(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Oic, good idea hor. Maybe will drink more red dates tea after i take the DOM.
S26 used to be very good FM hor? I remember my mum babysits a bb last time (18 yrs ago), he used to drink S26, and he is so chubby.

Your EDD also brought forward? Thought shld be early jan 06?

RE: finger joints pain
I do experience that, think for quite sometime liao.. after reaching 3rd tri.. guess is becos if preggie lor. Not sure whether izit too much salt intake, don't think so lah, Don't scare me ah.
wah, your bb engaged liao, so good.

I don't look forward to confinement, (cos i afraid of warm weather, don't know whether i can tahan a not. But would want it to be over asap.... want to see my bb. haizz... me very "mao2 dun4".

Aiyo, confinement also cannot drink red wine right? Only can drink DOM.. kekekeek

Wah,, you 2-3cm dilated.. guess shld be today or tomorrow will be your D day liao?

sabre, oh, stop BF already, so sad to hear that ur family nagging over it.
S26 is very heaty 1...

cheerful_mum, u must be careful these few days cos u dilated already...tat time when im went to hosp, i already 3cm open then nurse ask me to stay cos she said i will be giving birth on the same day...
drip will help to expedite the process...
take care ar~

taka, if u Bf ur baby, hw to consume alcohol?later ur baby drunk how?
hihi mummies,
comparing company benefits, i think mine oso damn pathetic, only $80 but can choose either want hamper or voucher. so of coz i take the voucher. and considering my co is mnc not to mention it's a fortune 500 co. somemore! the only consolation i have is that my boss is very good, even allow me to take no pay leave if i choose to after my maternity leave. least i know i'm secured with a job! :D
ya, stil around, chatting with my frd over msn...
just now went to feed my baby...

later the massage lady is coming over to massage me...i feel that her strength is not enuf leh..
can tell her meh?
she old aunty leh...
somemore is chinese 1..not malay...somemore she talk cock!
very stupid....talking when massaging where got enuf strength..NB!
You pay for her service leh, try to tell her to use more strength if you can take it, if not waste your $$ ah.
Then when she is massaging, close your eyes and pretend to rest. Then maybe she won't talk rubbish to you. kekeek
Comment to her that you still feel your size the same like no change lor.. ask her use more strength.. but then if she really can't also bo bian, since you say she is already an old woman.
Maybe engaged for another one if possible, if not really waste your $$.
okok later will let her know...but i don like the oily feeling leh....
after she left awhile i clean myself already, cos too oily already and i oso feel that after she applied the oil on my body, my baby don feel like drinking my milk leh..

Ya another 2 weeks will be 38 weeks, so can give birth liao. DOM also can lah, i have been deprieved from alcohol contain drinks for so long.


Heard if we drink alcohol after bf is fine, or alternatively 2 hours before bf. Anyway, we should drink DOM during confinement right? DOM also alcohol mah.
since can rent the pump from hosp FOC, then I wont bring.. he hee.. I thot have to pay.

My gf used the Avent manual. She says it's a good pump and has not prob with the suction, flow, etc. She also uses the Medela PIS.

I had menses cramps last nite for a while, was also wondering whether that's a pre-labour sign. Coz since preggie, 1st time I'm experiencing it. :eek:

wah, so scary, your contractions are more than what the machine can record.. I think the bending is to prevent our back from getting backache when we're old. Heard that we cant sit so much. must lie down all the time if possible.
Haha.. but i don think u will like e smell of DOM also..

DS / Jeslyn,
Its heaty tats y always force him drink water.. Still got one tin left think when finish it he 1 month liao...
If I'm not wrong, Aqueous cream is a moisturiser. My 1stborn also was given that coz her skin is on the dry side. It worked for awhile but had to get a richer moisturiser after that coz skin was still dry. She had some eczema.

Your hubby very sweet leh. My hubby dare not drink. What more talk abt direct latch

Cheerful mum
Also went for gynae check today and found out that I'm 3cm dilated and bb is very low. Gynae says labour will be fast and ask me to quickly go to the hospital when I feel the contractions. Think I also just got the 'show'... maybe it was sped up coz of Gynae's VE check. Definitely can feel bb's pressure down there when I'm standing and walking. Now super worried coz i still have so much outstanding stuff to do at work, haven't cleared table and my temp only coming in on wed for handover. Not sure if I'll deliver by then.

