(2007/12) Dec 2007 MTB

valeriet: I have one for sale if you like. it's cotton Sateen from MIM. blue/green in color. I washed it once after I bought it, but have not used it before as my beco arrived shortly.
PM me if u're interested. I have the CD instruction as well.

Crystalz and hen, there is chances your bb can get back to breast. There is babies who doesn't know how to latch finally did it when they are like 3 months old .. OInce in a while try to latch on in between feed. Not when theya re really hungry .. Who knows suddenly they will altch on ..

Jovan is not ready for soild yet! babies during 4-7 mths is waking period. I just read up too .. My bb can wake up 3 times a night .. Very tiring ..

Article about Wakeful Baby

About solid And Sleep

Why delay solid

When is my baby ready for solid?
mel, i think u got my sos all wrong!!!! My boy is really asking for MORE FEED! Not that he cried for nothing. I had ignored his cries, but for the past 2 nites, i feed him and he can finish the whole of milk.

Each bb is different, so u can't based on the articles that you read to do the judgement.

re babies being ready for solids...there are babies who are ready for solids at 4 mths. While 6 mths is the recommended age, there's no fixed rule to say that one is not ready at 4 - 5 mths. Best is to check with the PD who has been following the baby's progress / development.

I read somewhere too, that some experts believe 6 mths is the age to start solids as BM reduces possibilities of allergies. Yet, there's another school of thought, that says, it's not WHEN babies start on solids that matter. It's WHAT they are fed with, that puts allergies at bay. Different books/articles will present different findings.

I guess the best way is to check with PD, observe baby every time we try to feed solids (to watch for reaction). I think babies are smart...they know how to tell us if they are ready. Every baby is different...
ya, shawn shakes his head very very vigorously for a few minutes until he dfinds a good angle. he also lifts up his leg vertically then slam down. it's like a ritual le... then only he sleeps.
csi fan, i agreed. There are no hard rules that a bb cannot start solid when 4mths old or 6mths old. It all depend on the bb. It's your bb, how and when ur bb start solid, u as a mother will know bttr.
constance & jeelo
i have medela dual pump but sometimes dual pump cannot empty my breast totally. i noticed my neh neh get blocked easily.. sien.. got to use uno to clear.. sob sob.. still hv pain pain neh neh if kena blocked

my baby does that too! luv to slam legs against the bed. every night will go THUD THUD THUD b4 finally KO. HAHAHA
i guess it is alright to start solid at 4mths+. our son coming 5mths already in fact.. during my last visit to PD, he suggested to add some cereal into mal's milk so that he wont asking for milk that frequent. Mal has been drinking 120-140mls 2 hourly.. that's why.. he started to wake up at night for more feed too. same as your beng!

Remember, your baby is an individual.
All babies are unique and meet milestones at their own pace. Developmental guidelines simply show what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then soon
Ya, I use dual pump.. but can't pump much in total, only like 100ml from both side. Got to pump at least 20 mins..

My boy also.. easily distracted nowadays.. he will be looking around while drinking... sometimes I'm like fighting a war with him..
deerdeer & linda,

my bb also like to shake her head and step her feet while sleep .... she can shake her head & move her body till she sleep horizontally in her cot.

my gal also seems not full lately. She can finished 150ml and then 210ml in another 2 hr time. Wonder if i should add 1 teaspoon of cereal in her BM. Guess will check up with PD tomolo since bringing her for her jab & rota. Update u gals after that
My gal is in Glory Kindergarten. This year, she got to register for pri 1. I want her to go to MGS but its betw 1-2km, I'm within 1km for Pei Hwa though.

I stop pumping liao

I stop bf for a mth liao, dun tink can start again. Yes, I read somewhere abt the possibilities of latching on after few mths. I tried but still fail. Tell u something funny lor, these days, when I carry my baby using baby carrier facing me, she wld look at my breasts n give me that look that she is searching for my breasts. Her facial expression is very cute. Then she wld "bury" her face betw my breasts n like want to suck. Sometimes, she sucks til my shirt very wet. Very tempted to let her latch on but my milk supply prob gone liao.

