(2008/03) March 2008

isabella, kekeke.. i tried to hide but he walk too fast liao. Always never wait for me. Any one's husband the same? Always walk in front of u.. I envy those couple who walk together, holding hands.. so sweet hor

the problem is sometimes can, sometimes cannot. my MIL feed can, we feed, he struggle and wail. as he's only reaching 4 mths, so still cannot intro other food. most of the time we force and force, but dun want means dun want. then the milk is wasted. if only we can just pour down his throat sometimes..
Hi Isabella

Are you going for the Aug gathering @ Shirley's place?

Sure, we can meetup at the Kopitiam which is just next to the Bungkok MRT station.

Is BTO that you applied Compassvale Pearl?

like 2 join in. my gal, Felicia is now 4mths+ too.

photos to share



Not compassvale pearl.. It's the one opp of rivervale plaza, next to the petrol station.
As for the gathering, actually I'm not sure what's about.. Can u brief me??

My hubby also. Den whenever i ask him why walk so fast, he'll say nt that he's fast, it's just that he have longer legs.. (Implying that my legs are short!!!!)
chee kiong & belle mummy,
my baby also refuse bottle. the thing is i introduce bottle 3 days after birth and have been alternating between bottles and latch on since. Then suddenly abt 3 month, she refuse bottle. sometimes only drink 30ml, and then after 4 hrs another 50ml etc..... recently, mil start to bring her out in the evening and she willing to take abit more after such trips.
nice to see u here!

Chee kiong
i hv introduce ALL brand of milk bottle to my son ranging from pigeon, avent, nuk latex, nuk silicon, tollyjoy, dr brown and even the latest adifri nurser which said most babies like. However my boy is a SUPER FANS for NUK! He only like nuk brand and ONLY wide neck bottle. Cannot even take the standard bottle ones and the teats must be LATEX. He reject silicon. I am a FTWM so must make sure he drink the bottle he likes.

Yasmine/belle mommy
wan yr baby can slp so easily. Good ley. Mine is same as belle_mommy. Mine will latch n cry at the same time to slp. His slping time is 9.30pm to 10pm depending on his evening powernap time. But when he is slpy and super tired he is EXTREMELY cranky.. gv breast soemtimes he wan sometimes he dun wan. Gv him pacififer i hv to hold it cos he refuses to suck in his mouth. Put him on bed he wiggle like a worm n flip. Throughout this "wartime" he would cry n cry for at least 30min with TEARS! I need to wake up at 5.30am every morning n he still wake up for feed at night! Same thing my #1 is easy to take care but #2 is ToUGH! Help.. tell me how i can make him to slp without wartime with him EVERY NIGHT!

i refuse to let him slp in yaolan a night. But during wartime even if i put him in yao lan he will struggle in it!

the slp positioner is useless. The best is still maternal instinct and regular checking on him.

Chee Kiong
Both my boy and Kate's boy can only be fed by our maid. So it is normal.

hope alex get well soon.

clover is right. I oso stay with in laws but i do not wan my child to follow me when i am unhappy with in law. I do not wan to set example to my children and wan them to learn how to respect the elderly. Thus in order to do tat i hv to guai guai respect her. I do not n never quarrel with hb in front of children. Also kids learn very fast from adults. If u do not wish yr son o follow u to dislike yr mil then i suggest u prob have to change the way how u get along with yr mil bah. :)
isabella, same here. My husband says he is not walking fast and he outright says I am short!

Adeline, you walk so fast ah. Good hor, let your husband "zhui" you. I only walk in front of my husband when we quarel

Boon, your felicia is soooo cute and chubby. How heavy is she now?

abcmummy, it is also difficult to make my girl sleep. I am now trying a new trick which works for me. I will lie down with her, side by side and cuddle her, holding her arms down so that she can't move and shove in a pacifier using my arms to keep it there. So far it works, took me 1/2 hour to make her sleep.
tried. i use my legs to stop him fr moving while latching him to slp. FAILED. will only manage only when he super tired. tat is when he cry until he's tired
Your gal so cute!

no prob wif walking wif hubby. if i lag behind he actually wait for me cos he prefers us walking together

I used to fight with zayed b4. every night also struggle.then i held on the pacifier for him and did what chewwy did. took a few days for him to get used to it. we make sure he gets tired also. so we play with him and give him tummy time, mobile, etc. before bed. then he tak boleh tahan, we give him pacifier, tuck him in cot and he knocks off!
she is now 8.31kg

abc:thanks for inviting me to join u gals.

actually last time b4 having bb, i also dun really noe how 2 communicate with my in-laws. mil veri quiet.. they onli on-off stay with us then. but after bb born out, really appreciate their help. fil looks after bb (day time)& really dotes her. mil helps me cook & take care of housework so hubby n i can work without much worries.. weekend is their rest days. they sometimes do have different opinions in how we handle bb (gen gap) but if tok to them nicely on our opinions most of times, things can still work out wan..

