(2008/03) March 2008

i callde polyclinic. Need to do a pap smear before they will do IUCD. Also to do a pap smear u nd to hv yr memses here first. Must be done 1-2 days after yr menses. Charges definitely cheaper but whether u wan to wait.

Papsmear: $15
IUCD: $40-50

I cannot do the papsmear cos menses nt here yet thus polyclinic is out for me.
ABC.. wah lau.. damn sway leh u.. take care ah.. u need to take care ah... weather abit weird nowadays..sometimes very hot sometimes sooo wet .. prob the weather that cause ur hives??

My girl also full of probs to her skin..hives,rashes.. and she lovess to scratch k... sianzz... i have to hold on to her hands while sleeping at nite.. so tired...

skin breakout/hormone change
been 6 mths since gave birth and notice my skin condition turned bad loh.. really missed those days during preggy when have beautiful skin and tamed hair.. now.. everything goes crazy! ... sianz.. anyone got such probs like me??

Till now.. i still have those stubborn flabs on my tummy.. they seem to be here to stay and hope they dun become a permanent fixture on me manzz... although it did get better lah.. imagine i was a 75 kg when preggy... from 53 to 75 .. guess i put on the most!!! now..back to 55 ... still 2 more kg to back to pre-preg and 5 more to ideal weight!! Hee hee .. but lucky for me..i can put on my old jeans loh ... so..thats a bonus lah.

SAHM perks..
saw on papers today.. some SAHM commented on the rally speech... pertaining to why there are no perks for SAHM to have more kids.. that lady does makes sense in her thoughts though...i mean SAHM has a higher chance to make more kiddos... and they shld be given perks to be encouraged.. :p otherwise..shld give some perks to the men too... kinda no incentives for SAHM.. she claimed that society looked down on SAHM..coz we dun contribute to the economy and wasted taxpayers money ... abit sad hor.. hmmm..a lot of pple look down on SAHM, .. dunno leh.. what do u think?
morning... :D

guess the mindset of employer wouldnt change so fast. given our economy now. women cant afford to stay at home to look after kids.

sooner or later, when the employer is desperate for worker they will accommate us mothers.

sad to say, the career of a woman is dependent on the economy of the country. through the history, only when in need then there will be policy that woman require to work.
my hair is dropping off like crazy.
i just have to sit at one place for a while. when i stand up, there will be hair on the seat.
worse if i comb my hair. i will get a bunch of hair on my comb.
while bathing my baby, i will oso see my hair on her body and in the bathtub.
dono what is wrong with my hair. wasn't like this before.
my mum says muz apply some hair tonic. any suggestions what to do?
why not go see the doc aly?? maybe take some hormone pills...
my hair dun drop that badly though.. although when i hairdry it.. i do see many dropped on the floor ... but i used to dropped alot during pre-preg days.. so not so much of concern to me..

the way u describe is quite scary.. i dunno leh..maybe ask those second time mum if they experience such..
better see a doc on your hair dropping before its too late. I think its quite common after delivery but you dun wanna drop too much also la. See doc or buy tonic to apply.
no worry, u have described my case as well..me too..as long as not obvious on haed is okay

alto i din say anything abt my hair, my family members are..i drop hair when i go mum's place and lovenest also..office also..

maybe i should see the doc to get some tonics

hehe..u haven satify my kponess ..is ur hb ur schmate ?

wt wise..imagine i m ur wt but 13cm shorter :p
( u r 169 hor)

me still waiting for the day when there is a cheap way to remove the flab, cutting off directly but no scar ;p

SAHM perks
i feel that it is def not enough ..should offer them 100 percent off maid levy and more childcare subsidy
Is it becasue of the food you take?? Or have you go dye your hair after birth?? I heard that dyeing of hair within 3 mths after delivery will aggrevate hair fall..
Afternoon, all mummies,
Since went back to work 2 months ago, only log in very rarely. Today finally got time to scroll thru slowly b'cos MC at home due to mastitis!!!!

First time, got mastitis, previously only blocked milk ducts occasionally. My doctor gave antibiotics and say i can continue to breastfeed but today's mind and body article says 1 woman did not dur to her doctor's recommendation. Now, I'm totally confused and 2 minds abt it.
Hi five, aly and babypink, my hair also falling very very bad. i think i'll monitor for a few more weeks then see how. wanted to colour my hair for a few months already but put off again and again cos scared hair will drop even more. and my rebond actually need to retouch but also got to postpone.
Shipping charges for Mozart cube.
17.8 kg parcel for 10 cubes.
~ USD4 per kg as i am doing a bulk buy.

Please note that USD has went up. So exchange rate has to be revise to 1.45.

