(2008/03) March 2008

Babypink, These stories r entertaining, interestg & good for ending our day. So tired & sian of work...
For me,
Pathor 7yrs 7mths
married 8yrs 1mths

Actually hor, maybe i paraniod but if possible, i rather not let me girl know abt my love maraton with hubby, wait she thought all r/ships fairytale-like, I'll be one worried mum. Any of you think that far???? haha.
oh my, 3 months! tat is the fastest

haha..it is good to marry early

hehe, if i m the one who proposed, i will get married earlier..too bad i dun have the guts to propose


hehe, u think far indeed

but i think every mummy will worry the kids' relationship, children meeting the wrong gal or guy is every mummy's nitemare
even as an older sibling, i m so worried tat my sister cannot get married..she is adeline's age and no bf in sight..
it will be so sad NOT to have a family of one's own

PS: now i am feeling really giddy after having the 2nd helping of the tart..i guess is too much of dessert
i wish i could marry earlier. i think married life is the best. never felt more secure and happier than before. but things happen for a reason lor. i took my time to pick the best guy b'cos i kiasu i think only good guys deserve me! haha. am i being a narcissist? i think some girls will agree with me. i put in effort to be nice so i deserve a nice reward rite? kekekee.

3 months of pak tor he popped the question on the phone. i laughed liao lor and made him paisey. hahaa..
aiyo, melissa, your hubby master all his courage to pop the qn, then u laugh??? He must be damned worried for a moment before u say yes!!!! so bad of u "tsk tsk" =P
babypink, such dilemma hor, when they are young, worried that they get into r/ship too early and don't know how to tell good vs bad boys. Then as they get older and no BF, worried that they too fussy and end up late marriage which means late pregnancy etc. Remind of the rally abt older woman unable to find mates because guys that age want younger woman, so sad.
Hallo I'm from April 08 thread but can't resist talking about love stuff hahahaha


you should let your girl know abt mom&dad. this is to let her know that it is possible to invest time and faith in a good person and have good results from it :D the impt thing is that she chooses the right guy!
Joelle, true but a good guy is not easy to come by. And I started dating my hubby at 14 yrs old (hubby 17 lah), odds that it will not last is so much higher cos guys (and gals also lah) that age are mostly not mature enuff yet to work at making r/ships work. I think I would prefer her to start dating at 18 or 20 years old... haha.... as if can have control over things like that!!!!
I thk as a parent we teach them all the necessary. The rest is up to them. Their life & fate. Many times we cant control all these. Worry aso no use.

Agreed. Fei, its nice to share w her ur r/s. She can learn from u. Good communicatns w children must start from young. Teach them wats rite & wrong when younger. Then treat them like frens when older.
pak tor 8 years 2 month
married 3 years 2 month

althou been together for so many years but always arguing... haha..
Wa u sound like my mum. I had my 1st bf at 19 when I was in jc. Kana lectured. Aft 6mths, break off.

Aft tt, nvr start any r/s until I was 24. During the 20s periods, she keeps nagging at me. Wahahaha ;p
me.. pak tor: 9yrs

fei..i agree... i personally feel that it is better to date older guys..coz we women mature faster... :p

jeangal...absolutely.. cannot control one lah.. i mean i myself cannot be controlled by my parents.. how can i expect to control my princess! hahahah ...
wah dreamlife..so on ah..yoga.. i still have my hot yoga package yet to use it manzz... eversince hurt my foot, never go for gym liao.. hahaha... giving myself plenty reasons not to put on my runners.. wahahhaha ...
---commercial time ---------------
Harlow mummies

I hate to announce this. The shipping for the clothes and the other items has increase significantly because there is a change in the BDL shipping calculation. **thanks to a mummies in smh to go and "bao toh" to bdl abt wrong GST formula and also increasing USD exchange rate.
details, please check
bao toh

For the clothes, shipping charges will be adjusted as such.
1. romper/ bodysuit will adjust to $1.20 each pcs
2. 2-pcs suit will be adjust to $1.80 each set
3. 3-pcs suit will be adjust to $2 each set
4. 5 pcs rompers will be adjusted to $4 each set