bb always wanna sleep at 7plus then wake up at aro 11-12pm 2 feed then 3-4am again..then aro 5am wakes up refuses to sleep anymore liaoz..
wanna adjust her sleeping hrs to start at 10pm but so far no luck
so everytime go to ofc like zombie..btw she gets veri cranky when she's tired. scream veri loud n most of the time demands her pacifier. anyone got gd advice how 2 adjust bb sleeping patterns?? fil says he already tries 2 limit her day sleep liao but she is "unstoppable" if she insists on sleeping..

my bb feeding veri wierd.. everytime my fil feeds her she can finish aro 5oz every 3hrs then me & hubby feed she either drink aro 3oz/3hrs or 5oz/5-6hrs.. not sure wat's wrong
but hubby say she too fat liao.. dun drink nevermind can diet.. at nite latch on drink a bit then dun wan liao..

re:paw Walk
we r also going for the walk! hope can c u gals there!!
heehee. thanks.

she is 8.31kg during last checkup.. 90percentile.. tone down alittle though. previously 97percentile..n we r so worry she will grow up obese..

btw u can go to this website if u wanna make the fake mag cover: www.magmypic.com
boon u goign Paw walk? go together if u dun drive? hahaha...

i let him play until tired too but then if he tired he get super cranky. Tat when the "war" begins.

Cutting bb slp
tat dun work for me. He gets even more cranky!
Hi isabella

hmmm ... i thinks the slimming pills is 'dan bai shou shen su' consists of 30 tablets for one mth supply cost 60 bucks...

boon : aiyo yr girl so cute ... how i wish my girl like yr unfortunately she is the lightest baby in this forum...

paw walk : i going too..... by the way who confirm going ? guess yutong is ONz rite ?

Metro sale : nothing much there at paragon ... just only get some cosmetics stuff.. hee hee
have a nice weekend
Hi Isabella

Actually, the Aug gathering is the first time that I'm joining in.

The mummies here will organise gathering regularly and usually they will have potluck. So next month Shirley will open up her house and host the gathering. Shirley stays in Sengkang.

Hi Boon

Felicia is so cute. My bb boy is 16weeks old and he is 8kg.
thanks for the advice for the sleep positioning cushion. So at least I know i dun haf to waste money on it.

my boy rejects yaolan. He prefers to sleep in his rocker chair than anything else. But he soon going to outgrow his rocker chair.

your bb sooooo cute! Feel like pinching her cheeks leh!! I will look out for you n your bb when there at the walk.

Isebella/Alethea, yup! I m going to the walk. Redtea is also going rite?
Since so many of us are going, m thinking we shall have a gathering or picnic there? Hmmm... maybe we can all wear white top n khahis color bottom. Any violent objections? Those who are ok with the idea can juz wear the color combi on that day. I think its nice when we all sit together at the park.

Sooooooooo cute!!!!! i want to hug her...kekekeke


Yest nite my bb wake up at 4.30 and refuse to sleep lor cause i let him sleep early as i went to j8 gathering, so when i reach home he alredy tired and sleep around 8pm and today same, i went metro sale with him. tomorrow i will panda eyes lio..
Felicia reminds me of the marshmallow man in ghost buster (v old movie).. hehee.. CUTE! What was her birth weight?

Not drinking much
My babe is quite tiny, she has been drinking 90ml in 3 hr intervals lately due to being ill. Not sure if that's anything to worry about.. Sometimes I will just patiently feed her until she finishes the entire bottle of milk (only 90ml), by burping her, then feed, burping her than feed.

Bedtime trouble:
My babe will also get alittle cranky when she wants to sleep. She noticeably tired with eyes that could hardly open, then she would start to rub her eyes, or pull abit of her hair.... really noticeably frustrated (maybe she doesn't want to end her happy fun day yet). We give her a nappy cloth to hold so as to distract her from rubbing her eyes, that way she doesn't scratch herself while rubbing eyes.

PAW Walk
Like to join, but abit worried if there are mosquitoes??? Is there insect repellent for babies?
My gal sleeps at about 9+ sometimes 10+ and sleeps throughout the night till 5+6am then wake up for milk.recently she slept at the same time but wake up 7-8am for milk..i think my bb is the only abnormal one here..
zen, u r very lucky. my DS woke up for 3times last night coz he's not feeling well. usually once or twice... i cant wait till the day he can sleep thru the night!
i was doing research on repellent - find it unsafe for babies, esp if they accidentally touch it, and then put their hands into their mouths, u know how much attracted are their mouths to their hands!!

aly, thanks. good idea!
your bb 90 percentile?my bb 8.23kg only 75 percentile leh..prob my gal is taller..she everything from height to weight to head circumference all 75 percentile.PD say is normal cos all 75 percentile..how tall is your gal?
hi lefthander :

welcome !

wow u got triplets ? they are so cute with big eyes. but isnt that very tiring to handle 3 baby ?

i have got the dvd happiest baby on the block... and i find it very useful and i have tried on the tips '5S' ..and it worked for my both girl.
yup, watsons sells.

