(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

hehheh, thanks mummies! just glad that sumana is normal. something that most of us take for granted, isn't it? my hubby told me we (or rather he meant "me") must always remind ourselves not to expect too much from su. when sumana recovers in the future, he says we must remember that our initial wish was only for her to be NORMAL. watever more she achieves later on will be a bonus.
yep, that's the best blessing we can have from our children

Getting quite unmotivated to express. my ss almost dropped by half liao. normally 10oz in morning, now only 6oz. urgh. just ordered more milk tincture. hope it works. any feedback on the product?

from both breast? izzit due to ur menses coming?
for me my supply already not consider alot so when my menses came the supply drop by 20-30%.
ya, I am also thinking of pik carrier...got poisoned by linda...
but after the combi carrier incident...
think better not...else it will be waste money.

my bb can fall asleep on his own in the stroller.
provided he is feeling sleepy that time..

think I will let him drink apple juice this weekend
He's been showing signs that he's interested in our adult food for quite a long time.
Then these few wks, I have been "playing" him....
Always show him what I m eating & his hand will try to grab it.
Then I will let him hold my cup of fruit juice, with me holding it too...And he will grab it and lower his head to drink it...Of cos, I ve to pull away lah..as mine contains a mixture of fruits...
Else I will just put grapes on a bowl & he will grab it...but only grab the bowl not the grapes...
So yesterday we gave him nectarine to lick...However, he only interested when there's skin. He lost his interest after I removed the skin.
Re fruits:
wich fruits are the most safe to let bb try huh? or any fruits can try de? mabbe durians cant bah? see u mummies giving bb apples, grapes..
coco, think materials shld be the same as i nvr have beco b4, so don think will be any warmer, i had a chat with dawn over beco and pikkolo (and a bit of ergo), i think i bttr stick to pikkolo. In terms of quality/worksmanship, pikkolo is bttr, this i have to agree.
Actually beco, ergo and pikkolo have own pros and cons, depend on wat u want and the liking of the carrier itself bah,

Elaine, nice to meet u too! Ur gal very swee wor...
slimz, u starting wif apple juice? My pd says better to start wif plain rice cereal mixed wif bm or fm.
my supply has been dropping too...esp since I came back from biz trip. sob sob...past few days had to supplement with FM.
See, the amount my gal drinks...until I only have just enough amounts for her. Nothing extra...I have not tried milk tincture. But I just ordered a few boxes of Traditional Medicinals Organic Mother's Milk. Hope that works for me...heehee...

Dun think too much about it lorh. wait end up stressing yourself and then more difficult for supply to increase.

I'll b gg on a long biz trip come June.
Can share how u manage during ur trip? How come ur ss drop? Cos u dun express as many times? How many times u pump per day and how many hours apart?
I'll be bringing my manual pump, wonder if I shld bring my ameda with me too. Very worried by the time I come back I'll be a dry cow.
T&P, my fren went for a biz trip and pumped and dumped there. think she pumped as many times as she would have here in s'pore. her ss was not affected. think better to bring ameda so as to clear properly. Just my 2 cents worth ;p.
hi tub,
I'm gg to pump n dump too. But my worries is tat i will be spending a lot of time on the road, travelling. Wonder how to manage the no. of times to pump. I'll also be joining land tours for holiday, u think it'll b easy to pump during breaks?

Re rice cereal, I just bot Bellamy's. It' organic from Aust. but yet to let my boy try.
T&P, hmmm... think should be ok right since dun have to sterilise the parts. better get itinerary now to plan.

where can i get bellamy's?
i bot bellamy's n i love it. e pure smell of rice is heavenly. alexis loves it too..mix wif BM n u're good to go!

i got it fr vitakids fr paragon BUT linda (jovan's mom) said u can get it fr some ntucs or carrefour.
my girl love her apple juice and yes she keep looking at us eat. and when we put food near her she will also lower her head to try to eat it like that..

Bowel movement: how is your baby like? my poo every 2 - 3 days once wor.
tub, u can get bellamy from some NTUC branches, cold storage, carrefour.

I got mine from Ntuc, they're having offer for Bellamy rice cereals and rice porridge.

