(2008/11) November 2008

SOya milk: oh oh.. i drink alot during my first preg, and I had a boy. Hmm...

Vincy: regarding MS, ythk god it ended early, if not I dunno how to find the energy to handle my little boy here.

lala: whether the MS will continue after 1st trimester depends on individual, there's no way to tell de...

Initially I also wanted to have 3. But now being preg with 2, I feel no patience to go thru pregnancy liao. So I most prob will end at 2.

su mei

i also opt for NT test. it will be gd to at least opt for one test, either NT test or Oscar test, so that we will feel more at ease.
So OSCAR has NT and blood test?? I did Oscar test during my 1st pregnancy but gynae didn't explain the difference.

I understand. I used to be like you during my 1st pregnancy... so tough loh, I had to rest a bit, work abit and counting down every hr to go home *sigh* but hang in there, u will be fine.
Jia You
yah i was looking out for a short gal like me but all so tall lei hahaa.. But i tot they normally send u sms reminder b4 the appt? I dun even keep the appt card cos i make use of the sms to remind myself
peanut, oh, drink soya bean will lead to niang niang qiang ar.. then i must take note liao

Enne, me also didnt use that band during 1st pregnancy, dunno is it useful? but seems quite nice hor, at least can still wear back our old clothes..

Chilipadi, is it useful?
sansforum, u also 2nd time mummy, same same.. By the time ur bb is born, your first child is already coming to 3 yrs old.. which is good hor, so that u wont be so tired juggling both.

Doc Ang prefers to do 2 separate tests, NT and then blood instead of Oscar. Just signed package with her on Monday. When is ur next appt with her?

but now is the time she wants a lot of attention. think she will sure be jealous of the bb. i will get a present for my 1st child and bring along when i went to deliver, so that i can pass to her and tell her that it is a gift from the bb to her. hope can help to build the bond. at the same time, i will buy a gift for my 1st child to pass to the bb too.

who is taking care of yr 1st one? and who will be taking care of yr 2nd one?
misaryeo, joyce
dont tink too much abt the report. anyway the studies was based on mice, no finding on humans yet. I'm jus being more kiasi u see hahaaa.. Besides like misaryeo a lot of pregnant women also take soya and hav healthy bbs. I gues as long as have a limit will be fine.
Hi Enne!

I just went on NT scan on monday 5 May at NUH. They charged me:
1st trimester screening=107
NT Scan=85.60
Total bill comes up to $192.60
thanks for your encouragement. => my headache is getting worse, think i'm gona leave within an hour. run some work errand then go straight home.

thats a sweet idea. i think when she see e baby and involving her in at many things with the baby would def help.

soya milk: my gynae did encourage soya milk as its less fattening but i get sick of the taste really quick. drank it for a week and i couldn't stand e taste anymore. am switching back to normal milk. guess i'll just try to get low fat or skimmed milk instead.
lala, my gynae said that OSCAR is recc for woman above age of 30. For young ladies, normal test will do..

sansforum, ya lor. at least we know that bb is healthy and well..

peanut00, funny thing is that this time round i also didnt receive their sms..so coincident.. hahahaha. When is your next appt? mine on 29th may 4.15pm.

Amy, i thought that blood test is a must for all preg. To certify that you are not AIDS carrier. I took mine on the 2nd or 3rd visit.
sansforum, u really plan well for your daughter so that she wont be jealous when bb arrived, nice mummy
Ya hor, at her age she demands your attention a lot. If according to what u have plan, i am sure she will love her sibling, not to worry.

Currently i am the one who take care of my son.. Have a maid previously but went bk abt 1 mth ago.. Will be engaging another maid for the 2nd bb, cause likely i will be working from home and so can keep an eye on them

peanut, think take all food in moderation is the safest
Yes, blood test is a must. I will be doing mine on week 16.

Just that my gynae prefers to do it separately from the NT scan.
Su Mei,
Oops i forget liao.. either May 29 or 30th. But mine is always in the morning one. mayb next time shd change to aftern so can go straight home after that...

i also dun know if this arrangement can help. hv to keep fingers cross.

so u will be working from home, which is gd and can keep an eyes on the kids and works at the same time.

where is yr maid from? yr maid agency gd? i am still thinking on how to settle my 2nd one. currently 1st one in childcare centre.
Amy, yup. normally its a separate process. Thanks for the info.

peanut00, yes. I had that in mind so that i can go off after the check up..

Does it falls on your week 12? if it does, you can sign the package up and save on consultation. Doc Ang is very very reassuring, kept telling me to try not to carry the older kid and put me on bedrest this week because I have bleeding. Too assuring makes me more paranoid this time round than the first pregnancy.
Hi guys! u have been busy!