Anyone babies these few days feeding less? My bb used to drink 150ml every 3hrs. Yesterday n today, she din finish even 100ml each time. Sometimes I try to feed her, she wld cry, rather go to sleep without milk.
Sometimes I feel so guilty that I don't hv as much time as b4 for my #1, I end up buying things for her even tho she din ask for it. These days, I also spend more on books rather than toys. Luckily my #2 is girl, can inherit all her big sis stuff.

phy, zu, crystalz,
Want to meet up on one of the afternoons next week? Anyone else ard the area wld like to meet up?
individual pace eh.. my boy still can't flip hhaaa. he is trying to inch forward using his knees now but he seems very very tired doing this... :D
For the 1st 2 mths, my bb was fine wz the sling. She can sleep inside for 4hrs while I shop. But now, she wld cry whenever I put her inside. As if I'm kidnapping her wz the sling. Anyway, do find that she is a bit too heavy to carry wz sling.

As for baby stroller, when she fell asleep, I used to put her in a Graco one. I had that since my #1 but have passed it to 2 BILs after that, n now back to us. The Graco one more sturdy, it has gone to many countries n still ok. But I thot it was a bit old n since bb was ok wz it (meaning din cry when I put her in), I went to buy a Combi one. Sigh... waste money lor. I tried to put her on the Combi one, she wld wake up n cry, then refuse to sit on it. Yah, her cries r like we r torturing her.

With the baby carrier, am trying out all the different carriers that I hv. Sometimes, she wld cry when I put her in. Got to walk walk a bit to "quiet" her. Been asking ard which is a better carrier, so now "eyeing" on the pikkolo one (but hb sure won't let me buy cos so expensive).
Feedg directly fr breasts moms:

are ur feedg sessions shorter now? mine like can feed for 5 mins n she's done. and fr 1 side only!! no matter how i force her to drink, she'll refuse. i really dunno if she's gettg enuff!! tho her nx feed is always 3 hrs later. kinda worryg.

i am back from the toys r us sale!! Hehe!! spent $108 on 8 items including a thomas sit n ride for $30 (botanist saw it selling at $70 in robinson) . bght mostly thomas the train stuff. very worth it cos most items are at least 50% off n in gd condition.
saw many ppl grabbing this fisher price play gym with lights n sound at $20. kitchen set oso very cheap - $40 n lotsa gals stuff. pooh n dora vacuum cleaner selling at $20, mobile medical table set at $20, electronic piano with microphone at $30. according to the staff they will replenish the stocks everyday!

there are lotsa gal stuff.
hen, u must tell ur hb pikkolo can carry up to 20kg, can front, side and back facing, and also can be a piggy back carrier and the material is nt very warm, my son ok with the carrier. Can last till toddler stage, i suppose. I'm a satisfied customer of pikkolos. Now eyeing another pikkolo, this one must smuggle secretly back home, hahaa, got to let hub find out slowly...

*die, someone kill me pls, poison queen on the move again*
Sigh... u made me regret not going just now *sob" *sob* Stupid weather lor, the sky ard noon time, I thot will rain, so better not go out alone wz 2 kids. But now, the weather so hot hot. I was planning to go Robinson Sale today too. Hmm... tmr die die must go shopping.
beco oso can, but nt baby bjorn wor. baby bjorn esp synergy ones, will only tahan the wt up to 12kg at the most.

Nt so bad leh, here i think we have the most # of ergo, beco and pikkolo mummies! hahaa!
yes steffie, drink 5-10min then close kopi tiam already. or he could drink 5-10min, then pause, smile smile, laugh laugh, then latch again or he wants to play. after playing for a while, cry to latch again.
My son also does the leg banging when he sleeps. So funny that other babies do the same too.

He's also drinking lesser in the last 2 weeks ... from 150ml to barely 120ml ... and waking up for 1-2 feeds (sometimes 'snack' cos he'll only feed for 5mins or less) during the night when he used to sleep through.

Will definitely check with PD to see if he is ready for solids. Otherwise, panda eyes will get worse.
anyone using Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast Pump?
which is better? how is the noise level like? Medela Pump In Style Advanced or Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast Pump
hi gals, sumana is back from PD and ecg shows her heart beat is NORMAL! YAY! now have to wait till 6 months to test her blood again to see if my anti-bodies have been metabolised. as for her face, well, we'll just have to wait for the flesh to grow in those pitted areas. sigh... nothing much we can do at the moment.

