this is the first time he fall sick.

Still playing but running nose is on off and difficult to sleep at night. Should i bring him to GP or PD?

same here. my baby fall sick for the first time. down with running nose n cough. went to the pd since the record is there.
my gal's poop has been watery over the past 2 days too. It's not a lot of poop too. Just some poo, and watery one. and it's like, 2 - 3 times a day. Dunno if it's ok or not. Colour is still mustard yellow. She seems active still...guess if it continues today, tomorrow...Friday I'll bring go see doctor liaoz.
jeelomeelo, CSI_Fan

My gal now on FM, the poo was greenish for awhile, these few days back to yellowish. Past few days was big time, today one reduce liao. Her poop is bit watery, bit hard.
ah bie i decided to bring him to GP. Cuz his running nose not very serious. On and off. If bring to PD have to go Mt Alvernia. Near my house no PD leh.
i just read up, runny nose also a sign of teething. I don't i don't know if he is teething anot. Saw white spot since he was 2 months old. Now white spot became more obvious. He is always eating his hands. Putting everything in his mouth. Consider teething ?

His running nose suddenly came the night before. Yesterday take his temperature 37.1 degrees.
Oh ya, he is pulling his ear non stop for a week already. End up his ear got alot of scratches. Signs of teething ?
Hi Hen,
I used the towel to clean it after bathing each time and occassionally, will use my finger/nails to wipe it. Very dirty indeed.

Really? pulling of ears is a sign of teething? mine has been putting everything into his mouth, drools alot and sometimes will pull his ear and hair (now botak liao lah)... dunno if he's teething, will check tonight!

mine oso keep pulling hair and use her hand to brush the ear.. like very pek chek... haiz.. tonite bring her to GP and ask.. cos she having flu... hope is really teething...
Just back from GP, He caught a cold. Doc gave me two medicine. 3ml each. Like alot hor. I check with doc. He say pulling ear not a sign of teething.. Not sure if is right or wrong. I read the ten signs of bb teething. My bb already have more than half of the signs. The wound at his ear area doesn't have the chance to heal ....

Excatly what my bb is haivng now.

10. Cold like symptoms (runny nose, etc.): Some parents find that their baby displays cold-like symptoms when teething. Runny noses, coughing and general cold symptoms are believed to be a result of frequent hand-to-mouth movements in an attempt to alleviate the pain. Notify your doctor if cold-like symptoms occur for more than 3 days and do not improve on their own.

So should i still feed his medicine ? Don't wan to give medicine if he is really not having a cold. And no fever leh ....
yah i think the cold symptoms etc aren't accurate enough to be a sign of teething...

i also wasn't sure my son was really teething even though he had fever and loose stools. only when i saw the tooth peeping out did i realise he was teething.
i finally managed to order from jshoppers. really very frustrating.. their server is so unstable!!

yup, for my bbies, diarrhoea is also a sign of teeth. drooling not accurate for my dd, cos she has saliva all over the place since 3rd mth, but only cut her first tooth in the 8th mth.
Gosh when i'm wiping my bb just now he spill the whole small tub of hot water all over him n the bed. The water feels hot to touch. Luckily he is okay.

But .... it's soooo scary ..
today my boy pooped twice watery poop. same color yellow mustard. but he seemed perfectly all right still. think i'll just observe n see la.
today went to PD, my bb caught flu... was given 4 kinds of medicine leh..
1) for cough
2) for phlem
3) for nose block (oral)
4) for nose block (drip into nose)

my colg's dot kena hfmd. then now recovering but having flu/cough. just wondering if baby's medication would actually make them sleepy? coz she told me her baby like kena 'drugged' after taking the medication. how about yours?
hi ladies,
is it true that babies are more prone to diaper rash when solids are being introduced? my colg told me her boy got diaper rash when he started on solids. her PD told her that the pee n poo is more acidic in a way when he takes solid. anyone has that experience?
it's confirmed i was having breast infection. my fever hit 38.8 yesterday and was drifting in and out of consciousness for a while. doctor put me on antibiotics and anti swelling pills. she also told me throw away milk from the infected breast and continue latching baby on the "healthy" side. sigh... really no joke manz... i was so miserable yesterday. good thing she gave me THREE days MC and told me to rest and zzz at home.

now i'm worried cos i think ss affected leh... seems to be pumping out less milk...

Take care. Hug~

I also kenna infection during my confinement (twice) and on different sides, supply affected but after the infection clear, very fast supply re-establish so dun worry too much, Just rest plently and recover.

she seems to b gettg better *keepg fingers crossed* i'm eatg my vitC n i'm not sure if tt's helpg. i'm like some paranoid queen...i dun allow her cousins to go near her (as they are down with cough n cold). i do feed her as much as she wants (in the hope of boosting her immunity?). she has been less sneezy even tho i hear snorting at times. arrgghh..bloody flu bug. how's arielle?

tub!!!!! aiyo..dun worry abt ur supply. it prob took a dip due to all e stress n worry. u know u're a worry freak! just rem not to slack on ur liquids n pump n dump to keep e supply going! sumana will b rooting for u!!
How to prevent mosquito bites? My poor bb... at night he zz i already let him wear long sleeves n long pants. Stil kena bitten. Guess where? Evil mossies bite his BOTAK HEAD, got 2 big bumps liao.
Yest use those mos plugs.. still no use. Now the mos bite his sole! EVIL MOS! Then at night he keep waking up.. dunno izzit itchy or wat. So kelian.

ya, those mosquitoes r terrible. i swear they are commando-trained. they r immune to mos plugs n those patches which u can stick on surfaces. i know cz my boy gets bitten even tho there's a patch on e bedpost just abv his head!

i use the J&J liquid lotion (green colour) specially to ward off bites la. i dunno if it works 100% but i guess its still some form of repellant agst e mosquitoes. my SIL swears by it and even uses it for herself..hee..

i'm my girl's mozzie repellent .. hahaaaa... coz i'm ultra prone to mozzies .. pple says B+ blood grp more prone .. my girl oso B+ same as me.. but duno y she not getting .. mabe the mozzies like mine more .. haaa or its my girl's skin more smooth so mozzies slip off her more easily!
