(2008/03) March 2008

anybody know about HFMD? My son caught it. Confirmed by PD today....but forgot to mention whether the virus is airborne. Was thinking whether necessary to put my DS and DD to diff location...but quite troublesome if that is the case as both are very sticky to me...any kind souls, pls advise...cos i am really vexed now...thanks!
it is nec' to put them at dif place though the virus is not airborne. But it will pass through mucus and body contact. And the toy ur son play will have to be sterilize before ur dotter can play with it.

Take note of ur daughter to see if she have HFMD symptoms as well as HFMD virus will be in the carriers body for a period of time before they have any symptoms.. Just in case..
it is necesary to separate them. For me i told myself if my gal *touchwood* kena HFMD i will move with my son to my mom place n leave gal with maid for time being. I will miss gal but bo pian.. mom have to be well to take care of both and i definitely cannot afford to let boy kena too. So i think sometimes we hv to make tat painful decision

jerejoy, petrina
i think it is becos we r too used to bb latch. Me too, sis kang says i hv insensitive letdown. The only way to overcome it is to keep pumpinh everyday at regular interval so tat our breast get used to pump. With pump the most i can only get 1 letdown. But with bb latching i get multiple letdowns. hahaha... so dun worry abt no milk come out. The more u think the more u stress the lesser the milk.

if i hv #3 i would love to hv a ger, but i knw hubby would love to hv a boy.. to be his successor since he is a dragon himself. The reason i choose 4 years apart is becos i find 2 years too short. I dun liek the idea of pregnant and then busy with newborn n then hv to handle terrible 2 stage. I dun wan 3 year later cos by then #1 is 6 year old. I believe chinese got this belief that every 6 yr zodiac will xiang cong each other.. thus tat's out. Anyway 4 year is nice cos rat, rooster and dragon complement each other very well. They will "wang" each other...
Oh no, u must be worried sick. Do take care of ur bb and yourself too.

U r weaning off ur boi is it? Think it is like dat, ur body is prob preparing for the next mense soon. So maybe coming in a few days' time. My ger self-wean from me at 4.5m then my mense came.Hb also went to do research on that and told me that bm a few days before mense come will be diff and bb may reject it or reduce feed fro us. My ger din want to drink from me a few days b4 mense came and she can go w/o bm for a whole 7hrs. I tgt wat happened. Then i also realised that bb also know how to reject milk form us. So i think my bm then must be more fishy than the ebm in fridge and freezer hahaha
happygal, hope yr ds can recover soon. my pd said hfmd can be passed in public or even condo pool.

bb teething
bb alex has been fussing more these few days coz of his little pearlies. he also wants to chew on things. the detrinox teething gel I used on him works well on him.

then must thank belle mummy for her recommendation. alex loves the pigeon teether I got him. its small n easy to grab n almost the whole thing can fit into his mouth. he likes it better than all the other teether I got him.
hi mommies

maybe u just wonder what the pigeon teether like .here is

it is cheaper . think it is 5.95

i bot 2 for my eldest and she used for very long time.
the lip trainer is very soft .... not to worry abt the things poke into the eye...

i still try to find it but if cannot find i need to go and get it ...

It may be very difficult to isolate one kid from the other in the same house. Maybe if daughter can sleep in another relative's house would be a kiasu (but good) option for the time being.

Most importantly, caregiver's hand hygiene is super important. If it is feasible go and buy those Alcohol+Chlorhexidine handrub and it will help you a little so that you don't have to keep going to sink to wash hands. (And wash hands also means with soap, not water only) And good hand hygiene means to handrub Before and also After attending to your infected kid, and wash hands with soap and water when able.