PD also said i can start solids if i want to. she'll be 5 months in 2 days. she said start wif rice cereal, just a spoonful or so a day. but i think i'll hold on till 6 months cos she doesn't show much indication that she wants to eat yet.
steffie, when i put su to the breast, she'll suckle vigorously for 5 mins or so. thereafter, it's play time. but i'm not sure if she's full or not cos i usually oni latch her on at night. i just let her drink however much she wants and fall asleep.
Mine too!! turning head left and right very fast during his sleep... like having nightmares, so kelian and funny at the same time

I've been thinking of getting BOTH Pikkolo and Beco leh haha.. also thought of smuggling one of it then slowly show my hubby... diez~~
yay good news great sumana is doing well.

i think u can try a little bit of rice cereal like half a tablespoon 1st then mix wif some milk.i started feeding cathrina yesterday and she like it alot.my gal also wake up alot b4 she went for surgery coz she is really hungry.
Glad that sumana is fine
She'll continue to get stronger and metabolise all your anti-bodies that are in her. She's a strong and good girl

My boy also started to drink for shorter duration for one or two feeds. He'll keep looking at me then smile, laugh etc etc (like Jeelo's baby

Just now I had to let him play a while while I had my dinner before letting him latch on another side. However, he was turning and twisting and arching. I got to hold him tight. He didn't drink for long though. Guess it may be a sign that he doesn't want to drink so much already..

Where to meet up? Any nice places around our area? Hmm, must also be able to let me BF if need to...
btw, went for the fox warehse sale just now,
saw a beco carrier (metropolis) walked past me.
hehe, i meant a mummy using beco carrier with a 4-6 mth looking bb inside. anyone went there just now also?
ok, i guess our milk composite has changed n hence our breasts r workg more efficiently. tks for ur input! =P

3 cheers each for cathrina n sumana!! *phweee weeet!*

suddenly thot of xmas. how fun it will b celebrating wif e kiddygongs. =P
i was the one asking abt grand piano. aiyah, i got there quite late, abt 5pm. by then not much gd stuff left
Then the emcee was telling abt the stuff sold out for today, i wanted the mickey mouse vacuum. wah lau, every day they add new stuff, then i must every day go down and see...
then hb came early to fetch me so missed out on free cone too. sigh.
help, my boobs are sagging, esp after pumping. damn ugly man! even wearing a bra all the time isnt helping. how??? argh, dun wanna go to those bust therapy places
constance, is that mummy fair and short hair with a chubby cute gal? prob it's petrina.

fairylander, tat's exactly wat i did, i give half a teaspoon of the cereal with the milk and my boy seem to like it, think i will maintain this once daily till he is fully ready for the solid, don want to rush him into it, :p

coco, actually i was thinking of getting beco but then i scared it's too warm for my super scared hot boy, so i think i will just settle another pikkolo. die...
hen, next week i'm free except weds. can meet anywhere.. i cn offer my plac too? :p

i tink only these 3 carriers can withstand up to 20kg- Ergo, Beco and Pikkolo. So, very worth it! Unlike other carriers that cost almost the same price. Divide the amt spend on yr carrier w the period of time u gg to use it.. hehe..its less than $10/mth.. :p
i am using ameda. no complaints. it works well for me. but didn't work well for my colg. She uses avent manual pump and that works for her. Another colg uses medela PIS. when we are in the nursing room, i hear the noise, not very noisy ar... it seemed all right. another pumping colg has both ameda and medela PIS. she swears by medela PIS. I reckon it's individual. The price that you pay for a PIS is = 2 ameda. :p
glad to hear that sumana is all right! yay!

mine oso sagging le. perhaps push ups would help. bleah.. i say only but never do yet. i haven't been exercising since i was pregnant til now. goodness me, that's like 5+9months ago since i exercised!
hahahaha ... mine also sag liaoz me just spend $500+ on bras for shaping back my breast. pity i can't do it now as still pumping milk. i'm afraid those underwired might cause blocked ducts.

hee hee ... linda nice meeting u tat day at amk hub :p
Hahahaha! so my baby isnt the only one who is shaking her head and stomping her feet.
I thought she is on some estasy

anyone start baby on fruits ? I let my girl suck on orange and apple and drink some fruits juice. she love it. my girl just hit 4mths
SO SORRY! I didn't see your posting about The Children's Place rompers that I want to sell. Just saw it few seconds ago... so sorry! I have already sold to another mummy here.
