(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Good afternoon Mommies

yday i finally managed to get the Kotex Maternity Adhesive pads from Sheng Siong at $5.60 for a pack of 10, slightly cheaper than NTUC by nearly a dollar..

just eat whatever that U have craving for lor.. cos when confinement comes, all these sinful temptions got to stop.. keke

me also keep postpone the packing of hospital bag.. but realised that now i m into 35 weeks so better start packing..

i also feel very sian dont feel like coming to work..

i think it is just some old wives tales about the swollen legs..

i was controlled myself for the chocolate bar.. try not to open the fridge that often to see it.. keke

my swell will not subside whether AM or PM, still swollen..

btw, do U have the checklist for hospital bag to share share?

hope U r feeling much better this afternoon.. do rest well or take a day off from work if U r really stress @ work.. take care ok
ya, some hand-me-downs i recd r v new but hv turned slightly yellow cos they are white. dats y SIL suggested i bleach so dat look and feel clean. i also bout the bleach for coloreds so i guess not so harsh... aft dat will wash wiv bb detergent and softener.. will take note not to bleach mittens..

thks for info. will call JL and chk later. pte sale usually works out to be more than 30% off, v worth it! can buy necessities and toiletries. or items like cot n pram...

moonbell/ krissie,
i oso using 2nd-hand medela mini electric but dnt tink buying new spare parts. will just sterilise and use, my set is quite new.. how much is the funnel anyway?

where r u delivering? my chklist is v TMC-biased, in the sense dat ill not b bringing any bb stuff and toiletries that TMC will provide... i hv it at hm, will post later if u want
i will be delivering at Mt A. Wow.. so nice of TMC to provide bb stuff and toiletries.. if it is not too much of a trouble, thanks a lot
2005 first mum,
heard tat shouldnt eat too much chocolates or bb will be very active in the future wor.. Old folks tale but anyway I don really feel like eating sweet things throughout my pregnancy..
It's true tat c-section u will have lesser discharge, cause they will clear some for u already.. so maybe use normal pads can already, but i still bought 1 pack of maternity pad jus in case..

Kind of tired to go out recently jus wanted to laze in bed.. haha.. Its raining today, so cooling..
U better call Nepia to order. I ordered end Oct and delivery is tom. They just called me to tell me that they ran out of size S and offered M. I said no and asked them to still send 2 NB to me tom, since it's their ops problem that they forgot to add my S in. They will send 2 S to me when the stock arrives. Thanks.. my rashes are better. Ya, it would be good to get the Daniel cot. Too bad, we cant wait liao.. I keep getting tightening. So, wanna settle everything asap & just relax and wait for bb.

Thanks. then, I shall buy only 1 more pack of NB. See if I can catch the MP offer at NTUC.

Thanks.. will take a look at my gf's pump before buying.

Accrdg to my colleague, C-section shld have lesser discharge, coz the gynae will clean up most of it during the op.

Re Avent Steriliser
oh no..everywhere is selling at $163 liao. cant find it for $119 already.. does anyone knows where else is selling it for $119? Thanks!
I think using the finger is better than the probe used during v-scan rite? Not painful lah. Must relax and think of your BB. My gynae quite fast, talked to me, then last than 1min tell me ok. They just need to feel the width and the bones around the pelvic region

TMC will provide basic toiletries bag for mummy. Items include shampoo, soap, pads, toothbrush, toothpaste and panties.

For baby, a set of discharge clothes, mittens, booties, receiving blanket, pampers premium, J&J wet wipes, bottles of FM and samples provided by various companies.. so no need to bring anything for bb.

2 Button-Front Nursing Gowns
1 Nursing Bra
1 Cardigan/ Shawl
1 Facial Wash
3 Maternity Pads
3 Disposable Panties
1 Set of Discharge Clothing
2 Socks
3 Disposable Breast Pads
1 Bedroom Slippers with Non-Slip Soles

Optional items to pack include ziplock/ plastic bags, breast pump, jacket, face towels, extra bath towel/ pads, mosituriser and 3-in-1 beverages.


1 Jacket
1 Underwear
1 Set of clothings
1 Camera + Charger
1 Toothbrush + Toothbrush
1 Mobile Phone + Charger

Hope this helps!
i oso ddnt eat dat much chocs during my preg la. but sometimes i cheat and drink choc milk instead of plain milk haha. hope bb is just-nice-active can liao!

i read in another thread some C-section can oso bleed qt a fair bit. conversely, some natural births ddnt bleed much. so i tink all depends on individuals and not mthd of delivery.

