(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

gd morning mommies
wah seemed like all of u wanna shi fu to choose name for bb...my husband dun believe this kind of stuff leh...haiz..so my #1 also he chose his own...dunno lah...since i chose his english name..then got no say in chinese name..wahaha

Hey, I also have not prepare my stuffs yet.. ekkek... Probably this week can prepare my hospital bag!
Taking of photos, thinking of it but seeing the fats on my body... I changed my mind!
U can chose ur name and ask the shifu is it gd. if not then the shifu will construct the name for u and u chose from the list.
If u cant decide the name before u discharge then have to go to ICA. Quite fast lah, no need to bring baby along.
I live near to ICA so ok for me.

Are u chinese? Ur boy name very unqiue.

cos we believe a name is very impt to a person.

if the name u want is totally unsuitable for the kid then still end up given by shifu.

Can I ask those who are giving birth in Gleneagles- when we do preadmission, have we also done the deduction from Medisave already? Does the hospitable issue any receipt or doceuments whatsoever? I am quite blur, as all I got was an agreement for hospital services in the admission kit. Thanks if anyone could enlighten me!
hong, me 100% chinese. heee. the second english name is biblical name.

decimal point, deduction fr medisave is only done when you check out, when paying final bill. pre admission, they ask u for documents and all that, including which medisave acct u're deducting fr.
missmoon, like the name Ethan.
Can i Have the contact for this shifu @Shaw? Thanks!

hong, thanks! This shifu you are going, may i have the contact too? Thanks!
Wah.. everybody talking about name liao.. so exciting.. hehe.. my boy's name will be given by my uncle as he is a shifu seeing ba zi & chinese calender stuffs.. so think everything will be settled by my uncle loh..
Sorry the Shifu i am going is doing it out of goodwill she only do it for pple she knows.
Laura, YB, Fruitee,
Heehee! I DIY my pregnancy photos with my big tummy.

There few days I had diahorrea early in the morning leh! U dont scare me leh...
Dun worry.. I checked with my gynae liao.. He said could be the food we consumed.. ask me dun believe my frd wor cos that's old wives tales.. dun know ley.. everybody has different sayings!
Fruitee, Sandy
OIC! At least no worry liao!

Fruitee, yup! Think what ur gynae said is true. Must be the food we consumed ba cos these 2 weeks dont know y i suddenly craving for fruits. Been eating lot of fruits like kiwi, apple, orange, guova, water melon, honeydrew, banana, papaya...haha!
wah... u eat sooo many fruits ah.. me alternate days to take! 4 types of fruits per lunch.. wonder if it's too much
Can visit this website for names.

I dun like YLZ as I have 2 colleagues who was given the same piece of name list although their son's BD is 2 weeks apart. So i think YLZ is kelong one

Also, it's not true tat boys will come out erlier leh as my boy was 3 days late, somemore only come out after induction....maybe my tummy too comfy :p
Jordanmommy, me too, I heard from ppl that he re-cycled his names....
CAn eat many fruit meh? I also want to eat fruits, but i scare will cause phelgm in baby....

Thanks sandy, at least i go there wont be a surprise when gynae ask me to open my leg.. hahaha
I eat 3-4 types of fruits everyday. 1 apple per day is a much. heehee! Think eat fruits better than titbits ma..
Hi Fruitee,

I'm a fruits lover too..i eat four types of fruits every morning (Strawberry + Blueberry + Apple + Orange)! I read those berries' give babies rosy cheeks..dunno how true.

Have you gals been buying nursing tops? I think it's easier to BF wearing nursing tops such as those front button type. I saw at MOthercare but i find it too ex.
Hi Mummies,

Sry to bug into your thread.

I have some raspberry leaf tea (helps with easier delivery) for sale. Bought from MIM in May. Can't finish them as I'll be delivering in a few days time.

Left 4 packets. Each packet is gng for $4.50. Self collect at Woodlands MRT. Interested, pls pm me.

May, so far i've only got one nursing top from mothers envoge. Quite ex i wld say... n cheaper ones the designs are very t-shirt kind.

i was advised to buy nursing top after we deliver coz now it might be too small for us coz of our big belly.
Yes, YLZ recycle the list but at least the list suit ur child ba zhi.
I even went to double check my daughter name and it turn out very suitable to her.

So he still have certain standard to maintain.

may, there are other shop that selling nursing top. No necessary to get from Mothercare. I find their items are over price.
Hi mummies, does any one feel pressure at the lower abdominal and pelvic area? I'm also having slight menses cramp.. feeling very uncomfy.. very scare if i'm going to deliver prematurely as I'm only in my 34 weeks..
hi misaryeo

feeling that way today as well. like sore bloated feeling and an ache that extends around the lower abdominal area and the back. feeling like got stomachache/need to pass motion. exactly like pms. quite scared too as i am nearing 37 weeks. at last visit, doc says 80% of his first time mothers deliver before edd.
Hi paranoidmummy,

Mothers envogue stuff are rather ex! I saw some at Thyme maternity but so-so only.