Straycats ... are you using the same massage lady as Lew Lian? Now I really considering whether to change massage lady and use Lew Lian's contact but def more ex coz my previous massage lady only $40 per session.But no breast massage which I think may be impt to prevent engorgement.

think i will deliver early maybe next week. Anyway 24 dec is my wedding date. Heehee... Just that bb big me oso worry he have no space to move. So next week 19 or 20 loh.

Now im wondering doc can give me 1 week hospital leave anot. Think i will call to ask him
thanks.. I'll not bring the pump to hosp then. wah, did u get 12 bottles in one go? Or have to keep asking? Wah, so amazing that you can feed your hb direct... dun think my hb will agree.

Re pre-labour symptom
My rashes seems to have improved and SM is lightening. Is that a sign? hee hee...

your bb is so cute, look at your breasts for milk.. i guess that's why they say bbs have instincts.

gynae says that bb is engaged. he didn't say if it's fully engaged or partially, just said engaged. my colleague was just telling me today that her fingers has joint pains, think it's water retention.

cheerful mum
does it feel any diff that you're 2-3cm dilated? Sometimes, I feel that my vagina feels very tender and seems like it has expanded. not too sure if it has dilated.

good luck.. if we dun hear from you anymore, means you pop already.
yalor, i worked v hard to do up bb's room. shopped and chose the furniture, arrange and rearrange, wash all the clothes n beddings, lay the sheets n put on musical mobile.. hubby just took a look n said "nice nice". hmph! but i enjoyed the whole process n feel a strong sense of satisfaction haha!

im gg on 39 wks in 2 days but still no sound no picture fr bb ley. tink our edd is 2 wks apart. if u pop early den birth dates mite coincide..

gynae said my bb's engaged but not fully since wk 37 but until now still not fully engaged.. im seeing her again on fri, hopefully got some progress...

i also experience finger joints pain. gynae said its due to water retention. she advised me to soak hands in warm water morning n nite n slowly exercise my hands in the water. but im too lazy to do it.

been having such cramps for a wk or 2 already. usually they go away after a while. but scary loh cos duno whether its a labor sign!

absolut/ cheerful_mum,
excited for u! gdluck!
Just managed to find time to log in.

I had GA c-section on 5 dec cos my waterbag burst. Had my op at 7am and was on bed till the next day. Didn't get to see Gezann until she's out of NICU observation the next day cos of wet lungs. I was so eager to see her yet had to lie on bed the whole nite worrying for her. So envy those who had natural birth. Everything is well now, just that I had to take care of her in the nite and it was so tiring.

Like straycats, my hubby and I look after Gezann at nite and she will start to make us busy from 10pm onwards thru out till morning my MIL takes over. But still I am not able to rest cos I need to BF her and expressed milk to keep the milk supply. I'm also doing partial BF, don't have the energy for TBF.

Here's a pic of my Gezann, she has my hubby's dimples. She likes to frown.
taka, i don dare to drink DOM leh...
taste yucky...

sabre, ur baby likes to drink water?
my girl only drink 2 or 3 times of water since she was discharged frm hosp..

baobao, take care

krissie, i just asked the nurse @ the nursery, "eh, u got glass bottles anot? can spare me some?" then she already packed some in the plastic get ready to give away when mother asked for it...then she just passed the whole packet of glass bottles to me, then when i went home, i counted, inside got 12 bottles...

berlin, i just realised, ur baby & mine arrive on the same day
ahhh... after feeding my baby for a week, i realised my hubby bought the wrong formula! he bought one for babies 6 months onwards!! i was frantic when i couldnt breastfeed (due to my fever), then i juz told him to get Similac ... only got myself to blame for not doing my homework... took it for granted dat i can surely BF .....

mummies who BF,
do your babies suck (bite) veri hard initially when latching on? do u feel nauseous after feeding? i always feel veri weak and slightly nauseous after BF....

my mother-in-law says cannot drink water leh... only those red date tea.. but of course i try to sneak a drink or two, esp since i've got medicine to eat ....

nope i never use any pillows... now i can carry her and BF wif one hand, and type on the msn wif the other hand...

i ended up not going for any antenatal classes coz i wasnt free ..... sigh... i juz abt walked into the delivery not knowing wat to expect! any idea wat would be the weight gain like, say by 6 months?