Just to add on to your list which is very important also and that is the antenatal bill that you paid your gynae package fee, so that we can claim the $450 from Medisave.

BTW, you mean 3 pc of maternity pads enough ah ?? I intend to bring the whole pack leh... Same for disposable panties...
thks for info. not too expensive.

wah u posted so late, had insomnia again?? i oso woke up @2am yday cldnt get bk to slp til 3+...

u mean atenatal bills can be a separate claim of 450 from delivery and ward charges (another 1500)? i ddnt know dat...

hmm..i tink at tmc, they provide a pk of 10 Kotex adhesive pads and 2 panties for each mum, so we r just bringing extras...
thks for info. not too expensive.

wah u posted so late, had insomnia again?? i oso woke up @2am yday cldnt get bk to slp til 3+...

u mean atenatal bills can be a separate claim of 450 from delivery and ward charges (another 1500)? i ddnt know dat...

hmm..i tink at tmc, they provide a pk of 10 Kotex adhesive pads and 2 panties for each mum, so we r just bringing extras...
Hi Jan,
Got my beansprout pillow, here is it.

Also, I bought this pocket box to keep my bb's little mittens and booties. Easier to store and find.
Your box is so sweet. I also have something similar, I got from Ikea to keep the mittens, etc.

BTW, do we have to bring the original marriage cert? or a photocopy will do?
hi ladies,
Went for my weekly checkup yesterday. Gynae says bb is 2.9kg @37 weeks, expected birth weight to be 3.5kg. Ger-ger is not going to come out yet, shes still growing, perhaps too comfy inside me liao :p Gynae says just wait!

Re: swab test
Results showed ve, so no need for me to take antibiotics

Jan, DS, Sandy,
Thanks dear
Felt better, no more tightening of tummy. Guess when big boss goes on leave next week, I will be less stressed.

your pocket box is a gd idea! Very organised. Also wonder where you bought it...

Re: Cervix check vs v-scan
v-scan using probe wasnt painful for me, just feel stretched down there. But cervix check is a little painful, bcos gynae used her finger to reach all the way to the cervix, and also bcos my cervix not dilated yet, so could feel the pain.
Still not sure whats the difference between cervix & pelvic check leh...

Ya lor, can't get to sleep after woke up to go to toilet, partly also becos of blocked nose.
Only managed to get back to sleep at about 5+ am. Lucky today no need to work...

My gynae's nurse told me leh... And I remember someone also posted here...

As for the pads, if you bring your own, then the nurse won't use theirs and I think they charge lor and you know lah, if they really charge, it's very ex one... Probably have to confirm with those experienced mothers...


Have to bring original marriage cert.


Good for you leh... your bb don't want to come out too early... Stay full term better...
Anyway, another 3 more weeks to go only... Started to counting down already ??

Today hubby finally wash all bb clothes and towels but today like not much sun, though no rain...

And I've packed my hospital bag liao but not fully completed yet....
tink dere r more sleepless nites ahead. now i wk up once a nite to pee den "lun" until mrng. wen bb gets engaged will prolly hafta pee more often.

tink @tmc the 1st pack is included in package ley. bt nvm ill just bring my own too, anw bought liao.

wah ur gynae can predict whether bb is coming out yet?? dats gd hor, den wnt b so kancheong. another 3 wks to go. KAM-PATE!

today i finally washed all bb's clothes too, which is a gd ting cos i realised she has much more clothes den hubby and me combined!! i wld hv kept on buying more! the most kua-zhang r her rompers, more than 30!! dnt tink she can finish wearing them b4 she outgrows them! i cnt even hang all up to dry at the same time, hafta hang in batches...

e kodomo softener smells delicious so my laundry room smells bb-licious

now still left her nappies, towels and beddings. really quite alot of laundry to do man. i yao-suan-bei-tong now. its time to start for mummies who havent!
anyone bought oredi? can i check the price. my SIL got hers for $8.40, 2 packets. any cheaper lobang??

my CL reminded me must buy SEEDLESS dates, so tk note hor.

