(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

i have decided to let go my BN beco carrier (metropolis)
anyone interested?
If not then i will post in the wts thread.

your sumana so cute with the book.
btw have u ever tried tying or clipping her hair when u go out?
sure will look nice...hehe.
gerls are much more fun to dress up.

talking about overseas trip...
my school is putting me down for 3 days 2 nites educatinal trip to malacca.
must go with the P4 pupils somemore.
imagine how bad my headache will be sharing the same bus as them for 5 hours trip?!?!?!
management said have to bo pian cos not enuf teacher to pupil ratio...
me don't know how to get out of it.
Your gal is so cute!!!
Haha, bet she love books!!

You're superb!! 2 kids and no help!!! I already surrendered 5weeks ago and begged for help.. Also, I sank into depression
But now better, my mum and mil came over to help out. So everyday I sure have someone with me for a few hours... Also, hubby bought anti-stress supplement for me to take daily... More upbeat recently.

So you come to BP quite often? I actually don't mind meeting up
Would be fun

Crystalz, you keen to open up your place for a mini meet up?
Oh dear...
*sigh* I understand how you feel...
Away from your kid for 3 days... Can't find another person who can go?
ooooo... all the babies look so cute!

nice meeting you yesterday. your baby veri cute le. and u look really young oso eh!

shawn diarrhoaed big time today, just now only in the evening. hope he won't get it again. i guess he's drooling too much today. his poop was super watery and still can see some half digested 'beancurd' in his poop.
you mean we could actually let BB latch on once a day? Hmm, if that is possible I hope to let breastfeed my boy pass the 6 month mark... Anyway, my mum and hubby told me to start giving my boy FM before I return to work.. It's more of out of concern for me coz I can't eat alot of things while breastfeeding... I'm still thinking about it.

my dylan has been pooping ALOT lately. I've been thinking it was teething but my PD thinks it could be something else - intestine bacterial inbalance! He says its mild and ok if we dont treat it.. but my son has been pooping after every feed, sometimes two times after a feed and today his backside became very red/sore and diaper rash broke out!! *horror*

Now he has to be on some medication to rebalance the bacterial in his system so his system can go back to normal. Hopefully he wont be pooping so much anymore.. see his bum red red also make me sad..
is it bcoz you're going to ORD soon so they ask u to go? If you have RO that's understanding (or went thru the same bfing experience), maybe can still cham siong. say bb still relying on you for bm so cannot be away from home?
botanist, oh dear, i know how it is. Was in that situation few weeks back. Did PD give you the steriod cream dakto-something to apply on diaper rash? Helps to reduce/control the rash. Wash his bum with tap water over the toilet basin, won't be so painful for him. No choice lor, just got to non-stop change diapers & apply thick barrier cream! Desitin is no. 1!! :p
Wah,,, really pei fu the mummies who do all the housechore work, HANDWASH clothes, and still go to work! Supermummies! I dump all my clothes, and bb's clothes in the washing machine. if spoil, then too bad. lol. Then i have p/t auntie to come clean up the house once a week and iron clothes for me. heeee

just received the neck float i bought from bp...
botanist, i also realised my girl's frequent poop was due to me drinking soy milk. From the 5th or 6th day after not taking the soy milk, her poop amount and frequency reduced (PHEW!). So do consider if your diet is a contributing factor

i tink i know why one side of my ss differed so much! i didnt put e bellow (e rubber-like cup) properly! that actually affects e suction too! now as i pump, e ss is still e same (heng ah!). for a while, i thot my nehs wanna go on strike. hee..but better to monitor e nx few pumps first before being so happy.

dylan's mom:

my bb pooped alot when i ate yoghurt. haa..like after every feed also. so poor thing. ya, better chk if u've eaten somethg different too. they really 'eat' what we eat!
lynzi, yeah! we tried to clip her hair and dress her up when we go out. more to do for bb gals... hehhehheh. u going on a trip wif p4 kids? hmmm... can go deaf hor? having to spend 5 hours with them at close proximity. :p

phy, wanted to ask u about an earlier post. u mentioned u "collapsed"... as in u fainted issit? wat happened?

jia you!!! dun give up now since u persisted 4 so long liao. u can do it at work. just talk to your RO. I also let bb latch on oni once a day now. the other times, all bottle fed ebm...
a bit sad la but that's the next best alt lor if we go back to work.

gloomybear, your girl is always so SWEET! aiyo! i like her face shape. so defined!
i have a colleague who pump all the way n didnt latch for the full 6 mths.

me abit lazy, pump only nid 10-15 mins mah, But if latch bb (mine is super kpo, will look ard when feedin), will take > 20 mins! so i pump liao, pass the milk to mum or hb to feed bb n pump parts to maid to wash!
So the issue is cos the seller stated the price in the invoice is different from what your purchased? Even if that's the case, Singpost still cant hold yr items ah.
Are you able to contact the seller to release yr gds?

