(2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

Cos' I don't like big boobs
I find them a hindrance..I prefer small ones, the smaller the better. Before preggie I was only a A cup, after preggie now I become a C cup. Engorgement became a D cup, see oredi oso scared! Yucks!

Nvm lah. So long as BB comfortable can oredi. Anyway, I use nappies during the day & use diapers during the night

i bought pacifiers on an impulse cos they look so cute but i hvnt used them yet n not intending to unless really bobian. cos they r an addiction, i myself sucked on them until i was 9!! i c the new age bbs like dnt suck on pacifiers wan ley. can try not to introduce loh...

my hubby brought bb n CL. i ddnt go, finally tot can hv some peace but MIL n SIL visited so in e end no rest! hubby's face all black wen he came back, bb cried violently at the PD and CL wasnt much help haha...

straycats/ jeslyn,
ok gd. tot air-con's a taboo during confinement. v gd news can do in aircon

im so glad everyone is facing the same situation as me. tot my bb was disobedient n refuses to slp at nite, made me so depressed... at least now wen i get up BF, i know many other mums are doing the same. mayb can form a support grp haha!

ive been using pampers NB so far so gd too. no leakage. my ger produces 5 to 8 wet/ soiled diapers a day. she pooed twice today, made me so happy cos CL kept on saying how come bb on BM and yet no poo... she just cnt leave me alone to BF, always criticise! aarrrgghhh!!
anyone using petpet S on their NB? heard the size is small, can fit NB. im tinking of using for daytime, wonder hows the absorbency..

straycats/ jeslyn,
will start my massage tmr, tell u abt my experience

hope it rains, den will b cooling, not so hot n sweaty... do u ladies keep the binder on until mdm fauziah comes the next day? if i cnt tahan, take out in the evening can anot. envy u straycats, almost can see daylight liao hee

what kind of wt gain can i expect at the end of bb's 1st mth? cnt wait to see her become a cute little chubby doll! she lost some wt upon discharge fr hospital, now still slightly below 3kg at 1st PD checkup. wonder whether my BM is fattening her up.

sometimes my ger wants to be fed every 2 hrs other times she sleeps for 4 hrs straight. if i dnt express n only latch when she wants, will my MS decrease? will my engorgement prob get worse? so confusing...

many times dilemma duno wana wake her up to feed anot. do u ladies do dat? or just let bb slp as long as she wants to?
Glad to see that you sound happier

Hee hee, tell you hor, today I went for my haircut, I had to beg my mom to allow me to go. Lucky she said ok. Berlin sms me and was shocked that I was at my hairdresser's today.
I was so glad for the fresh air, time to myself and watch the ppl walk by the saloon

Soon it will be your turn to see the light at the end of the tunnel

RE: Bringing BB to PD
I think I am the noti one, I went with hb and Megan but my mom went along as well

RE: Aircon
Actually, it all depends on how pantang you want to be lor and to believe or not to believe what the old folks say. Personally, I think aircon is ok lor, better than fan leh.

RE: Binder
I kept mine on until about 5am then I take it out. Thereafter, I shower 1hour before Fauziah comes. The longer you keep it on, the better for you cos' the binder acts as a form of back support as well.

RE: BB's weight
Its normal for BB to lose some weight upon discharge, slowly they will gain back their weight. My PD told us to buy a normal digital weighing scale, then carry BB and weigh together, thereafter, just use the weight and minus off our weight to get BB's avg weight gain.

I bf my ger at 11pm, 2am and 4am. Sometimes, she can sleep 3 hours straight without getting up, sometimes, she will get up within 1.5hours. Personally, I let her decide if she wants to feed anot. Btw, the more you latch the more your MS will increase not vice versa and engorgement will get better.

They prefer you to feed FM cos' BB can sleep longer mah. Most are not pro-bfing. But don't be bothered by her ok, just stick to your decision.