Shipping for each cube =1.78*4*1.45 = SGD 10.324
Pdt Cost for each cube =19.96*1.45 = 28.942
Each cube is $39.30.

hahaha.. yah..sch mates back in ngee ann poly days.. went in july and got together with him in aug.

ohh u are same weight as me meh?? 13cm shorter?? u 1.50+?
mine is as horrible as well but i've tons of hair so no worries for me.
When i apply shampoo and scrub my hair, next moment my hands are COVERED by my hair :p
Just a touch and my hair will drop. so amazing hor hahahahaha
Hi mummies, I cant organise a Spree BUT I would like to order <font color="ff0000">baby's costume</font> from http://www.buycostumes.com/Sale/Kids-Costumes/_/N-3l/results1.aspx

Is there anyone interested who would like to order as well and share shipping? To comfirm orders please PM me for account as I would prefer payment for items first as orders made. Shipping cost advice later.
The price of the costume(exclude shipping) should be = USD$ X 1.45(rate) = SGD$

I will place order on Monday. All orders to be comfirm latest Sun, 24th Aug 2008. Please PM me. Thanks!! *please copy &amp; paste the URL of the item with QTY &amp; size, thanks!*

hehe, tat's y i rebond in the last trimester :p

after #1, i noe the hair loss for me will b quite awful..so after birth, dun dare to dye or rebond for 1st 9 months

i remember by the time hair loss stabilise 8 plus months after #1, and i want to dye &amp; rebond, i was having #2
babypink, huh?? means i got to wait for another 3 months before rebond or colour? xian!!! luckily no wedding dinners and impt functions to attend.
me a 79ther as well..look like ur hbies are all ur 1st bf ? cos like so many years

mine was not my 1st bf
hehe..me and my hb have been together for less than 5 years..i was his gf only 4 years ago and this year dec is only our 3rd wedding anniversary

How abt u gals

my hair loss ends 9 months after delivery for #1

hehe, thanks ;)

aiyoh..alto my ht is 155.5, i always round UP to 156..seeing ur 150 plus is very demoralising for me :p

yup, my wt is 55 kg ..need to lose another 10 kg to regain my pre-preg wt..

maybe someone should throw me in Africa village for a month
babypink (sunnysun)
How i wish I have your weight and your height..
I'm standing at 1.5m tall and weigh a a staggering 70kg now.. I got to at least shed another 20kg to go back to my pre-preg weight.. So demoralising~

just feel wasted that my 50 plus skirts and 40 plus tops all cannot wear..xin tong

actually if have time and $, anyone can lose weight..the london centre looks good and convincing

too bad i have neither :p

have anyone patronise there ?
hubby is not my first boyfriend strictly speaking. but the one before him is only like 4 months and not serious one. i marry my hubby really young (by modern standards at least) at 21yrs old. Then customary 4 years later. i always teased my hubby that he married me so young because he scared once i start work then i got more choices. I was still in Uni then. How abt babedude and Liyun? also marathan!!!!
babypink, i think u r going to hate me. me also 1.55 but i weigh 40kg (back to pre-pregnancy) abt 3 mths ago. =P

BUT then think got redistribution of fats, now my stomach still abit fatty but my legs are skinnier. Am trying to put on weight actually cos no worry not enuff milk for my girl if too skinny.
hihi.. i have been going to yoga class... not bad know.. body aching very much. but the more the body aching means the more weight i will be losing right... heheheheheeeeee
pak tor- err.... unknown, was on phone then 1st date hor... had accident land in hospital liao
co-habit (before ROM)- 7.5 years
married (consider ROM)- 4 years
haha, thanks
i shall accept that compliments graciously :p

haha, i dun lah :p
i m happy with myself, quite easily contented one ;)
good health is my concern
as long as i m healthy and my loved ones are , i m happy

at 1st when i see ur post, i was thinking, wow, another 11 years !

then hehe, i realise 11 months

wow, 5.5 years and 3 kids..tat is very good !


alto pak tor the shortest, but married the longest

Me is Pak Tor 22 Months
Married : 2 years and 8 months
babypink (sunnysun)
Lolx~ Everytime kena 'suan' by my sis tat I high production level.. Even my gynae tease me on my 'accomplishment'..

Wow~ 6 mths!
That was fast!!!
Ya liyun... That time I saw both of u. So young.
Cant believe it. Together for so long.

Yes Im aso v interested in ur stories. kekee ;p
somemore u r very young i remember, not even 22 rite, so u had 1st child at 17 ? cos if my momory din fail me, ur 1st kid is 4 or 5 years

haha, i wan to join ur ranks also

if nothing go wrong, i will wana have #3 within 5 years of marriage :p
I used to thk difficulty to find long term r/s in our generatns. Pple get divorced v easily. All of u change my mindset now. V interestg &amp; happy to hear all these long term r/s

Must share w us how u maintain it. So feelgs wil not die off.
babypink (sunnysun)
I'm 22 this yr.. My eldest will be 5yo this sunday.. Gave birth when I was 17. I knew my hubby on my 16th birthday @ a disco.. And coincidentally, he was my ex schoolmate, same sec school.. We talked once when we were in school.

It's like fated that we should met..
high*5, jeangal..i oso find long relationship very heartwarming

high* 5 on the kponess as well :p

Jack Place Big Tart

Colleaguue bot this for tea time

Look slightly smaller than a 1 kg cake . Filling is orangey with fruits bits like cherry and peach..taste strange cos texture is strange

but i took a second helping cos feeling greedy