Pigeon Warmer
Ask you all something...nowadays my warmer seems to be abit siao..
I put the milk in the warmer cos my bb dun want to drink his milk..
When I took it out fr the warmer, its hotter than I made for him...Initially I tot its the bottle exterior only.
But I put a few drips on my hand..its really HOT! Anybody got such encounter?
hey botanist,
my gal went through the same thing as dylan. Poop so often...for so many days. Also intestine bacterial inbalance. Doc says its mainly due to the babies having the great tendency to put everything and anything into their mouths...hehs. So now, just clean and clean her hands and toys etc. Her poop is back to more "normal" now...less frequent and less watery.
hazel, i have the same problem wif pigeon warmer too. so my hubby used a thermometer to measure and found out that the water is slightly more than 40 degree. u have to be careful when turning the knob. a slight turn to the right will increase the temp by a few degrees.

haha oh ya... i got help from my mil. I'm staying at my mil house. I never go to work cos i want to take care of my ger myself. And since i'm still staying with my mil, our financial still quite ok. My mil will cook for me etc. So my time is usually spent with my ger only. haha seems like good life hor. :p As for having a mini gathering, i'm ok with the idea but must ask my mil can anot haha cos is her house.. haiz i want my own house leh... recent BP ballot i got 2k+ queue no. Sianzzzzz
hb went to settle for me. In the end paid gst on the amt in the invoice, not the value declared by seller.

she's really pretty, even w/o the headband! i showed hb the neckfloat when we passed by huaxia at harbourfrt but he's not v convinced to buy it.

btw, DBS/POSB wont be managing the CDA accounts liao so if you've CDA account, have to choose betw OCBC and SCB. Not sure what the perks are for SCB. OCBC got free mothercare hat
I cheapo lah, went for the hat. But have to pick up from harbourfrt branch of mothercare and when we went, there was only 1 of the 3 designs left, the pink one! But we have OCBC accounts for the girls, so also more convenient for us.
toysrus priority sale tomoro at united sq for star card and uob card members. branded toys at up to 50% off. I'll be cheonging down after work to have a look...and enjoy free cone day from ben n jerry at the same time
Farrer park mums lucky lucky, so nearby!
anyone ve xtra baby car seat for loan this week? my BIL gg overseas n is lending us his car .. so we need a bb seat so that can bring my girl ard ..
pls sms me @ 96867787 if there's any .. TIA
thanks tub, i think she inherited my sharp chin.

*Disclaimer* photo taken 2yrs ago. :p

Claire, no need to convinced hubby la.. JUST BUY. heee Baby really had fun! "walking" around in the bathtub, turning round and round also.
toysrus sale

any mummy wants to join me? i went last year when i was pregnant, bght quite a bit cos some toys r vy reasonably priced!
cookiemz & botanist , hw?
how much is the item featured? Coz ikea highchair is only abt $35 with the tray. And it's prety hardy.

if you need, you can use mine coz we hardly use the infant car seat. but I'm in the west, not sure if convenient for you.
my girl still on TBF .. she's 4mths, 3 weeks old le .. .. intend to intro solids at 6mths lor.. per PD advice..
balestier sounds better .. heee... claire's west is veri far .. haha.. i stay amk =P
i discuss wif my hb first den let u noe wen to go pick the seat up.. can?
tanks alot wor =D
keke, yeah, balestier definitely nearer to you

shdnt be too crowded, i think they open at 1030. Can post here abt the gd deals when you get back? I'll only be able to go down abt 5pm. I'm looking at the kids grand piano with the stool. RRP is $99.95. Hope it'll be on sale. Also thinking of getting some crib/stroller toys for my #2.
think is 60+.... i dun quite like ikea highchair cos it don't have any footrest which is bad for bbs backbone. imagine we adults sitting with our legs dangling, our back will ache too. Provided my husband can add a footrest on the ikea highchair, then i will buy it... haha
Mummies, I think is really hormones making me feel really down ..

Yesterday my baby fell don the bed .. He end up below his playpen ..

The bed and playpen is side by side and my bb just roll ard the bed and drop into the gap between the bed and playpen .. I just turn around the get something and he fell .. I need to take the playpen up to pick him .. Damn heart pain .. I was blaming myself cuz i became a SAHM cuz to ensure bb is safe but end up falling down when i'm around .. Luckily hb is not angry with me but of course heart pain ..