someone mentioned got this brand "eternity" cheap can get at metro rite? does robinsons or JL carry this brand?
Violetgem, 2005
I posted the thingy on being able to claim $450 from the antenatal bill as well. Make sure you get the partial bill from the clinic and bring it along when you do your pre-adm / admission procedure

Looks like most of our girls (LiewLian, Mexiue,Berlin, mine & yours) are gonna be rather big leh
How do you feel now? Everyday, I just wait & wait & wait and when I go out I bring my sanitary pad & my doc's letter along, incase my water bag burst...are your groins aching? Mine aches when I walked for too long
& I visit the toilet so often!!! My hb told me, this weekend is the last week for me to go out, thereafter I have to guai guai sit at home to wait for Megan's arrival
Do you feel tired? I don't leh, instead I feel very enegerized..except for the groin pain. Duuno if this is a sympton as well???

RE: Marriage Cert
Need original meh? I only packed a photocopied one.

Included in the pkg ah ?? Don't know leh... Thought I read from here that it doesn't...

My mom told me don't buy seedless red dates cos they easy to get mouldy...

I saw JL carry Eternity bra (Specialist and Jurong Pt branch). But recently Jurong Pt one got revamp and then no more liao. Thought of buying it during next Tues sale.

BTW hor, not sure if there is still this promotion next Tue at JL. My colleague told me that if you buy more than $60, you can get a sure win lucky dip which is certain % (can be 20%, 50% etc) off your next purchase. But hor, the voucher is for the same day purchase hor... So, if you buy more than $60, better split your bill. My colleague paid $200+ at 1 go (she didn't know the terms and conditions) and got a 20% discount voucher. In the end, she gave it to other people cos she got nothing to buy liao.

I got my bath herbs from my grandparents. They grow themselves one... Also don't know what herbs is that, never go and see... But hor, I scared that my bb is sensitive to the herbs leh... My colleague's bb was sensitive lor, so her face was all rashes. But now recovered liao lah...

My hubby hor, told me I can wash my hair but not my body during my hospital stay leh... Thought we better don't bathe for the 1st few days???


Just wondering if we don't have the gynae's letter, we cannot be admitted to hospital ah ??? Anyway, we did a pre-admission work already right ??

Re : groin pain

Sometimes, I also feel the pain leh... Quite uncomfortable.

According to the TMC guide book, it stated must bring original leh.... somemore in capital letter leh... But you are staying in Mt E right ?? So maybe different???
hello everyone,

RE: Marriage Cert
Confirm must bring original if you register at hostpital.

Thanks for posting the pics. very nice pillow. i confirm buying. can tell me the length?
i like your box. i got no space to put box leh. if not i will buy. wah, ur bb very xing(4) fu (2), got so many pairs of mittens, booties and socks! i haven't counted but i think i only got 3 pairs, still waiting for hands me down. yours look so attractive.i envy.

thanks for sharing.

yes, try to rest more. without bosses, won't feel so stress. when they are around its like we are always on standby. they buzz u all the time!
oh dear.i very scared of pain kind. if painful i think i will tense up more then make it worse. haiz....

my gynae say after 10pm try not to drink water then before u sleep, go toilet to pee. but i try already. dun really work but could be different pple. she says works for her. u might want to try. if cannot sleep, just lie in bed, also a form of rest.

u can start a baby clothes shop! so many rompers. must be very cute.

"eternity" they sell at JL. can check it out.

ur hubby very xi (4) xing (1) leh. then u must be good gal, sit at home. remember, u want megan to arrive aftr 28th nov so u must rest more.
Ya, counting down by weeks now.. 3 2 1 !!!

Youre right, Im not so worried as to keep guessing when bb is coming out everday. Still got 3 weeks mah :p
Btw Eternity brand nursing bra is also selling at Seiyu & OG.

My big boss is a gan cheong spider, so when he goes on leave, can guess how relieved all my colleagues are!

Hmm.. seems so coincidental that we mummies who are expecting girls are having bigger bbs
Somehow I was secretly hoping Id have a Dec bb.
Like you, I also pack a pad in my bag, just in case. My groin area sometimes feels heavy, but not painful. I actually feel more tired than before, mostly bcos of insufficient sleep, ie I wake up every night to pee & sometimes cant sleep again.
Are you still working? Really envy you still have the energy, like mopping the floor etc. Guess your hubby very xin teng to see you get tired, so he asked you to stay at home instead. Rather sweet of him leh.
If you did not get gynae's letter but water bag burst, just go straight to A&E, the hopsital should have your records. But can be quite a hassle cos' they may need our I/C to check for the records and signature for some documentation. Imagine when you are in pain and asked to sign documents????