I'm like you, waiting for "D" day. My due is tomorrow, even earlier than you, so I'm more anxious than you lor. I'm happy that today is my last day of work, glad that I didn't take early maternity leave, else I would be at home waiting and wasting my time.

ok..maybe tonight will strike?
I duuno if she will charge extra or not for the slimming massages, cos' I never ask, though I was tempted too. She only tells me it will be more painful than normal massages.
hi ladies,
jus brought my bb out today.. he was quite obedient most of the time slpin.. haha.. but its so crowded today n somemore some of e pp wont even give way to me pushin e stroller.. super inconsiderate.. !! he's botak today le.. look so strange..

i read from a book tat pacifier can prevent SID in babies.. Anyway i'm usin now. But bb will spit out after he fall asleep or he get tired of it.. I think tat at least it calms him down la.. or it breaks my heart to c him keep crying also...
straycats, i like big 1 leh, but nt too big la..also not so small...
hehe....before preg is ok..after preg still ok, give birth already, very bad...too big already...
2005, hehe..tml i also having massage leh...u 1st or i 1st?
both days, yday & today, both days raining when mdm fauziah came...

so its cool...after the massage, i feel more cool...
Hi first__mum, it is a blessing your new maid is not here yet. Otherwise your CL will be too happy dedicating her work to her. Also, the poor maid will learn all the wrong things from the CL.
taka, janet
thanks..am so glad that the feedback of the choz cakes are good. will get that loh. ya, after the 10 box free 1 box, it's abt $5 for each box. So, qt ok lah to give to colleagues.

oh, mrs wong, TMC, is it? she's qt famous loh. wonder if i give birth at Mt. A, whether she'll see me or not. aiyo.. breasts smaller than before preg.. wah, very sad leh.

maybe u wanna consider seeing a LC? i think it helps. maybe she can massage, etc. u try using the hot towel / hot pack first lah. i hv a colleague who put hot water in a plastic bag, so it's like a hot pack. u can try that.

Tried the melrose cakes recently. not v nice. just fyi, only. But, v cheap lah, got $2+ per pack also.

can get vouchers from Prima Deli ($10) or Sweet Secrets ($8 or $10). It's something like NTUC voucher. Not the collect a cake type of voucher.


which pack are u taking from Choz?
I am taking the Angel Face pack cost $12.80 each. My hb like the variety in that packaging. U can order 1 week before the 1mth party.

What stroller are you using for your BB? Does it come with a carrier seat attached onto the stroller?
S'poreans are all like dat, they don't give way to anything.

Me dun like big big ones. My hb like thot. Very inconvenient for me to run in big boobs
So lucky you say after bfing will become smaller than before..heng ah!
Hi ladies

Im back on 22/12. Very bad engorment and im on c-section and make me so depress. I cried in the end hubby ask me give up BF. Cos my wounds oredi so pain getting up is oredi a problem. So now my bb is on FM.

Every now and than im so guilty and hid and cry. Hope everything will be alrite for me.

This my bb pixs.
Hi BaoBao,

Congrats on the arrival of your baby.

Don't feel depress can understand how you feel coz me also c-section.

Try to pump your milk out instead of direct latch dued to C-section wound. Once you are feeling better then slowly latch yr bb on.

Did your gynae provide you a binder to put on? It will helps alot to minimize your pain.

Lastly, don't know whether you still remember me ... haha
Bao Bao
Don't feel sad. At least your tried bfing. Tennyson Mummy is right, try expressing instead of direct latch.
Things will fall nicely into place soon

Ya, it is so sian. No symton so far leh.

Btw, ladies did u experience different weeks counts from the routine check up and the original estimation date? Every time when i go for check up, it is one week advance as compare to the original EDD (count from the last menses date). If base on gynae's check up, i am almost 39 weeks liao but if base on last menses date count it is 37 weeks+ only leh. Very confusing, and which one should i rely on??

Wow, tomorrow is your EDD already hah, so good. Can your gynae wait?? My gynae is the KS type, won't allow me to delay if pass due date. hehehe.


