(2008/03) March 2008

yea man!

[email protected] btw u knw how to use picasa? if so send to me via picasa.

kais, yutong, simp, crystal, adeline
the pikkolo will be here next week. Pls make payment of $179 to my posb savings 126491018

kate, jennifur
yr item will b backordered. Pls make payment as well.
sent to ur alternative email keke. U got my payment for pikkolo recently? Let me know

From Account POSB Savings 130-54757-5
To Account POSB Savings 126-49101-8 Ling
Amount S$179.00
Transaction Reference 1753851202

Thanks for organising
abc n celest,

i can understand urs feeling cause last month i also lost mine, me even worst....lost the whole bag...my new phone N82 only use for a month....learn my lesson lio, cannot bring too many bags out....


cheers up!!!!!!! everything will be fine...u will find a better job.
Hi mommies
Im very inactive in this thread but read it faithfully. Wld like to be more active here and get to know more mommies cos im going to be a stay at home mommy for a while. Just quit my job and no new job yet but nevermind im happy spending more time with my boy! Are there any SAHM here?
Hi Mummies,
I jus back from JL. Carlson wipes selling one pack of 3 at $5.50. Buy two get one free for members. Quick go get it. Its till 15th June, tomolo, only.
for those mummies who have lost your phones:

feel so sorry for you all.. but maybe its time to get new ones! PC Show at suntec until tomorrow i think.. good buys you can get there. check it out if you have time. but dont bring baby along if can cuz i think will be crowded.. carparks mostly full so gotta be patient finding a lot.. hope u guys can buy a phone u like. =)
Sent u the pics too to ur email.

There r a few sahm now including me, clover, adelineL & jerejoy
dear mummies, ryan has been vomiting for 2wks now... how?? seen PD, gave medi. still vomit.. not immed, but after some time. today vomit through nose!

i very sad leh... see him like tat but cannot help him.
Anyone got experience of bb like choking in the middle of the nite and wake up and cough?
My son is doing that quite frequently recently. Dunno wat happen. Can be quite scary lor.
Anyone got experience of bb like choking in the middle of the nite and wake up and cough?
My son is doing that quite frequently recently. Dunno wat happen. Can be quite scary lor.
simp: ya.. worse is i can't do anything to help him. so now i latch him i very fearful tat he drink too much will vomit out.. doc say maybe is phelgm. so he wan to spit it out, milk came out as well. i really doubt so.. have to carry on observing him.

yutong: my boy also.. not in the nite though. it's throughout the day.
Thanks for smsing the lobang
u r really very nice

hb precious
mine is lesser than urs and 3 months old already
not to worry

kate, cyberbabe
haiz, bad luck..hate losing things myself..

hehe..no worries..blame it on my lousy Qmax connection at home

the number for Cheong Chong => 65323855. Just tell winnie wat u wants, she will deliver..operating after 1pm..i think sunday is closed

JiaYou !one company's loss is another company's gain

Yutong & Pet
very worrying, wat did the PD say

tat day at the gathering, i was telling the gals that i bring the Ks to this PD at SGH which i personally find very good..i like the fact that he dun prescribe medication unless it is really needed. Usually, 1 visit is enough to cure any fever, cough or flu. No follow up visit needed.

he only sees patients on Monday morning and tues afternoon in SGH..He also received the "Outstanding PD in Asia" Award b4..u can see his face here..very kindly old man
can click on the 4th link on the site
Yu Tong,
Is your baby choked on his saliva or vomit milk in the middle of the nite? That could be the reason. My #1 will choke in his sleep too cos too much saliva.
I also lose temper with #1 very often. Sometimes really feel like bang my head on the walls man... I lose temper especially when I am tired. Sometimes when #1 do "naughty" things, I will just walk away and dun see. No see, then no anger. hahaha... Then ask maid to clean up after he finished the mess.
i think sometimes baby may be teething thus produces a lot of saliva.

u may wish to go to see another PD. Try Dr terence Tan from kinderclinic at Mt A. He specialises in respiratory and he is very very popular too.
melissa, adeline,
My #1 just turned 2 last week
The so-called "terrible 2" stage. hahaha... Really gotta give in to what they want, else cry and cry... it gets worse. There are a few times when we reached home late. He's tired and dun wanna get changed. Take off his shirt, he wailed and wailed. Then settle down when we put on his dirty shirt and he slept. Then we changed for him after he's sleeping.
Agape, simp, clover, adelineL, jerejoy,
I am also SAHM. But very busy to log in here. sOmetimes do not even have time to press the switch of my laptop! Going out for gatherings is quite daunting to me too, cos I gotta lug along a toddlers and two babies and a maid. Hopefully when things get better, I will start going out for gathering
I scared later I cannot cope, all mommies faint ah...