Haru, i also got a headache.. some more a bit dizzy. all from sorting my wormies under strong light.. feel like puking now.. sigh...

Thanks ladies for the detailed explanation of OSCAR and NT scans.
i have a much better idea now.

So nauseated now...
I think should be week 12. Am thinking of signing up the package too. Indeed, I really like her alot as a gynae... she is very caring.
morning ladies,
my headache lasted through e evening yesterday. fell asleep really quick at nite. woke up and feel much better. had some toast w butter and bread w cheese.

all the best for ur appt tom! =>
hui-BB growing well la..

Bear-me2.. I puke everyday, most terrible is when nth to puke but all came out gastric yellow juice..

Spin-HI long time no tok.. how r u.
Morning babes,

Just wondering did anyone have dull cramp below the tummy on the left side that can last the whole night? Kind of worried cause been having quite frequent cramps and aches below the tummy lately...
Good morning mummies,

Sorry for not replying on the bellyband. Had to go and see doc as I had a burst capillary on my right eye.

I did not use the bellyband for my 1st pregnancy as well but I decided to give it a try. You can find out more info from this website: http://www.ingridandisabel.com/
hi minkybear,
i have the occasional "tugging-like" sensation in my left side too. gynae explained that its coz my baby is conceived on my left ovary (or something like that) so its normal to feel some discomfort on the left side. i think as long as its not long bouts of pain that causes real discomfort shouldn't have to worry to much.=>

oh dear, you ok?? hope u are feeling alright..
thanks for your concern, it's much better now but still red in the corner. Doc gave me antibiotics eyedrops but don't dare to use. My mom reckons that I am too heaty cos' I drank her black chicken soup on Tuesday nite. Have to drink more water and take more fruits to reduce the heatiness.

Glad to hear that ur headache is better.
So i guess that is normal.Glad to hear that.

Hope you get better soon. Lots of rest for the eye should do the trick.n ya black chicken v heaty.
Morning all!

chilipadi, take care. Guess all preg ladies are heaty based.. my backside always bleed when i need to pass stool.
Gd morning ladies!

Haru, i still have a nagging headache. dunno why leh.. my blood pressure very low. very sian.. later still need to sort samples, sure make it worse.

Chillipadi, ur bp ok? usually when this happens in normal ppl, it is associated with high bp.. but in preg ladies cases, it could be due to increase blood volume.

Minkybear, i also have such pains. so my mantra is no bleeding, don't worry. It can last for half a day, off and on. funny thing is i ovulated in my right ovary this time but it is my left side that always hurt. next wk see gynae then ask him.

Enne, me no puke, me no puke! heehee.. more like ur whole chest feel very tight and constricted. can feel the food coming up ur throat but it can't seem to overcome the final barrier at the throat lor.. i m nibbling Meiji's choc coated jelly beans today.. seems to help.
u know chinese? they call it "hai xi"..

in the morning 10am :D

u got tell doc u preg? they wil give u ed that preggie women can use
Oh! saw from mag yesterday.

is due to our blood pressure. preg women blood prssure intend to be high so is a sudden high flow of blood running in our head dat cause the headache.

Hope is useful
my BP is as normal as it can get. I have a BP machine at home so I take it every morning

yup did tell doc that I am preggie. I guess my eyes are very tired and alittle stress at work. Plus this preganacy and looking after my 4 yr old all added up.

I feel very hot all the time and sweat alot. At night when I sleep, my hubby will be under the covers while I am throwing away the covers. Doesn't help that the weather is extremely hot. Just glad that when we deliver, it's end of the year and the weather will not be too hot. If not do confinement in this hot weather will make me "peng san"...
Hui, i know preggie women have more headaches. but my bp is only 90/50!! i m seeing stars when i stand up from my chair!!! so i can't see the logic there.. low bp + headache?

Chillipadi, okok, then may be its the increase blood pressure lor. i know wat u mean. i m the type that had cold hands and feet but since i preggie my hands and feet are burning.. need to soak in cold water!
Erm Haru, wat's gd for me? i m confused!

Chillipadi, urs is the type that needs stesthoscope to listen to ur heart beat? i have one digital one that test at ur wrist.. quite inaccurate.
Afternoon ladies

Sansforum, i am taking from Nation casue hb's fren is working there..

Did any of you experienced more discharge after preggy? I am having it more as compared to b4 preggy.. Is it normal???
Bear, preggy women tends to get hot easily, no wonder u need to soak your feet in cold water..
For me, i bath a few times a day cause the weather are so hot..
Same get lots of discharge too... and always quite yellow can use a few liners a day.
same with pee no matter how many litres of water i drink sure dark yellow. is it normal?