i have no previous experience, but like i said, there was absolutely no pain for me... i kinda don even noe how the baby popped out... everything happened juz too fast at dat instance.... but i would think it'll hurt to death without epi :p

i'm really surprised too ... i tot i surely need assistance, though i really hoped not... coz my frens said their babies' head are slightly out of shape when they used forceps or vacuum...

wat! 4.1 kg! it wasnt easy to carry my baby the last few weeks of my pregnancy... i couldnt sleep on my right, left nor back.... end up have to prep my head, legs and all to try to achieve a slightly more comfortable position .... and my baby was oredi heavier than her estimated 3.5kg
... i seriously think her weight contributed much to my terrible stretch marks.....
Hello everyone,

Didn't log in for a while. so much to catch up.

Gezann looks so sweet. i like them when they are all wrapped up. so cozy.

and i wish i have their dimples, so sweet.
your bb like my niece, they like to frown. very cute but when they do, try to smooth in out with your fingers lightly cos my mil say if not the lines will be quite deep as they grow.

very excited. baby cot arriving this sunday. can't wait for the week to end. lucky its a busy week so time pass very fast. good to hear that your SM and rashes have improved.

i just went to robinson's on sunday, they stop selling the johnson cot liao. wonder what is happening. i hope nothing goes wrong for mine.

you very gut lat. my room is now in a complete mess cos over the weekend we bought most of the baby stuff but no time to wash and clean up yet. alot of plastic bags. the plastic drawers i bought for bb already filled up with plastic bags, very messy. need to find time to organise already. getting very excited.

RE: birthing
need some advice. When you all go to the hospital to give birth, will they let you change into the hospital gown? If yes, do we still wear bra inside? panties i dun think so? Also need to ask, is it right after baby comes out, gynae will stich up and our period will be here and we have to wear a pad? Sorry, very ignorant. i tried to read up but cannot find such practical information.
really ah.. i only had the cramps that day.. hee hee.. maybe coz I had a sip of the coconut water.

congrats.. so good to hear that you and bb are fine now.. take care..

wah.. then she's very generous. my gf went a few times and only managed to get 8 bottles.

sorry, no idea what's teh wt gain. will let u know if I come across it. I seldom rem things more than for bb's 1st mth.

rem to check the wood of the cot when it arrives. But, their quality is qt good, so shld be no prob one.
I see, so good luck to you also.
DOM also better than nothing ah, i see. kekeke

Maybe try to dilute the FM, maybe not that heaty for your boy?

Wow... you about to deliver liao, good Luck.

At least your bb is engaged. I went to see my gynae yesterday, bb still not engaged yet.

My EDD is next wk ah.. hmm...
Gynae ask me if bb haven come out on the EDD, then maybe need to induce liao ah... praying hard he will pop anytime this week.

Oic, so your boy is big. Oh so you going for c-section early next week. Good Luck.
My bb weighs around 3.2kg at wk 38.

Thanks for sharing your bb girl's photo. Maybe try to massage her forehead so that she don't frown so much? Hope my bb don't frown cos i myself likes to frown.

So how is your massage yesterday? Any improvement for your massage lady?
I think cause they like to be hug close to us ba.. cause i only BF him for a few days but he will still remember to turn to his right side(cause i always feed with left breast)for milk.. haha.. but its kinda cute when u c he wan to suck..

Probably have to depend on ur body also ba.. cause tat lady was quite big size, and somemore its her 5th child!! but really super cute don look like a newborn also.. more like full month baby.. haha

He don really like also but sometimes jus feed him a little bit before he drink milk.. little bit little bit like tat add up also quite a lot le lah.. but if u BF den no need let her drink water ma.. Cause BM already watery.. I have to force him drink cause e FM is so heaty...