Glad to hear from u!

Hi mummies,

Any gd pump to recommend? I hv been having engorgement on my left breast. Bb not able to clear all. Currently using the Medela Single electric pump. It's v noisy n doesn't clear my milk.... Any recommendation?
I found the neck float for swimming, got my taiwanese colleague to find.... so far according to her:
Float price: SG$17.70. (exclude shipping)
suitable for age: 0-2 yrs (1 size).
Dia: 28cm.
cols: 5 (yellow, rose, purple, green, blue)

Do u think its cheap cos I do not know how much is it selling in Singapore, I heard around SG$30... well, I guess after shipping is ard SG$25 I hope. Anyone else interested? maybe I can start a spree on this (just this forum only) then we share shipping?
My girl got similar problem. Dr Gong (Gleneagles) diagnose reflux, after 2 weeks taking medicine faithfully, now better.

1 thing that i learn abt reflux is that occasionally, even though we do not see vomit merlion-style, the contents might have just reach the throat, hence she gets choked or will cough. the contents is milk cum saliva cum stomach mucus (thick and sticky - look like phelgm)

The condition might have been the cause of her crankiness weeks earlier, really regret not bringing her to Dr Gong earlier. That time, I consult another PD in Tamp and she just tell me that regurgitation is normal and i just have to wait it out, cause me 3 weeks of sleepless nights.
this Dr Gong of Gleneagles charges u how much? I'm trying to see how much is it to bring baby to see Doc, also wana find a good PD for baby.
thanks all.. very tiring nite... he's drinking 5mins then stop for half hr then drink again.
i think might be reflux like wat Fei said. cause i also stomach no good de. maybe inherited frm me... haiz... i got horrible medical history. i hope i dun drag my boy down.

fei: ya. i think so. cause my boy cough n choke during feeds very often. almost at every feed. then he need to pause n rest awhile b4 carry on feeding. i tot it was normal. i still blame him for drinking too fast..
shit manz.. i make the world's worst mommy...
when i wash his hanky, it's slimy. i think is stomach mucous.
me n abc gt from forum bp. cheaper. the 2nd link which u posted.

btw my girl's flu n cough with lots of phelgm n mucus is bk.. so tired leh.. whole day i just take tissue or hanky to chase after themm..
pd ask me bring back cos scared bronchitis.. think i seeking 2nd opinion liao.
avent isis clears blocked ducts quite effectively. i have been using it all the time and no blocked ducts so far.

are you the one with twins? haha sorry can't remember well. it must be tough having a toddler and twins at the same time!! really hard to run after a toddler. cannot keep them out of sight else they will be up to something mischief!

My #1 used to be under Dr Gong. He's very good, very relaxed and assuring but his rate is very expensive ($80 per consultation) so we stopped seeing him and settled for a neighbourhood PD instead. Nevertheless, when my bb is in need of some serious help, I will still go to Dr Gong.

now my bb has flu and has been choking at every milk feed since she can't breathe well. i've been giving her nasal decogestant but she has been cutting her feeding time short so i break up her latching sessions into two parts. after burping her, i will latch her again at the same breast so that she can get the hind milk effectively. sometimes she will vomit and there'll be plenty of mucous too. not sure if that's reflux. she has been tbf all along. also, elevate his sleeping position, don't let him lie flat except during diaper change.
baby doc:
I will keep Dr Gong on mind for err.. more serious ones... Else will be very siong on pocket!

yesh.... kekeke, I just place my order cos quite keen to take Isaac to learn swimming. Holding him in the water doesnt give me chance to make him kick his legs etc.