You have to be an OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) person for handwashing for a while until your kid gets better.

btw I just googled "Dettol Hand Sanitizer" to find out it's contents (cos am not sure if it contains alcohol) and I stumbled upon this forum that mention about a girl getting very very sick and they found out because her alcohol level was very high as she has been licking her hand after handrub in school. Hehe...scary also hor!But ah, alcohol should dry up soon after application; but still just make sure no one licks your hand after handrub. :eek:))))
aiyo, 1 day nv c forum, all talking abt spring chickens. haha..
i m authentic half baked chicken.. neither young, neither old.. cause i'm born in chicken year.. keke

abc: then how? cham lor.. tat means i also maybe sensitive letdown... so far after 5mths of pumping, i only experienced 1 super minor letdown leh..
i was wondering, ever since those formula milk companies started sending me milk sample tins, my supply has dipped alot.

ask u all, medela PIS ard 8mths usage, $380 exp mah?? i wan to buy tat. i think i need a duo to stimulate me better.

i stare at my boy while pumping, still no letdown.. haiz.. but when i latch him, during letdown, he unlatch, the milk can spray lor.. so i dun understand..
but hor, when i latch, my breasts r soft. i still experience letdown.. when i engorged, i pump, no letdown.. sometimes i need to restart my determination.. otherwise i may give in to FM.. so i told my mum to take all away. so i got no back up. i hope it will help me increase my supply.
thanks for the website.

thanks for the info. I think I should be experiencing menses soon.

Hope your son recover soon.

I sell you my Ameda dual pump $250 la. Only less than 6 mths usage. Bot in March. Cheaper than the Medela pump, $380.

I brought my maid to talk to her agent today and she insisted that she wanna transfer to another employer. Agent promised her that she will be transferred. My sister actually advise me to buy a ticket for her to go back to her own country whether she likes it or not. But I m very confuse about this part, how can force her to go on the plane if she dun wanna go back leh.
mummies, did u gals watch the news this evening?? In Columbia, A 11 mths old baby boy weigh a staggering 28 kg...

I wonder what the mum feed him!!
I think better not do tat, cos i heard from ppl that if the maid did not boaard the plane, the immigration ppl will still return her to your care... So dont do things that does nt benefit u but will harm u in the end...

think my let down during pumping is insensitive too. ya, u r right. i keep thinking n stressing myself during pumping. 1st, time pressure cos my ds wakes up v easily n i hv to attend to him immediately. Haiz! no time to pump. Secondly, too tired by the time i hv time to pump.


Same leh.. My let down is so fast that he always chokes himself but when i pump even during engorgement till my neck long long, no much or no let down. faint!

Reena & happygal,

Hope yr boys recover soon. Take care.
jerejoy: ya. no time to pump. cause usually my son is ard me also.. so he'll prefer to latch.. so nowadays i put him in his leapfrog n pump in front of him. so he noes i'm stocking up his milk. it kinda work for me for bottle feeding as he believes it's frm the same source. haha

yutong: maid issue, i think let her transfer bah.. if not if u wan to send her home, i have a silly idea... u buy ticket for both u n her. then u both check in together. then u see her board the plane. then u c the plane take off. then u go home.. keke.. not sure if they allow tat?
if me i suggest u buy her a ticket and make sure she board the plane. The maid know where u stay. Anyway i suggest u discuss with yr agent. They r still most experience lor.

maybe u can get yutong's pump lor.
So long haven log in.. so many things to catch up!

it seems that many bbs reach crawling milestone liao. Felicia still happy sitting on her butts n no signs of crawling.

the spring chicken term is funny. but me no spring chicken liao.. so fast u gals planning next bb liao. i still trying to lose my spare tyres..haiz...

why u still want to spend money on her ticket? just let her go back to her agent lah, aiyo...settle rite? no need to headaeache.heheheh
Hi mummes,
My girl has reach 6 mths, so I'm switching to a follow on formula. Qn is since it's the same brand, do I need to introduce gradually, i.e. mix some of the old formula and some of the new formula in the transition period?


i was abt to comment the lip trainer is very new to me. =p my 1st time seeing

Reena & Happygal
hope ur kids recover fast, both high fever & HMFD ares every parents' nitemare, both worrying

is Kim better

Talk by Dumex
hehe, so how was teh talk today, ladies

oh yah, how many babies here on Nan, i realise nan got two pricing, besides the dif in anti -allergy, no other dif hor ?