U can also get organic rice cereals from Heinz, Healthy Times, Organix. Organix can get from Carrefour if nt wrong.
t&p, u got so much milk still scared right? ya..i know exactly how u feel. i dread e day i run out of milk too.

ok, when i had my #1, i also went to vietnam for business...n yes, got to be damn disciplined ok..wake up earlier to pump. during any break, i'll rush to e toilet n pump. ppl meet at hotel lobby at 8pm, i'm up by 6am pumping.

my take is to lug e whole machine wif u. bringing a manual is handy but u must hv e luxury of time to pump. during such trips, time is not on ur side as u need speed to express efficiently.

n yes, i stretched my intervals a little. no choice. but i guess, e breasts will just make less milk during tt period but at least it wont dry up. tt's wat we want anyway, to keep e milk prodn going.

once u get back, latch ur bb n ur ss will b up naturally.

i know it's going to b a challenge but it just makes BFg much more meaningful. =)
linda, wahh liu..i always dun seem to b able to get stuff on offer one! so sian..tt time when i bot bellamy's, e HT spree was organised a few days after. now when i just stocked up on bellamy's, u say there's an offer for it. no wonder i'm gettg poorer. haaaa..

ya, both breasts. menses coming? hmm...dunno whether happy or not. if da yi ma come, then can start to try to #3. But have to use pad after so many mths v sian. When it came back after #1, I went shopping with my family and bought a few packs of pads. Then my dad ask why buy so many, sekali no need leh? Then 2 mths later strike #2 liao
linda, i think u got me wrong. I didn't judge base on what i read on article. And i'm just sharing articles on soild food.

Some babies can start solid at 4 months. It's not wrong too. My Pd ask me to start my bb at 4 months. He have signs of ready for solid n i even bought cere for him too. Just that he is teething so i didn't wan to introduce something different while he is upset from teething.

I believe we are all excited to start bb on solid. So my motive is to share on starting solid n not insisting only can start at 6 months.
tub, most of the ntuc branches are having offer, today is last day if i nt wrong. NTUC junction 8 don have bellamy. I went to AMK Hub and Sembawang have offer.
i got mine from cold storage/supermart @ paragon.
Think JP NTUC also have, but when i check last week, they r out of rice cereal.

Still scared leh..cos I'll b away for 15days! Out of this 15 days, I'll spend about 13 days on e road/flights, 2 days at trade fairs, so no electricity to use my Ameda. I reckon I'll have to rush to the toilet to pump whenever there's break, if not use the toilet on the bus. I'm thinking to use the Ameda at nite when in e hotel cos the ameda can clear my boobs better than e manual.
On average now, I'll have to pump every 4hrs when i'm at work. Supply can maintain so far. I'm jus darn worried 15 days is a long time away from baby and since not easy to pump as and when, supply may dry up. What do you think? Maybe i shld pump every 3hrs at nite when in the hotel. U think this way will help to maintain supply? But then I'll b dead tired if I have to wake up every 3hrs!!!

Think I'll cry when I stop bfing. I am so attached to the bonding sessions.
I pumped and dumped too...well, some of the milk. Brought back those that I pumped in the hotel and on my flight back.

Supply dropped mainly coz eg. on the long flight, it was a bit difficult to express on board. 1) not exactly very clean environment lorh, esp if you're no longer the 1st to use the toilet; 2) spent many hours at meetings and on the road. So how to pump? Even if can pump, it's like 5 min only. Any longer and pple are going to wonder what happened to you?? So each time did not empty breats totally. I think that's why supply dropped lah...plus not enough rest.

So I brought my avent manual and my PIS. I used Avent manual on the go. Expressed in toilets. PIS, I only used in the hotel at night. Faster mah...I brought bottle liners, 2 bottles to support the liners, milk bags (to store after pumping into the liners). and lots of those clips to clip the liners. Coz I dun pour into the milk bags immediately after pumping (no time lah). So I just clip the liners, use bottle to support, and only transferred into milk bags at night back in hotel.

I pumped every 6 hours (try to). For me, it's more of how empty the breasts can be. Plus stress (coz worried that u're taking too long, worried that the environment is not that clean, so cannot keep etc...).

Expressing on board a flight:- Best is to pump the moment the seat belt sign is off. That way, you'll be the first to use the toilet. Cleaner lah. But do tell the crew...otherwise, if you take too long, you'll find them knocking on the door or kicking the door. Bring ice packs too...for the trip from plane to hotel.

In hotel:- pass to hotel staff for them to store in their freezer. Of course, there's the risk that staff may be curious and open up milk bags etc...I tell them it's medication. Hahaha...