Each Mozart Cube is SGD$39.30 (fixed)
Each Evenflo Triple fun is $300(fixed) (shipping reach singapore in <10 days)
Discovery ball will be at SGD$35.07 (USD11.99 + 12.2) for all new orders
Exploration stations will be at SGD$76.70 (USD22.49 + 30.4) for all new orders.
yah all laidat la when 20something, parents so kancehong why no bf etcetc

just to share, I:
pattor 12 yr
married 2 yr

enjoyed our before-child married life immensely

haha me also marathon relationship one :D
not necessary lah.. my HB 1 yr younger than me... a good excuse to tell him that must spent some money to keep myself look younger than him.. haha...
hi dreamlife, where did u go for ur yoga class?
interested also leh...

for me,
par tok abt 3yrs
married 1 yr 2 mths... baby coming to 6mths old... got pregnant after wedding, guess during my honeymoon... ha ha
leehong... u lucky girl lah.. of coz there are always exceptions mah..

dreamlife.. where u go for yoga??i have to finish off my current one first leh. sianzz.. hurt for ard 1wk + liao.. hee hee
hair dropping,
i went to rebond and dye my hair in mid June. haiz... din know the hair will drop so much. that time after rebond din drop that horribly. it started to drop drastically after the 5th mth
par tok - 8yrs 5mths
cobabit - abt 2yrs
married - 11mths

hair dropping, after massive hair loss, i went to cut my hair n changed my haircare products..
stopped liao. keke
me also tot of going for yoga...

No time to go..

Anyone like swimming?? Swimming i very onz wan~

Anyone know where can i get those manicure/pedicure products?? Those that they use in the saloon.. Thought of buying one set for my own use~
isabella: i love swimming.. or shld i saw, play water. keke

i get my nailcare set frm my nail salon.. juz buy frm them. if u r talking abt tools, any nail shop sells...
Lee hong how old r u? My hb same yr as me but younger a few mths.
So I aso ned to maintain. Must quickly shed off the stubborn fats.

Wonder aft how long difficult to shed liao. 6mths or 12mths?
me pak thor - 2.5yrs
married - 2.9yrs

You like swimming? I'm learning swimming now
We can go swimming together. I stay in compass height v near yr plc
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">hi mothers of 1st child < 1 yr,

I think we shld fight for the addition
Children Development Co-Savings (Baby Bonus) Scheme to be given to us. As we too, have small child to look after and requires childcare education subsidy.

Please let me know if you are keen to petition on this matter. [email protected]
ivy (shalom)
Lolx~ Den next time can organize a gathering to swim at the swimming pool at ur place..

That's v far away.... But we'll hv chance to meet..

Next time we can meet out for swimming session tgt.. I;m going to the swimming complex at SK tml evening after work with my bro... Went this monday, but too bad, the pools are closed for maintenance.. So sad..
Pat Tor - 3 yrs
Married - 3yrs &amp; 7mths exactly
Know each other on plane when I was 29. Actually wanna married early too but wat to do... kenna dumped at age of 27. Tat boyfriend dun wanna marry me...

Shy to say, my hubby is my 8th boyfriend. heeee.....
Pat tor - 2 yrs
married - 2 yrs plus

i knew my hb when i was 31 ..very old liao so no time to waste and we got married and made babies..who knows i am so lucky... hee hee

no time to have 'er ren shi jie'
sorry to comment abt this but personally i think it is STUPID to go for petition on this kind of thing.

Firstly u make babies or wan to hv babies is not becos of $.

having work in civil service the gov would hv consider many factors before they make this decision.

i only hv $3k and i survived. Our parents doesnt even hv any bb bonus.

Gov aim is to ask u to hv more bb and not to stop at 1. If wan more $, hv more bb then. Y petition. I can be sure they willt ell u the same thing.

So lastly, dun go thro all these trouble and also u may even be sued if actions gone all wrong.

Sorry for talkign abt all these in the morning . prob cos of not enuff slp syndrome!
In any case ppl wan to argue and say dec mum petition abt the Ml and they got it. I find tat is still ok cos it is unfair to them as wat if some ppl born on 30 dec or even 31 dec. But abtt he $1k increase seriously i think is STUPID and FOOLISH!
Good morning mummies!!!

I think for the baby bonus thing.. It's best not to act too rashly.. Think over first before you do anything..
me 30 loh, born in 78... but, never tot i am alr 30 haha... always behaving so san ba...

ppl ard me told me we have 6 mth time to shred the excess kilos on our body, is it true? what if i failed to do in within this time frame. will i be forever *haunted* by this extra kilos?

me staying at clementi. any mummies wanna have group exercise near clementi *jio* me ya. have been *telling* myself to go exercise to shred fats but no action yet.. >0<

btw, the rally talk dun excited me in any way. I DUN GET THE BENEFIT AT ALL.... me a PR dun get to enjoy anything man.. as in now, not even 3rd month ML... gerr.....
Abc's mummy: i am okay if the government stick to the 1 Jan 2009 cutoff date. Cos' we already enjoyed our tax rebate. But the CDA for first child is seriously unfair that even though our child will be admitted into school the same time as the aug-dec bb, but she dun have the additional fund. Not stupid , and foolish 1k. It's 6k CDA fund. I hope you get your facts right.

