(2008/03) March 2008

Dear 1st time mummies,

so sad when i read this n imgaine myself in it. this was written by a mummy....fight for it plzzzzz, we need more to signatures...just remind urself our bb will be going to school and doing National Service same yrs as those august o8 mummies, why they can't treast our babies fairly?

Boy: Mummy, can I join the drama class that Ian is taking? I would love to attend it.
Mum: Boy, sorry, we dun have extra $ for you to take such classes
Boy: Why not??? Ian can go and he said he doesn't have to pay a single cent.
Mum: Oh...it's because he has a CDA account which you dun have

I shudder at the repercussions when Ah Boy found out why he doesn't have that account. Just because he was a couple of months earlier? Would that cause wrong sentiments to echo and undesirable personality traits to be developed? It is the society that maketh a person but we also forget to remember that it is PEOPLE who will maketh a society?

Here we are doing our parental duties in serving and wanting to desire the best for our kids...metaphorically, isn't our government our parent in this analogy? Shouldn't they try to serve and want the best for us? The only setback is a lesser budget surplus? Well, we can always live a 'life of simplicity'... After all the bulls that we have been experiencing all these years, the bear is awaiting its emergence

Enough of the petition thing. If u feel that u r doing the right thing, go ahead.. if u think it's pointless and waste of time, just let them be..

Everyone of us have our own view and opinions.

I want to let my child have good life of cause thats why i am working hard. even if govt does not give CDA for 1st kid, i will still provide my kids with good life that doesnt mean my kid will suffer and be different from other kids.
I give birth to them to enjoy motherhood and groom them. Not to get money from govt.
Mummies, good morning!!!
Some photos on baby Rhys to share


<font color="aa00aa">Baby Rhys sitting by himself...</font>


<font color="aa00aa">Where is he looking at???</font>
If say tat each of us have our own opinion then jus keep it tat way and if u wan to sign up for petition then go ahead. this thread is not for the so-called petition.

Btw jus let me pre-warn and after asking my gf who is a lawyer pls do not gv yr IC or bb BC number unneccesarily. It may cause u more trouble than u ever know. What's more u r doign something AGAINST the gov. well for one time ppl allow the use of Hong Lim park to voice their voices. What happen to it now? I dun nd to say u all oso know. :)

I am stating this for your good will. If u do not listen that it is fine for me as well. But IC/BC number are suppose to be confident and offical jus like yr hp number.
On something light... mothers who are SAHM/teachers/not working on 1 sep, mark down yr caleneder for a sentosa gathering on tat day. Details will be up shortly.
for the 1st time mummies of this thread

pls do not worry, if get into trouble of signing the petition, u r not alone, we 177 mummies r with u. pls ignore those discourage words. keep asking ur friends to sign it, we need 300 at least. we r fighting the fairness to be given to our bbs more than the money now....
Hi alethea&amp;belle ,

Glad to hear from you! My boy still the same. Will wake up every hourly after his 1st 2-3 hours of sleep. Tried all ways and means but doesn't help. Sort of numb to it. Hope he will pass this stage eventually. Hanging on there.

Tot of starting him cereals. But he's only 5 months old. Still thinking if I shld give him or not.


Yr boy is awesome! Good job to mummy and Rhys. I'm still waiting for my boy to sit on his own unassisted.
re: getting into trouble or going against govt if u sign the petition

signing the petition means u r stating a request for the govt to review n for its decision, why would you get into trouble for it? u will get into trouble only if u go against the LAW.
Stop this arguement pls.

ppl have their own decision to support or not.
Stop asking ppl to petition together. Those that know bout the petition would have already done so.

i agree with clover. dun think will get into trouble. just ignore and let them be.

Rhys can sit alone liao.. well done..

Pls stop this thing in the thread if not eventually everyone will start arguing lor..
Stop posting abt the petition pls. Those who would want to support would have already done so without consistent reminder.
Jerejoy -
yah...can try some rice cereal....i have given tristan that for 1 week already (once a day in the morning before his 9am feed). what i was advised is, if bb has good head control, has lost tongue-thrust reflex, they should be ready.

i tried last week just for fun...and bb seemed to be ok with 1/2- 1 teaspoon (starting will be pretty messy of course haha!)....slowly increased amount throughout the week then now he will open mouth big big ask to be fed! he's eating about 3-4 teaspoonsful at the moment.

i'm giving my bb the heinz bb rice cereal but others have encouraged fresh food like veg/fruit puree too.

i think can just try a bit for your boy....no harm! if he accepts and likes it, then great! if not, try again another time! and remember to take pictures/video of his first gastronomical experience hehe!!
any mummies with experience in mastities and breast abscess, how do i distinguish between the two conditions?

went to visit a nearby gynae yesterday cos my usual gynae is not available, he say mastities and i can continue to breastfeed. but somehow, even after taking antibotics, express, latch on, massage, hot shower etc etc, still have a 20cent size hard and painful lump at 12 o'clock position. painful to the touch but cross finger, my high fever subsided already. cos if it's abscess instead, then i should not breastfeed.
hey jerejoy -
not "advice" la...dun say that, so pai seh!
just sharing my experience so others can benefit!

currently i'm feeding him once a day in the morning only...i think can slowly increase to twice a day maybe 9am and 4-5pm later on. i'm thinking of doing twice a day feeding when he turns 6 mths? then slowly play by ear and see when to decrease milk intake as he takes more and more semi-solid food.