Wad diapers u all using?? Argh... I'm using Pampers n its so ex!!!!
Dilute wait he not full den will wake up and cry in about 1 hr after his feed le.. tried be4 already.. Yesterday nite also dunno y, he jus dun wan to fall asleep unless i carry him.. Kept me up until 6am.. Super tired...
I am using the Moms in Mind nipple cream. I did not use any breast cream. Maybe you shld try using hot towel & massage the breast. It feels much better

Krissie, 2005
Glass bottles are not recommended to be used to store EBM. YOu can transfer to any bottle from the Medela bottle, but the EBM must be consumed within 48hours, unless they are stored in the freezer. Yes, you can boil the pump or use hot water to rinse it, after that when you have time you can sterilise it with all the milk bottles. Milk supply normally kicks in at 4th day, so if breast got engorgement, you must tahan, feed & feed or pump & pump. Initally I can pump 5ml, then 30ml now I can pump 170ml per day. So must "ren", the milk supply will be established after the 7th day or so. But like what Moonbell said, you must let BB suckle & suckle first to send the message to the brain to produce the milk

Hey! great minds think alike, I also wanted the name Cathleen, but hb prefers the name Megan. Btw, can update Megan's chinese name for me as Jia Yi, thanks! Total, I put on 12kg, I lose 9kg, since delivery, still got 3kg to go. My mom is worried that my weight is dropping too fast. But i think its the combintation of looking after Megan, and not sleeping well that causes it. I missed sleeping.....

Gezann so cute! R u feeling better?
I agree, they keep us up from 10pm onwards and sometimes Megan just cries and cries..and I have to carry her and walk around before she goes to sleep..parenting is TOUGH!!

My massage lady is different from LiewLian's. You can try her, she is quite good and she is good at massaging the breast. I credit her for the massage cos' now I am able to pump alot of milk cos' she managed to clear the ducts on my breasts
wow, you already lose 9kg, so good ah.
Left 3kg to lose, shld be easy hor.
Today good weather to sleep, you so early wake up ah? (rainy day)
U taking care of your bb yourself?? No CL? Luckily now my CL still around..yesterday my bb also woke up since 2am till 6am+....dun know y she not sleepy leh.......

My bb using mamy poko & nepia. Nepia promotion still on...$14/bag (end 31 Dec)
wah u still can type on the comp with 1 hand holding bb, dam steady!.. hope my delivery experience wld be as painless as urs. its a wonder wad epidural can do for us!

b4 i packed the drawers, the room also looked dam messy so much so dat i get a headache everytime i walk into the room! its so much better now after all the cleaning up n tidying.but it can b v straining for our bodies bending stratching n squating, so take note not to get over-excited n overexert urself...

i take coconut v often, at least once a week since 37 wks n i always look forward to it. its v cooling n thrist-quenching! dnt tink it causes the cramps...

ur bb is in the correct position right, just havent descended into ur pelvis? dnt worry, lidat shd b safe ba. i read in a book dat a woman can deliver naturally n safely even if the bb was nvr engaged! anw 2 of my gfs whose gynae told them "not yet. must wait til full term" popped 2 days lata! so we nvr know.... lets pray toegther!

ok will try the hot towel method... congrats on ur positive BF experience. tink everything's gg v nicely for u n megan
.. i also tink glass bottles like abit hazardous ley. how many plastic bottles r u using now to store EBM? am wondering how many more shd i get...
can i chk if anyone has bought this or has previous experience with using a sling? so many gd reviews, tempted to buy but duno useful anot. already bought so many things due to inexperience, ended up being white elephants in e hse!

cos hubby wana get quinny pram which can only be used 6 mths n above. so for 1st 6 mths need smething to bring bb out rite? also wondering sometimes when we at home watch tv or wad, can just put bb in sling n play wiv her. am i being practical??

may i ask wad brand os strollers/ prams u ladies have gotten?
my aunt helpin me out.. but we take turns lah.. in the day i take care den alternate nites she take care.. but one nite like this already super tired liao.. sigh.. but i also very uptight about my BB must take care myself den fang4 xin1!!
Yup, my boy is in the correct position, just havent descended into my pelvis. But if no contractions, also don't know when i am going to deliver wor. hee
Yeah, let pray hard hard together.

Nice to hear from you again. Gezann is so cute and fair. She looks so innocent in the photo.

Bao Bao,

Wow your bb is really big, easier to take care.


Think yours will be any time from now. Good luck and all the best to you!!

Ginger Juice

For those going to give birth, i just heard from my gf that on the day you are admitted to hospital, can ask your in-laws to prepare some ginger juice (a little bit will do, like the chili sauce container when tp chicken rice) and bring it to the hospital just after you have given birth. Mix the ginger juice with some hot water and drink it immediately. Cos after we give birth our body will lose a lot of heat and we will feel cold. So that drink is good for us.
DS / Sabre / krissie,
Re: bending over oh I see, will get backaches & uterus not back in place huh.
Aiya, the old folks never explain the reason & hence it keeps me wondering why. Eg when picking up bb from her bed, definitely have to bend.

