(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Thx for the breakdown in the hospital bills. Wat are tha baby charges for? I thought they are calculated within mummy's hospital bill?

Hello MTBs,

Went for my check up and baby weighs 2.4kg at 36 weeks. Still abit on the lower range but gynae says its ok...

Did anyone do a bacteria test at the vagina area? I did it today and Gynae says this test is usually done at 34/35 weeks.

My maternity bag is getting bigger and bigger now after packing all the barang barang. Anyone brought extra clothes for hubby to change up?
May, My gynae says will do the bacteria test on week 36. And to play safe, she will put some antibiotics into the drip during delivery, to play safe, as I get infection quite often.
Ya, I also discover that my maternity bag is getting bigger and bigger, from 1 bag to 2 bags now. I also asked my hubby to pack in extra clothes and most important sweaters, as it is very cold in delivery room.
Jasline, May,
how come bigger and bigger? hahaha..

Ask ur hubby to wear red. Cos baby can only see certain color for the 1st month.

I didnt do my bateria test. Forgotten to ask my gynae again.

thanks for the bill breakdown.
U used ur hubby CPF to deduct the child bill right?
YB, u r 3 days b4 me.

Kinda excited.. no mood to work.. esp after hearing 2 mums here already pop.
Me too! At nite when wanna sleep, i felt breatheless at times, goto sit up b4 lying again.

may, have not done the bacteria test yet. Is this the same as V swab?
As hb is staying wif me, i pack his clothes into the maternity bag already.

missmoon, how r u doing? Chg my maternity tour to next Thurs since visiting gynae then.
aiyoh...i only half a half filled bag....did i forget something...

so far i have:
2 sets of open front PJ
1 pair slippers
toiletries (toothbrush & toothpaste, moisturizer, comb, hairband)
1 pair socks
1 going home dress
disposable undies
maternity bra

what else do i need hah?
me doing ok so far, i think. gynae started monitoring fetal heartbeat and contractions (CTG) at wk 35 last wk. and he also gave me homework - monitoring fetal movement. i'm still on ventolin to relax uterus. m seeing him weekly.

now, after eating also feel breatheless. cham ley. feel so heavy also...but gynae say bb still in breech position, likely cos placenta is in the way, cannot turn. sigh. i was still harbouring hope that i can go natural birth. now, seems quite impossible liao.

u ley? excited and anxious too? heee
Papaya soup - at TMC, the skin is being removed. so cant tell if it's ripe or not. but based on the size, seems to be the same as my mom's one. so it's unripe one. only the size of ur palm. jordanmom - ya, a tun zhong of soup is everyday one. :p

my milk - colostrum finished liao. now hv little bit of milk but too little. so bb keeps crying. now i will latch on demand. but bb will only be satisfy for 30mins. after tat i will feed FM liao. boh bian.

my packing list - more like things i used.
1) PJ - good to get button front dress kind. easy for BF and easy for nurse to change ur pad rite after u deliver.
2) Disposable panties
3) Bra - i din get nursing bra. actually in hospital, whenever i BF, i will take out the whole bra. easier for first timer like me. :p
4) Pads - once i am able to go pee myself, i change to my own pad. i used stick on type.
5) slippers
6) Specs & hairclip.
7) one set of clothes to change to go home.
8) admit stuff like ur annenatal bill, NRIC.
9) ROM Cert & Bank passbook - to register for bb birthcert there (i din register there)

alot of things i brought also never use... :p

From TMC:
all Baby stuff
- Blanket
- top
- mittens
- one pack of pampers & wet wipes
- one tube of nappy rash cream
- cord spirit and cotton buds
- 2 bottle of milk (ur choice)
- one diaper bag

for mom
- one pouch of toiletries like towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, one soap.

during labour time and rite after delivery, they will use kotex loop pads but will charge u lah. :p

YB - i purposely ask to separate bill. heard tat can claim more from medisave. dunno true or not. :p hubby deduct medisave for both bill.
My bag.. not even full. I never bring slipper cos i am wearing it there. Never bring extra clothe except PJ cos i think u will be discharge the next day else can ask my mother take just in case.
Just now my back got sharp pain and my pelvic area pain when baby move like as if it is moving downward.
Ahh i haven hang over duty leh..
Thanks for the the updates, MTDT!!!! Glad to hear that you and your BB is doing well!!!