anyone facing same as me? so far I only saw cyberbabe's gal very "sticky" to her, these days I realise Isaac getting alittle sticky as well. Can even give my mum the "I win...mummy carry" look after he kick up a fuss and end up being handed to me. *I sense trouble!*
melissa: my PD lagi exp... i only went to him twice since Ryan's birth.. I go neighbourhood PD also.. Ryan's birth PD cost $120 per consult.. *faint*
I also break his milk to 2 parts lor. feed, burp, feed. bo bian. very heartpain to hear him cough so loud, juz to clear this throat...
ok you win lol. 120 bucks per consultation is super expensive! but my nurse told me this before - for small cases like flu or fever, one can just visit an experienced GP. but for babies who's under 3 months, better go to PD. initial cost expensive nevermind, as long as baby is in the best of hands.
think u seek second opinion better

For bb hving reflux problem and ecezma
pls start probiotics for bb. My pd told me probiotics help to balance the flora in body and hence helps in ecezma. Thus am currently taking probiotics for him as well as for myself. My gal oso been taking probiotics and is much better nw. For reflux problem, sometimes could be due to indigestion. U can try takign some probiotics too. My pd prescribe probiotics for my boy, giving him 5 drops everyday... $35 a bottle though.. For my gal i am giving her another kidn of probiotics... FYI there is no such thing as overdose of probiotics and human of all ages can take probiotics... So.. no harm taking right? Anyway probiotics is to introduce good bacteria n build up immunity too...

Oh i think Yutong has some offer on probiotics too. Is tat right?
<font size="+2">Petrina

Had sms u a few times regarding your ftg which is still at bbpink home.

I have manage to get a buyer for u at $35 which u had msn me and say Ok. However i had sms u a few times regarding your account number. Pls sms me your account number so tat i can tell the person so that she can collect from bbpink asap.

Babypink,sorry to trouble you on the FTG. Paiseh abt putting it over ye place for so long. </font>
Yup abc,
you are rite. There is no such thing as overdose of probiotics.

In the early 20th century, physiologists believes that lactic acid bacteria is the reason for longevity for Bulgarian residents. Now, lactic acid bacteria has became synonymous with pro-biotics. Besides aiding in intestinal digestion and bringing about a health environment in the intestines, it can also curb the activities of harmful bacteria, reduce the production of toxic substances and aid in the synthesis and absorption of vitamin B.

Studies have shown that for lactating mothers who consume lactic acid bacteria regularly, an increase in NK cellls and T&amp;B cels in their blood and reduction of TNF-alpha in the breast milk results. Their babies are also found to have less stomach problems.

I have been giving my boy probiotics everyday as well. Unlike many Probiotics, tis one I take is not too sweet and is in powder form which needs no refrigeration up to 50degree celcius. Hence, its convenient to carry wherever you are. Its double layer coated which means that the good bacteria is able to withstand the gastric acid along the passage way to your stomach and only release it when it reaches the intestine and stomach.

There is some special promotion on now till 18th Jun. If anyone keen sms or pm me. 9746 1185
hihi... abc/cyberbabe, i lost my O2 atom also; slipped out of my pocket!! its the white one... same color as you cyberbabe. this is a jinx phone so many pple losing it.. heheh.. erm i lost my 1 and a half yr ago. lost loads of cute photos of ruth.

i face that problem of too many bags too. now i m trying out carrying a waist pouch instead of having another bag or putting it in the pocket. so far very convenient.. at least dont have to dig the diaper bag for the phone or wallet.

ideas to be efficient

If you ask me about pump, I will recommend PIS advance
I am using one now. Last time, I used Medela mini electric, which can get quite painful and super noisy. If you wanna clear your milk with mini electric, gotta keep massage when pumping.

Yes, I have twins gals
My toddler is a boy... Super duper active boy... Sometimes very tiring...

"Stickiness" is a stage
It will come and go as they grow which I experienced with my #1. To comfort myself, I better enjoy the "stickiness" now cos it's only for a few years.

I read from baby's swimming book that at this stage, kicking and paddling in water is a natural reflex. I experienced that with #1 too
Babies have natural floating and balancing abilities. If we use float, this natural instinct will be lost. I do not use float for #1. I have got the neck float which he hated. I dun really like the neck float too. It's not comfortable to him. For me, I also dun like to be supported at the neck floating in the water while my whole body is down below the water. Imagine you pull the float. It's like being pulled at the neck to swim... Up to you to decide, ya?