right now, the amount he takes is almost negligible...i think it's more a "trying" experience for the babies at this stage so i'm not cutting down on his milk intake yet and he happily takes the same amount of milk he previously takes too.
All mummies~
Thanks for being happy tgt with me... I'm so excited when I saw baby Rhys sitting by himself... It's another big milestone...
If breast abscess then it's very painful, super hard and when u squeeze, pus oomes out. It will continue to be painful until u drain all the pus out. U can go see your gynae for a better diagnosis. Are you under Dr Brenda Low? She treated my breast abscess last time. I had to pump and throw though b'cos the antibiotics given is not BF-friendly. Don't wait just go.

wah so envious that baby Rhys can sit oredi! Tricia is turning 6 months in a few days, she can't sit yet.

i started Tricia on rice cereal just now! she didn't seem keen but before i knew it, she finished two tablespoon of rice haha. then i gave her a bit of cooled boiled water and then latch. now my breasts engorged i better go pump. By the way, i'm giving Tricia one feed of rice cereal everyday at lunch time for a week. If she likes it, will increase to two feeds a day. Then will introduce fruit like banana and sweet potato.
Dunno y my bb hafg fever. Wonder if its due to nvr poo for 3 days. No other symptoms. Hope he wil b alright. Cant bring him for his jabs today. Sigh...
congrats that your son is able to sit unassisted liao. My hubby told me that my boy can do it also so I tried it two days ago Aiyo, he dun seems to be able to do it and I caused my boy to knock onto the railings of his baby cot. Lucky has got bumper cot on it n he is not crying at all. Phew... :p Guess I haf to be a bit more patient with that.
Thanks, melissa, for the info,
Ya, Brenda's my gynae, unfortunately, she's not available yesterday and I didn't want to wait for another day. Actually after taking the antibotics, it's slightly less painful but still hard hard. will visit brenda on monday morning for another opinion. i guess if no abnormal discharge, i can still bf right? cos antibotics given is bf friendly.
Andrae is able to sit but guess not really steady kind.

Rice cereal
i guess it is prob a mistake to intro other food too early. i gv him rice cereal then after tat potato puree. now go back rice cereal he seems like nt interested. Duno is it cos he is tired thus cranky or he really dun like. sigh..
if i make my babe to sit, she will v quickly be doing'sit n reach'... her hands will stretch to reach out far, and her face near the floor. hahaha

usually when our babies start teething huh?

today at philips carnival toooo late, avent products selling cheap. even ISIS breastpump WERE available! SOLD OUT!
just uploaded kenny rogers gatherin pics n breastfeeding gatherin pics in my multiply

btw, there is a mummy breastfeeding her 6 years old boy..omg
bz wif work and babe.... hey, nowadays she refused to sit with me in front of my laptop leh. in the past (as if long time ago, i mean a mth back or so), i can still sit her on my lap while i type away.. now, i have to carry her ard the house to keep her happy. *headache*
bbpink/pet, aft both of u left, we stayed n chat long with sister kang (LC from mt A) n she took a lot pic of us. haha~

then wong bb (LC from tmc) invited kate n I to a baby yoga event next sat at mandarin hotel.
kate n I are going. anybody else wanna join us??
babypink, oh i see it's the bf event!

clover, baby yoga???? got prerequisite that mommy has to BF or not?? hahaha.. sounds interesting.
Re:hitting bb milestones

so happy Felicia reach 2 of her bb milestones! Now she can roll over n sit unassisted

also found that recently she seems more observent of us n her milk bottle. She will track whoever is warming her milk n stop her screaming once she noted that we have started preparing her milk. she's also veri kpo when she finds us chatting among ourselves

Re:reading to bb
i bought a few books for Felicia. Usually she try to turn the pages herself when i haven even finish reading to her..she's more interested in turning pages n "eating" her books... i think she lacks patience.. so still trying to cultivate "patience" in her..
How was the breastfeeding talk? Beneficial?

I met this mother when I went to fetch dd1 from school some time back. Her gal in K1 and she's still breastfeeding her! I'm envious!
Baby Rhys is 5 mths and 11 days old.. Actually he's still not very steady yet.. Will fall back after ard 5 minutes of sitting unassisted..

Baby Rhys seem to have a tooth popping out at the side.. but after my mil check, she said that it was not.. Make me excited for nothing.. But I think maybe soon.. Cos he kept on biting at the side where i tot the tooth will be popping out...
clover: gg! i love bb yoga... i trying it at home. i only copy magazine pattern lah.. so fun to do yoga wif our darlings..
keep us noted on timing bah..

sheryl: haha. no lah.. where got terms n conditions...

my ryan also like felicia... prefer to eat n flip books when i try to sit behind him to read to him..

can sit. but hold his ankle for support.. super unsteady lah. anytime can topple type. anyways he prefer to suck/lick the flr if he can. so i dun think he's too keen to sit juz yet.
My friend is working in dumex. She signed me up for the event. I could forward to u girls if need.
My ex col so i will be attending.
If anyone wanna sign up, can let me know.
btw.. the baby yoga is demonstration and a talk.
If anyone interested i can forward u the email.
will have to pay and sign up.

$100 worth of goodie bag btw..

wah, so many posts after i make Kyzac fall asleep

yupz, we makan b4 going there..

congrats !
felicia is a fast one..sit unassisted is amazing

celia is rite
the boy is big..hehe, in fact, u can see him behind the row of us

hmmm..dun noe anything abt the talk cos talk started at 230pm, but we ended up talking among ourselves instead of attending the talk :p just join in bf at 4 plus pm

make a quick exit cos kyzac keeps wailing

oh dear..did u say i miss out a lot of pics ..*heartache* =p

PS: kenny rogers as yummy as ever, portion same, but is there a price rise ..seem to cost more than b4