So sorry to hear that u r not happy with your CL. How did u get to know her? Through someone's reference?? I also scare can't get along with my CL and i expect her to do quite a lot of stuff cos i see most of my fren's and sil's CL are doing all the things and the mother just relax and rest well, except doing the bfing part. So i expect the same. Jia lat, if my CL is no good cos i very bad temper one, sure will scold her if she is not doing a good job.
Bao Bao,

Don't feel guilty about it. Quite some times ago i read an article written by a father saying that now S'pore is pro-bfing so much that it brings unneccessary stress and guilt to those couples who tried very hard (all the means that we have mentioned) and yet couldn't get bfing successfully and everyone got different ways of bring up their own kids. The emphasis on bfing just let them feel a sense of failure and guilt. I think he got his point here and we should not feel guilty if we already tried the best we can do. More importantly, fm feed bb will grow up healthy and normally.
bought e lucky baby stroller.. u can actually adjust e seat and quite comfortable also.. but its a bit heavy.
When those pp doesnt wan to give way den i will jus run the wheels over their legs! keke..

initially i was jus like u.. but i stopped BF cause it wont b gd if u don feel gd. somemore they say ur bb can know ur feeling one wor..So if it really cause to be so depress den u can try FM also.. As long as bb is gaining weight its ok one la.. Bottle feed them also is a very special moment...
Merry christmas! Our first christmas with our little one. However, I don't feel much christmas joy, even though my girl's full-month is on christmas day itself. She's been driving me and hubby crazy with her non-stop crying.

My girl refuses to go to sleep between evening to 2am! And cries even when carried. Is it colic?

My girl hasn't pooed for 36 hours already, wondering when her next big gush of poo will be. sigh. The last time that she didnt poo for 24 hours, the gush was so big until it was dripping on the floor!! yucks.

2005, glad you sound happier. I using Pet Pet S for my girl now. Initially it was too loose for her. But from 2 weeks onwards, it's a good fit. Absorbency is ok, can last about 5-6 hours before feeling the dampness. I like Pampers Premium, but too expensive. Pampers Baby Dry is not bad too, bikini-cutting, so baby looks nicer cuz not as bulky around the butt.
Bao Bao
What Taka, Sabre & Tennyson mun said is very true. Just do your best be it EBM / FM, so long you have tried, and your BB is healthy and growing that is more rewarding than anything else on earth

Hee hee! I think I will be like you. if ppl don't give way I will roll their toes over with my stroller
However, my BB's stroller is giantic..can be problem pushing it around our small island.

My ger wants to be carried all the time. And worst, she is very wakeful in the day. Sleep for 1/2hour, cry than have to carry her, she sleeps again, put her back to the cot, she wakes up again. Then I found the SLING!!! I am using it on her, so far, she can sleep for solid 2hours than wake up crying for milk, fed her, put her back into the sling, she sleeps again...at least I can have 2 hands free now, go toilet with her in the sling also can..ha ha!!

How was your outing with Cathleen in the sling?
Hi first_mum,

Pampers Baby Dry (pink) is appropriate for girls as it has a protective shield on the back going beyond the waist.

Try to express every 3 hours to maintain the supply. Otherwise you will be suffering from the engorgement. I would suggest you visit Mrs Wong to clear the ducts once or twice. After that, she will teach you how to prevent the ducts from forming. Make to make appt. She is part of the Thomson Medical group of hospitals.

Most gynaes are not in favor of giving birth too many days after EDD as the placenta would have 'aged' and the amniotic fluid may be insufficent. So, I asked to be induced.
U still keen on the MIM sling? I got it but my ger don't like, instead she likes the cheapo one that my hb got for me from the US. My MIM sling is in basic cotton, navy blue with red borders, if you are keen I can sell it to you for $25 (wif the VCD). Let me noe.
krissie, yalo, melrose cake not very nice, but very cheap, im getting the $4 cake for my office staffs....
think im gg to order about 80boxes...

for my relatives, i tink will get creative bakery, cos the factory just above my dad's factory, convenient to pick up too..
bao bao, y give up BF? u can ly side way when feeding baby leh! u dono? then ur wound won be pained so much..
past few years, have been gg out with my frd & her bf for xmas dinner, but not this yr..

so sad leh, PH leh, on confinement, still nevermind, lugi my maternity leave!