I got my gynae's letter at 36wks. how many weeks are you at? Maybe you can ask from them?

This is what Mt E asked from me during my pre-adm procedures:

1)ask from whom's medisave a/c will the claim be done,
2) also need the mom's signature to agree to allow MOH to release medical records to CPF,
3) also hb's signature if using his medisave and 4) mom & hb need sign some agreement on how the hospital charges will be like, etc
5) they also check if you have any drug allergies and note them down.
6) they also explain how much can be claimed from medisave and what other charges that are non claimable
7) Advised that you can make your deposit on the day you admit or during the pre-adm procedure, by signining a letter of authorization to allow the hospital to charge your credit card, etc.
8) Advised, you on where to admit if anything happens after / during office hours.

Thereafter, I was told to carry all the documentation with me, at all times when I am outside.

Jan, Violetgen, Krissie
You gals maybe correct, maybe Mt E don't need orginal cert cos' they only tell me to bring my I/C lor.

Groin pain is the relaxin in our hormones getting the pelvis gridle / birth canal ready for our BB to come out...yes, I agree it can be very uncomfortable. I don't like the feeling
Good Morning ladies,
May i know how does contraction feels? Don't have any, but wish to know. Thank.

Your bb mittens box very sweet. Thanks for sharing.

For the bath herbs, "fu hwa" got sell, but not sure how much, i got some hands me down from my sil. If not enough, then ask hubby go and buy.

The eternity bra still selling at bugis seiyu, i bought it last sun. Can go and try your luck.

Re: Red dates,
I thought we are supposed to get red dates with seeds? Then removed then one by one before cooking the drink? Not sure why, but my mum keep emphasing to me that need to get those with seed.

Re: Original marriage cert
Wah, still got to bring original marriage cert..... hmm maybe i will call up tmc to confirm again, very troublesome to bring original leh...
do we need invite for tue JL sale? or as long as cardholder? i ddnt receive ley. wldnt mind doing more shopping heehee!

i tink cos e CL lazy to seed the dates for me dats y kept telling me buy seedless!

wah ur grandies grow the plant themselves so happening ah?? den u can save on the herbs liao, more than $100 ley!

i oso puzzled whether we can bath at hospital anot. most pple i noe bath and wash hair the 2nd day at hospital, cannot tahan!

haha ya the bb clothings look so cute in my laundry room my hubby even took photos! but headache cos i hvnt bought my drawers now no place to keep the clean laundry! have u gotten ur plastic drawers? how much and where?

so gd at least got reassurance fr gynae. me suffering fr paranoia and anxiety all the time, when is bb coming??

my CL asked me to get 28 pks of bath herbs ley, 1 pk each day...

anyone noes whether we can soap ourselves when bathing wiv the herbs?? or just herb and water? lidat for 1 mth, clean meh?
For me the contractions feels like tightening for the entire stomach muscles with some pain.

Seems like your body is getting ready for birth liao. My friend said he hip joints were loosened slightly before birth too.
That was what I was told. But I really hate the groin pain sometimes, feel like muscle sore
Maybe that's why my gynae told me to rest lor.

Yup, me still working. ML will start when I'm admitted to hospital. I do feel tired at times and my tummy seems to get heavier & tighter & tighter. Like you, my boss is also a gan cheong spider...everyday ask me when...haiz.....

Same as Krissie, my tummy will get tight than have pain like stomach ache. So far only kena the pain twice...tightening of my tummy, almost everyday also have

I definitely agree on how cute the BB clothes looked when hanging them to dry, especially when I place them beside her daddy's clothes

Mummies, need to seek your opinions on the following:
1) after sterilising the bottles, etc..do you air dry them or wipe them dry with a clean piece of cloth. Cos' if we wipe them dry doesn't it defeats the purpose of using a steriliser???

2) any intention of using a air purifier in the room that your BB sleeps in? Any good model to recommend?

OIC. Now, I'm starting wk 35 liao, this wed will be seeing my gynae, think will get the letter from him. Thanks.