Buying Bumbo Seat from Kidsloft:
1) Simp
2) Happygal
3) YT
4) Tsukushi
5) Jasmine
6) mummyboy
7) aly (only buy if cheaper than $59)

Interested to go kidzloft:
1) simp
2) kate
3) abc
re bumbo seat
confirmed with kidzloft that this is not eligible for the 50% discount. maybe we tabulate the number of interested mummies then try to get discount from baby hypermart?
hi vonn, thanks for the pix
your baby so cute.

re: dumbo seat will confirm after trying my son on it coz he is actually a big sized baby.
baby hyperstore seems to have it cheaper coz i called kidzloft yesterday afternoon and the ones at 49.90 only got 7 left. the tray confirmed the price is 15 the rest of the dumbo seat is at 59.90 but seems that got special if we are from nursery. the lady asked me on the phone and said that if tied to nursery then got special discount.

but i will still go to check the items out. by the way when is the date fixed for going?
all the BBs r all so cute!! =D

abc:hb driving. how u plan 2 go there? we all can arrange & go together?

re:bb weight
last vacin nurse say she's 90percentile.. so i tot she overweight.

went to polyclinic coz cheaper :p ht previously only 50percentile. polyclinic only measures on alt visits.. felicia's birth wt only 3.1kg then 4.86kg,7.5kg now 8.31kg.
every night i oso have to wrestle war with my bb.. She too used to sleep in yaolan. After 1hours, i give up.. put her in her yaolan and transfer her to bed later.

Hi lefthander,
wow u got a triplet? veri cute.. must be super busy looking after 3. Looking after 1 already exhausted all my energy....salute to u...
<font color="ff0000">Hi mummies, wow.... everyone is soooo active on Sat?! Didnt go out ar? Keekee... FInally hubby bring Isaac &amp; myself to orchard for some walk walk...

kidzloft: please sms me when to go can? I dont get to check forum so offen these days already.... abit slow lately. Tomorrow,Monday, I will get the photocopy Birthcert already</font>
my baby's bday also the same! 14th March! =)
Here's her photo... Long time since i last posted... Here's her latest picture. Does anyone knows of any baby contest recently? Haha... I've been looking ard but can't seem to find any!
sorry. just want to flood a little more of her pictures here! =p she's such an angel and i'm so blessed!

Sorry for taking up those space. just wan to share her pictures very very much! =)

It's so hard to go on diet.No motivation... I'm also 1.5m too. =)


My boy also dun like to sleep. He can sleep as little as 1.5 hrs in the daytime Wake up at 8am plus and can stay awake till 1-3pm.. He's too used to being nursed to sleep. I'm trying to train him to sleep in his own playpen in the daytime and he can sleep the most 30 mins each time.

As for the night time, I drag his bath time to abt 9.15pm. Start my singing session at 9.30pm while carrying him. He will fall asleep normally by 10pm. Put him down to our bed (he co sleeps with us), he will wake up half an hr to one hr later for milk. Give him ebm (4 oz) then hv to latch him so that he will fall asleep. Will normally wake up 5-6hrs later for milk. Then he will keep waking up every 1-2 hrs after than.. Dun know why... This is the best plan for me at the moment. Still trying to trial and error for better sleeping method.


Yr daughter is v pretty.
Dear mummies, I hv some qns regarding abt ebm,

1. Do u keep in the fridge or freezer?

2. How many days can I keep my ebm in the fridge before transfering them to the freezer?

3. How long can I keep in the fridge? I saw some websites saying 8 days.
u're very blessed that she's an angel and hope u are taking good care of her as well =)

Welcome mommies!!

I haven been posting kath's photo for a while hehee.. wanna post some!! bt office pc cant post or upload any photos lor.. so sianz..

wow another triplets!! hehee.. they are identical one right? kekeke..
1) I keep it in the fridge

2) Its best to put in freezer right away for "freshness". Lazy mummy like me used to put them in the fridge for a day before I transfer into Freezer, had stop freezing any as Baby now rejects FBM.

3) I've not seen 8 days before, the most I had seen was 3 days. For myself I only kept the most 2.5 days. Usually I will use it within 2 days.

wow... U can shake hands with kais already... just 2 of u to meet at gathering we'll have extra 4 babies!!! They've got huge eyes~~

Ur gal's very sweet &amp; pretty~~

Hi Adeline:
Long time no see ar!!!!