Of course will be careful not to call anyone STUPID and FOOLISH in our petition so that we will not get into trouble. I dun see any problem in petition in the right manner.
abc's mummy (abcdisney)
Polyclinic says done roughly 14-18 days after menses.. But outside Dr say anytime ok... So I think diff place got diff standard...
quite fun to see ur postings
thanks for contributing to romance

hehe, u r so frank in ur postings :p
8 is a lucky number

hb is ur sec schoolmate ?

Lee Hong
oops, less than a month b4 the 6 months period for me..

tmr i m going to suntec for breastfeeding event , anyone going at 130pm ? in fact, my family of 4 are all going, cos have decided to go kenny rogers for lunch 1st.

wonder whether u ladies keen to makan at 1230pm

email me at [email protected], can make it anoteher gathering..hehe

PS: anyone catching the 11pm show at channel 8..think english title is crime hunters , starring aileen tan and edmund chen..yesterday, the repreat rally drag till 1130pm and i watch till i fall asleep, end up missing my fav show which begins at 1130pm instaed last nite..

hehe if u did, can i noe who kill the 3 old men
get yr facts right. i did not call ANYONE stupid or foolish. Wat i meant was the action of writing the petition and arguing over the $ thingy from the gov is unneccessary. Anyway sch has edusave funds too and CDA fund works the same way edusave fund. cannot be taken out. Anyway it is suppose to be a bonus. Not a must-give kind of thing. Anyway so wat if it start the same time as the rest. so u mean whether first, second or third child all must hv the same CDA, then to make it even better then cancel off teh whole thing then so tat no one benefit from it and no one will see an eye sore to it.

the purpose of bb bonus is to ENCOURGAE more parents to hv babies. Thus of cos the first child will nto hv so much priviege as the others. If not everyone will jus stop at #1. :)

sorry if i sound rude.. jus voice my opinion. Go ahead if u wan to. :) I will make my stand here. CASE CLOSE ON THIS ISSUE!
guess i will hv to skip the bfing event cos Andrae is still unwell. Still phegmy. yesterday went review but dr say ohelgm came back. More than he was discharged. Changed a stronger medicine and need another review next tues. Sigh

no he was not. hahaha... i not as hardworking as him to get into elite sch. We were from the same CCA. Met during a national camp. :)
Not to flame but like what i told kate yday also.
If everyone were to petition on everything, govt will be busy.. and might as well dun give naything at all.
Govt give u one amt and take back DOUBLE THE AMOUNT.. now increase ML leave, cc leave everything and increase baby bonus BUT take back all in double. Would you want it?
Seriously i rather dun get the money then i have to give back govt..
So i am not supportive for the petition as well.

I understand ur stand on both go same sch. does that means that when they implement to 1st time mom after petition, we 2nd time mom petition again to request our 1st kid to have the same priviledge?
Cannot compare apple to orange.
If this goes on, it's never ending.. just a chain reaction.
Marriage is fated. Juz to share, hehe…

For me, I always see this boy (my hb) fr another pri sch hanging ard my pri sch canteen. We are strangers but I know who he was bcos the boys fr my class always hanged out with him.

At sec one, we become classmates. he was my class monitor then, sits in the front row desk, always turn his head behind, giving us angry faces, asking ask us to shut up. Cos me &amp; my gfs are the naughtier ones in class. we went separate class after sec 3 onwards.

At 18, I found my pri sch classmates and start hanging out. he still happen to stay in touch with his childhood frens (my classmates) and often join us for outings.

At 20s, I am so sianz w a couple of failed r/s and tot that I might as well remain single my whole life. It will during mid-20s when we become an item. Got married after 3 yrs, plan for baby on our wedding 1st anniversary and we got it!

We’re both 30 this yr, hope to have 3 kids (if we can afford) and maybe hopefully the 3rd one will be born in the yr of horse cos I heard ppl says it's gd for a family to have 3 same animals. haha..still thinking... 36 is kinda old lo...