MTBs, I guess we will all be delivering soon!!! I am now visiting my obgyn weekly. Here's wishing you all a safe and smooth delivery!!!
So much thanks for the info.. guess those MTBs going to give birth at TMC will know what to bring liao..

Oh yeah, was it cold in the labour ward?? what are the facilities in 2-bedded ward? was it cold? How often did the nurse come in to check on you / push ur bb in for BF?
Any MTB knows at what body temperature is a pregnant woman considered having a fever as I know preg woman's temp are higher than normal ppl rite? Cos i having piles since last sun.. now better liao.. but still a bit of pain.. then today feeling like body is weak n no energy. So worried that if i having fever will affect bb anot....
hi missmoon, my gynae wd check bb heartbeat every visit. Din ask me to monitor fetal kicks, only said if 1/2 day no kicks must inform him.
Y must gv u ventolin? Coz u having contractions?

Whether natural or c-sect, wat matters is u have a smooth delivery. Rite? Tat's how i thk loh.

Ya, excited loh
.. a bit stressed.. tried not to thk abt it. Now is those no mood to work type, juz waiting.. hee..
jazzyjas, cos of low-lying placenta, he afraid may separate from womb as i grow bigger so gimme that to relax uterus.

haha, ya lor...for most of us now, it's a waiting game hor
Me too no mood to work in the office.. keep thinking in mind what are the things I haven't done.. yesterday washed all my bb clothes and hubby couldn't wait to shift the book selves and study table out and pushed the bb cot into our bedroom liao.. so now the nursery room converted to study room and will make bb to sleep in our bedroom when he is out.. left only the hospital bag to pack and fill up the baby bonus form, keke..
Thanks MTDT....at least got most tings in bag liao ;) Yah, i got the new sanitary pad from Whisper oso...hope it is ok...rember tat the loop type one is very uncomfy one...

Really can't rember wat i brought the last time...

Previous pregnancy I oso dun hv enough milk...baby still crying after latching on for 1 hr...so bo pian got to supplement with FM lor...
hubby going to japan this sat and be back on 7 july.. so i need to get him fill up the form first since we are given the form by TMC in case bb come out early.. keke.. think i will try to work until my waterbag burst lor.. my house is near to my work place so anytime the waterbag burst i can just call my FIL to come and fetch me home and take a shower before heading to the hospital, hee..
wah, u got it all planned out!! haaa, some more plan to go home shower liao then go hospital. brave! hope ur bb will guai guai wait until daddy come back then come out.
dsiitan, me too.. i dun work now and i realise i keep feeling sleepy esp after meals :p will wanna nap for an hr then feel better.. i feel so pig lor..
haha..think this time is wat we can sleep and sleep bah..but hor..how come so tiring har?? like very restless...wah piang..like whatever time wake up 1 plus 2 must take nap till 5 plus...u at least nap for an hr..me nap till 5 plus then wake up...for dinner..hahahaha..jialat ah...

u sleep till noon?? ur MIL will not nag at u or ur hb ah??? at times i scare my dad will go and complain to my sister that i slept too much..never do hsework..hahaha
Joline -

basically i am scare of HOT. so i dun feel cold thruout my stay at TMC

even at the bed ward - i was extremely hot maybe becos alot of pple come to see my neighbour.

How often did the nurse come in to check on you -rite after delivery - about 4 hr each bah
then 2nd day only morning and nite.

Push ur bb in for BF - most of the daytime, bb can stay with u in the ward. if not, i notice is abt every 3 hrs. so at nite will be like 12 midnite, 3am etc
Is everybodi experiencing Braxton Hicks?

Mine started last week, thot I'm having premature labour cos the pain was intense.

Now, grounded cannot go out cos I can't walk much without feeling pain. I'm still in my 33 weeks. How're the rest of you coping?
Visited gynae today, baby still breeched
Gynae says if next week still breeched then will be scheduled for c-sect first week of July....counting down liao!

I never did the 4D scan..
baby was not in good position in the 2 attempts that we tried...so gave up the idea. Now I think too late to do liao.
Went to see Dr Clifford today due to sensing non movement of baby since sat. Taken my blood pressure and was told that it was slightly high. During scanning, can see baby's heart beating very steadily and strongly, but last visit to Gynae, baby was turned down. This visit, baby was breached. And was also told, baby is very very small. High possibility that my baby is getting insufficient nutrients from me. 34 weeks coming 35, baby is only 1.7kg?!!!!!!