Not too sure about the JL sale. The invitation letter didn't state it's private sale leh... Anyway, only Specialist, Causeway Pt and Jurong Pt then have, the rest don't have and it starts from 6.30pm - 10 pm, just nice for me to reach there after work.

I also think so leh cos removing the seed from the red date is not an easy task and somemore got so many to remove leh... That's why my mom self-create a gadget to remove the seed from the red date.
BTW, seedless red dates more ex right ???

My grandparents live in Muar, that's why...
Huh, the bath herbs so ex ah ?? Didn't know about it... But I don't know izzit the same one or not lah... BTW, what's the purpose of using herbs to bathe ah ?? I also don't know can use soap or not... Must ask my mom...

Ya lor, my hubby was saying we already perspire so much during delivery and then don't bathe, very unhygenic......

Re : Sterilising

According to Mrs Wong, after the bottles are sterilised, can just assembled them as a set and then just put somewhere and it could last for 24 hrs. No need to dry it, if not then defeats the purpose liao. BTW hor, anybody knows how to sterilise the tongs ??? Mrs Wong never say leh... and I forgot to ask also...

Re : Air purifier

Not sure if you are talking about the same thing as I'm currently using, in case you are referring to the air freshner that only started recently since SARS time (the one that contains water and kept on swirling with a leave-like lid). The air purifier I'm using is Honeywell brand, my hubby said it's the better one. I know there is a shop specialise in selling this at Paragon but not cheap lor. But those dept stores like Best or Harvey Norman also got lah, just that the range not so many. Bought it at about $500 and the filter must change once every 2 yrs or so, can't remember liao.. And it cost $90 leh!!!
Re: Sterilising

I remember Mrs Wong said just put the tongs into the sterlisier when we sterilise the bottles. don't think plastic will be too hot to handle after sterilising. We can leave it in the steriliser to cool for a while before opening the cover.
Just to share:
I went for breastfeeding workshops organised by BMSG. it's inofrmative for first timers n who did not look into for information in this area. What they mentioned during the workshops r information we can find in the website. But if u have enquiry, they can answer quite well.

I also attended their 'Back to Work' workshop. They taught hand expression of breastmilk. it's good when we don't hv access to breastpump. but find it needs practice before we can master well. Heard it's good for clearing engorged breasts. they also taught the way to massage breasts before pumping to encourage let down.

Before attending the workshops, my hubby n I have different opinions on feeding our bb. I insist on no FM for our bb as I've done research on the website on breastfeeding. I am happy that now hubby also support my decision on TBF our bb after attending the workshop cos he now understands the benefits of feeding BM.

Few days ago, my MIL asked which FM we're going to feed our bb. My hubby told her that we're not going to give FM cos we're going to TBF. She doesn't support our decision cos she finds that the first week especially that's not enough milk for bb. I am glad that hubby speaks up on this matter n let her know that we're going to TBF.
new week, no boss so take a good rest.

hmmm.. as long as you follow the hospital instructions i guess u will be ok. anyway, hubby can always go back to register as long as withing 2 weeks i think.

yes, i bought the plastic containers already. $39.90 with wheels but only 4 levels. bought from carrefour. my hubby say must assemble wheels ourselves but they will provide. i haven't seen the wheels maybe in one of the container. but troublesome to bring back cos difficult to fit into taxi's boot. got car better. will be easier.

Re: Sterising of bottles,
i read that after we steralise the bottles, can leave them inside for 6hrs and they will still be ok? this is for pigeon. the rest i dun know.
tongs also put inside to steralise, same for the BF pumps.

Re: purifier.
i dun intend to buy cos if u are referring to those ioniser, very expensive. but i intend to invest in a mosquitoe zapper. those by novita. i saw them selling at around $40 (small ones) cos my place alot of mosquitoes and baby tend to get bitten cos their skin very soft.

JL sale if not private then i can go cos i not member but i understand 20% storewide only applies to that nite leh.
Hi, Mummies!

I just went for my check-up yesterday but gynae was kinda in a bad mood, cos he just did an abortion before my checkup, so he did not do a very thorough check for me.
But he observed my feet are slightly swollen due to water retention and my uterus is getting tighter after he touched my tummy. So he says that I may deliver ealier than my EDD!!!