Hi everybody...

Hows everything?

Had my last massage today and I still have 3 kg to lose to my original weight!

My BB does not like to latch on as my nipple is short so I pump every 2 to 3 hours. And so far I can pump abt 4-5 times x 60ml of BM for my baby and give him FM during night. My CL is ok and is always remind to pump milk and bring my bb to latch on. Very On !

I wipe my body with herbal water 2 times per day and have not wash my hair yet and will tahan for one month. No fan and air con so far.

I really hope that 13 Jan is coming soon and I can be free.

BTW is the sling good for baby cos I thought of buying one. Any comments.
so envious u can go PD n hairdresser, wish my confinement ending soon like urs...

thks for tkg the time to reply all my queries

i realised all CL will try every trick of eve to mk us feed FM! they r so irritating n naggy, u noe everytime my bb cries she tells my bb "hungry hor. mama feed u now, b gd" n its not even feeding time. teach my bb the wrong ting!

beta pray u get a gd one, not all same standard one. my gfs have fired a few on the spot!...im oso v short tempered. i tink shes fearful of me haha. she likes to ransack my whole kitchen rather than ask me where do i put certain tings. but 1 thing i cnt stand, they r not v hygienic. hafta close 1 eye loh cos scold her too much wait she bully my bb!

straycats/ jeslyn,
had my first massage today, it was gd she helped me cleared the blocked ducts (painful like hell though!) but now after 2 hrs i can feel the lumps again! funny ley, i feed bb regularly still engorge but when i try to express, the amt is pathetic.

im using petpet S for my 6 day old bb now. the size seems ok ley but even Pampers Premium oso not v fitting for her... decided to switch cos shes pooing like nobody's business. yday we must have changed her 15 times!
Bao bao,
I also had c-section. Dun worry..The pain will go off very soon. Take the pain killer regularly. By the 2nd week you wont be able to feel anything anymore.

As for bf, my boy was on total formula for first 4 days, 3 days in NICU, and 1 day in nursery while I discharge. But now he still latches well, get your hubby to help you with pump.

Mummies who are gaining freedom soon:
Careful and plan your outing..I went shopping with hubby for xmas present yesterday for approx 8 hrs. From 2pm-10pm..My breast swollen and almost all parts become hard..then also stain my clothes with BM,luckily was wearing black color, so not obvious. When got home spent so long to clear the engorgement..pump out 7oz of milk milk...aiyo..
I also had c-section and I know it's not easy to bf and even pump milk. I try to pump 3-4 times a day and latch her at least once a day (worst thing for me is I have short and inverted nipple problem). Just try and if you can't do it don't force yourself. It will get you really depressed. I cried in the first week when I have to look after my gal during nite time and pump milk after feeding her.

Did you have massage already? It seems that most of the mums here are losing weight fast after their massage and getting their pre-pregnant figure back real soon. I worried about affecting the wounds, not having my massage yet.
weoseek/ mummies,
how do u clear the hard lumps in ur breast?

has my massage today n the masseur managed to clear all the blocked ducts. but after 3 hours or so, breasts became hard again. i direct feed bb every 3 hrs. when i tried to express, only got a miserable 10 ml! according to masseur ducts clear, supply shd b quite gd.

is it bc my bb not eating as much as im producing? on the other hand cos i failed to express much im afraid bb not feeding enuff, wait malnutrition how???

so discouraging n painful i feel like just giving up BF...
Don't give up on BF!!! Whenever you start to pump, try to massage your breasts with a hot towel. What I did while pumping is press against the lumps or stroke the lumps towards the nipple & aerola region, slowly the lumps will go away.

I agree leh. Yesterday went for haircut, came back late, saw that my bra was stained with milk and breasts were so heavy...output not as much as yours, but managed to pump 90ml.