Re: DOM I have yet to drink it, bcos Ive sore throat & mouth ulcer now after eating heaty confinement food with lots of ginger & seasame oil.

Im still using Pampers Premium for my girl, really great absorbency, keeps bottom dry. Maybe you can try Pet Pet which is more economical?

Your turn to experience the joy of motherhood is not far away
Guess youre quite excited now.
Youre right! The name Cathleen is indeed from the move Youve got mail. Smart guess!
Yep, I supplement with FM even up till now. Bcos bb is very demanding & I cant produce as much as she needs.

Our girls are only 1 day apart. Theyll also celebrate 1st month around the same time.

I put on 11+kg, left 5+kg to shed, dunno can shed by the time my girl celebrates her 1st month anot.

The nurse suggested I take glucolin drink for energy, & it is provided by the hospital. In fact I took 2 cups.
The epi was administered with me lying on my left side, legs cropped up, hands holding onto thigh, chin down, and the nurse also hold onto me just in case I move. Supposed to stay very still. Hubby was around all the time.
Re: engorgement I didnt use cold cabbage leh. Heard that it might inhibit milk flow. So I just use warm towel to massage & express out the milk.
Re: bb cries my girl almost always cry for a reason either hunger, poo poo, needs swaddling. So she gets settled down once we feed her, or changed her or wrapped her snugly. But she also expects milk to be given pretty fast, if not, she screams at the top of her lungs & her face turns red.

Thanks dear. For the past few nights, I woke up to feed bb, so I compensate the loss of sleep by taking nap in the afternoon. Felt so refreshed after that.

So youre the next one to pop! Take care & hope youll have a safe & smooth delivery

Great to have you back in the forum. So did your wound still hurt a lot?
Yep, need to rest a lot. Im also on partial bf. My girl refused to latch on my nipple after realizing how easy it is to drink from bottle where the flow of milk is immediate. Shes spoilt oredi!

Similarly, my mum also says cannot drink plain water. Do you know why?

Yep, well change into hospital gown once inside the delivery suite. Have to take off bra & panty. And yes, will have to wear pad after gynae finished stitching.

Hahaa ^5!! Ive also shortlisted the name Megan earlier on, but decided on Cathleen instead. So coincidental huh! Will update Megans Chinese name later.
Wow envy you on the weight loss! Did the abdominal binder help? Or the malay massage besides not sleeping well? Anyway, do try to rest well. Thats what people tell me.
Hand not really ache when pump with Avent Isis, cos when milk flow is good, u just need to press a bit and hold..then the milk will continuos flow for 10ml like that..But it get frustrating when milk doesnt flow continuously loh. I usually alternate the breast after few mins..take approx 30mins for both breast..hardly pump more than 30mins even though milk might be little..a bit tired.

Hubby dun dare to drink my EBM..even I myself also dun dare to drink..only dare to taste it hehe..