Was given 7 days MC and was ordered to go home to rest. But upon going back, taken another blood pressure and was told blood pressure too high! This time, was told to go straight to TMC for admittance for observance. My heart sank to the very bottom. Baby wasn't even mature yet!!! Doc said if pressure remained high, might have to C-section, and will be tomorrow. I cried......

Now am still not in hospital as I'm really lost on what to do. Wanting to wait for my usual gynae to be back before making the decision, but also thinking, am I harming the baby?! Help me!!!
Hi angeline,
Take heart, high blood pressure is danngerous to both mother and child. Relax and discuss with your husband. I had high blood presure for my no. 1 and had to be induced 3 days later too at 38 wks.
Doc says that the risk of the mother going into a shock and coma is v high if the HBP remains. Of course, not to mention the risk to the bb.
The doc will not allow any harm to the bb as far as possible. 1.7kg is v small indeed but talk to the doc, did he said chances of survival is high if bb is taken out? my prayers to you. try to relax,if not your pressure will go even higher.
Angeline, my baby was also 1.7kg when I was around 33-34 weeks old after I did my OB scan. but strangely, gynae says my baby is quite big... he says its not small... I feel that its small but he assures me that its not.

Dont worry too much, might affect BB. Did u do the CTG scan? the last time I sense no movement I went straight to GlenE coz it was a weekend and they did CTG for me. Me too.. I cried and cried coz I read in another thread that her BB was lost on 39wks due to cord accident.

I think it's mama instinct that we are worried sick.. especially wen things happen we tend to push the blame onto ourselves since BB is inside us....

Be it C-section or natural, as long as BB is safe, it ok right? dont worry be happy.. so that yr BP wont rise further!
Hello Angeline, I'm not sure about the effects of HBP, but from what Kin said, i think it would be better for you to go for the c-section? When will ur usual gynae be back? went for my appt last week at 34.5 weeks, and my gynae told me tt it wouldnt matter even if i were to go into labour at 35 weeks, cos at 35 weeks, the baby should be more or less quite mature already. Hope that regardless of the decision you make, all will be well.

take the advice of the gynae. A bed rest will be gd for u. Try to stablise ur emotion which will help to lower ur blood pressure. Rbr Li May case? Doctor miscalculate the baby weight as well.

YB still need to continue her thyroid medication so she cant breastfeed her baby.

My collick told me NAN HA taste very much like breastmilk but i dun know how true. Similac is also gd.

did the gynae say the baby can still turn down.

if bb decided to come out early then who will be accoy u to the delivery ward? My hubby may be going to BKK for biz trip end of this month too. I just prayed bb will wait for his daddy to come back.
Hi mummies,

For the experienced mummies, may I ask who is allowed to be in the delivery ward with us? Is it only the husband or any other relative(s)? In the case of husband not around in Singapore, what happens?
Also, when breastfeeding for the first few days, must latch baby on even though no milk. But won't baby keep crying because she's hungry? Do we latch on, let baby suckle, then give formula milk if baby still cry?
have to let the baby learn to latch on ur breast. The sucking will stimulate milk flow after u discharge from hospital.

Bb can survive without anything for 3 days. Their body have enough reserve but if u wanna give formula still ok.

Can ask the nurse to cup or spoon feed the baby so she/he will not have nipple confusion.

If i am not wrong the bottle milk is 90ml but a new born only takes abt 40ml - 60ml or even lesser so dun force ur NB to finish all the milk hor.

OH yes... i wanted to tell this to all mummies.
REMEMBER to call for the nurse when u wanna go toilet. Dun go alone even thot u think u are feeling fine or ok. There are many cases that the mummies actually fainted in the toilet. Infact, most of the nurse will tell u to call them even if u wanna go to washroom.
wow! 2 moms popped already?? congrats to li may and mtdt.

very excited and anxious now that i am playing the waiting game. went to see doc yesterday and he said that it's all up to bb now. am at 37 weeks and bb is 2.7kg. was given hospital admission letter and told to monitor bb movement daily. anything less than 10 moves per day must call him. doc never do any test for bacteria. forgot to ask also.

re: mp nb diapers
bought big pack at punggol plaza at $17.80. true that it is very hard to find big pack. my friend said she feels mp even better than pampers.

think better listen to doc. they will administer steroid medication to you 24hrs b4 delivery to mature bb's lungs. if birth weight less than 2kg than might have to stay in icu for observation. other than that bb will be ok one. my friend also had pre term bb at 34 weeks. bb doing very well now. will be praying for you.
angelneo - oh... i also advise listen to gynae...
if bb is small & premie, the most stay in NICU for a few days. tat's better than causing any harm to both of u. be strong!