Any recommendations on nursing tops? I'm looking for front-button types. Strangely, I used to see these clothes when I'm not pregnnat, but now when you need them, they seem to disappear! Hahha..
I have it when i am at week 25. I was given a medicine by gynea to relax my uterus if not baby will really come out if cramp persist.
U have to rest.
Laura & YB,
I took my photos finally! but haven't choose which to develop yet.

The ache at the lower abdominal area can be quite painful at times, esp when bb kick there!

My hubby has 2 friends with daughters born around the same period and went to YLZ for names. Both of them have the same name!!
And I heard now he leave it more to his tu di.
Millie, at least u near 37 weeks.. very soon can deliver ur bb.. I'm only at my 34 weeks.. dunno must endure for how long.. thk god i seeing my gynae this sat.. can ask him wat's going on and see if can take any medication or not..

Sandy, I am trying to rest more now.. but becos my husband and i live alone and dun hav a maid.. alot of things hav to do myself.. esp when hubby doing shift work..
berries eat liao give bb rosy cheeks.. wow...hmm.. maybe I should switch to berries too??

me honeydew, orange, apple etc... yah.. heard apple is good!
eat until full full... ahah.. shiok!

I felt the pressure too.. at times, can feel pain also.. I did told my gynae about the cramp but he didnt say much just mention becos bb getting bigger definitely for pressure when pressed on.
Poppy, yes.. very painful.. use to enjoy when bb kicks.. now no more! Now whichever area he kick or push i also feel uncomfy.. dunno if its becos my tummy no more space for him already..
can understand the pain.. that's wat I'm feeling now... at times somemore sudden sharp pain.. guess bb inside make turns + they now heavier liao.. guess we do not have a choice bah.. as long as gynae gave us their words.. then we better listen.. maybe u try to rest more.. dun walk so much.. might help I guess..
so envy leh..u all can eat as much fruits as possible...haiz..me cant...cos blood sugar high..cannot take too much fruits....very cham ah..i oso got craving for fruits...but can see no eat..at times i buay tahan...then will eat plums...but cannot take to much...
i ever told my gynae i took apple..cos he said sugar still high...then i told him i got craving...i ate apple...he said wah..so big big fuji apples ah?? i said ya loh...then he shook his head..said why dun u eat guava...better.....wah piang....
Hi Poppy,
Care to share ur pregnancy photos?

Baby's name:
My hubby bought a book from Popular Bookstore. The book teaches u how to name based on chinese horoscope, birth time & chinese character strokes. It also comes with a software. Quite easy to understand. My hubby is hopping can just key in all the relevant data into the software, which can then auto-generate the suitable names...
No wonder! My friend said that it costs several hundreds if you wish to consult YLZ himself, but his disciple will charge $100 plus.

Laura, poppy,
I'm taking my photos next week. So excited! And I haven't packed my hospital bag as well. Will do it this weekend.

Pomeranians are very cute! But do they shed a lot? My Labrador sure does!

So envious! You can see your baby real soon!
misaryeo, I also in my 34 wks now...do u feel yr baby moving alot nowadays and hv u start preparing all the neccessary stuffs too..or i more kan cheong..

Hi mummies there looking for nursing bra...
I've brought 1 at women's secret quite exp cost me 59.90 but feel veri comfy with it as the cup material was quite elastic so I thought if after giving birth if cup expand also can wear lor and I've also brought 2 at kiddy palace which cost at 36 each, brand from baby farlin, the material is thicker with underwire. maybe u all can look look and compare..

Again...happy shoppin!
wah.. yr gynae so bad ah.. ask u eat guava... I tot fruits help in our digestive system??? hmm??
Me also.. some days I even do big biz like twice!
ya loh...but he not joking leh...maybe guava not much sugar content..but how to eat??? aiyo..somemore cannot eat with the xuan mei fen...cannot swallow lah...

thk god for me i dun have constipation loh...even after taking the iron pills...dunno y leh?? cos #1 that time the gynae gave me tablets to loosen the stools...cos too hard cannot come out..hahaha..but this time...no leh..wanna come means come liao
Share with you when I get the photos. So paiseh when I took the pictures, normally you can't even catch me in sleveless, then hor, the picture reveal so much! :p

Ever since I got pregnant, I've been doing big biz twice almost everyday.
ya loh.. guava without xuan mei fen rather dun eat loh... but too much of guava cannot poo ley..

I used to have constipation before preggie.. after bring preggie,.. think the poo was like double? ahhaha
ya loh..thats y i gave him a kind of look ...HUH??? GUAVA???

me oso never take lah...at times wanna try...but hor think think ...gave up the idea...
Poppy, u are lucky.. i dont go toilet often before pregnancy not talk abt during pregnancy. Now at this stage, I only got once in 3 days.. abit too much hor.

I also experience such cramps during my 30 weeks...think it is those braxton hicks contraction...but now not much liao. Only the "yao" very suan..

yes, i think women's secret bras are very very comfy, i wore the normal ones before preg. I bought mine from suctec perfect mum for $59.90 too. One of them is strapless, tot can wear with sleeveless clothings before i realised women secrets sells them too.

Mums, i just bring out all my BB's clothing to wash them.

Kiddy palace just delivered my matteress, stroller and bathtub! got to go pack them liao...