R u coping well with the pain from c-section? My c-section pain goes away completely during the 2nd week after deliver..Hope you r doing well...
<table><tr><td> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mtb</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD> Popped on</TD><TD> Hospital</TD><TD> Gender/bb name</TD><TD> bb weight </TD></TR><TR><TD>summer</TD><TD> 17 Dec</TD><TD> 10 Nov</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Javier</font></TD><TD> 2.220kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>BudgetMum</TD><TD> 04 Dec</TD><TD> 17 Nov</TD><TD> KKH</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD>2.8kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mujmuj</TD><TD> 06 Dec</TD><TD> 18 Nov</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">girl</font></TD><TD>2.72kg 48cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>IF</TD><TD> 17 Dec</TD><TD> 19 Nov</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">girl</font></TD><TD>2.385kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>weoseek</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> 19 Nov</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">boy</font></TD><TD> 2.665kg 47cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sabre</TD><TD> 09 Dec</TD><TD> 24 Nov</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Jun4 En1 / Ryo</font></TD><TD> 2.66kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>meixue</TD><TD> 30 Nov</TD><TD> 25 Nov</TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">girl</font></TD><TD> 3.33kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>moonbell</TD><TD> 11 Dec</TD><TD> 28 Nov</TD><TD> MA</TD><TD> <font color="0000ff">Tristan</font> </TD><TD> 2.5kg 48cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>LiewLian Soh</TD><TD> 10 Dec</TD><TD> 29 Nov</TD><TD>Eastshore</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Fybie</font></TD><TD> 3.46kg 53cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joanna Lee</TD><TD> 11 Dec</TD><TD> 1 Dec</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Elyse</font></TD><TD> 3.795kg 52cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>straycats</TD><TD> 12 Dec</TD><TD> 2 Dec</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Megan / JiaYi</font></TD><TD> 3.2kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>JeslynLuvRenee</TD><TD> 07 Dec</TD><TD> 5 Dec</TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Regine</font></TD><TD>3.28kg 47cm </TD></TR><TR><TD>Berlin</TD><TD> 14 Dec</TD><TD> 5 Dec</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Gezann</font></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyful</TD><TD> 09 Dec</TD><TD> 6 Dec</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD> <font color="ff0000">Cathleen</font></TD><TD> 3.12kg </TD></TR><TR><TD>-</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinkletotts</TD><TD> 04 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunnyling</TD><TD> 13 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> 2kg @34 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yvonne</TD><TD> 14 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merilyn</TD><TD> 19 Dec</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>DS</TD><TD> 20 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> 2.8kg @37 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wendy Lim</TD><TD> 22 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2005(first_mum)</TD><TD> 23 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> 3.03kg @38 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>absolut</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Eastshore</TD><TD> Nicholas Ewan Keng</TD><TD> 2.8kg @36weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>sandy</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> Ernest</TD><TD> 2.7kg @37weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>fairymoss</TD><TD> 24 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>faith ho</TD><TD> 25 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>YL</TD><TD> 25 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Justin</TD><TD> 3kg@ 35weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Agnes</TD><TD> 25 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheerful_mum</TD><TD> 26 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> 2.7kg @36 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>sansforum/Germaine</TD><TD> 26 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> girl</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>poohnie</TD><TD> 29 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>violetgem</TD><TD> 29 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> 2.5kg @35 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>bao bao</TD><TD> 31 Dec</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> Jayden</TD><TD> 3.3kg @37 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>muah</TD><TD> 03 Jan</TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>krissie</TD><TD> 06 Jan</TD><TD> </TD><TD>MA</TD><TD> Nicholas Lee</TD><TD> 2.75kg @36 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>taka</TD><TD> 08 Jan</TD><TD> </TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD> Megan Lee</TD><TD> 1.7kg @33weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jan</TD><TD> Feb 06</TD><TD> </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> boy</TD><TD> 800g @27wks </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
since bb's in the correct position, u shd hv nothing to worry abt. i wonder if engagement is a split second occurrence?? also wonder the same abt gg into labor. like 1 min, we r watching tv n the next min, we start to feel the contractions is it??

gynae mentioned walking n BH contractions (helps push the bb down) help engagement. mayb we shd do some last min shopping!

thks for update
yes, v excited abt being the next few on the list! glad dat cathleen n mummy r doing well!


thanks for the reply. how is little megan??? must be very cute. bet u sayang her all the time. hehee. now i know what to expect. sigh. worry abt the period part. almost 9 months no wear sanitary pad liao. will miss being pregnant cos i don't like times when my period comes, very troublesome. now with the stitch, i think it will make it more unbearable. sigh.

yeah. i think i will try to take it easy. nowadays i tire very easily. i put on alot of weight. already hit 20 and i still got 2 more months to go. gynae advise i have to eat less. sigh.

thanks for advice. i can't wait to see baby cot. then can clean up and put in the room. also serves as a strong reminder to my hubby that baby is coming! he keep on postpone cleaning up the room and the clothes. i so angry with him. now with the baby cot, i hope he will wake up cos very soon his son will be coming. 2 more months only!

how r u and megan! u and hubby very capable. no CL, do urself. i also want to cos i tot its a good way to lose weight and save money! but mil say no and i stay in her house so.... anyway forget abt unahppy stuff. do tell us more abt megan! btw, why glass bottles no good? i intend to get from TMC just like liewlian soh suggest cos i dun have enuf pigeon bottles and its just too expensive to use pigeon to store. glass bottles can put in steam steraliser steralise?
