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  1. J

    Looking for part time maid to do just ironing and wiping. Anyone???

    Any recomendation for PT helper around Whampoa area? Ironing a must, and weekend only. Thanks!
  2. J

    (2003) Calling all 2003 babies

    Hi Isabella, My son used to have cough and I followed a method I saw in the internet (can't remmeber where). Before he sleeps at night, apply some Vicks / Cherry Chest rub on his sole and let him wear socks. The cough will go off eventually....within 1 ~ 2 days for his case...depending on...
  3. J

    Any Good Part Time Cleaner to Recomm

    any recomendations for part time maid around Whampoa/Balestier area? Another part time maid limit the number of pieces of clothes she'll iron each session hah? Cuz I have a friend who told me the maid limit clothes to 20pcs per session...
  4. J

    (2003) Calling all 2003 babies

    BTW, me going for c-sec tmr now tau tia cuz dun know how my son will react when he wake up n can't find me in the morning for the next few days , haiz....
  5. J

    (2003) Calling all 2003 babies

    Hi Serenade, Thanks for compiling. However, my boy's born in Oct 03, not march 03. Pls help to change. Thanks!
  6. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi Gerbera, Here's the other info July mummies : JM BB Gender : Girl BB's Name : Ng Jaelyn BB's Wt : 2.9kg @ 38 weeks EDD : 8 July Hospital : TMC Name of Gynae : Dr K C Yeo Est. before EDD : 30 Jun Graduated : Real soon Love Nest : Whampoa
  7. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi, Pls include me: Going for c-sec on 30/6/06 (this Friday) !!! Very excited now Name: JM, Gender: Gal, EDD: 8/7/06,Hosp: TMC
  8. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    yar lor.... so many c-sec in this link... me schedule for c-sec for next friday (30 Jun) too... anybody EDD or going for c-sec on that day too?? my EDD is 8 jul....
  9. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    i heard that coconut shld not take the thailand type, but should take the local green type. anybody know why hah?
  10. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    can anybody share method to keep awake at work hah? Can't sleep peacefully thoughout the night, but always feel sleepy at this time at work leh...
  11. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Thanks least got most tings in bag liao ;) Yah, i got the new sanitary pad from Whisper oso...hope it is ok...rember tat the loop type one is very uncomfy one... Really can't rember wat i brought the last time... Previous pregnancy I oso dun hv enough still crying...
  12. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    aiyoh...i only half a half filled bag....did i forget something... so far i have: 2 sets of open front PJ 1 pair slippers toiletries (toothbrush & toothpaste, moisturizer, comb, hairband) 1 pair socks 1 going home dress disposable undies maternity bra what else do i need hah?
  13. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi, Congrats to Li May and MTDT! Hi paranoidmummy, I dun hv contraction as induce halfway, realised Baby stressed with CTG scan. Actually my condition is quite similar to MTDT, only dilate 1cm only, so dun hv serious contraction lor...oso baby got umblical cord round his neck.... BTW...
  14. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    i got very bad constipation for my last pregnancy, but this round very smooth leh...dun know why.... me in 37 weeks oso...this few days also got feel sudden cramp around pelvis area...but gynae on leave till 21/ worry if baby decide to come early then will need a different...
  15. J

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Hi, Can visit this website for names. I dun like YLZ as I have 2 colleagues who was given the same piece of name list although their son's BD is 2 weeks apart. So i think YLZ is kelong one Also, it's not true tat boys will come out erlier leh as my boy was 3 days...
  16. J

    (2003) Calling all 2003 babies

    Sunflower, Good that your kids age gap is 2 years apart. It's very tiring for my case as my boy is in his terrible two period when I get pregnant again...and because he is very attached to me, i'm having a hard time making sure that he dun feel left out when the 2nd one come...and he's so...
  17. J

    (2003) Calling all 2003 babies

    Hi, My Boy is born on 14 Oct 03, and I'm going to give birth again EDD 8 July. Girl this it's close shop after this one