The only problem is....our SG airport security is super tight, esp T3. Ice packs gotta be checked-in. If not, it has to be frozen hard. If the ice has started to defrost, there's a chance that security might tell you to throw. So I checked my ice packs in. Afterall, on board can put in plane's fridge. heehee...then when touch down, claim baggage, quickly take out ice packs to put in cooler bag.

However, for the return flight, you'd already have some EBM (frozen or chilled). I guess it depends on which country you're at. But just tell the security that it's EBM lorh. Standby with copy of BC in case. If they still insist on throwing, then boh pian lorh.
t&p, I think u shd stretch your pumping now...to say, 6 hours or so. If you pump every 3 hours at night at hotel, you'll be so tired, there's not going to be supply either! double whammy. Coz there's gonna be time taken to wash, sterilize, dry the pump etc...you'll be very tired, after a long day's work.

I dun intend to bring back the EBM cos I'll b travelling from city to city and wun spend more than 2 nites in 1 hotel, so very tough to transport so many bags of frozen BM.

My main concern is how to maintain the supply. I cannot drag 6hrs to pump, by the 4.5hrs, my boobs will feel like bursting and very sore.
U think i can bring a shawl and express in my seat when I'm on the plane or the bus? I'll be joining land tours when there, so will b travelling via coach. Argh...this trip is giving me so much headache.

Maybe I can bring back those I express on the flight back. So do you bring an ice box with u on flight as hand carry?
yah, I was going to explode too....when I didn't pump for 5 hours...but now I think it's a bit more used to it. hahaha. I brought my busy baby wrap along and tried to express from my seat on the plane. I think possible but very tough. Coz the seats aren't exactly very wide. Kinda narrow. not much room to manouver (pardon the spelling). Gotta practice pumping blindfolded I guess...coz can't always be looking down at yourself to see if pump is positioned properly, if it's flowing ok etc. hehs...me pai seh lah. dun want to attract any attention to myself....

I brought ice packs and my medela cooler bag (minus the medela ice brick, coz that sort of "limits" the space and bags of EBM I can put in it). So my cooler bag was in my hand carry luggage.
about time btw pumps:

i also pump every 4.5-5 hours now... no choice cos gotta work. have to let the body get used to it. so it works out to 5 pumps every 24 hours... excluding one night latch. (depending on baby's mood) i hope this "ritual" will help maintain milk supply till su's first b-day at least.
Thanks for sharing your DD's school. Wow, she will be in P1 next yr? My house has no schools within 1km too. Really headache!!

You all very bad, keep talking about sales. I shall resist!! But I got poisoned for the carrier. Wahaha!

great to know sumana is well!!

One friend sold off her Ameda and got the PIS. SHe swears by the PIS and said that she got a higher milk output and shorter pumping time. For me, I am using the Ameda pump and it works very well for me, so I guess its individual? but i din wanna spend $600 on a breast pump mah, so...

I've tried goat's rue, mother's love milk capsule or tea bags, all work for me.

I think using a nursing shawl to pump on the road would be good. At least u can pump on the coach/flight or anywhere as long as you are seated? Since you are going to dump your milk, then it doesn't matter if you dun wash your pump. Just bring enough batteries in case you can't find a electric outlet. then when u come back, just take supplements n pump consistently, your ss will come back.

for the longest time i also wonder who you are leh. i even went yahoo group to find you info! hahah!!!

so i only need to add 1 teaspoon of cereal to the BM for start? today check wif my pd he said can intro solid like porridge, vege, fruits if bb shows signs.

hee hee can't wait for the may outing so that our babies can play together :p
ah bie,
last time drink not much effect, now i drink one cut, by next feeding SS can go up liao. Last time i tried reusing the teabag, but i think effect not as good? maybe can try to use one bag per day.

oic. i juz got the tea bags. wonder whether can re-use or need to make one fresh cup each time. if need to make one fresh cup each time then v siong on the pocket!
so far i am drinking 2 cups a day. like not much effect. sigh

my baby recently has up his milk intake. v siong oso. boobs got to work OT. sob sob
ah bie
like i said last time no effect one leh. i tried the other day then found got effect, cuz usually my 5pm feed milk not enuf leh, i tried n hey got enuf to satisfy him!

i find the capsules like goat's rue etc much better at upping SS. takes about 3 days to see effect.
