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  1. S

    (2008/11) November 2008

    hello nov mummies i am a nov mummy too but i am a "slient reader" of this thread. i hv 3 discount vouchers here to give way. 1. Similac Follow-On Formula $3 Off x 2 Expiry Date: 30 September 2009 2. Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 NewGen Pack (700g) or Mamil Gold Step 3 NewGen Pack...
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    joyce icic.. is the maid quality gd? from which country?
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    joyce i also dun know if this arrangement can help. hv to keep fingers cross. so u will be working from home, which is gd and can keep an eyes on the kids and works at the same time. where is yr maid from? yr maid agency gd? i am still thinking on how to settle my 2nd one...
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    joyce but now is the time she wants a lot of attention. think she will sure be jealous of the bb. i will get a present for my 1st child and bring along when i went to deliver, so that i can pass to her and tell her that it is a gift from the bb to her. hope can help to build the bond. at...
  5. S

    (2008/11) November 2008

    hello joyce
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    su mei i also opt for NT test. it will be gd to at least opt for one test, either NT test or Oscar test, so that we will feel more at ease.
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    peanut00 icic... for me, i will not be going for the oscar test. i am only going for the triple test. maybe becoz this is my 2nd pregnancy liao so i think triple test is gd enough.
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    peanut00 and sumei r u taking the oscar test? when will you be taking?
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    hello enne
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    peanut00 she is sure professional. actually i went to another gynea and happened that my actual gynea is on leave during the time i delivered so dr joycelyn is my relief gynea and i find that i am more comfortable with her than my actual gynea, so i changed dr joycelyn from that day...
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    peanut00 yap, dr joycelyn have delivered for my 1st bb too. she is nice and approachable.
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    (2008/11) November 2008

    hi ladies can u update my details in the table? Nick:sansforum EDD: 20 Nov 2008 Birth#: 2 Gynae: Dr Joycelyn Wong Hospital: TMC Older Kid: Crisanta 16 Dec 2005 sigh... my MS is so frequent compare to my 1st pregnancy. i am in my 11 week now and bb is 4.64cm.
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    How to stop THUMB SUCKING ! !

    hi last time my girl sucks her thumb too. but one day i saw one area of her thumb swollen, and i decided to stop her from sucking. as she is only 14 mth old, the pharmacy does not recommend nail bite lotion for her. in the end, i tried using plaster in the day time and during night time, i...
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    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    Dear Mummies Picture of my bb girl, Crisanta.
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    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    JeslynLuvRenee&Regine The doctor helped to stretch the dilation to 3cm.
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    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    joyful do help to update my details: my baby's name is Crisanta Tan and her weight is 3.025 kg. hello everyone i can finally sit down to surf the net. as after the delivery , i have zhi chuan, do not feel comfortable sitting for too long. my delivery experience...
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    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    hi everyone just to inform you that cheerful_mum have poped at 0103hrs. congrats, cheerful_mum.
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    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    2005 I will be delivering in TMC. Can I have a copy of your hospital bag checklist? Btw, did you heppen to know what are the items given when we discharge? My email address: [email protected]. Thank you.
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    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    Summer Congrats!!! So happy for you that you can see your bb now. You take care. Cheers!
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    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    LiewLian Soh Thank you for your reply. Wonder how is BH suppose to feel like???