28kg at 11 month is scary..next time very likely to be unhealthy :p
hi babypink

i bot it for my eldest 2 yrs ago and she used it for long time.

i dun know where i keep . think tomolo i buying one since it got less 20 percent from metro
Thanks for all your well wishes. Unfortunately, ds2 is still down with fever, yesterday still hit 40.3C. Also down with diarrhea, think it's stomach flu. BB also has diarrhea yesterday, I'm monitoring her temperature very closely these 2 days.

When my dd1 had HFMD from school, I moved back to my parents with ds2 so that I can separate the 2 of them. However, on the very next day, I saw spots on his backside and brought him to see a doc. Doc confirmed it's HFMD. And the next day again, I myself got HFMD :-( This is because during incubation period, the spots are not obvious yet. Thank goodness the disease aint serious for all of us, just mild spots.
the talk was enriching, but the baby yoga demo a bit too short, perhaps due to time constraint. the music performance could be replaced by a longer demo.
this is little bryan, those who've seen us, we hope you've got a good time there too.
aiyo, reena.. pls take care of urself also.. 2 kids sick, u sure very tired out de..

adeline, how's kim? better?

i so scared abt HFMD.. so i told hb i really unless no choice, i wun put infantcare/childcare..

bbpink: haha, today rain, so i also nv go talk in the end.. i went ICA collect my boy's passport.. wanted to buy air ticket tonight. luckily i didn't...
we wanted to go chiangmai. now thailand so messy. so heng i nv buy ticket.. waste my $$ do passport lor..

abc: yup.. i discuss wif hb first. then will decide on whether to buy new or 2nd hand..

cause hb very keen on the new pigeon silent elec..
dear all mummies, thanks for the well wishes

mikael, my son begin with runny nose, then next day fever and cough..we thot it is juz normal cold or flu so juz let him eat the usual flu medicine. Then one friday, he complained his mouth inside pain..we use torchlight to see and discover some white spots..but check his hand and feet, dun have, so thot maybe he din clean his mouth properly or bite himself (cos he quite often bite his side of the mouth)....but in the afternoon, while we are stil at work, my hb called me and told me he wil bring ds to see pd...i am tied up at work so cannot go with them...over there, pd confirmed is hmfd.

after listening to dear mummies advice, i had asked my sis to fetch my dd to my mum hse to stay till sun, then mon, my nanny will take care of dd till thursday. I will be on leave whole of next week to take care of ds.

one of the mummies are selling medela PIS advance at $300. if u interested, i forward u the email lor.

Happygal : Poor thing. hope yr boy gets well soon.
there a promotion - one for one deal high tea buffet at orchaard hotel from mon to wed.

who wanna to go ? i thinking of going during school holiday
called the agency. Know wat to be done liao. thanks for all your kind advices.

hope your son is ok liao.

I dun understand your question but this is the pump that I m using. This is all I have for the pump. No backpack, no pump on the go type.

<font color="ff0000">Similac discount voucher: $3 off a 900g can of similac Follow-On FOrumla from Cold Storage/Shop n save or guardian. I got 1 to give away, if u stay near me can meet me to take(jurong west) if not just give me the $0.25 postage stamp I send by post. PM me ba....</font>
Brendon got one tooth coming out from front bottom...hehehehe latest pict of Brendon. tomorrow bring him down for jabs, hopefully no fever for him

re: teether
i like the one abc recommended. MAM from mothercare. i bot it for cheryl and she is loving it too !

cheryl responded very well to happybellies oatmeal cereal compared to heinz one. i tink she really like it lei ! how is andrae doing ?
yt, rainy day blues huh. I also sian. my hubb on reservist for 3wks n he's not coming back today. bb is teething so quite fussy. lagi sianz.
hang in there. Me too. hb out of town. He's in aussie till 7 sep!

i had many bb responds well to happybellies. Will do a spree again when mine run out soon. So far i gv him oatmeal he love it better than rice. hahaha...

yes crystal. Tat's andrae's favorite. But i bought the liptrainer which celia intro too. $5.90 - 20% now. He love tat too.
my hubby will be coming back this Sat n flying off Sun. He will be doing so for the next few months. Sianz....