Don't frightened me leh. Most of my gfs told me after stopping bf, most breasts will shrink back smaller than before. Morever, I never had big breasts, so I don't think it will be big lah. No, I don't want to be Pamela Anderson, yucks!!!

The sling works on my ger. But its not the MIM sling though. If you are keen on the MIM sling, pm me.

Btw, mummies, if we plan to wean BB off bm next time, then how? Will our breasts get very hard and we end up getting engorgement???

do help to update my details:

my baby's name is Crisanta Tan and her weight is 3.025 kg.

hello everyone

i can finally sit down to surf the net. as after the delivery , i have zhi chuan, do not feel comfortable sitting for too long.

my delivery experience

14 Dec 05 Show

15 Dec 05
4.15pm Contraction interval of 20 mins

5.30pm Contraction interval of 5-10 mins

11.00pm Go to TMC

11.30pm Reached TMC - Observation Room
Been put on CTG
Contraction interval of 5 mins
Dilation 1.5 cm

12.00am Transferred to Delivery Ward

12.10am Doc helped to expand to 3cm and
burst the water bag
Contraction interval of 3-4 mins

2.15am Request for epidural

2.45am Given epidural

4.00am Dilated to 6cm

7.30am Dilated to 10cm and called for

8.00am Doctor came and advise to see if
I can deliver with epidural on,
but I failed. Reduced the dose
to level 6, then 3, the pushes
still not good. In the end, off
the epidural.

10.22am Crisanta popped.
2005, express longer, see can express more milk
& also the milk will become thicker...then the baby drink also will be fuller...
straycats, u so funny leh...

but i dono isit all mothers who stop bf will have the breasts shrink or depend individual?
straycats, yalo...if u decided to stop bf, u have to bear with the engorg pain....just for about 2 days...

last year i tried to stop bf my gal, cos she start to grw teeth, then she tends to pull my nipple...very pain

then i stop feeding her for about two days then the milk dry up le...u have to bear with the pain lo...

but just two days only...very fast time will past 1...

now don tink off stopping bf...continue as long as possible...

absolute she also bf her elder for very very long time...
Hello ladies,

Can't sleep again. Notice that i had some pale yellowise jelly like discharge. Is it a sign?? But my bb is still very active leh even though she has engaged already.
Merry Xmas to all!

Dun think the yellowish discharge is a sign..got to wait somemore..maybe you can have the first 2006 baby??

I didnt engage massage leh.Remember that you engage Naini right? Have you called her? She will check with your condition at 12 days to decide if you can start massage at 14 / 21 days. I decided not to take up massage cos tummy has shrink a lot since first week, since my water bag leaks before delivery..my tummy when give birth was like 7 mth only.So i thought I dun need to massage loh, then after so long, tummy still there leh. So regret now!

Massage with hot towel, and pump it out. U always get lump mean you should have very good supply of MS. what pump r u using? maybe is the pump problem??

To do jaundice blood test, most probaly needs form from doctor.

I just brought bb to polyclinic for injection and before injection, for 1st visit they will assign to see doctor first, to make sure bb is fit for injection. So when doc see my bb got yellowish skin on his face, ask us to go do the jaundice test first and bring result to her,

My boy now jaundice level is 5.5 only, but doc say still need to monitor so ask us to go back in 2 weeks time. Realised that doc in polyclinic or GP more kam cheong ..while PD always say no problem, its breast feeding jaundice.

So probaly you dun need to purposely bring bb to do jaundice test until the first mth injection?
Forgot to tell you the cost. $4 for doc fee, $5 for jaundice test. Very cheap, and they give priority to bb, so waiting time maybe similar to see PD.

U tried the MIM sling liao?? Is it good? MIL asked me to buy, cos she cannot tahan carry bb liao hehehe..No choice not that I dun want to help, but whereever we need to go with bb, she always follow to help carry bb cos worry that we cannot carry bb properly.
Hi first_mum, since you are bf, the CL must be very happy because she doesn't have to feed her. Try not to let the CL carry the bb whole day. Otherwise she will get so used to it and cry after CL leaves and you won't know why bb is crying.