As he didn't measure my bb's weight so I still dunno how much she weighs these days, sob sob!

Today my office is doing some minor reno and we are shifting to new seats so I excuse myself today in case I "dong tai qi"... Just to be sure!!! So I will go for my brazilian waxing and massage later in the day!!
Good Morning all.

I thought we can bath with herbs only 2 wks after delivery, why need to buy so many packets?

Krissie and straycats,
Ok, thanks for the explanation of contraction, i will take note.

Re: Air purifier,
Don't think i am getting one, scare bb not use to if next time we stop using it, also scare bb got sensitive nose to those purifier.

Wah, why your gynae temperimental huh? Like that very scary leh, but how you know he did an abortion before attending to you?

Wah, he say your bb might come out early.. so have you finished packing your hospital bag?

The nurse told me when she was taking my weight and blood pressure... That's why we dare not ask him too many questions, sigh! But I am going for my next check-up next week, and the doc said he will do the cervix check at that time.

I haven't finished yet, that's why I will do it later and do a final check before I head for my shopping!!! hee hee! It'll be a busy day for me again!!! Ha ha!!
Oic.. aiyo, but then he let his mood affect you mah, somemore got question but cannot ask..

Ok, pray hard his mood is better next week.

Enjoy your shopping hor.. now you still able to go shopping huh..

I will experience leg cramps when walking.. often at one leg.. sometime when ramp i got to stop and rest for a while before i continue..
Wah, I'm like u leh.. tightening almost everyday. But, the painful ones so far abt twice? There was once which was really bad. Must go home to rest type.
Since, I have tightening so often, I'm so worried that I might be due earlier. I packed my hosp bag last nite. Still short of a few items and I'm done liao.

No need to wipe dry the bottles, just leave it in the steriliser & take out to use when u need it.
Could u help me to see how much is the Avent Express Steriliser is selling at JL, pls? It's $163 everywhere, so, am waiting for the 20% disc or it to go back to the $119 offer price. Thanks much.
BTW, does anyone know where do we put the bath tub to bath bb? The ante-natal class had a changing table to put the bath tub. But, I didn't plan to buy this leh. How?
Wah, tightening almost everyday.. got ask gynae why like that a not? Must take care.

Either place the tub in the toilet when bath your bb. If not, can place it in bedroom, but got to close the windows when bath your bb.
This is what my mum did to my niece.
thks for info. will check out carrefour. Giant v ex, some 79.90. lidat might as well get better quality chest of drawers..

lidat mayb tmr go tk a look. my hubby say women v silly, always rushing to sales. in the end spend even more. i told him spend more save more mah!! they dnt understand the satisfaction we get from shopping!

ya the herbs not cheap. i hope they dnt smell too bad. i not a herbs/ chinese medicine person, dowana stink up my hse!

i oso experience tightening everyday ley. wads wrong wiv dat?? i tot v common?

my bb room not much furniture, only cot and chest of drawers (plastic type). where then can my maid change my bb?? on her mattress?? my bed is platform bed so v low, no gd to change bb oso. changing in the cot i find qt unhygienic ley. shd i buy a changing table? pls help!

confinement is 28 days mah, wiv the herbs can start bathing the day we r discharged. since CL says so i shall follow. My gfs' and SILs' CL also let them bath with herbs from day 1.. unless u wana follow v strict regime n "lun" for as long as possible, den u dnt need to buy so many pks loh.

Ladies, thanks for the info on the bottles & air purifier

2005, Krissie
I think tigtening of the tummy quite normal, sometimes is also due to our BBs "parking" at one position. Megan likes to "park" on my left with her bum sticking out and her knees / feet sticking out on the right.

Nowadays, her movement is more twisting and shifting. Occasionally can feel her jabbing me with her feet / hands / knees...I think my tummy running out of space for her oredi.

The 2 pains I felt lasted for only about 30secs to 1min, I just lie on my left and do deep breathing, thereafter it goes away. Is yours like dat?

Aren't you excited that Fybie is gonna be early? I also like you leh, still want to go shopping, always thinking I may have left out an item or 2...

My bed also platform, will change Megan on it. Not gonna buy a changing table. Heard from my hb's fren, it only last for a few mths after that its redundant.

I agree with 2005, with the herbs can bathe from day 1..otherwise how to tahan not bathing for the next 28days????