YB - my PD recommends Enfalac A+. but usually i will still latch bb on first. he will suck until fall asleep (is tat normal?)

but once u put him on the bed, he will cry...and cry... tat's when i will give him FM. but he only can finish 1oz (abt 30ml) and he will hv a good 2-3hrs of sleep.

so i suspect, even tho we think we dun hv milk, but we do hv little bit. :p

oh, i only start giving FM on the 4th day.
and think last nite i manage to correct his latching mtd... my sored nipples are gone!!

Congrats to you too!! Good to hear that you manage to correct the latching method. Does the nurses there teach you?


Does it mean that we should avoid bottle feeding our babies in the first few days to avoid confusion with nipples?? Thanks for your advice!

All MTBs,

Do you have colustrum coming out from your nipples yet? I don't think I have it yet and I'm quite worried. I read that some MTBs will experience it during this stage. I do see some white sticky and creamy stuff around the nipple. Is that colustrum??
gd morning mummies

so all mummies actually giving your bb FM too ?? anyone TBF with no FM givent o bb? i wanna TBF but heard alot of stories leh...like not enuff milk and bb kept crying without able to sleep properly..how ah???
thanks hong!
I am getting more and more nervous as the day approaches because a lot of things think like very easy, but when I really go into step by step think what happens, suddenly a lot of question marks!
I also have that white color discharge from nipples. I think that one is colustrum.
is delivery pain ? I already starting to feel cramp at the back and front of my tummy this few days. Really scare.. i will scream or bite my HB lol.
may - thanks.
u can start to massage ur breast... squeeze at the nipple and see if there is any liquid thingy coming out. tat shd be colostrum.

the nurse - did try to teach in hospital but i guess, they hv too many moms to really spend time teaching. they see tat as long as bb is sucking, they will go off. so correct or not, wont tell.

dsiitan - no worries... u can always try first. some moms are bless with lots of milk even in the first few days. in my case, even after i latch on, i cannot put bb down to bed as he will start to cry. tat's why we start giving FM.

now, he will at least sleep for 1-1.5hrs after bf. so i will try TBF now.
thks MTDT

cos last time i was not allow to breastfeed..so this time i wanna try TBF..hehehe....hope i am a MU NIU then..hhehehe
wow.. that's good.. i hope to see my bb more often during my stay in the hosp.. once he get used to my smell, voice and touch then it should be easier for me to take care of him once return home..

My BB oso 1.7kg at week 34.. but after plotting the graph my gynae said still ok.. but below average size.. think we need to take more rest and eat well.. now everyday I take 3 glasses of fresh milk to make bb grow bigger.. you have to take good care of yourself and bb.. at week 35 still considered pre-mature.. but no worry, 90% bb at this stage can survive outside our womb.. one of my fren gave birth at week 35 (due to waterbag leaking and she was having fever) and her bb boy now about 6 months liao very strong and healthy..

My BH started few weeks ago.. now still having it.. can feel the tightening of the tummy when it comes each time.. sometimes feel like going to do big biz when it is over..
PIL came to my house yesterday and going to stay with me until hubby is back.. so next mon onwards FIL will send me to work and fetch me home in the evening.. I every nite tell bb must be guai guai and stay until daddy's back to sg.. hopefully he can understand my words lor..
Congrat, MTDT & LI May..so envy, We same EDD, but gal still hiding in my tummy happie..heehee!

Yesterday went gynae, at 37wk weight 2.9kg : ) good news is palcenta move up, so can have norm delivery.... Hopefully gal faster come out, if not so stress have to monitor movenment n cant sleep at nite also.

Hi Angeline, dont b too stress up or blood pressure more high. I feel is better to listen to Dr advise, n normally BB weight is only an estimation. If is under 2kg, the most spend somedays in NICU. BB will be well. Takecare n keep us updated.

hehe...ur PIL so good...not bad ah..at least ur FIL offer to send and fetch u ...gd gd..then u dun hv to travel liao...