2 weeks before the CL goes off, try to observe how she bathes the bb. Since it is rainy season now, very impt thing is close all the windows b4 bathing bb and cover her shoulders after bathing her.

Since you always get lumps, that means you have a lot of bm. With a good pump, you will get lots of milk on top of massage. Try to express every 3 hours and clear all the lumps. I used Medela mini electric.

Frankly, I do suggest you see the LC once to learn how to express the milk. Otherwise the bb is not getting enough each time and will get hungry easily. Did you deliver at TMC ? Try to make an appt to see Mrs Wong asap.
I tried the MIM sling, but my ger don't like. Maybe I dunno how to use the MIM sling. I am using another sling..it looked, just that it does not have the rings to adjust the size. My ger falls asleep very fast when placed inside the sling. At least with the sling I can have 2 hands free

I hope I can bf or ebm for at least 6mths lor. But I take one day at a time. Don't want to be too ambitious than end up get stressed if my ms starts to run low.
Tennyson, taka, berlin, straycats, weoseek

Really thanks for all opinion. Anyway me oredi take medicine to stop the milk flow. But my bb oredi take the colestrum with i think is good enough. My bb now is totally FM , really hope bb will understand is not mummy don't wanna let him have BM. Is im really in pain.

Do hope gods will bless him with good health and be a healthy boy.

Merry christmas to all.
Dear mummies
Merry Christmas to all. Wishing you and your family (and little ones) a Blessed and Merry Christmas, filled with love, peace and joy.
Congrats!! Don't be sad, no need to feel guilty. coz your wound is hurting mah, doesnt mean that it's your fault, okie. yup, must use the binder, my colleague says it's very effective in keeping the wound in place. As long as bb grows up healthily, then ok liao.

shld base on EDD first given during the 1st gynae visit. now, the EDD on the scan is based on bb's dimensions, so not as accurate.

did u try swaddling the bb up. If it's colic, my colleagues recommend Gripe Water. or can apply some Ru Yi oil on bb's tummy. maybe it's wind?

Wah, 80 boxes.. your office is v big hor.. I'll be ordering abt 20boxes only for my Division.
Congrats too!! Your delivery sounds so smooth.. hmm. wah, you only went to TMC at 11pm. I was just reading my gynae's guide. It says to go to hosp when contractions are 5mins apart. ha ha.. if i'm u, think wldn't be able to tahan the wait at home.

dear mummies
can check if the initial contractions are like Braxton hicks contractions? i.e. not that painful and we can wait at home? I had a bit of false alarm last nite at church, had qt painful contractions and I thot it was the real thing. ha ha.. but it stopped after abt 1 hr. I've BH contractions so often, am afraid that i can't differentiate them.

u brought the bb for which injection? is it those 5-in-1 jab?

Merry X'mas to all mummies.

Congrats to Baobao and Sansforum.

Bao bao,
Must not give up. Take care.

I tried pumping twice, feel quite depress cos i cannot pump much for my boy. 1st time able to pump only 50ml, 2nd time is 35ml.
Mostly i will BF my boy.
The pumping time also not sure when is a good time, cos the two time after i pump my boy becomes hungry, end up no milk for him to suck and he gets cranky.

Any tips? Not too sure whether i got block ducts a not.

Or should we pump only after 2 wks later?

My boy will wake up 3-4 times in the night. Daytime he sleeps more.

So can we really use air con? It has been tough for me, cos i tried switching on the air con to 28 degrees only, scare next time my bb too use to air con, partly i also scare too much air con. Even air con is switch on, i still use a card board to fan myself and i still sweat like mad! Wonder how to tahan for the next few weeks. Still got to eat so much heaty food.

RE: Binder
So we must start using the binder during the 1 mtn confinement? I thought of using it only when i have completed my confinement, cos tried the 1st 2 days, cannot tahan the wrap cos i perspire a lot.

You engaged mrs wong as your LC how much must you pay her?