About bb teething, last week my bb keep fussing during day time .. Wakes up for 2 feed .. And doesn't want to go back to sleep .. After falling asleep i lie down n he wakes up again .. He is never like that except teething stage .. Day time wants to be carried and coax to sleep .. Teething gel only helps for awhile .. Finally first tooth bud breaks open already so crying stops .. But ..... i saw another 3 tooth bud .... I think the next few weeks i'm going to prepare for the worst ..
crystal, I saw the chair selling at metro! Tt time got sale $50+.. now no more sale liao. But tt chair maybe cant sit too long also rite? Once bb bigger cant fit in already.
Ya, close to fainting. I just finished feeding my boy and was lying on the bumper mat.. Then I found myself breathless and couldn't move my body at all! Luckily my mum and mil were around that time and I was not carrying my boy. I couldn't find the strength to get up and go rest on bed. In the end my mum and mil let me sleep on the mat for an hour plus. My hubby rushed home.

We had a good talk. He told me that I was pushing my body too hard. Latching on plus pumping(to store) a few times a day. I was not eating well and not sleeping well. So body just gave way... In the end, he made the decision and stopped me from pumping out.

I try not to think too much and am still forcing myself to eat and sleep. At one stage I suspect I'm suffering from post natal blues... Doctor said that I was too stressed being a first time mum... Baby's eczema plus I know nuts about housework...

Been discussing with my hubby regarding work.. He wants me to return to work for my own sanity.. He says it is really tough being a SAHM... I also wonder why I find it so tough.. but I can't seem to trust others to look after my boy...

envy you, pumping session only 10 to 15 minutes? Mine was like 30 minutes!! And latching on also 30 minutes or more.. depending on my boy... no wonder I'm losing weight haha
Wow, good hor. Stay with MIL so your meals are all taken care of
So if you do get your own place will it be near BP also? Good to think of childcare issues...

Oh dear.. hope your boy is fine... I know what you mean by feeling guilty.. I felt guilty whenever I think of my son's eczema...

So your boy can roll over already? Haha, mine is 4 months 5 days yet he can only roll from side to side. He still can't roll onto his stomach.. PD says it is due to his size...

Well, my boy is now 7.8 kg and 70cm long... He is not gaining weight so fast now but suddenly grow vertically more!!
Hi mummies,
my twins, Alonzo and Alena are slightly over 5 months. I am thinking of giving my boy 2 meals of cereals... one in the morning and another in the evening... at the moment, he's taking a meal of cereals in the morning. basically, he seems very keen on food and i thought taking more cereals will be good for him. any concerns har?

i think you are too stressed up! i was like you during the first couple of months but now, has learnt to take things easier... dun worry so much and accept all the help rendered, it will really help you to re-gain your sanity!!

try to let go and let your mum or mil baby-sit for you, even a couple of hours will do u good!! i am sure they are as kan chiong about your boy, so the care they give will not be any less than you... ;)

as to whether to go back to work or not, that's really a personal decision that you have to make. seriously, i think being a SAHM is definitely tougher than working!!
high chair- i'm using Canetons high chair. very sturdy w wide base and big tray. I prefer this cos even when boy self-feed not so much mess on the floor. It can also be converted to table and chair! Not as if i used it lar.. haha.. Besides it has 3 reclining positions. Have sometg similar to the above, from safety First. But rarely used.. Still prefer high chair!

me near BP also, in Teck Whye!
i'm free to meet up. Am a SAHM too. Being cooped all day at home will drive me mad!! Like I've always said, altho I'm a SAHM, but i rarely stay home! :p

Housework- i do wash my clothes bit by bit during wkday too.. Then dumped in dryer! After tt, i will have one pile of clothes on the bed. Till hb or me fold them! Handwash? Very tiring!! Used to do tt for elder boy but w 2nd one, no time lar.. Or maybe plain lazy:p me using front loader, so damaged clothes- never happen la.

SAHM- i'm one too! Do feel very tired at times. Cos gal hvn been sleeping well these few nites. But somehow, still managed to trudged on... haha.. Been one since my elder boy is 4mths old.
Where do you usually take your kids to? Haha, ya, meet up meet up..

Thanks for your advice.. I'm still learning as I go along. By the way, who's helping you out with your twins?

phy, i know how u feel. i think all of us here do. (aiyo... sounds like some American self help group) it's not ez to be a mother, esp us first time mums cos there are just so many uncertainties. glad that u r better now and not so stressed up wif pumping and stuff. if u r latching on directly, dun have to pump la... i'm sure your ss is established by now.

actually my hubby didn't agree to me staying at home cos he felt that i would lose my sanity too. maybe he's right cos i'm those kind who demands perfection... well, until the birth of my daughter as she's born with a skin condition. i have learnt to take things in stride and deal wif them as they come. i also realised that we must take care of OURSELVES FIRST, b4 we can take care of bb. so that means u have to eat well, sleep well and relax!

about letting others take care of bb, have to learn to let go ya? must learn to trust other people. but of course must choose the right people to help us la...

Mel, dun feel guilty. it's inevitable that we all make mistakes. forgive yourself. be kind to yourself. u r a good mummy.
