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  1. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hi mummes, My girl has reach 6 mths, so I'm switching to a follow on formula. Qn is since it's the same brand, do I need to introduce gradually, i.e. mix some of the old formula and some of the new formula in the transition period?
  2. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Thanks, melissa, for the info, Ya, Brenda's my gynae, unfortunately, she's not available yesterday and I didn't want to wait for another day. Actually after taking the antibotics, it's slightly less painful but still hard hard. will visit brenda on monday morning for another opinion. i guess if...
  3. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    any mummies with experience in mastities and breast abscess, how do i distinguish between the two conditions? went to visit a nearby gynae yesterday cos my usual gynae is not available, he say mastities and i can continue to breastfeed. but somehow, even after taking antibotics, express...
  4. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Joelle, true but a good guy is not easy to come by. And I started dating my hubby at 14 yrs old (hubby 17 lah), odds that it will not last is so much higher cos guys (and gals also lah) that age are mostly not mature enuff yet to work at making r/ships work. I think I would prefer her to start...
  5. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    babypink, such dilemma hor, when they are young, worried that they get into r/ship too early and don't know how to tell good vs bad boys. Then as they get older and no BF, worried that they too fussy and end up late marriage which means late pregnancy etc. Remind of the rally abt older woman...
  6. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    aiyo, melissa, your hubby master all his courage to pop the qn, then u laugh??? He must be damned worried for a moment before u say yes!!!! so bad of u "tsk tsk" =P
  7. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    For me, Pathor 7yrs 7mths married 8yrs 1mths Actually hor, maybe i paraniod but if possible, i rather not let me girl know abt my love maraton with hubby, wait she thought all r/ships fairytale-like, I'll be one worried mum. Any of you think that far???? haha.
  8. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    babypink, i think u r going to hate me. me also 1.55 but i weigh 40kg (back to pre-pregnancy) abt 3 mths ago. =P BUT then think got redistribution of fats, now my stomach still abit fatty but my legs are skinnier. Am trying to put on weight actually cos no worry not enuff milk for my girl if...
  9. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    hubby is not my first boyfriend strictly speaking. but the one before him is only like 4 months and not serious one. i marry my hubby really young (by modern standards at least) at 21yrs old. Then customary 4 years later. i always teased my hubby that he married me so young because he scared...
  10. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    babypink, huh?? means i got to wait for another 3 months before rebond or colour? xian!!! luckily no wedding dinners and impt functions to attend.
  11. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    hee hee, hubby and I have been together for 15 years and I'm also a 79er.
  12. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Hi five, aly and babypink, my hair also falling very very bad. i think i'll monitor for a few more weeks then see how. wanted to colour my hair for a few months already but put off again and again cos scared hair will drop even more. and my rebond actually need to retouch but also got to postpone.
  13. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Afternoon, all mummies, Since went back to work 2 months ago, only log in very rarely. Today finally got time to scroll thru slowly b'cos MC at home due to mastitis!!!! First time, got mastitis, previously only blocked milk ducts occasionally. My doctor gave antibiotics and say i can...
  14. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    chee kiong & belle mummy, my baby also refuse bottle. the thing is i introduce bottle 3 days after birth and have been alternating between bottles and latch on since. Then suddenly abt 3 month, she refuse bottle. sometimes only drink 30ml, and then after 4 hrs another 50ml etc...
  15. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Boon, how heavy is Felicia, she absolutely adorable.
  16. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Petrina, My girl got similar problem. Dr Gong (Gleneagles) diagnose reflux, after 2 weeks taking medicine faithfully, now better. 1 thing that i learn abt reflux is that occasionally, even though we do not see vomit merlion-style, the contents might have just reach the throat, hence she gets...
  17. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Colic info, might be useful for some MTB:
  18. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Yu Tong, I got to add method 2 is very very tiring. For my girl, she will scream for 5 to 10 mins, then stop for 5 to 10 mins, then start again. On good days, she doze off after 30 min and when transfer to yao lan, then the episode stops. On bad days, so far, record is abt 3 to 4 hrs, hence my...
  19. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    Yu Tong, My girl is also a screamer. Yesterday was a very bad night, scream from 7 pm to 11 pm, scream for 30 min then doze off for 10 to 15 min each time, then start screaming again. In the end, I had to carry her for close to 3 hrs because the moment i try to put her down, she start again...
  20. F

    (2008/03) March 2008

    jenifur, the 2nd pic is so funny!!!! how old is Josiah already?
